Always together

My Two Prince


Kai has been waiting for you for an hour now while leaning against the gate and his hands shoved into the pockets of his sweatshirt. He got a text from you saying that you’ll be late and also you are going with some friends. He sighed in relief as long you are safe. Ever since that night, you couldn’t go out that late anymore and even if you do, he will be the one who will be accompanying you. The others might think he is an overprotective ‘brother’ but he doesn’t care because he did it for you and you only. He never dated anyone but he only flirts just for fun around the girls. If only you knew the reason why. That feeling never fades ever since he realised that he likes you ever since both of you were in your junior year. Even though he is still young then again he knew the feeling that bothering him until now. He will never realises his feelings towards you if he went sleepover at your house for movie marathon and ended up watching you smiling, laughing and crying the whole time while you’re so into the movie. His thought got interrupted as he heard your voices somewhere near, laughing. "She's here." he smiled then abruptly stopped his tracks.


“So, are you enjoying today?” You asked L.Joe as the two of you walking towards your house. “It was cool.” He shrugged casually. Actually, he couldn’t describe how happy he was since they were spending the time with you for the day although he rarely speaks to you. He is grateful that you’re the one who always started the conversation with him despite his nervous every time you are next to him. It was night time, the others are back at their home when L.Joe suddenly volunteered himself to send you of. He wanted to protect you in case something happen to you like before and he somehow, he knows that you’re kind of scared since you told them it was already night time. He also realised that you still didn’t recognise him from that night which saddens him but he is not going to tell you though. It was just a simple action not that you like him too.

“Hey. Don’t just shrug like that.” You complained at him. “What do you want me to say then?” He confused, at the same time pleased that both of you getting closer now. “Well... err... I don’t know, never mind.” You started to quick your pace. “Have been here before? My house is right around the corner though. If you ever need any help just come pay a visit.” You beamed at him and skipped lightly as you walk. “Chae Young.” L.Joe said your name leaving you stunned for a while. It’s an indescribable feeling as he called out your name but he never said your name before. Somehow, it made you happy.

“Thank you.” You turned around to see L.Joe is looking at you. Your eyes met with him and locked as another jolt of electricity passed, leaving you breathless for a moment. His lips quirked in a smile before plastered on a bored look. He took a step closer to you swallowed hard and suddenly he burst out laughing. “You should see your face just now.” “Yah! That’s... mean.” You pouted and narrowed your eyes at him and both of you started laughing again. “Why are you thanking me for?” “I don’t know... you’re a cool person to hang out with and it looks like my friends seems to go along with you. Ricky and Changjo seem to enjoy being with you all the time so... thank you.” He truthfully said and you softened at his words. Putting your arm on his shoulder and said with your charming smile, “What are friends for?” But before he could reply it, a person stood up in front both of them.

“Oh, Kai, you’re waiting for me?” you asked the boy and run towards him.

“Yeah, I just got here.” The boy smiled while looking at you and threw a gaze at L.Joe. “L.Joe right? I’m Kai. Nice meeting you.” he extended his arms and both of them shook hands.

“Same goes to you too.” he replied with his expressionless face. Somehow, they looked at each other for a few seconds then shoved his hands back into his jeans and turned his gaze at you. “See you at school.” and he off he go. He had a feeling the way the boy is looking at you is the same as he looked at you.

“See you and thank you~” you waved beamingly at him. “What was that?” you suddenly asked Kai.

“What?” Kai looked confused at your sudden question. You sighed and said, “Never mind. I’m going to sleep, I’m so tired. Goodnight Kai.” You mildly smiled at him and opened your gates towards your house and left him all baffled. You could see the tension or whatever they called as Kai and L.Joe shake their hands but you don’t know why they act like that. For now, you just want to sleep.

Kai felt something tells him that L.Joe might like her from the look of his eyes and he was sure about that. There was an indescribable feelings hit his chest and a little pinch in his heart. He looked sullen all of the sudden and went towards his house.

After L.Joe went back to their apartment, he quietly and cautiously goes towards his room since he knew what comes up later. Just as he expected, Teen Top rushes to his side and bombarded him with questions. “Who is she to you hyung?” Ricky asked him. “Yeah, tell us.” Chunji agreed. “Get off.” L.Joe snapped as CAP wanted to ask some more and he sighed. “She’s a friend. That’s it. I’m going to bed. Don’t look at me like that.” he yanked his shirt from the attacks as Ricky made a puppy face in front of him. After a few seconds, he was defeated. Just like that. “Aish! Ricky” and Ricky grinned mischievously.

