I like him?

My Two Prince


haaaai ^^ long time no see? :P first of all, i'm really sorry for the late update. no WiFi = depression :P haha kidding. so here is another chapters to you guys... so ENJOY! about the "Kai vs L.Joe" part i think it'll on chapter 13 onwards. i think so :P but for now, let's read~ XD


“Aish! Where is it?” You searched for your notebook in your bag and only to find nothing. *Great! I left it at home.* you jotted down some important notes in there and it’s basically full of reminders despite you’re a forgetful person. *Guess I can only ask Kai for my work then.*

You were thinking hard at that time wondering where did you left it until you accidentally bumped onto someone. “Opps, I’m sorry.” You bowed for many times and apologized.

 “Watch it!” A cold, familiar voice said to you. You look up to see a guy around your age shot you a glare and somehow, he looked familiar. His eyes... Why do I feel like I’ve seen those eyes before? You thought. Your heart skipped a beat at his gaze. “Have we met before?” you blurted out. At first he kind of surprised then he immediately replied. “No. I don’t think so.” With that he walked away.

“I was just asking. No need to be so grumpy.” You pouted. Is he a new guy? I never saw him here before. You thought.

“Chae Young-ah.” You looked up to see Kai called your name while holding your notebook. “Why do you always forget about it?” “Oh, Kkamjong-aaaaah~ thank you. You really are my saviour. How do I live without you?” You dramatically said in front of him. “That’s why you should marry me instead.” He teased you. “Ouch! Could you please not slap me for once?” “Why should I stop? For an arrogant person like you deserved it.” You laughed and started to run away. “Yah!!” he ran after you.

Both of you didn’t notice there is someone watching both of you all along. *It’s her right? I’m pretty sure she is. Clearly she doesn’t remember me at all although this was our second meeting. Okay, who cares anyway? whatever* and went to the office to meet his friends,

“Yah L.Joe, where on earth are you going? We waited for you for half an hour now.” A guy named Chunji yelled at him. “I was bored. So I just take a walk for a moment.” He nonchalantly said. “Aish, hyung. Please don’t make us worried again. You always leave without telling us.” Ricky whined at him. L.Joe didn’t say a thing but just walked away after taking his things and made his way to his new class. That’s right. This time is his 4th time they are moving to another college. This was happened because they need to keep alert from their enemies and they should be careful afterwards afraid that their enemies might know where they are. They got lucky though that they managed to get into this SM College with the helped from Niel’s relatives. They do have bad records especially with the discipline but the principal told them to behave well since and gave them a chance. He doesn’t want his school to have bad reputation. That’s why each one of them changed their hairstyle and looks so that bastard won’t find them.

“Meet us at the cafeteria later on okay hyung?” Changjo yelled through the hallway as L.Joe just walked away from them. “Sometimes, I just wish he keeps on smiling like before.” They agreed to what the leader, CAP, just said just now. They never mentioned it in front of him or someone will end up in the hospital again for sure. “Come on. Let’s go.”

*at class*

“You guuuuyyyysss~” everyone turned to look at Yoona. “What’s up, Yoona? You seemed... excited?” Krystal said as she looked at her friend. Yoona seems to be dreaming right now as she is smiling brightly at us. “Come on, spill it already.” They all said impatiently. “Okay, okay. I saw a group of handsome guys at the office just now and they looked freaking cool. You know, the bad boy, rebellious type. And..... we’re so lucky that one of them will be having the same homeroom with us.” She squealed. The others seems happy and excited to hear there will be a new student here, moreover, a guy. While the boys groaned in frustration that they expect the new students would be girls instead of boys.

Drowning in your own thoughts, you thought about the guy you accidentally bumped with and surely you never recognised his face in here. Is it him they were talking about? Just then our teacher comes in. “Okay class. Settle down please. Okay, today, you will be having a new colleague so please be good to him, okay? Mr. Lee, please come in.” The moment he steps into the class, people, especially the girls gasped for air as a blonde-haired guy walked into the room with a hand in his pocket. As they expected he is kind of handsome with his cool style. “Hello, I’m L.Joe.” That’s only he said to us. Just three words and the girls started to giggle and began to squeal. You rolled your eyes towards their action. *Can they at least keeping their fangirl inside.* you shook your head in embarrassment and slapped your forehead.

“Oh. Eheerm, well, umm... that’s a very brief introduction you gave Mr. Lee-””It’s L.Joe.” he glared at the teacher. “S-s-orry, L.Joe. So if you want you could sit.....” he stopped as L.Joe went to the seat behind you without listening to what he said. “.... So you’ve found your sit already and L.Joe if you need anything you can ask me or the Chae Young okay? Now, class lets start with your lesson.” He said awkwardly. L.Joe looked at the girl pointed by the teacher and he was stunned at first but he keeps on maintaining his unreadable expression. Clearly, the teacher seems having problem trying to interact with the new boy. Guess the teacher has a long way to go then.

As L.Joe passed by your desk, you just looked at him and both your eyes met and you just smiled at him but he chose to ignore it and made to his desk at the back of the class. *Tch! Cold.* you thought.

