flashback with EXO

My Two Prince

i just wanna apologise first :( i'm sorry if it's kinda boring but i kinda blank while writing these chpters so yeah.... i hope you like it though. i'm sorry again. anw... what do you think about the poster? AAAARRRRGGHHH! hahaha okay! i think i should stop :P 


The orientation that was held for the juniors has come to an end. Kris, Luhan, D.O, Suho and Chen plops down in the couch in front of you, trying to rest, while Kai did a little of his “victory dance”. The others laugh at his actions while you just shook your head. Then, he sat next to you and trying to catch some sleep. It was nearly night time, the other Exo members still went for football practice and some of them just watching and cheering for them. Even, they helped us with the decorations and stuffs. It was so dead tiring. The never-ending meeting happened for nearly two months has ended. Some of us even gotten lack of sleep trying to figure out about everything for them but it was worth it. We had a lot of fun than we thought.

We may have to step down from our positions so we can focus on our big exam in the next few months since it’ll be our last year before we can continuing on our further studies and will be replaced to those juniors who are interested in joining the school committee member.

After packing up things, cleaning the whole multi-purpose hall and the student council room, all of you decided to visit the others where you found most of your classmates are, cheering and rooting for them, the soccer team who supposed to have a match with the neighbouring town for next month. Not just your classmates, mostly, they’re the girls who swoon over the boys. The sounds are getting noisier than ever and they are practically squealing the moment when they saw Kai, Kris, Luhan, D.O, Suho and Chen enter the place and sat on the bleachers.

“Hyung, you’re here.” Sehun and Tao made their way to all of you.

“Wow, I never knew that I’m that famous. Hey girls~” He waved at them and smirked. You shook your head and face-palm yourself.

“Sometimes I wonder how we became friends.” Kris muttered and you laughed at him. He added, “How did you even manage to be with him every second?!”

“I know, but Kai here is a great companion.” You put your hands on his shoulder and smiled at him. “Of course, keep in mind that I’m such a great person.” Kai smugly said to both of you and you added, “Although he can be a jerk sometimes.”

“Yah! That hurts. Go, go to Luhan hyung.” You glared at him as he starts his conversation with Kris and Suho so you went to sit between Luhan and Sehun while Chen is now talking with Tao and D.O. “That guy, thankfully I’m in a pleasant mood right now or I’ll tell people about his embarrassing moments to all of his fans.” You mumbled. “Don’t worry, you can always go to us, Chae Young.” Sehun and Luhan smiled at you. “Awww. Thank you. You’re guys are so cute.” You entangled your arms with them and began to cheer for the others.

As soon as the game is finished and waiting for them for a while, all thirteen of you headed to home.

“I’m so dead tired but that was a great game. As long there’s teamwork among all of us, I know we can do this.” Chanyeol pumped his fist in the air and slung his arm around Baekhyun. “It was DAEBAK!” Baekhyun happily said to him. “I like the way you trick the opponent, Xiumin.” Lay said.

They happily talk to each other despite their tiring routines and work. Your smile widened as you stared at them for a moment and realised how strong all your bonds are with them. It was like yesterday that Kai introduced them to you. Your life is no longer empty, dull and hopeless since then. They always brighten your day the moment when they entered your world. Thanks to Kai that you met such great brothers and best friends. Never thought all of you attend in the same school and having the same year together. Their presence always makes you happy all the time. You will never forget the moment when you met all of them on the same day, at the same time.


It was technically, one of the most unpleasant nightmares you’ve ever had. You could still remember that night. You’re supposed to go to celebrate your 5th birthday with your parents. It was a one happy day that you wanted to spend the time with them since your father is a workaholic person. You sat in the back seat holding your stuffed dolls, singing your favourite song while your mother is happily talking with your father. The night that supposed to be one of the most memorable moments you could enjoy but unfortunately, things suddenly went wrong in a blink of an eye when a drunk driver, driving a truck accidentally crashed their car at the traffic light. You shrieked and jumped from your seat as the car flipped over. The screech sound was made by the car were excruciating. The front part of the car is terribly mashed by the truck. You wanted to cry for help but your condition at that time didn’t allow you. Bloods splattered everywhere and you were in the midst of a frail state because you knocked in your head to the window. “Mom.... Dad...”  You whispered in a low tone. You couldn’t hear a thing and the next thing you knew, it was pitch black.

