A little bit of frustration...

~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: Sorry I havent updated in a while....... SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!





I couldnt help but laugh at the scene infront of me. Leeteuk was desperatly trying to write something down, while Eunhyuk was harrassing him and begging him for something while Sungmin was trying to control and scold Eunhyuk..

my my...

I took a glance at the clock and realized it was just about 11 o'clock!

Oh my goodness, they must be tired! Jet-lag and just travelling to a new place in general! Aish.. Where are they going to sleep?!?

Thankfully, my 'savior' comes to the rescue once again.

"Guys, its getting late.... We should all get ready for bed. Now." Leeteuk says.

Everyone sighs and groans, but does what they are told. I get up off the couch and walk over to Leeteuk.

"Uhm.. I have no idea where everyone is supposed to sleep..." I say awkwardly.

"I thought you'd say that. I havent quite figured out the sleeping arrangments yet either, due to a monkey problem" He says.

We both Laugh.

"I was hoping maybe we could just crash out here for the time being? We wont be too loud, so you can sleep" He says, with a pleading look.

"Of course! Make yourselves at home." I say with a smile

"Good. Now, go get ready for bed" Leeteuk says, smiling.

He spins me around and gently pushes me in the direction of my room. Once I get into my room I look through my closet for PJ's.




"Guys, its getting late.... We should all get ready for bed. Now." Leeteuk-hyung says.

We all sigh and groan, but we get up anyways, knowing what punishments might follow if we didnt behave. Since we are all in our pajamas already, we just have to brush our teeth and wash our faces. I wait outside the bathroom because its too chaotic in there. I cant help but over-hear hyung's and Bree's conversation.

"Uhm.. I have no idea where everyone is supposed to sleep..." Bree says.

"I thought you'd say that. I havent quite figured out the sleeping arrangments yet either, due to a monkey problem" Hyung says.

I hear them both laugh.

"I was hoping maybe we could just crash out here for the time being? We wont be too loud, so you can sleep" He says

A camp out in the living room eh hyung? Why are you not inviting her?

"Of course! Make yourselves at home." Bree says.

"Good. Now, go get ready for bed" Hyung says to her with a smile.

He pushed her off to her room, but she didnt see me outside the bathroom. I walk over to hyung.

"Hyuuuuunnnngg" I whine, pulling my best aegyo.

"What is it Min? Why arent we talking in english? Youre supposed to be getting ready for bed"

"Whyyyyyy???" I whine again, ignoring all his questions.

"Why what?" Hyung says.

I can tell he's becomming a bit irritated... I bet he's really tired...

"Hyung, why cant she sleep out here with us?" I say, putting on my best pout

"Evesdropping Min? Tsk Tsk. Go get ready for bed." He says, waving finger at me and shaking his head.

"Hyuuunnng!" I whine again.

I do not like being ignored. Hyung sighs.

"Sungmin.. You must understand. Sure, it would be fun to bond with her and have her camp out with us, but she is probably most tired, mentally, out of all of us. She needs a good night's sleep. Please understand." He says, desperatly trying to make me understand.

This time its my turn to sigh. He's acting like a mother, as always. I've always admired that in him.

"Neh, hyung. I understand." I say and walk over to the bathroom.


After everyone has gotten ready for bed, all the hyungs gather out in the living room. Leeteuk walks in with a couple extra blankets and sleeping bags.

"Due to me not being able to figure out sleeping arrangments yet, we are going to sleep out here." Hyung tells everyone.

Some of the members look excited, some look dissapointed, and some seem not to give a crap. We all start to climb under the blankets and get comfortable.

"What do you think you are all doing?" Leeteuk-hyung says, with a bewildered look.

"Getting ready to sleep, what does it look like?" Kyuhyun-ah says, a little rudely.

I think we are all a little on the moody side right now. Leeteuk sends a glare at Kyuhyun while shaking his head.

"Dont you think we should at least say goodnight to the person who is nice enough to let us stay in her house?!" Hyung shouts.

"Yeah guys, come on." Hangeng-hyung says, standing up.

We all get up and make our way to Bree's room.




Once I found some PJ's:

(Something along the lines of this^^)

I waited for all the guys to be finished in the bathroom. Once they were done, I snuck in there and brushed my teeth and hair, then washed my face. I walked back into my room and sat in my bed, under the covers. I pulled out a book and started to read a bit.

(A/N: bold will also be sounds.. let me know if it becomes to comfusing..)

knock knock knock

"Come in" I say.

The door opens, and Leeteuk appears.

"Sorry to bother you, but do you have any extra blankets..? Its totally okay if you dont" He asks.

"Yes I do. Right in here" I say as I get out of bed and open my closet.

"How much do you need?" I ask him.

"As much as you can spare" He says.

I laugh a bit and hand him a couple blankets and sleeping bags.

"Is this enough? I can look for more.." I say

"Oh no, dont worry. This should be plenty. Thankyou" He smiles and leaves the room.

Once the door closes again, I climb back into bed and pick up my book. About three minutes into my book, I hear some chaos out in the living room. Of course, I cant understand it, because I think they are talking in Korean.. But I can tell something is wrong. Im about to get out of bed to check, but the yelling stops. I relax again and continue reading.

knock knock knock

What could it be this time?

"Its open" I say

Suddenly the door opens and everyone piles in. My eyes widen. Everyone comes and sits on my bed. Im suprised they all fit.. I put down my book, and I notice that Leeteuk didnt come with them.

"Uhm.. Hi?" Is all I manage to say.

"We just came in to say goodnight!" Shindong says.

Everyone nods their heads. I smile.

"Well, goodnight then~" I say

Sungmin climbs off the bed and runs over to my side of the bed and gives me a hug.

"Goodnight Bree!" He says

I giggle and hug him back. Suddenly everyone, well mostly everyone, comes over for a group hug. Which in the end turns out to be more of a dog pile on me.  I hear someone clear their throat. We all let go and look at the door, where Leeteuk and Heechul are standing.

"Guys, please get to bed. Now." He says.

I got a weird feeling from Heechul.. You know how you can tell if something is off about someone? Yeah, thats what Im feeling from him. I shake it off and wave goodbye to the members as they exit the room. Heechul follows them, but Leeteuk comes in my room to beside me and sits on the edge of my bed.

"You should get to bed too. You need a good sleep." He says in his 'mother' tone.

I just nod my head. He gets up to leave.

"Leeteuk" I say to get his attention.

He stops walking and comes back over to my bed and sits down.


"Are...Are you okay?" I ask.

Leeteuk sighs.

"Yes. Just tired I suppose.. Maybe a bit frustrated? Im not sure to be honest" He replies honestly

"Im here if you ever need to talk to someone..." I offer.

"Thats very nice of you.. But I cant burden you with my problems. I'll leave you to sleep now." He gets up again.

"Do you want a bed to sleep in? Its probably alot better than the floor." I say just before he starts walking away.

"I think I will be okay for tonight. Thankyou though." He says with a small smile.

I can tell he's lying, but I decide not to push it. I dont want to make him more upset. He comes over to me and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight Bree" He says.

"Goodnight" I reply back.

Once he exits the room and the door closes, I turn off my lamp and snuggle into bed.




A/N: Sorry its super short... I will update soon, and hopefully ZhouMi and Henry will come!!!!! Yay! please comment and subscribe

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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3