
My Two Prince


Teen Top went for a walk after the remedial class has ended and Ricky couldn’t stop whining of exhaustion for the whole time. “I’m stressed out. The teachers are so mean giving us those thick assignments. Why the heck are we even attend in this school anyway?” “Yah! Idiot, be grateful, will you?” Changjo snapped. “Don’t you remember? They won’t find us here. Thank goodness Niel’s relatives helped us or else we will be working for them now. You want that huh? At least we need to finish it here and then we can go on our own.” CAP said to Ricky, who just stared at the ground. “Hopefully we will be staying here until we’re graduating. Just for a few months. We can make it, Ricky.” Chunji comforted him. “Okay. Stupid gang.  They always bother us. I hate that guy.” Ricky muttered. Teen Top have to attend this school so the gang that were looking for them don’t have any idea that the Teen Top enrolled in some good school. But they have to be patience since it is an impressive school where most students obtained high grades considering Teen Top are not keen into studying that much.

Ricky brightened up, pointing to the front and they moved their gaze to the girl not far from them. “Oh, Chae Young noona.”

L.Joe looked up from his gaze to you as you made your way to the school’s entrance, entangle your arm with a familiar guy, laughing. Sometimes, he wishes the guy was him. L.Joe knows that the guy is one of your best friends but seeing the close contact between those two made him jealous.

“That’s the guy from the school council member right? They seem close.” Niel asked them. “Yeah, I heard from the gossips that Chae Young noona is really close with all twelve of them especially with the Preident, Kai. No wonder they are so close. They all grew up together.”  Changjo explained to them. “I thought you don’t believe gossips Changjo.” CAP raised his eyebrow, amused at the maknae who sheepishly rubbed his hands. “Well… it does makes sense doesn’t it since we always see them all the time. And they have been in the same school with Chae Young noona before.” Ricky said. “But I want to be with noona.” He added whiningly. “AISH, THIS KID!” Niel muttered. L.Joe just walked at the other direction and the member quietly stopped their conversation so they left him for a while. They knew how much he likes her not to mention of his sudden expression every time he saw her. He was beyond happy that she managed to spend with Teen Top lately despite she’s busy all the time.

You always greet him whenever you were with your best friends and sometimes in the homeroom but whenever he made an eye contact with that guy, Kai he couldn’t help but feel jealous. He also heard a lot about you every time he went to sleep at his secret hideout and accidentally heard some girls admiring both EXO and Teen Top all the time. But lately he can sense something wrong with you. You always smile to people but now somehow you looked depressed. Even Teen Top noticed it but they were afraid to ask you. He has been circling around the area and kicked some pebbles for an hour thinking about the same problem all the time.

“You’re not going home yet?” L.Joe surprised to see you walking beside him. “You seem a little distracted. You okay?” A worried expression is seen on your face. “I thought you were with your friend.” He said. “Well, yeah. Kai is a little busy. I’m waiting for them right now.” You smiled at him. “Oh.” He simply replied. “Thankfully, it’s not going to rain.” You said it while looking at the sky with a gloomy expression. L.Joe noticed it and began to worry about you. “You looked…glum.” “Oh, nothing. I just remembered something.” You merely smiled at him. The date are getting closer, your parents death anniversary and it distracted you that you miss both of them so much. EXO seems to understand about your sudden behavior. Looks like this week will be a lot harder that it seems to be, not to mention exam is just around the corner. You sighed. “You look beautiful when you smile.” L.Joe looked at you. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into you lately but he knew for sure you didn’t want to talk about it. You swallowed hard when your eyes locked with him, leaving you motionless. Your heart pounded as your blood rushed towards your crimson cheeks. “It seems my ‘pick-up’ line worked huh?” He said teasingly. “Yah! Said the guy who rarely talks.” You punched his arm playfully and laughed. *Her laugh always brightens up my day.* he smiled at you. “Eh, that’s them already. I gotta go. Be safe okay? Bye~” You patted his shoulders and waved at him as you went to your friends.


“Come on Chae Young, I’m so hungry.” Xiumin hollered. “Yeah, me too.” Chanyeol agreed with him. “COMING!!” You replied.

“Always the last.” Kai muttered and dragged you as you made your way to them. “Yah!” You smacked his head. “Hyung, she’s abusing me. Such a bad wife.”  Kai shook his head. “Who said that I’ll be marrying you?” You gasped. He smirked, “Me.” He laughed uncontrollably. “Who would want to be your wife anyway?” “Don’t you know? A lot of girls have confessed to me. ” He replied smugly. “What a conceited jerk.” You mumbled. The others who heard both of you just shook their heads and continue with their conversation.

