Chapter 16: A Different Outlook

My Lady


At the age of 54, he did not seem that old. He looked young, in fact, just like he was in his early thirties. Maybe because he had been working out his entire life, maybe he has chosen to eat carefully.

It was this fact that made his restaurant more appealing to his customers. It was the healthy choices; the genuine ingredients used that made the restaurant attractive. His staff were trained to be friendly and respectful to people. It wouldn’t be a lie to say they gave the best service and great food for their customers.

He was nicknamed as Maa-ssal (muscle). It was a pun for his well-defined body, and the fact that his every answer to eating right was that Ssal (rice) is the most important thing to have in a diet. This habit goes down to his sons and daughter.

Even though he was a bit busy in preparing for the event today, his wife, three sons and youngest daughter lent a hand happily so that made him happy. He knows the sudden interest in helping him though. His boys had the eyes for the Idol noonas, while his youngest, though not into K-Pop, has the eyes for the smiley boy, Taeyang. Teenagers and their celebrity crush. It was so cute. His younger son and daughter.

It was past 2AM, everyone was either dead asleep on the couches or dead drunk, take your pick. But there were some exceptions, the heavy drinkers. They did not appear to be drunk but just chatting and laughing away at everything. The wine and beer were making them intoxicated, bubbling with happiness. From left to right, many left the restaurant after the advanced celebration.

It was interesting to see this situation. They paid no attention to other people but to only their peers. So when a certain person was observing from the cashier counter, they did not even realise.

The owner of this restaurant looked at the group of younger generation combined with the elders. It was fun and heart-warming to see. It has been a long time since he saw this happy atmosphere brought into his restaurant.

The restaurant did have some fun times but with this large crowd and so many things happening at once, it seemed surreal as it’s been a long time since the YGE people have the time off to come down here and eat together like they used to.

Oh, yes. He knew them. He knew each and every one of them. He missed the loud boys and girls. They have been so busy lately that only one or two of the staff came down to eat. Even then, he was grateful for the great relationship he had with the company.

Three hours before the event, Maa-ssal saw Bom and Taeyang whispering on one of the couches, laughing with each other before sending some help to the noisy group consisting of CL, Dara, little Minji along with Seven and his girlfriend preparing the event with his sons and daughter, and some of the dancing kids.

Keun Seunghyun went and joined them a little later, arriving with his loyal manager, and surprisingly, 2NE1’s head manager. But what does he know, it really has been a long time since he had the time to sit down and chat with them.

So, this man, Choi Seunghyun upon arriving, took a seat on one of the coffee tables. His aura was cold, it was almost menacing. For a while, he sat there, talking on his phone. He was very quiet and silent after the call. Until he spotted Park Bom. It was hard not to look at the ethereal beauty of hers. And when her cute angry reply to CL’s complaint was heard all over the restaurant, even the hard Seunghyun has to look up and smiled a little.

Stealthily going behind her, his expression was very careful. His eyes were shining with excitement and his mouth donning a supressed grin. He whispered something in her ear, she froze for a second and as she realised that it was the T.O.P, she turned around and hit him hard on the arms. He ran away before he created more commotion in the group.

That handsome man he saw from the weeks before came again. He identified the man as Danny Im. He planned together with the other YGE sunbaes for tonight. The plan and decorations were subtly changed. Just enough that the BIGBANG leader would appreciate the cosy atmosphere, just enough that it hinted that something was up but could not really figure out what it was about.

It worked on the leader. But only because how he was distracted by Park Bom. Then again, the young man always forgets the world when she was present. It has been like that, even after they part ways.

Ah… Young love.

The only person he did not see was this man that always hangs around with the boys. The hooded one. The one who wears a snap back on the top of his hood.

What was his name, again? Bear…? Or something? Teddy bear? Ah… That can’t be right. Ah, yes. Teddy Park.

During the event, the elder saw the sensitive BIGBANG leader crying earlier upon feeling touched at the celebration. Though Maa-ssal felt like there was more to that than what was shown. But he could not be sure. It just looked a little broken in his opinion.

He studied the interactions hard but it just confuses him more. Kwon Jiyong’s eyes sparked every time they landed on Park Bom and Danny-sshi. He knew something was up. But the way they held hands were like siblings, it meant nothing in the owners’ eyes.

Did Kwon Jiyong misunderstand something? Again, young love.

Jealousy can make you blind. Being jealous while you’re in love with someone, that can damn near kill you inside and out.

Maa-ssal thought that if he was Kwon Jiyong, he would rather put the suspicion and jealousy for Danny-sshi to rest. For Keun Seunghyun, on the other hand… He was a wild card. Unpredictable and mysterious. He would watch out for the man.

It was the way his eyes lingers on Park Bom. Not in a erted way, but rather protective, possessive… obsessive.

So after all that heavy observation, he watched them as they ate dinner, played some games, and they drank and sang loudly. The leader made sure every one of them had fun even though the party was for him. He went around the room greeting the guests, catching up with them.

