
My Two Prince


The sound of the alarm clock startled you from your sleep. You groaned in frustration that your body aches and you opened your eyes. Sun rays began to shine in the room. *Why am I here? How long did I sleep anyway?* When you remembered about what happened last night, you felt your swollen cheek. Luckily its weekend and so you decided to take a break for a while.

You felt like needed some rest but when you’re about to sleep, you look in Kai’s direction, he wasn’t there anymore. Where is he? Weird, usually both of you wake up at the same time and fighting who will be heading downstairs first. You started to go to the bathroom and started to clean up yourself. Clearly, Kai was right. You look awful with your dirty clothes. Minutes passed by and you began heading downstairs searching for him but you couldn’t found him. “Kai.” You called and no answers. Where is he? Then, you heard something, more like music from the basement.

You went to the basement and could hear music from there and you peek to see the person who is inside the room. You smiled and opened the door. There, you found Kai is dancing. His movements follow the rhythms of the music and you amazed by it. You haven’t seen him dance for a while now. But, his moves shows like he’s been practicing it every day and yet he did it suavely. That’s Kai. To him, dancing is like a part of him and no dancing means no life. At first, it was just a hobby of him then his fondness towards dance started to grow and he began to practice a lot of movements. He even took dance class and even managed won some of the competitions he participated. Sometimes, the others, Exo, will also danced along with him. They are one though. His parents are okay with it as long it doesn’t bother his studies. Of course, Kai is one of the excellent students here with his so-called intelligent brain. He has it all! Well, except the part that his kind of bossy sometimes with his ‘oh-I-know-that’ look which is very irritating to you. And the girls became more interested as they heard he can dance. How perfect can he get?

The music has come to an end. He ends it with a bow and began to sit and leaned against the wall. “I’m such a good dancer, aren’t I?” he proudly said without looking at you. You rolled your eyes. “Please, you’re not the only one who dances like that.” you walked to him and sit. “But yeah I have to admit you’re getting better at it.” “I know.” He smugly said with smirks on his face. “Man, you and your ego.” You shook your head. “What? It’s one of my charms. You like it?” he wiggled his eyebrow. “Yeah. For a person like me who hears at your over-confidence statement. I can bear with it.” you snapped at him.


“What happened to you anyway?” you suddenly asked him. “What do you mean by that?” he raised his eyebrow. “I mean, what made you dance this morning. I barely seen you dance nowadays and now you’re dancing. So, wanna…. tell me what happened?” his face shows a sudden change but he just shrugged it off afterwards. “Nothing much. I guess I’m stressed out a little bit especially it’s all because of you last night.” That did it. You just slapped his head. “Ouch! Seriously! Chae-Young, that hurts a lot you know. Now look what have you done to my perfect hair.” You rolled your eyes.

“Such a cocky bastard you are.”

“Why thank you.”

“URRRRRGGGHHHH!!” and he laughed.

“Anyway how’s your cheek?” he worriedly asked as he looked at the swollen part. “It’s getting better. I guess...” Suddenly, he sat up. “Get ready.” He told. “And why should I listen to you?” you asked.

“Please, trust me just get ready.”


“WHOOOOOAAAAAA~~~!!! I never knew you would bring me here. Kkamjong-ah, thank you a million times and I love you.” You took his hand and jumped in joy in front of him, not knowing people were staring at both of you. He smiled at your actions and ruffles your hair playfully. The girls surrounds us saw what he did and jealousy strikes them. *She’s one lucky girl* *How I wish my boyfriend is like that* *Awwww such a cute couple* they thought.

Kai had planned all morning that he will bring you to your favourite place and he knew you will like it. In front of both of you is the ‘Everland’ that has been occupied by many people playing at each arcades. You always wanted to be here one day when you grow up playing at the five distinct zones. Your favourite one is the Magic Land since it has Ferris Wheel that provided a spectacular view of the whole park. Due to the place is packed with people, you had to hold his hand for your safety but to Kai, it was the most enjoyable moment he could ever imagined. Both of you played some games, enjoying the car rides and even bought a lot sweets and bonbons just to make your day. Your smile never fades and that cause Kai smiling even more. You were just looking around and stopped your track. “What’s wrong?” Kai asked. You didn’t say anything. Instead, you grabbed his wrist and move to the photo booth and pointing it. “Jonginnie. Come take some pictures with me. Surely you don’t want to miss this moment. Don’t you? Come on in. I just want to cherish this moment with you.” what you said just now made him softened.

The pictures came out perfectly impressive. You took two pictures and you gave him the remaining ones. “Here. Don’t lose it.” “Hey, please, I thought I’m the careful one here.” He teased you. “Psssshhh!” you slapped his hand again. “You better stop doing that or-OUCH!- urrrgh, nevermind.” you chuckled after you slapped his arms again.

The next thing you knew, it was night time and both of you decided to ride the Ferris Wheel. “Whoaaa... Time flies when you are having fun huh? Guess we’re having so much fun that I didn’t realised it was night time already.” you said while looking at your watch. The Ferris Wheel began to rotate and you looked outside. You were amazed by the view and it is beautiful. The neon lights reflected in the sidewalk stars make it even more cheerful. Then something caught you off guard when suddenly, fireworks display has begun. “I didn’t know the fireworks display is tonight.” Kai said. Because of the colourful view, it made you speechless.

“Jong In-ah~ it’s beautiful. I guess we both lucky we watch it from here.” You smiled towards the view and tugged his shirt. Kai, looked surprised from the view, looked at you. He softened when he stares at your face. His gaze never left from your shocked expression which is very cute to him. “Yeah, it’s beautiful.” He said while still looking you. His heart always does the tingling sensation every now and then. You caught him looking at you, and you hugged his arms and smile towards the fireworks. “I’m really happy that I could enjoy this moment with my best friend.” you beamed at him and leaned in his shoulder. Kai smiled toward your action and both of you began enjoying the moment. *Yeah, me too.* he thought.

Afterwards, both of you go to the park for some fresh air. You began to walk with him around the area, talked about a few things. And both of you fell silent.  The atmosphere turns quiet for a while. It’s not an awkward silence. It was the usual silence that you like when you’re with him. You can say it is a comfortable silence.

“So, do you have fun?” he suddenly asked.

“Of course. Thank you so much for this moment Kai. I haven’t been in here ever since well, they’re gone.” You hold his hand and he could see your watery eyes. “Hey, don’t cry. I knew you are going to love it here and that’s why I brought you. I remembered it clearly that you always wanted to be here so... here we are.” he said and your heart softened. “Thank you, KkamJong.” You smiled. “Yeah, anything for my beautiful princess.” He said with a wink. “I know you want me to forget about what happened last night. Thank you.” you thanked him as you gaze at the floor. “Hey, don’t think about that. I managed to make you smile today don’t just crushed it.” “You’re nice.” “I know right. I bet girls would head-over-heels over me.” He proudly said while clapped his hands together. “I take it back. You’re such a cocky little jerk I’ve ever met.” You laughed. “Yah!” he cried while you sticking out your tongue at him and ran off.

That was it. Both of you running like a child. Ignoring all the things that happened before and laughing together and didn’t even noticed that it was already late night.




OMG!! OMG! i cant help but squealing about this chapter. *jumping up and down* LOL! i bet people will think im cazy. wahaha. okay -_- anw enjoy reading :) CIAO! :D *flying kiss* :P

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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p