You feel someone tap your shoulders and see Sehun and Tao next to you. “Tao and I want to go to get buy some snack, secretly. Wanna go with us?” Sehun whispered. “Why are we whispering?” you whispered back. “We don’t want others to find out.” He winked. “I understand. Don’t share with them.” You gave him thumbs up and beamed at Tao. “Hyung, we’ll be taking Chae Young right now, okay? We’ll be late again.” Tao told the others. “Well, just take care of her.” Kris told them both and they nodded. “Don’t worry duizhang. We’ll be okay.” You said reassuringly. “Let’s go Youngie.” Tao pulled you with them and Sehun just laughed at his reactions. “Maknaes.” Luhan sighed at the three of you. Kai has been looking at your direction and somehow he was worried but since he knows that both of them will be taking care of you so he just walk with the others. All of them knew what happened to you that night although you warned him not to so you gave up since he promised your parents that he will be taking care of you.


“Jong In, where are you going?” Mrs. Kim asked at his son, who ran outside their house with pile of works in his hands. Kai stopped abruptly and turn to his mother. “I’m waiting for Chae Young. I’ll be home later. Bye Mom, Dad.” “Wait-” before his mother could ask any further question, he ran off. She shook her head and went towards his husband, who watched the television in concentration. “I miss Chae Young. She’s always busy nowadays. I’m more worried about her since Da Hae and Hyun Bin’s death anniversary is getting nearer.” “We will always be there for her. Don’t worry.” Mr. Kim said reassuringly at his wife.

Da Hae and Hyun Bin were Chae Young’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kim had been friends with them since they started to move into their neighbourhood after they got married and they started to become friends afterwards. It’s surprising how their bonds gotten stronger over the years and that’s how you made your first friend, Jong In. You are one of the luckiest girls to have such happy, joyous and cheerful family. But unfortunately, the family got into an accident when you were five years old. It was a one shocking moment after they got a call from the news and their relatives that their close friends were no longer in this world and not to mention their only, cheerful daughter were in the comatose state for four months. Jong In seems restless and gone quiet sometimes knowing that his best friend wont woke up yet. Yes, it was one dreadful moment to tell you about your parents and seeing you in your depressed state. But thankfully, now, you have friends beside you all the time as long there is smile plastered on your face.

“Jong In really is head-over-heels over her. I can’t wait to see their wedding.” Mrs. Kim suddenly squealed in happiness. “How can you be so sure about that? Chae Young seems oblivious about this kind of thing.” Mr. Kim shook his head. He wasn’t the person into this kind of girl talk thing with his wife. “But he was such a gentleman waiting for her everyday. They both always walk back and forth to school together and not to mention he likes her for years now. I like how he a lot. I wonder where he got that from.” She husband. Yes, they knew about Kai’s feelings towards his best friend. He doesn’t even have to tell them. It was all seen through his actions and they knew it right instant unfortunately, you were unaware of this and thought it was just a brotherly instincts.

“Kai, have you eaten your dinner yet?” You asked him when you placed your foods on the counter while Kai leans on it. Kai is waiting for you outside your house when Sehun and Tao sent you. It was great having fun with the two since they love to shop, especially Tao with his branded stuff in his room. You knew they wanted to cheer up since they can sense your sadness for the past few days. That afternoon, both of them technically spoilt you that they bought so many sweets and just shoved it inside your bag and even ahjumma gave them half-price (and some of them put some extras just for the two of them) as ahjumma ogle at their charming smiles and their good looks. Usually, the four of you including Xiumin always go for some snacks and sometimes Luhan will accompany just in case things out of control for Sehun when you were in junior high.

“No. You sure love this sweets a lot huh? Well, no wonder you’re so sweet.” He smirked. You made a face at him and shook your head, “Can’t you believe it that was their doing. I swear I can see ahjumma practically drooling over them. Poor ahjumma. So what do you want to eat?” “Anything is fine as long as you made it, it will be delicious.” He grinned and winked at you. “Wow, I can’t believe you just flirting with me. It was cheesy Jong In. Thankfully, I’m not affected by it.” and you ignored him. “I know, you’re special. That’s why you should be by wife instead.” He laughed and ran away as you nearly throw some cooking pan at him. “I’ll tell Mom and Dad you’re abusing your own husband!” “I’ll tell Suho you’re making fun of me. Kris too. Or- or Chen. Why ‘wife’ does have to do with this anyway?” “Not telling~” he's making those, irritating funny gaces again.



here you go.... i'm not gonna update for a while. but i'll try to finsh this story okay? ^^ so bye~ i'll be here again, so don't worry :D 

so... how do you like my story so far? I know it's kinda boring 'cos i had a hard time thinking about the new scene but that doesnt matter.. i enjoy writing this story. hope you enjoy reading it. tata~ 

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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p