
My Two Prince


As you began to sleep, Kai just smiled watching you from his position. He fixed his eyes at your milky skin, your long eyelashes, and your nose then lips. Then his eyes fell upon your small scar near your forehead. You’ve got that scar from the car accident with your parents and it hid beneath your hair so mostly people had no idea it was there. Then, he came closer to you and kissed your forehead.

“Goodnight, sleepy head.” He smiled then went off to sleep.


The next day, you woke up earlier than the usual and you could see Kai sleeping soundly on the floor beside your bed. You began to move closer to him and poked his cheeks for many times and it was fun. You were beaming happily and went down to make some breakfast.

Afterwards, Kai went downstairs and watched you’re cooking happily from behind. You felt someone presence and looked up. “Oh, you’re awake? Good morning, sleepy head.” You started ruffling his hair and with a smile, you went back to the stove. “Call me when you are done.” He said. But when he was about to sleep on the table you accidentally broke a glass and started to clean it up. When you were cleaning it up, you touched the sharp edge and your hand bleed. *Ouch!* “Yah, what are you doing? Can you see your hand is bleeding here?” He said with his serious face. “Kai, it’s just a small cut, you don’t have to worry about it.” He shot you a glare and you were quiet for a while. When he was furious you didn’t want to talk back to him or else he’d snap at you.

Kai took the first-aid kit and carefully cleaned the blood. After he finished bandaging your finger both of you realised your face were only inches away from his. You could feel his breath towards your skin. Your gaze literally went to his eyes and it had come as a surprise that he had big eyes and had thick lips. *Wait, what’s wrong with me?* Kai was stunned at the position and after a few second he back away and apologized. You could see his cheeks reddened. “Awww sweet. You’re blushing.” You . “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like this. Hahaha.” You lightly punched his arm. Maybe you’re enjoying the moment until he embraced you and kiss your cheeks. “Haa! Who’s blushing now?” A smirked plastered on his face leaving you stiffened.


Both of you came together to college and began to part ways to your respective homeroom. You heard girls screaming and fangirling over him near his homeroom like he is some sort of celebrity. It had been like that ever since both of you started your junior high. Whenever he was round, girls were there too. Even the seniors were attracted to him. Ever since you had been friends with him, he didn’t have that much attractive posture though. Well, except for this morning. You had to admit he was freaking gorgeous.” I wonder why I didn’t see it before. It looks like I’m blind or something.”

You shook your head and went to your classroom. You went to your place and suddenly, someone cried your name and hugged you from behind, “AHHHHHH~ CHAE-YOUNG AH HELP ME. THEY’RE BULLYING ME AGAIN.”

“YAH!  Yoona, get off from me. Let me breath for a sec.” “What did they do this time?” you asked nonchalantly.

“Opps hehe sorry Chae-Young-ah” Yoona gave a sincere smile and you softened. She was your childhood friend and her smile could melt a boy’s heart. She was also an easy-going person and that was why she had so many friends here. “They said they’ll lock me up in the furthest classroom if we don’t help them talking with the Exo. They’re so childish.”

“Yah, Yoona, I think you’re forgetting something here. Aren’t you’re the childish one here remember?” Sulli said and everyone started to laugh. They began to argue and you couldn’t help yourself but laugh at their childish personalities. “So, Chae-Young, would you help us? Just a little talk. I miss them already. Pretty please~” Krystal asked it with her puppy eyes.

Exo is what they, especially the fangirls called Kai and his friends. Of course, the guys seemed fine with it.

“I don’t know why don’t you go and ask him yourself? It would be better that way right?”

“Chae-Young we know they will only listen to you, so please please please~”

“But what it-“

“Please~” all of them said.

“Okay, I give up. I’ll ask them later on. Happy?”

“Yaaayyyyyy! Chae-Young you are my favourite sister ever.” Yoona happly said and began to hug you. The others were excited too and the group hug begins.

“Yeah. Yeah. But you guys owe me okay?”

“Hey.” Taemin, one of the boys said. “Can we have a group hug too?” “NOOOOOOO!!” all of us said and he pouted. “Hyung, noona here don’t want to have a hug with me.” he whined. “HAHA. Don’t worry Taemin, come here, let me hug you.” Key said. “No~!” they started running around the class and people began to laugh at their actions.

“Man, Taemin, You’re 19 and you’re acting like a child here.” Minho roared while they were running around the class.

You laughed at their childish attitude. They can be childish sometimes but then again this was why you like being in here. The people here were very friendly and always supported each other.




sorry for the short chapter~ -__-


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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p