Chapter 7: It's a Secret

My Lady


Nearing three AM, at the BIGBANG/2NE1 dorm building, there was a man wearing a navy-blue uniform. In his early thirties, the male was a tall man with a well-built body. It wasn’t noticeable because of the baggy uniform that he was required to wear but he never complained. He liked it when people were unsuspecting about his strength, it gives him a benefit.

To avoid feeling too lonely, he picked up his walkie-talkie and contacted his friends who were guarding the parking lot, and the entrance. His partner was not feeling well today so he was all alone watching the activities inside the building.

He sat inside the security booth and was browsing the internet on the booth’s computer. His Facebook giving off notifications from old friends now and then, checking the latest songs, playing online games and every other thing that you usually do online. It was another casual night (morning?) until he saw something suspicious on the multiple screens from different security cameras.

A person shrouded in thick clothing, completely covering the lower half of his face with some sort of mask and wearing large shades. That was weird, he thought. Since last night, nobody checked into the apartment. To put on those thick clothing with a long coat and a winter hat… in the summer time?

Well, to put it simply, “What the hell?”

Then it occurred to him that it might be one of the sasaeng fans again.

Damn it. How did those crazy fans get through the security this time? Time after time the building owner had installed new security locks using the latest technology to compete against the Pentagon. Someone managed to break the locks again.

He sighed and thought it would be best for him to go usher the fanatic alone than further embarrassing himself in front of his colleagues. By calling for back up. He shook his head sideways. He might as well lose his job. This is the fifth time this month.

He took a glance at the monitor again and saw the person was heading towards one of the 2NE1 ladies’ floor. Feeling over protective to the sweet girls he quickly went to the elevator, pressing the button repeatedly to designated floor. The 2NE1 kids and their managers were really kind. They always brought the apartment security team delicious food and souvenirs from all over the world. Even if the girls were dead tired, they still smiled. That was how thoughtful they were.

At the sound of, “Ding!”, the automatic door split open. This man people called Mistah Naise (Mr. Nice) crept out slowly from the elevator. He hid behind the first nook he saw after getting out. He saw a sign of movement as he peeked through and it was clear to see that the fan was somewhat a male. As a man himself, he just knows. Maybe it was the way the figure walks or the physique was somewhat familiar.

The man was going to where half of the 2NE1 girls were living.

Running lightly to the second nook, he tried to slow his heartbeats down while glancing through what the wall was able to give him. Maybe he should call for back up after all? He shook his head hard at that thought. No way was he going to get laughed at this time. No, not for this Nice Guy.

Looking for the last time, he stood from his unconscious crouching. He braced himself and fronting a confident walk towards the figure.

“Excuse me,” He started in a clear voice.

He was happy to see the nervous response he got from the man. The man was about to turn the knob on the door after punching in the code for the lock. Who was that man and how did he knew the lock code? What could he possibly want with the girls? Many thoughts crossed his mind and it made him feeling more nervous.

Whatever may happen, he was ready to attack the fan with holstered Taser on the small of his back and a pepper spray ready in his right hand. He preferred hand to hand but it would get very messy.

“Can you get rid of the mask and shades so I can identify you, please?” He said as polite as he could while trying to contain the adrenaline rush he started to feel stirring his entire being.

The man went stiff for a second and turned to the opposite from where Mr. Nice was standing. He had a feeling the next thing the man was going to do wasn’t going to be fun.

A few seconds passed and that was it. The figure started to run from standing in front of the door to the stairs. Mistah Naise sprinted towards the man but before he could reach the stairs, he tripped on a broom and met face first with several objects used for cleaning. The trolley bringing the things was sprawled on the floor and his instinct told him the man had done this beforehand.

It was unsettling to think about what other things the man knew about the building. He was going to give the janitors an earful as soon as they reported in later.

By the time he had reached for the stairs, there was no sign of life on any of the other floors. He went up, he goes down and no sign of the man. Should he ask his friends to give a lookout for this man?