During the class, somehow you keep on thinking about the guy who had helped you before. Especially when you’re alone, you are always thinking about that night. He seems never left your mind ever since that night. Although he seems a little rude but his intention was sincere through his actions. As if it’s crazy but that’s how it all happens... it seems like you’re attracted to that person but since you didn’t know him or how he looked like, you feel all crestfallen and regret that you couldn’t see his face.

Your thoughts have been distracted by the person behind you. There, you saw L.Joe is sleeping peacefully on his desk. *All this time, he is sleeping?? Without being caught? You’ve go to be kidding me!* before you could look back at your teacher’s lecturing in front of the class, you stopped as you were mesmerised by his looks. His blond hair blend really well with his skin tone, even his- *Okay what’s gotten into me these days. I can’t even concentrate on my study. I guess that night made an impact to me after all.* you sighed and slapped your forehead about the things you have been imagined. 


Lunch came and you sat with your friends. Seems like the news spread like wildfire among the school girls and you just sighed. Can’t they just talk about something else? You thought. “I heard they called themselves Teen Top. Isn’t that awesome? They even have group names just like Exo. How cool is that? Just imagine, EXO VS TEENTOP! That would be awesome.” Krystal squealed in happiness.

 Just then, the cafeteria door flew open and girls squeals as if there’s no tomorrow. They were all rather handsome with different coloured hairs that made them even cooler. Teen Top went to sit next to your table and you couldn’t help but to look at the new students and somewhat they seemed familiar to you. You keep on trying to remember where you met them but failed. The blue-haired boy keeps mumbling something that made the guy who wears a cap hit him in the arm and they are laughing at him. The black-haired guy sitting right next to L.Joe began clapping his hands as they made a prank at the guy who has thick lips. Then you shift your gaze at L.Joe. His mind always seems to be somewhere else since he looks uninterested. Is he always like this? Seeing him talking only for a few words saddens you a little.

Ever since when you accidentally bumped him that morning you can’t help but thinking how familiar he is to you. You even had the urge to talk to him but there’s nothing to talk about. There’s just something about him, the quietness of his that cause a tingling sensation in your stomach. Before lunch, he was walking with his eyes looking at the floor and your heart skipped a beat. But with his cold personality towards the teachers and student made you mad at him because he doesn’t show any respect towards them.

“Chae-Young.” Sulli waved her hands in front you. “I see you have a secret crush already.” she teased and winked. And by that sentence, your eye’s widened and faced her. “Huh? N-n-no! I don’t l-l-like him. It’s just that he looks kinda sad.  And no, I-I-I was just l-l-looking at h-i-i-m.” You stuttered. “Yeah, okay, I get it, you are just ‘looking’ at him.” she teased you again as she emphasized the word. “Sulli-ah~” she laughed at your pout and then she leaned closer, “I see your eyes never left him once. I bet you like him already but don’t worry, let this be our secret.” “Its not what you think, why would I fall for a guy like him anyway and besides, I heard he is a little rude don’t you think?” She is trying to think for a while. “I heard it alright. I think he hates that kind of attention you know. Girls are trying to have a conversation with him but he just ignored it. That’s what I saw. He must have reasons why he is being like that. He will talk if he wants to so stop looking at him or Kai will be angry you know.” she laughed. “You think I like him?” “From the way you are looking at him, I guess yes. Love at first sight eh?” she laughed at you. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep this as a secret.” She smiled.

*I like him? Is that it? It can be this fast. I just met him today.* you thought.

It was night time and there you are sitting in the living room with Kai as he will be staying at your house, again. His room is twice the size of your dining room and yet he chose to sleep here. What is wrong with that boy? Somehow he always confuses you. “Chae-Young, come on, watch a movie with me please~” he begged for hundredth of times already. “Why are you doing in your class today anyway that made you re-do all your notes? Don’t tell me you slept at Mr. Chu’s class again.” he laughed.

You shot him a death glare and back to your work. *if only I didn’t day-dreaming for the whole day and I won’t have to copy all the notes* “I think I’m gonna sleep for a while. It breaks my heart that my own best friend doesn’t even want to talk to me. What did I do wrong to deserve this!!?” He makes a fake sniffle and pretends to cry. Oh, such a dramatic person you are, Kai. You shook your head and laughed at him.

“Hey, Kai.” You poked his arm.

 “Hmmm?” he lazily answered.

“Did you hear about the new guys at our school?” you asked him. “Yeah, I’ve heard about them. That Teen Top boys isn’t it? What about them?” “Nothing, it’s just they looked familiar to me. But I can’t seem to remember when I met them though. Have you ever seen them?”

He turned his position so he could face you, “Hmm... I don’t think so. As far as I could remember, I think they are new here so nope, never. Why? Are they bothering you? Is there anything you want to talk about?” he worriedly asked. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m curious that’s all.” You smiled at him. “You’ve been distracted lately why don’t you rest for a while?”  He advised you. “L.Joe. Okay you need to stop thinking about him, Chae-Young.” You mumbled ignoring what Kai just said. Without you knowing, he has been staring at you as you continuing jotted down your work. *L.Joe?*


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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p