Chapter 17

~Once and a Lifetime~



A/N: Sorry sorry sorry sorry for the late update T_T I dont know what's gotten into me.

This chapter will have the requessted Kyuhyun scene(s) in it. Please let me know if you have a request~




I lay facedown on my bed, rethinking the past 15 minutes. After Eunhyuk told everyone that I agreed to call him oppa, the frenzie of madness began...




"Yah, call me oppa too!"

"No! Call me oppa!"

Continuous bribes, shouts, and begs from everyone. Before actual Hell broke loose, I agreed to call them oppa. But only the ones that asked.


-end of flashback-


"What are you thinking about?"

I nearly jump 10 feet in the air.

"What on Earth?! Cho Kyuhyun, how did you get in here?!"

"I walked through that door" He points to the door nonchalauntly.

I scoff.

"My door was closed" I argue.

"Not locked." He points out, shrugging.

He lays down beside me.

"And what if I was changing?!" I argue further.

"Lucky me~" He winks.

"Un believeable" I whine, turning my head the other way.

"Oh come on, I was just kidding around."


I kept my head facing the other way, fighting a smile.

"Bree..." He whines, shaking my shoulders.

I bite my lip, then it goes silent. It takes me a second to realize that this is not a good thing. This is the evil maknae we are dealing with.

All of a sudden, the air is forced out of my lungs, and my body bends in a way it shouldnt. Its not painful, just a bit uncomfortable. Kyuhyun climbs on top of me. And let me tell you, he isnt light.

I groan underneath him with the rest of the air I have. He moves around until his weight is more evenly spread and his body molds onto mine. I gasp for air at the opportunity. Kyuhyun's chest vibrates and his melodic voice chuckles in my ear.

Wait, what am I thinking...?

He puts his face into my neck. I squirm underneath him, trying not to laugh. I slowely turn my head so now I face him, and he faces me. His deep brown eyes capture mine and its near impossible to look away. Though, I dont want to. Part of me feels like I could stay here forever; I dont want to move.

Seconds go by, then possibly minutes. I've lost track of time. His dark brown hair that frames his face so perfectly, his double eye lids, his long face... his full lips. Everything about him is just... undescribable.

Knock Knock Knock

Suddenly Kyuhyun's body tenses. He shakes his head slightly and mutters something. He climbs off my bed and smoothes his clothes. Giving me a small smile, he extends his hand and helps me off my bed, though I dont really need it.

I walk out of the room and he follows behind. Everyone is standing outside my room. Technically, they are waiting at the front door, which is located outside my room.

Knock Knock Knock

The person on the other side of the wooden door knocks again. I jump, once again being pulled out of my thoughts. Everyone looks between me and the door, waiting. I awkwardly turn around and open the door. Expecting it to be a neighbour or salesperson, I quickly think up an excuse as to why there is 13 guys in my house.

"So this is the mysterious girl we were told about!" A perfect english accent greets me.

The voice belongs to non other than Henry Lau, who immediatly pulls me into an embrace. My whole body freezes, unable to move or hug him back. Donghae says something in Korean, to Zhou Mi by the looks of it. Zhou Mi takes a step inside, almost awkwardly.

"Ahh... It feels good to be back in Canada" Henry sighs, releasing my from the hug.

He keeps one arm slung around my shoulders, I still cant comprehend what is happening.

"Shall we introduce you guys? Even though Im sure she knows who you are" Leeteuk smiles.

Everyone walks to the living room, following Leeteuk, Zhou Mi, Henry and I. Henry takes his arm of my shoulder.

"Hello, my name is Henry Lau" Henry says with a smile.

He bows. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

" And this is your dongsaeng, Bree" Yesung answers beside me with a chuckle.

I force myself to bend in half, bowing back to him shyly, still in shock.

"Oh, and Bree. This is Zhou Mi, which you already knew. He doesnt know alot of English, so he wants to appologize to you" Leeteuk says, motioning to ZhouMi.

"Tell him not to be sorry, and that I understand. Communication doesnt always involve talking~"

Leeteuk turns to ZhouMi and talks to him, probably translating. He gestures to me and I bow to him. ZhouMi smiles, and I smile back.

All sixteen of us are in the living room. Henry and ZhouMi are the center of attention. No surprise. I lean against the small fireplace and smile to myself as they catch up with eachother. I dont even mind that I cant understand anything they are saying.

Part of me feels like taking a video of this and showing it to the world; showing the 'only13' people that ZhouMi and Henry are loved by the members like family. But I realize how badly that could end up...

"They are strong, you know. They know that there are many people out there who appreciate them. You dont have to worry" Leeteuk sits beside me.

How does he always know what Im thinking?

"Mothers always know" He winks at me.

My mouth falls agape at his comment. Leeteuk chuckles.

Wait, could I have said that out loud? And thats how he knew?

"Yup thats pretty much it" Leeteuk answeres.


"You sometimes think outside of your head, darlin"

Mental  facepalm.

"Hyung! Im hungry~" Henry complains.

"Yah, respect your elders!" Ryeowook yells back.


With that, every one starts to whine for food. Ryeowook huffs and slides his frail body off Heechul's lap, walking into the kitchen. I excuse myself from Leeteuk and follow him into the kitchen.

He walks over to the fridge, then stops as I block it. He looks at me questioningly.