 It has been hours since you woke up. You have been in a comatose state for 4 months. You have cried for hours with Jong In by your side. You still can’t accept the fact that your parents had died from the car accident from the moment you wake up and still in a daze of what happened. It shocked you to death when silence surrounds the room when you asked Mrs. Kim where your parents were. Eventually, they couldn’t hold it anymore as you begged them for many times and told you the truth.

“Please don’t cry, Youngie.” Jong In said as he tried to console you for many times already. It breaks his heart to see you crying moreover, in your vulnerable state. It shocked him too when he heard the news that you were involved in an accident and rushed to the hospital to see you. You are his best friend and he knows that you needed some consolation from someone. But knowing you were in a comatose state, he had to wait for you and always be there for you. And now, you’re still crying in Mrs. Kim’s embrace while Jong In patted your back. Mr. Kim is still working but he will come to visit you soon.

Weeks have passed but still, you’re not saying a word to anyone. For now, you live with Jong In for a while since both Mrs and Mr. Kim are concerned about you. Most of your relatives are mostly live at the out of town so they decided they will take care of you considering that your family is very close with Jong In’s family. Ever since you have left the hospital, you didn’t even say a single word to anyone including Jong In. You’re always locked up in the room; sitting near the window, day-dreaming and you even barely touch your food.  Even in your vulnerable state, Jong In never left your side. He will always be there for you telling you about everything. People may found it a little irritating but not you.

Until one day he came over from school and told you about his new friends, eleven of them. He just met them a few days ago and he invited you to the park so all of you can play together. Jong In trying his best to persuade you to come with him and with his determination, you finally agree with him. You always have been in that room for weeks so it’s best to be with him for a while since you missed playing with him. Jong In’s parents were stunned as they saw you timidly walk down the staircase with him. For the first time after you have been discharged from the hospital, you hugged them and tears rolled down Mrs. Kim’s face as you expressed your gratitude towards them both.

“Look, it’s Jong In.” Said a voice as you arrived at the park with Jong In and eleven boys are waving and went straight to both of you.

“Hai~” He happily waved back.

One of the boys suddenly appeared next to you and he stared at you like he never glance a girl before. He is one tall boy, you thought as you backed away from him and hide behind Jong In. “Who is this?” he directed his head to you. When another boy stand beside the tall kid with fair skin smiled at you and waved.

“Oh. You guys, this is Chae Young, my best friend. Chae Young, this is my friends that I told you before.” as he gestured his hand to one by one. “The tall one is Kris, he’s a Chinese, then boy beside him is Joon Myeon, Zi Tao is a Chinese too but he had some difficulties talking in Korean, next this is Jong Dae, Luhan, Yi Xing is also a Chinese, Min Seok, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and last but not least, the maknae, Sehun.”

“Hello, I’m Chae Young, nice to meet you.” You nervously introduced yourself. “Don’t worry, Youngie, all of them are nice.” He beamed at you.

The boy named Sehun emerged beside you as he stared at you for a few seconds with his vacant expression just like the tall boy and said, “She pretty.” “No. She’s mine! When I grow up, I wanna marry her.” Jong In said as he made a stern face. You smacked his arm at the words that came from his mouth with reddened cheeks and the others laugh at him. “Forget about that, Chae Young, you wanna come to play with us?” Joon Myeon said when you looked at him. “I hope we can be friends.” Min Seok said with his plump face and handed you a sweet. “Come on, I wanna play.” Chanyeol complained at them. Finally you agree going to play with them and all of you made your way to the playground.

The hours became days, the weeks turn into months and they become your closest friend after Jong In. All of you know about each other and you are comfortable with them and they even named them Exo which is pretty awesome. If you always heard about Exo around the school hallways so it’s them they are talking about. Girls are envious at first since you have known them for so long but now, they understand that you need the boys and they need you too.  All of you had known each other for about thirteen years already so each and every one of you know each other very well. It was unexpected that they go to the same school as you are even though they are qualified to enter the prestigious school and college but they chose to keep it low profile. That’s how your respect grew towards them all. People could tell they were really close just by watching them. They have all turned into very handsome young gentleman. Despite their appearance, most likely, they have hundreds of fans and they always get some confession letters, hundreds of gifts ever since middle school but they politely rejected it and replied it with their charming smile. No wonder girls swoon over them even more. To you, all of you were like family to each other. Thanks to them, you are able to enjoy your life and help you to forget about the nightmares that nearly haunts you every night.

(End of flashback)


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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p