“It’s her.” He suddenly said. They exchanged glances with each other, totally confused who is he referring to. “It’s the girl that we saved before.”

“Who?” CAP asked him.

“Remember the first time we moved in here and we helped a girl from those dim-witted drunk man. It’s her.” He explained to his brothers, who stood there with their stunned look on their faces. “Oh, that’s the one? Hmm... No wonder that hair looks familiar to me.” Niel muttered. But as the others wanted to ask some more, L.Joe instantly changed his expression and added, “No. She doesn’t remember me. Okay. I’m tired. Just, don’t tell her it was us.” And off he went to his bedroom. As he entered his bedroom, he mumbled and stared endlessly at the ceiling as he hands clench into fist, “I really hate this feeling.”

“Poor hyung. I guess, he really likes her don’t you think?” Changjo asked them after minutes of silence.


You were sitting on the bench near the football field during your free time, staring off into space, trying to get some rest after working out on the papers that the teacher given to both you and Kai. It is the same, hectic schedules before the exam has started. There will be lots of things going on with revisions, extra classes and so on until we managed to pull of very good grades for the students especially, the seniors. Most students groaned in frustration as their free time is being replaced by some classes with continuing poisoning their mind with loads of stuff. SM College has received quite numbered of compliments from the previous students who achieved high grades in their subjects. Let’s just hope it will be the same again for this year and the next onward. Kai too, worked a lot these days. He wanted to show his parents that he will do his best for this upcoming exam that will be around the corner.

Teen Top and you are getting closer day by day and sometimes all of you will be doing some school work or sometimes hang out in their house. L.Joe and you became close friends. He did open up once in a while, smile and laughed like everyone else. EXO are also studying together with you and some of your friends in the library despite of numerous of people won’t fit into the living room or it’s too noisy since Taemin, Jonghyun and Kibum are the noisiest among them all. Kai, well, he’s too stressed right now watching him doing his work all day long without a single rest and only a couple of hours of sleep.

You sighed in dejection after remembering that your parents’ death anniversary is coming. It has been so long since you came to visit them. It was hard trying to be casual but inside, you’re crying so hard and it hurts to think about your beloved parents that you barely want to live anymore. It’s always been like that. Luckily, something made you move on. You made a promise a long time ago that you will repay to those who kindly helped you a lot when you were in your depression mode. Especially to Kai and his family that raised you like their own. Once you made a promise, you’ll never break it. And somehow, you managed to move on, only as the date is getting nearer, everything is started to revolve in your mind again. Tears are forming in your eyes as everything started to come back again.

“I’ve been looking all over for you.” a familiar voice said and sat next to you looking at the field.

“I just wanted to make sure you are alright” Suho gave you his charming smile. Suho, is known for a good father to all of us. Always been the right person to talk with. Every time the members are having a rough times, Kris or Suho will be the person they ended up talking with. But both of them seem to spoil the youngsters like Tao and Sehun so much that they always wanted what they get. Poor them.

“I am alright, I guess.” Your gaze remained on the ground. “It’s about... that night right? The date is getting nearer though.” He murmured.

 “Suho, I can’t help but remember that night again. In just one night, I lost everything.” You got misty eyes as the memories began to come back again and you touched your scar near your forehead.

“Don’t say that. You have us, remember? We will be there for you just like you will always be there for us. Don’t forget Jong In’s parents as well. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by a chance or by means of luck, Chae Young. Sometimes, changes are good. You are a one strong girl that I’ve ever met. Don’t forget that you are not alone. Jong In is always with you.”

“Yeah, more like an overprotective brother.” You snorted.

“He has his reasons. He cares for you.” He replied with a smile. You dubiously looked at him. “It’s true. Have some faith in him.” He laughed at you and patted your back. “It will okay. We’ll go together, like always.” *Yeah, like always* you smiled at the thought.

“Thank you, Suho for always being there for us. As expected from our appa.” You said teasingly. You are grateful to see him here since you needed some consolation. “I’ll always be there for my kids.” He wiped your tears with his thumb and patted your head.

“Okay, come on, enough with the crying. Others are waiting for us.” Suho extended his arms. You brightly grinned at him and intertwined your hands with his. “Just like old times.” You said. 

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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p