His eyes were everywhere though, looking for that one person. Looking relieved as he saw her still in the same room, transforming into a restless person whenever she gets up and turning around in the right direction as he heard her tinkling laugh.

There was at some point, the manager came up to the restaurant owner, sitting together watching what unfolded in front of them.

Kwon Jiyong talked to Choi Seunghyun at the bar counter, near to where the owner was.

He caught a few words, “cannot”, “Bom”, “insane”, and “give her some time.”

He saw Kwon Jiyong nodded slowly. Keun Seunghyun gave the boy a look of sympathy and then both of the men met Maa-ssal’s eyes. Jiyong looked startled at the sudden eye contact and bowed to the owner before he re-joined the guests hurriedly with T.O.P.

That was interesting.

“Maa-ssal nim!”

He turned to the direction of the voice and found an old friend entering the restaurant.

He felt instantly happy, looking at this particular friend. Forgetting what just happened. This friend of his was… His eyes were round and large, and the crow’s feet showing how much he loves to smile. Looking from a far, the man was a large version of a Botticelli’s Cherub. A balding, large Cherub.

So, is it really the culture of Koreans to give nicknames for their friends?

Yes, yes it is. Not just for the Koreans, right? It’s kind of like an unspoken language between friendship, right?

Maa-ssal and crew came up with the nickname for Big Belly because he was half-Korean, half-American with the name of Billy. The fact that he was a really round person with a big belly made the nickname stuck permanently.

“Oh, Big Belly! Come in and take your usual seat. I just hope your wife knows where you are this time.” Maa-ssal said, welcoming the man.

“That is so true Billy-sshi. Just this afternoon she called, asking if you were here and getting drunk yet.” Hollered one of the staff, making them all laugh hysterically.

Sobering up, Big Belly sighed and complained to the restaurant owner, “Maa-ssal, your son is skipping work again.”

“Ahh… He did not skip work. He’s free today and volunteered to help here.”

“Exactly. When he heard the planning of this event three weeks ago, he specifically asked to be excused from work, today.” Big Belly shook his head. “So he really loves our Sandara Park, huh?”

“I guess that’s the case.”

“But your son is too “naise”. I guess he got that from his mom.”

“No, sir. I got that from both of my parents.”

The two elders turned to the younger man and beamed at him.

“And from you, too, sir.” The man took a chair and sat on it. “You taught me how to be nice to people. Thank you.”

“No, no. You’re already nice on your own.” Big Belly said, with a booming laughter.

They sat and drank bitter coffee instead of inducing themselves in alcohol. Chatting carelessly, sharing stories, gossiping away.

“But, do you guys wanna know what I found out from the upper people at squad about the, uh, break-in incident a couple of months ago?”

“They told you, boy? Really?” Big Belly said in awe. “They gave me a hard time because I wasn’t there to cover the shift with you that night. Scumbags.”

“Yeah, they wanted to keep it a secret though and they had to tell me because, well, I was the one chasing after the “suspect”, after all.”

“So, what’d you find out?”

“It’s a bit worrisome because of the different conclusions.” Mistah Naise whispered conspiratorially.

Both of the elders leaned in eagerly. They nodded to the younger man to carry on.

“One, it was said that the man was really one of the sasaengs because we have so many of those since 2NE1 debuted. It was crazy, you remember that, right? The building had to redone the security over and over again.” He said, whispering still. “The second one is that, the person trying to go into the apartment was not trying to break in at all, but… maybe… Park Bom-sshi’s… you know…”

“Don’t you dare say she’s casually dating. She’s not that type of girl.” Big Belly warned.

“No, no, no. I meant to say, boyfriend. Okay. Jesus Christ on a crutch, Bill ahjusshi. I know she’s not that type of girl.” Mr. Nice defended himself, flabbergasted. “Anyways, the suspect was believed to be her secret boyfriend. Because the man’s physique seems to be seriously familiar and... The fact that he knows the recent password to the apartment still remains a possibility. But it could easily be debunked as a sasaeng’s work. So… You know.”

“Here’s the thing though, we talked about it again yesterday and it’s a bit surprising, really. That the only people with that body frame and the height… Kinda fits Danny-sshi, Jinwoo-sshi… and…” Nice’s eagle eyes moved to the entrance of the restaurant for a few seconds and turned back to the men, “like either Teddy-sshi or T.O.P-sshi.”

It all happened too fast.

In less than a second, Mr. Nice sprang from his seat and went to the entrance, followed by some of the restaurant’s security team. It left the unaware elders speechless and confused. It was then a voice roared so loud, it stopped every single movement inside the restaurant.

“ you Taebin! You should just ing stop!”

As a unit, most of the little group of curious customers (the guests and YGE staff – the restaurant was closed for their event for the entire night) went closer to see what happened. Maa-ssal and Big Belly were no exception.

They did not expected what they saw there.

“This has got to stop! You’re a sick and I’m ing sick of you and your lies!”

“Teddy, man, chill. People are looking. Let’s talk about this in private, okay?”