"I'll cook tonight"

His eyes widen slightly.

"No, no. I've got this" He replies.

"I insist. Go and spend time with everyone else"

"Are you sure?" He questions.

"Absolutely. Not like I understand them anyways" I joke.

He laughs and pats my head. He takes off his apron and puts it over my head before securing it around my waist.

"Thankyou" He says from behind me.

I hear the relief in his voice and smile to myself. He leaves the kitchen and I start to dig around, trying to find something I can cook. I pull out my favorite recipe for cloud biscuits and start mixing the ingredients.

I pull at my shirt to try to get cooled off. Another wave of heat hits me as I open the oven to check the biscuits. I pull out a package of sausages from the fridge, pause, then pull another one out.


Another mad scramble as everyone sees me putting the plates on the table. ZhouMi and HanGeng are the last to make their way to the table, laughing and talking in what seems like Chinese along the way.

"To Henry and ZhouMi. Its great to have you guys here with us" Leeteuk toasts once again.

"We all really missed you guys." Ryeowook chimes in, also standing.

Henry turns to a confused ZhouMi and enlightens him on whats going on. He soon smiles too.

"Thankyou for letting us come" Henry says back, eyes landing on me.

"Yes... T-Thankyou.." ZhouMi says in broken English, smiling at me.

I smile back at both of them, ZhouMi in particular; letting him know that I understand him. He probably wouldnt understand if I said something instead.

"I hope everyone likes Canadian food"

Before I even finished my sentence, they were already digging in.


Kyuhyun follows me into the kitchen, bringing the rest of the dishes. I know he wont leave, so I dont bother arguing. He's the most stubborn person I've met. I guess this is our regular thing now. After drying the first of a massive pile of dishes, my mind somehow finds its way to the whole 'oppa madness'.

So far, its Eunhyuk, Donghae, Sungmin, Shindong, Kangin, Leeteuk and Ryeowook who I agreed to.

Siwon, Yesung, Kibum, HanGeng, Heechul, Kyuhyun, Henry, and Zhoumi, who seemed like they didnt quite care.

Well, ZhouMi and Henry---

"Can you call me oppa too?!"  Henry bursts through the door, interupting my thoughts.

Dang it! Who told him?!

"W-who told you?" I question, caught off guard.

The tap turns off behind me, and Im guessing Kyuhyun is now listening to the conversation. A smiling Donghae peeks into the kitchen, answering my previous question. I shoot him a half joking half serious glare and he immediately stops smiling, looking almost scared. He hides behind Eunhyuk, who also looks slightly worried, slightly... amused?

"So?!" Henry asks impatiently.

Everyone looks at me expectantly, and Im still deciding if I should or not.... Tension.

"Fine..." I say finally.

"HA! See, I told you she'd say yes!" Henry turns around, highfiving some of the members.

I roll my eyes and turn around to continue drying dishes.

"Why dont you go back and spend time with them? Its probably been a while since you were all together..."

Kyuhyun looks at me, shakes his head, then looks back down at the sink.

"Go on, there's not much left to do anyways" I try to persuade him.

He looks over to the still huge pile of dirty dishes then back to me with an 'are-you-serious-dont-lie-to-me' kind of face. I stand my ground though, and he shakes his head and goes back to washing the dishes. After he passes me a few more, I decide to do something that I want; for him to spend time with everyone else.

I turn off the tap while he's rinsing a dish. He looks at me with a surprised 'what-are-you-doing' face. I take the dish from his hands and gently put it back in the sink. Not letting a good opportunity go to waste, I take his shocked form and spin him around so he faces the living room. I try to push him, but his feet stick to the floor, making it near impossible for me to get what I want.

"Go and spend time with the members" I command in a low voice.

I put my hands on the middle of his back and use all the strength I can to send him out the door. Mission accomplished. I clap the imaginary dust off my hands and smile to myself in satisfaction. Turning back around, my mouth gapes open as I face the mess in front of me. I whine to myself, but step back to the sink anyways. I remind myself that I did the right thing and start to wash the dishes.

A burst of laughter flows through the house as I finish putting the last dish away. I boil the kettle and get out my favourite kitty mug. A few minutes pass and I take the tea bag out of the mug and put it in the garbage.

More laughter comes from the living room, and I smile to myself. I decide against joining them; it would probably be weird considering I dont know Korean or Chinese and someone would have to translate for us. I peek into the livingroom, mug in hand, and see that everyone is absorbed in a story that ZhouMi is telling. I smile again.

I tip toe against the wall and walk into my room so that they dont see me. Once in the safety of my own room, I close the door and look for something to do. I grab my drawing book, a pencil and my iPod and sit down on my bed. Putting on my Super Junior playlist, I open my drawing book. As I flip through it, I realize how many pictures I've drawn of HanGeng. I mean, he is my bias.but thinking about it... is it wrong to change biases? Or like someone more?

I scrap those thoughts for now and flip to a new page. The only face that comes to my mind is Kyuhyun...

"Aish, why am I thinking about him?"  I shake my head.





A/N: Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry for the late update TT_TT  I havent found the time to update recently even though I have it all writen out... I also have a short attention span and find it difficult to stay at the computer for so long.. Im like writing and then all of a sudden its like omg what was that and yeah..... ANYWAYS~ I will update soon please comment and let me know you are still with me! <3 Saranghae

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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3