Time to forget~

~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: Thankyou for all my loyal readers who have stayed with me all this time~ <3 saranghae!





Ahh.. Im really glad I agreed to come here. I've missed this place so much. On my way to the house, I stopped to get a few groceries to snack on and to make meals for later. Good thing the store isnt that long of a walk! Hmm what to do? Ah-ha! I get an idea and quickly hop in the shower. This shower isnt a "cleansing" shower, no, its more of a "gotta-shave-my-legs" kinda shower, you know? I know Im here alone and everything, but what girl doesnt wanna feel good when they go swimming or walk around in shorts? After about 15 minutes, I swear I didnt miss anything and climb out. I quickly change into my strapless, reversable, sapphire blue and white leoppard print bikkini, I grab a towel and go bare-foot down to the beach. Our beach isnt sandy like you'd expect, its really rocky for a bit, then theres is really muddy mud out there that I swear you would sink in if you stood in one place too long. Due to that, I took our boat ramp and practically dove right in. Now lets get something straight here. I am not a fan of cold water. AT ALL. But I really wanted to go swimming.. so I did the bravest thing ever and dove in. Brr.. Its a little chilly at first, then it feels so nice. Because its salt water, I open my eyes underwater. Theres no reefs or anything, but you do see the occasional fish, some crabs, and all sorts of little marine life when you reallly look. I've completely forgot about everything thats happened to me, and I guess I lost track of time too... Oooppss... Its already sunset! I better hurry!  Theres this place on our property that we like to call "Sunset point". You can see the sunset really well from there. 

I climb out of the water, "OUCH!" tripping on a rock in the process, and wrap myself in a towel before jogging to Sunset point to catch the last bit of sunset. I watch as the sky changes from blue to yellow, to orange to red to pink, and finally to the dark blue that stays the rest of the night. Dang, gotta remember my camera next time.. I mentally make a note and head back to the cabin to make dinner.

I make a simple dinner, just some fried potatoes and some noodles. As I sit down to eat, I get a message. 

"Who could that be...??" My face scrunched up in thought. Before I know it, my phone rings again, reminding me that I have a message. "Oopps" I check the message. Oh its mom! Ha, dont tell me shes worried already. It hasnt even been 24 hours! And guess what? she sends me this long text:

"Hey hunny! Its mommy. How are you doing? Did you arrive safely? Have you unpacked? Did you eat yet? Have you even got groceries yet?! Are you out? Did you remember to lock the doors when you went out? Is the money in a safe place? Are you warm enough? Love you!"

Dang... I replied with this:

"Hello mom! Im doing really well. Yes, I've arrived safely, I picked up groceries on the way, I've got everything unpacked, I just made dinner. I was out swimminng and I watched the sunset. Everything is going really well mom. Thankyou again for letting me come here. Dont worry about me ok? Love you too!"

*sigh* man, she can really be a worry wart~ but I love her, and I can understand why. I finish up my dinner, and quicky wash and dry the dishes. Sometimes I wish we had a dishwasher.. But then again, It wouldnt really be an experience without having to wash your dishes right? I laugh to myself as I remember asking, no begging my aunt to buy a dishwasher.. Good times, good times.


After what feels like forever, I finally yawn, signalling Im tired. I check the time and its---- WHAT!? ITS ONLY 8:30?! ARE YOU KIDDING?! Im never tired this early! I can usually stay up till like 12 or even 2:00 without yawning once! What is with me today? But my body knows best, so I grab my PJ's and head to the bathroom to change and wash my face and brush my teeth. As I lay in bed, something doesnt feel right. I glance around and try to think of the problem. A-Ha! I never put up my posters! How could I forget such an important detail!? I throw off my covers and get cracking. 

Suprisingly, It only took about 10 minutes to put them all up. I glance around again, and sigh with relief. It feels much more like home now. I crawl back to bed and turn off the lights without another thought. Off to my beloved dreamland~


A/N: Sorry its short. I just cant think of anymore right now... BUT DONT WORRY! I will think of something soon and update. I just want to say thankyou for all the comments and subscribers, and to all my silent readers. I used to be one of you!! Thankyou to people who message me and tell me their thoughts, and people who post on my wall. I love you all, saranghae! have sweet SJ filled dreams~

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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3