Or what if one of his friends were the man he had just seen before? No, no. He shouldn’t think that way about them. But what if?

He wandered around with this in his mind for several minutes as he went down for his booth but his gut feeling was telling him to stop at one of the BIGBANG’s floor. He did not know why but he went there anyways.

There he was again, the man. He was standing in front of BIGBANG’s door, the duo’s apartment to be exact; G-Dragon sshi and Seungri sshi. He charged the man without any hesitation and trapped the man’s arms sideways.

“Who the hell are you?” He asked firmly as the man stopped struggling.

“Mistah Naise, what are you doing?” the man replied, his voice muffled obstructed by the mask.

He was baffled when he recognized the voice. He pulled the shades and mask, feeling more shocked than ever.

It was the Dragon himself.

“What are you doing sneaking around with suspicious clothing on?” He asked again, feeling embarrassed as he pulled the younger male up.

“What are you talking about?” Jiyong said, frowning.

“But I saw you earlier. You ran from me.” Mr. Nice explained. “Or didn’t you? At Park Bom sshi and Minji sshi’s apartment?”

“Ah… This is embarrassing but… I accidentally went up a floor without noticing.” His said after a minute or two in silence. “Can- Can you not tell anyone about this?”

Oh boy, the man must have been serious because his face was so red in embarrassment.

Mistah Naise laughed heartily at the man’s request and even more at his flustered look. He patted the back of his small physique and nodded.

“Of course, it’ll be our little secret. The topmost at that.” He agreed.

After parting ways, he went down again for another session of boring look out.

He was again playing with the computer to waste time but another movement from the monitor brought his attention up.

A figure stopped at one of the cameras and stood facing it. He opened his lower half-mask and smiled. He put a finger in front of his lips.

Mr. Naise just smiled back at the screen but something prickled at the back of his neck.

He noticed that something was definitely off.

He rewound the monitor he watched a few seconds ago and froze the screen. That was when he realized…

The man did not have Kwon Jiyong’s distinctive little mole on his right cheekbone.

And Kwon Jiyong never left the apartment with stubbles.

Who the hell was that…?




Author's Note:

Aigoo aigoo~ The love that new subbies and comments touched my heart *sniffles

Thank you, everyone. I'm really grateful for the support and love. I will try to update much faster.

Where I come from, the internet accesibility is less than satisfactory so I hope you can understand,

but I already know you awesome people could :)

Again, thank you! *bellybutton bow

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Just dropped chapter 18. Happy reading ^^


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kratepow #1
Chapter 20: bom has to know that jiyong cheated on her!!
permatang #2
Chapter 20: jiyong was selfish... i really can't understand what he thought about Bom.... she's not a doll that he can do as he please.... ok Bom please do something... there are Teddy and Seunghyun too..
authornim i'm totally loved your story...
Rika35 #3
Chapter 20: I'm just starting to read fanfics and this was the best I have read so far. So will you continue the story? It feels incomplete, plus Jiyong character and the way he thinks is really making me upset. Also, I want TOP happy as well I feel he will make Bom happy in this story he's also my bias. Please continue.
laveniaoviola #4
Chapter 17: I just read this fanfics today.. i love it! But I'm also confused.. Who is bommie dating? danny im? and i dont understand chapter : "A Different Outlook".. can someone please explain waht happen in this chapter..
Chapter 20: Huhuhu...Damn u Jiyong..Ur so stupid 2 cheat on her in d 1st place..Gaaahd..Good work authornim!ur able 2 make me feel these emotions out of ur fic=)
Chapter 20: Love your fanfic ~ update soon ^^
Eden19 #7
@violetgreen .ur old username Nyongbom right? ^_^ i'm just guessing coz i think i saw someone mention on gbom chatbox.
@StarLightTears u really have no manner< if u lost then reread. simple as that..

i know ur track dude,dont come to my face for bragging!
StarLightTears #9
Chapter 20: lost tracks, idk what is this story all about now -_-