My Hero

My Two Prince


It’s already night time. You still wander around the neighbourhood ‘because you don’t want to meet that jerk for a while. Actually, you’ve thought about this before, why you’re not in love or at least have a crush on him. It’s like he is almost perfect. Well, scratch about his attitude. Even Mrs. Kim (Kai’s mom) always talks about both of you all the time. Kai only look at you as a sister no more than that.

It’s nice taking some fresh air once in a while. You have to admit it feels suffocating nowadays that you don’t have a good night sleep but its all for Kai’s parents and started walking again. But, it feels empty though. *It would be great if Kai was here. Wait. What was I thinking? Yah! Stupid. Stupid! That’s your own fault that you’re attached to him.* you slapped your face. *What’s wrong with you, Chae-Young? You’ve been thinking about him lately. What was that? Maybe it’s all because of the exhaustion.*

You ended up seeing supermarket in front you and you had the urge to buy some snacks. After you went out of the supermarket you felt happy that you bought some sweets, ice-creams and chocolates. You must be that happy that you didn’t notice that you’re bumped into a group of man and fell off the ground.

“AISH! WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING!” A man shouted at you.

 “I’m sorry I didn’t see you. I’m really sorry” you apologized for many times and bowed at them.

“Look what do we have here? A pretty lady alone in this area.” a friend of his said and began to lean in and touched you. “Do you mind going with us, Miss?” you could smell of strong alcohol on his breath.  His friend laughed at his actions.

You began to back away from them and your eyes widened in surprised that they began to walk closer to you. Someone snatched your hand from behind and laughed hysterically. “Come on. Don’t be shy.” *Help.* you couldn’t say a word because you’re too scared. Then, they pulled you along with them and began walking. “No. Please. Get away from me. HELP!” You cried for help. Tears began to form in your eyes and you sobbed. Although it was dark but you’re hoping that someone could hear you scream. “Please, let me go you pathetic idiot!” you shoved their hands away when suddenly; one of them slapped your face, hard. “SHUT UP!”

Tears strolling down your face thought that no one was there to help you until the men who hold you being punched in the face. *Who is it?* you thought. You see a guy wearing a grey hoodie punched the man.

“What a low-life. If I were  you, I wouldn’t hit a girl, BASTARD!” he growled at him and hit him again. Then one by one, they were all unconscious on the ground. Afterward you heard more footsteps and next thing you knew, you were surrounded by a group of six guys. You were surprised how they finished them all in one swift. You’re afraid that they will be doing the same thing at you and you started to back off. The guy who saved you just now made an eye contact with you. Your heart skipped a beat and you’re still staring at him although you didn’t see his face. “Are you alright? Don’t worry, we wont hurt you.” one of them said. “Forget about her. Let’s leave, we’re just wasting our time talking with her. Enough we helped her already.” The guy wearing a grey hoodie said. “Yah, hyung, don’t be like that. She would die out here if it weren’t for us.”

“I suggest you better leave before they get up again.” He insisted and turned around. You wanted to see his face but couldn’t because he wears hoodie and it is dark around this area.

“W-wait.” You called. “T-t-thank you for helping me. I was scared that-”

“I said leave. I won’t help you again if you’re still standing here.” he demanded. He shot you a glare.

“Don’t go anywhere alone, alright?” another voice told you.

You nodded and before you left you tossed him one of your lollipops to each of them. You called him, “Thanks for your help. If it weren’t for you guys I might be...... Whatever, don’t worry, I’ll go now.” You smiled at him and ran off.

*I’m saved and it all thanks to you. I owe you one, my saviour.*

“Whoa did you see that, hyung? I thought girls scared of you but she’s not.”

*Yeah. Who is she?* He looked at the lollipop you gave him and something tells him that you’re different. He shook his head *Damn, no, just get over it already, L.Joe* with that he walked away.






A/N: HAAAAAIIII! How was it? I’m sorry if the story looks cliché but I really want to write this kind of the story. Haha I don’t know why when it comes to bad boy, rebellious type, I really like it. Seriously I’m fangirling right now. *sigh* Okay this is so not me right now >_<  anyway enjoy ^^ *peace out*

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It's been awhile its been a while xD
my two bias!!!
bagoffrog #3

Byknya kau update hahaha xp
Chapter 8: Oh yeaaa just this??hmmph *pout* kai vs l.joe on chap 13 g tu...i shall wait XD
Chapter 7: omo Kai's sweetness xp but at the same time he maintained his overconfident attitude haha xp...another thing is that I actually have an idea of Chae Young's character more. I love that xp
Chapter 6: lol this chapter says Kai's mom is Mrs Kim xp babe you need to check your prev chapter or else ppl are gonna be confused ^^ btw aww poor Kai!
Chapter 5: btw I've been meaning to tell you that the chapters poster is gorgeous! You made it yourself eh? Hahaha...btw is Kai's surname Lee Jongin? Because mamanya Mrs Lee ah (tekeluar bm tarus) XP
Chapter 4: Teasing Kai ehhh ^^
Chapter 7: Anw *thumbs up for d story cnt wait for l.joe moment lg let jonggie jelly more :p