“Private? Why? Why?!” Teddy roared.

Then out of the sudden, he laughed like a maniac. “Is this because you’re afraid that she would know everything? Oh you sick . I ing hate you and your guts right now.”

“Hyung, please.” G-Dragon’s voice pleaded out of nowhere. “Let’s talk about this inside, okay?”

He looked like he was ready to drag Teddy inside, by persuasion, or by force. His hands were twitching but he clenched the air tightly on his sides but it was his eyes and mouth set in a grim line that scared Maa-ssal a little. He saw him exchanged a little glance with Keun Seunghyun whose face was equally hard.

When Teddy did not move at all, a woman stepped forward and tried to take Teddy’s hand. He stared intensely at the woman that she slowly retrieved her hands from his arm.

“Chaerin, come here.” Park Bom said.

She was standing next to Maa-ssal, fidgeting a little. After a little hesitation, CL obliged and looked back at Teddy for a bit. Her reaction towards his earlier reaction made her looked sad. When she sniffled a little, it was heartbreaking to see.

“Don’t worry, Chaerin ah. He’s just a little drunk. I’ll make sure he regrets it in the morning.” Park Bom said clearly as she put her hands on Chaerin's shoulders.

Looking around the crowd, Park Bom called out for Seungri. As Seungri stepped forward to his noona, he smiled a little but his eyes were screaming, "Don't start any trouble, Park Bom noona."

“Seungri-ya, can you drive the girls home? I think they’re ready to go back. Bring Daesung along. The adults have an important discussion we need to talk about.”

Seungri who was a bit distraught at Teddy’s sudden rage nodded his head a little too fast and rounded up the people who want to leave with him.

Satisfied at Seungri's actions, she turned her heels and marched towards the still Teddy.

“Oppa, for god’s sakes, you’re embarrassing yourself. Please, just go in one of the private rooms and settle it there. Before you say anything, I know what you’re mad about. So please. Please…” Bom trailed.

She was on the verge of crying and seeing that, most of the male advanced a little but looking lost at what to do.

Teddy snapped from his trance and started to look worried for Park Bom.


“Please… Just… Go inside. I’ll join you later.”

Teddy took a step back and there was like a wondering look on his face as he passed by the crowd of people one by one. He was then followed by Danny, Seunghyun, Seven and the rest of the adult team of YGE.

For a couple of minutes, the crowd began to disperse.

Two figures were left in the scene.

The female was crying freely onto the male's chest, muttering incoherent string of words.

The male, looking up to the night sky was absently her thin back, humming soothing tunes.

"It's another bloody love story, huh?"

Maa-ssal turned to his left and nodded slowly. Hanging his heavy arm on the shoulders of his friend, he brought him back to the bar.

Taking the finest of finest wine from the restaurant's cellar, he arranged four wineglasses on the counter.

The trio from before sat on the stools where the youngest popped the wine open and poured the red liquid into the transparent holder.

A little later the manager then joined in and kissed Maa-ssal's cheek. Picking up her glass, the rest followed.

"To life. To love. To God." 



So...? What do you guys think? Ahh... Should I have done it differently?

I don't know anymore T__________T

Too many things has happened in a blink of an eye. I couldn't really catch up.

I went to the beach everyday for two weeks. For a little me time, I guess. It was just... Ah...

Oh, and I have been contemplating whether I should do a Sandara side-shaved head or something a little less bold, like, t it an inch short? What do you think? :)

- Agrotera

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Just dropped chapter 18. Happy reading ^^


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kratepow #1
Chapter 20: bom has to know that jiyong cheated on her!!
permatang #2
Chapter 20: jiyong was selfish... i really can't understand what he thought about Bom.... she's not a doll that he can do as he please.... ok Bom please do something... there are Teddy and Seunghyun too..
authornim i'm totally loved your story...
Rika35 #3
Chapter 20: I'm just starting to read fanfics and this was the best I have read so far. So will you continue the story? It feels incomplete, plus Jiyong character and the way he thinks is really making me upset. Also, I want TOP happy as well I feel he will make Bom happy in this story he's also my bias. Please continue.
laveniaoviola #4
Chapter 17: I just read this fanfics today.. i love it! But I'm also confused.. Who is bommie dating? danny im? and i dont understand chapter : "A Different Outlook".. can someone please explain waht happen in this chapter..
Chapter 20: Huhuhu...Damn u Jiyong..Ur so stupid 2 cheat on her in d 1st place..Gaaahd..Good work authornim!ur able 2 make me feel these emotions out of ur fic=)
Chapter 20: Love your fanfic ~ update soon ^^
Eden19 #7
@violetgreen .ur old username Nyongbom right? ^_^ i'm just guessing coz i think i saw someone mention on gbom chatbox.
@StarLightTears u really have no manner< if u lost then reread. simple as that..

i know ur track dude,dont come to my face for bragging!
StarLightTears #9
Chapter 20: lost tracks, idk what is this story all about now -_-