Chapter 2 (sorry, lame title)

~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: 3 subscribers already! thankyou all~ ^_^

HallyuGI: Thankyou! it means alot that you have read it! i will try to update as much as i can! :D





Its been a couple weeks and things have gone smoothly around my house. Right now, Im doing my chores to earn money. Why you ask? Theres this SUPER amazing store in Vancouver that I need to go to! It sells KPOP stuff!!! I plan on spending alot there :D

Oh, and did I mention that my birthday is coming up? IT IS! Im so excited! I already have my wish list, but saddly, most of them wont come true :(

  • Super Junior Albums/ Posters
  • Vacation to South Korea
  • Concert tickets

And thats pretty much it. The only thing I MIGHT get would be albums and stuff, but very unlikely:/ Curse my silly ranting.. I do that alot, so be prepared


~~~~~A couple hours later...~~~~~


"Mom! Im done! Im going for a walk okay?" I say as I put my shoes on

"Ok ok, just be safe! And dont be out too late!" Mom replied from the dinning room

I didnt even answer, and closed the door behind me. I start to think.

What on Earth could be so important that I cant know about it? I mean, since Im an only child, mom and I share everything..

And thats true, we do. But I cant help but feel hurt that she's not sharing with me... I got to the playground near my house and just sat on the swings slowely rocking back and forth. My music is on, and Im listening to Insomnia by Ryeowook.

Hmmm.. tsk tsk.. We all thought our precious Wookie was innocent.. I was thinking of how he danced during his solo. It only feels as if I was there for a couple minutes, but it turns out Ive been sitting here for an hour. The sun has already begun to set!

"Shoot!" I exclaim as I run back home.

The sweet aroma of food fills my lungs as I enter the house.

"Smells good mom, whats for dinner?"

"Chicken and rice, but it wont be ready for a while, so why dont you go up to your room?"

"Hmm ok" I say as I walk up the stairs. As I enter my room, I sit infront on my laptop and search up videos. I really want to learn how to dance a Super Junior song, but I dont know what one to choose! They all look so hard! And to be honest, I cant dance if my life depended on it!

"Bounce to you, Bounce to you nae gaseumeun neol, hyanghae jabhil sudo eobseul mankeum dwigeo ittneungeol." I heard my ringtone and immediately answered it. No, it wasnt a text, I dont have any friends really. It was a message saying that an ELF posted in a fancafe. I quickely searched it up. It said that Super Junior is getting ready for their concerts!

"Eeeeek!" I squealed my fangirl squeal and checked the SME webiste. But still nothing for concert dates. "DARN!" I shut my laptop in frustration and went downstairs for dinner.


**********************A couple weeks later***********************


For the past couple weeks, Ive been doing the normal routine. School, and chores. And it has been SO boring! But luckily, its almost over. Well, not ALMOST... but Im getting there.



A/N: sorry for the short chapter! please stay with me! And just so you know... In the next chapter Im going to skip ahead till the end of her school year so I can get on with the storyy.. If you dont like that idea, please let me know. and if you have any suggestions for the story PLEASE let me know by commenting or on my wall. Thankyou! Commenters, subscribers, and silent readers are loved!!!! <3

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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3