Quality Time~

~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: The last chapter actually made ME depressed! I dont know about you guys.. haha~ So whats the moms plan?? Will it work? lets find out!




So, Im going to need alot of help if this is to work, but who to call? My sister? Its worth a shot, right?


"Hi Judy, its me. How have you been?" I start of casual

"Oh hey girl! Things have been great, just got a promotion so Im making more money. Yourself?"

Yes! Good thing I called her.. "Thats great Judy! Things have been okay around here.. Listen, you know how I was taking Bree to that concert in Seoul? Well, the flight was cancelled for whatever reason and she has been depressed ever since! Like REALLY depressed!" 

"Oh my goodness! Poor Bree! Is there anything I can do to help?!" I thought she'd never ask~

"Well, actually.. There might be one thing you can help with..."

"Anything for her"

"Perfect" I reply with a smirk, and begin to tell her the plan. 

(A/N: The aunt knows about Bree's obsession with Super Junior)




Its been what, 3 days since that awful day? I dont know, I've lost track of time completely. Im starting to feel somewhat better. I think I will go on the computer for a bit.

"Hmm, facebook? Sure." Scroll, scroll, scroll, scro---- HOLD ON A SECOND.

"What is this??!" I scream in a whisper. Pictures of the concert. The concert that I was supposed to be at. People caption their pictures "OMO~ Our oppa's are hilarious on stage!" and "Wow, hot oppa's" This one girl even put "OMO! Leeteuk oppa sang 'She' and gave me a rose! <3"

"UGH I cant take this anymore" I log off facebook. Yeah Im really happy for those ELF's who got to go, but I just cant look at the pictures. *sigh* Just when I thought I was getting better... I crawl back over to my bed and just lay there until my mom comes with more food. 

"Hi hun, how are you feeling today? Any better?" Her gentleness calming me down a bit

"I WAS... but not so much anymore" I feel like I should be honest with her. "I saw the concert pictures on facebook..." She lays down beside me.

"Awe hunny, Im sorry. I really wish there was something I can do.." She side hugs me. "Want me to make you some hot cocoa?" All I can do is nod, and with that she leaves the room.




My poor poor baby.. Why does she have to go through this? I have to get this plan into action ASAP, before the summer's all gone. Judy agreed to help, infact she was really excited to help with this. Im so glad, I just hope it will work.. I make her cocoa and bring it up to her.

"Here you go hun." I hand it to her. She looks like she was just crying. I can understand why, so I dont ask. Man, I think these posters are just making it worse...

"Thanks mom" She takes a sip. Its decided. Tonight, I will make the call. The plan has to start. TONIGHT.




So I tucked her in. I think I need to make one quick call to her aunt and tell her the plan is on.


"Judy, its me. The plan has to begin tonight. She's getting worse by the day" Im starting to worry myself even more.

"Alright. You're making the call?"

"Yup. I will as soon as this call ends."

"Then we shall not wait! Get to it! Good luck!" And then the line goes dead. Alright Sam (A/N: the moms name is Sam) pull it together girl. Its just a phone call. I walk to my room and pull out the number from my drawer, where no one would look for it. Alright. Here goes nothing.

"Hello?" The reseptionist answers. My heart suddenly starts to beat really fast. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She says again.

"O-Oh, yes. H-hello. I'd like to speak with the head person please." breathe in, breathe out.

"Certianly ma'am. Hold on one second." and with that the plan begins.




Thinking back to that night, the night were I made the deal, where the plan started. I think that was the bravest thing I've EVER done.. 


"Do you think this can work?" I say hesitantly, crossing my fingers.

"Yes, I think this will work. As long as you hold up your end of the deal, I'll do my part." The mystery person speaks.

"Thankyou, a million times thankyou. You wont regret this" I reassure the person.

"I should hope not, miss." Then the line goes dead. 


Now she just has to get ready. 




"Bree hunny! Its time to leave!" My mom shouts. Gee, last time I heard that was when we were headed to the airport. Bree, stop it. Stop thinking about that. You're supposed to be getting better, not making yourself worse. I mentally slapped myself as punishment. I took a look around my room to make sure I have everything. iPod and charger? Check. Cell phone and charger? Check. Suit case? Check. A-ha. Thats what Im forgetting. My posters. No, not all of them, just a few. The place Im going to stay needs a bit of my taste. I grab some stuff off my walls, and take a step back. WOW. My room looks so empty! Okay, I admitt.. I took like ALL my posters.. >V< oh well.. I walk to the front door, and my mom stares at me giving me the "WTF" look. I just smile and walk to the car. The car ride, which is like 8 hours long, was mostly silent until the last couple hours.

"Bree, did you really need to take ALL your posters with you?" She half grins while raising her eye brows at me

"Mom, you're over-exagerating.. Its not ALL of them... Theres still like two left.." We both crack up. I have like 50 posters in my room. From that point on, we just kept simple conversation. Both of us avoiding the topic of that dreadful day. Currently she's lecturing me about staying by myself and being safe. Yes, Im staying at my Aunts cottage. She has a property on the ocean, and its really quiet there. I've always loved to stay there when I was little, and since highschool, I havent had the chance. My mom said that I could stay there as long as I wanted, probably wanting me to get my mind off stuff, and just relax. 

"...and you need to make sure that you always lock the door at night and when you go out and..." She was just ranting on and on like I was five.

"Mom, its okay. Im not stupid you know. Its all common sence. I got this okay?" I smile at her. I am really greatful that I can have this time alone, actually.

"I know... Im just worried okay?"

"I know mom, just try not to be ok? You will get gray hairs" We both crack up again at that statement. Its true though, my mom worries ALOT. Its like Im moving out or something.. 

We finally arrived at the BC Ferries Terminal (yes I need to take a ferrie there) and my mom started to cry a little.

"Mom! No dont cry, its not like Im moving out! Mom, stop it! I'll be back before you know it! Mom! You were the one who planned this!" She kind of calmed down.

"I know, I know.. Just be careful okay?"

"Always. Besides, the neighbours arent that far away." I hug her. She hands me more money.

"Just in case you run out of food.." Geez its like she expects me to have a party.

"Mom really?" I roll my eyes and hug her one more time before the intercome says I have to head to the ferrie.

*Ding Ding 'All passengers boarding the Queen Of Nanimo headed to Galiano Island please make your way to the ferrie. Thankyou' Ding Ding*

"Thats me mom." I give her one last hug and she sends me off. As the ferrie leaves the dock, I spot her waving at me, and blowing me kisses. As embarrassing as it is, I return all the kisses to her and I keep doing it until I cant see her anymore. Thanks mom, I really appreciate it. And with that, I begin my 50 minute journey to the island.


A/N: SO! Bree is off to the island to spend some time alone for the summer! What a great mom eh? Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.. Its a LITTLE longer, but still short right? IM SORRY! please comment and subscribe~  <3

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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3