Seoul, Here I Come, right..?

~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: omo guys.. i just want to appologize really bad. im such a horrible unnie/dongsaeng >_< i know i havent updated in FOREVER. and for that i greatly appologize. no amout of apology will ever be enough! for one thing, ive had a rough time lately.. lots of problems.. and school too! awful stuff~ ANYWAYS. i do have lots planned so im going to update a couple chapters~~ and again *on knees* please forgive me! 

*PLEASE NOTE! i decided to change the POV from yours to mine. i do apologize but i think it would make it easier for me to write that way. also note that i will not change the beggining of the story to my POV. her name will also be changed to Bree. again, i am really sorry for any inconvinience..




OMO OMO OMO!!!! I actually cannot believe that in a couple hours I will be on a plane to freaking SOUTH KOREA! That has been on my dream list for the longest time! Ahhh~ life couldnt get better!

About an hour later, mom calls saying its time to go. She barely finished her sentance and I was down there with my bags.

"Ready ma'am!" I say putting my hand up to my face making a salute

"psssh whatever.." she replies and pushes me out the door


~at the airport~


I cant stop thinking of everything we can do while we are there. Sightseeing, the concert, trying all the food, the concert.. oh and did I mention the concert?! Ahh its been on my mind FOREVER. This time yesterday I would have never believed this was possible. 

*Ding Ding DIng* "Can all the passengers of flight 4960 to South Korea please make their way to the boarding gate 35 for an announcement. Thats all passengers on flight 4960 to gate 35 for an announcement. Thankyou. *Ding Ding Ding*


"WAH mom! THATS US!" Im practically yelling as I grab our stuff from the seats we are sitting in so we can go.

"Alright alright, hun calm down~" She rolls her eyes at me and grabs her stuff.

Were heading to gate 35 with all the other passengers, and none to my supprise, alot of them are what looks like koreans, with a few other white people like me~ 

They must be headed to the show. I think with a small smile

As soon as we get to the gate, mom ushers me to sit and stay with the stuff, while she goes to find out what the announcement is. I agree, even though I know inside me that the announcement is important and I REALLY wanna know what it is..  *sigh* Oh well. Man, it seems like they are taking forever, and I cant even hear the slightest murrmer.. wait... 

"What?! Why?!" I hear people saying in what sounds like a frustrated voice. This is making me curious. I wanna know whats wrong. Mom comes over to me. 

"Whats wrong? What is the announcement?" I ask in a weary tone, aware of the sounds of frustration I hear from the people.

"Hun, why dont we get something to eat and I'll tell you there?" She says in her gentle voice. 

Why is she talking like that...? "Oh okay." I reply and pick up my things. We head to Tim Hortons, the closest AirPort food station we could find, and I sit with the stuff again while she grabs us food. I think in my head of everything the announcement could be of.. Bad weather? I look outside. Nope. What could be wrong? The plane is delayed? I glance at the screen that tells you the flight status. Hmm. Flight 4960.. It WAS delayed, but it says it should be in now. What the heck is the problem? Why is everyone frustrated? I snap out of my thoughts when I see my mother, who appears to have seen the troubled look on my face, but remains to have her gentle face on.




Should I tell her now? I really hope she will be ok..




I raise my brow at my mom expectantly as Im waiting for her to tell me the news. She took the hint and suddenly looks troubled. Im about to ask her "whats wrong" but she opens and murrmers the very words I never wanted to hear in my whole life. The words litterally crushed me. My vision suddenly goes blurry. I feel myself falling, litterally.




I have to tell her, I cant keep it in any longer.

"The flights cancelled, we arent going to Korea anymore. Hunny Im so sorry." I murrmer with my head down, but I guess she heard. I glance up and see her face. She has no expression, but her face is pale white, you'd think shes a vampire. Her eyes suddenly fill with tears and the second one falls down her face, she fell. She fell off her chair and just lay still on the ground. In a flash I find myself beside her. My poor daughter, what have I done? What can I do? Her dreams, ruined..




I cant breathe. I just lay there, I cant comprehend whats happening. This is not happening. This cannot be happening to me. Those sentences are going through me head repeatedly. I feel myself being picked up by what I think is my mom, but I cant tell. I feel paralized. My mom holds me on the ground and attempts to soothe me. But it doesnt work. I can just imagine people walking by, staring. Probably even laughing. Thinking, what the hell is wrong with them? And maybe even taking pictures to put on the internet. But I dont care, I dont care anymore. Nothing matters to me anymore. My life is ruined. Theres nothing to live for. 


A/N: sorry its short. there are more updates comming, as promised!


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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3