we met.. again...

My Two Prince

hello ^^ sorry again for the late update. anyway.. here's another chapters that i promised before. so, here it goes, ENJOY!!! :) 


“At last.” You smiled while inhaled the fresh air. You looked at your watch and thankfully, you got more time before the school end. School is hectic as always as in the next few weeks the juniors will enter this school. More meetings have been held for their orientation week. The President and the Vice President of the Council will have to make a speech in front of all student body. Kai, as always, is over excited to meet them, proud of him to be exact, as he knew he will have more fans than ever while you are in your nervous state. Aish, that kid. One of your weaknesses is speech although you have won a few of debate competition yet you always get nervous every time they gave you this stare. Many things occupied your mind right now. Exam is just around the corner and many things have not been done yet and you feel completely worn out since dark circle formed around your eyes due to lack of sleep. Your brain was about to explode already. That’s why you decided to go to the rooftop to and trying to relieve your stress.

It has been a month ever since you had your talked with Sulli and you’re almost forgotten about it. Clearly, you have been very busy nowadays. And come to think of it, you rarely see him. Maybe it’s because you and Kai have tonnes of things to do lately and barely even recognise your surroundings anymore. You groaned in frustration and sighed. “Okay, cool down Chae-Young. You can do this. NO! What am I talking about, I can’t. Think positive and smile. It’s just for a while and you’ll be free. Huh, mom. I’m scared. Arrrgh~” You lightly hit yourself.

“Can I just get some sleep for while? It’s too noisy.” Those words made you jumped and as you look not far from you, L.Joe is lying on the bleachers glaring at you.

“Oh, you’re h-h-here? I-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know you are sleeping. Sorry... I was... you know.... it’s.. yeah, I’ll just go.” Great, what a nice explanation! But before, you could even reach the door, he said, “It’s not my place you know so stay whenever you want.” He said.

“You’re... communicating with... me?” and you just realised you sounded so stupid just know knowing that only both of you are there. And the next thing you knew, you are sitting right across him. “Thank you.” You said. “Just don’t disturb while I’m sleeping.” He lay back, went back to sleep and you remained quiet for a few minutes.

You are looking at how innocent he looked when he is asleep rather than the fierce L.Joe you know. 

Once, you accidentally saw a girl confessed to him and he rejected her right away leaving her crying all alone. You always caught him sleeping all the time and if he is not sleeping, he’ll always daydream during the whole lesson. Somehow you wonder how he even caught up with his study. *He looks cute.* you smiled to yourself.

Minutes have passed but you are still looking at him. Yet, you didn’t even tired looking at him all long.

“When I said ‘don’t disturb’ and that includes, watching me.” You got distracted and apologise right away. *Great, now he thinks that I like him.*

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. Anyway, since I already know you let me introduce myself, I’m Chae-Young, the Vice President of the school council. Nice meeting you. sorry again, for the late of introduction.” You bowed at him.

Right when you bow down to him, his eyes fell upon your small scar near your forehead that can be seen beneath your hair. He was surprised and looked at you for a while until you felt uncomfortable under his gaze. “There’s... scar at your....” as he pointed at your forehead and your face fell. “Oh, you saw it? I thought it was well hidden.” You awkwardly laughed. You sit next to him as you lift your head and looked at the blue sky. You sighed. “I got it when I was a kid.” You shifted uncomfortably because you don’t really like telling people about your past so you just look into the space and close you eyes. L.Joe seems to notice it and he decided to stop and closed his eyes.

There, both of you just sitting next to each other, enjoying the comfortable silence that surrounds both of you.


*at Teen Top’s house*

“L.Joe, don’t forget we’re gonna meet some people afterwards.” CAP reminded him as L.Joe stepped into their house and went to his room.

After he got showered, L.Joe went to the drawer near his bed and take out something. It’s actually the sweet that you gave him when they helped you. He smiled every time he reminds that night where you didn’t scared talked to him. Usually, girls didn’t have the guts to look at him, moreover, talking to him with his fierce expression before, it’s better to say away or else he will snapped. “It has been a month.” He whispered.


They were walking and strolling around the alley at that night trying to get familiar at the area since they’re new. It is their first day around here and, as usual, Ricky, Changjo and Chunji were fooling around as they made some pranks to each other and Niel chatted with the leader, CAP.

“It feels nice in here. Honestly, I don’t regret moving here though.” Chunji told them. “I agree, so your other girlfriend won’t find you here. I bet he was scared to face them all. Hah!” Changjo snapped. They were all laughing at him except L.Joe who is still in deep thoughts. It was really nice of Niel’s relatives to help them since they are all used to handle things on their own since they were in high school.

“Yah! You better respect me. I’m your hyung. That hurts.” Chunji said as he touches his chest and pretended to cry.

As they were laughing at him and talking around, they heard someone cried for help right near to them. It was more like a girl’s voice. “No. Please. Get away from me. HELP!” cried that voice. “Who is that?” Ricky asked them. Without thinking, L.Joe ran towards those directions and they followed him. As they arrived, he saw a girl being slapped by a man and the others were snickered at the girl. “What the- even we never beat a girl.” Niel muttered. L.Joe feels something burning inside him as the girl being beaten and the next thing, he dash towards them and punched him in the face. “What a low-life. If I were you, I wouldn’t hit a girl, BASTARD!” he growled at him and hit him again. The Teen Top looked at each other and began to help him.

They surrounded you after all of them were unconscious on the ground. At first she looked scared then Chunji helped the girl get up and L.Joe made an eye contact with her. Somehow, his heart skipped a beat the way she looked at him. Although it was dark but he could see her facial features a little and he was attracted to her eyes the most. Suddenly he came back to the reality and kept his usual expression that might scare her. Although he told her rudely to get out of the place but inside he actually care of this girl and he doesn’t even know why.

Before you left, you gave each of them your sweet as your appreciation and something unexpected thing happened afterwards, he smiled.

“Whoa did you see that, hyung? I thought girls scared of you but she’s not.”Changjo said with shocked expression on his face.

*Who are you?* He had this feeling wanted to know you but soon faded when something bothered him from the past.  *Damn, no, just get over it already, L.Joe* and with that he walked away.

(End of flashback)

“And now, I can’t believe that I met you again, Chae-Young.” He smiled. Somehow he feels happy when he accidentally bumped you on his first day of school. Most of your subjects are the same with him so he can see you everyday when you are studying and concentrating in class. He is worried that lately he could see you were exhausted and feel completely worn out but you never give up on your work. That’s why he likes you even more. Without him knowing that he suddenly fall for you ever since he helped you but he decided to keep it. He was having a bad experience in love before and he doesn’t want it to repeat again. Moreover, their enemies are still searching for them so it’s better to keep distant from people or else, they might have found his weakness. He is deeply in thought when suddenly CAP burst into his room.

“L.Joe, come with me. Something happened to Chunji and Niel. Let’s go!” CAP shouted. What? The news made him jolt in surprise. Although Chunji can be annoying as heck sometimes but he will always care about his friends. And Niel, he will always be there for him whenever he wants someone to talk to although he never said it aloud. They are more like family to him. With that, he rushed to his friends. 

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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p