A sleep deprived morning~

~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: Its been a long time.. hasnt it? I apologize T_T School is just being a pain. Please stay with me a little longer? 


PS. The picture is how Leeteuk looks in the morning.. minus the suit XD





Wow. What a wonderful sleep! Okay, that was a total over statement. That was the worst sleep I've had in ages. Between Kibum, Kangin, and Hangeng snoring; Kyuhyun, Yesung, Donghae, and Heechul sleep talking; and Shindong letting one rip every couple minutes... I DONT THINK I EVEN GOT TWO HOURS OF SLEEP. 

Okay.. Calm down. Breathe in, breathe out... 

I wake up, well more like get up because technically I was already awake, I walk into the kitchen to find Siwon already awake.

"Goodmorning Hyung! Did you sleep well?" He asks in English.

Should I lie, to spare him my troubles?

"Yes. Fabulous sleep.I reply, sitting at the table with him.

"Hyung... I can see the bags under your eyes, you are a terrible liar. How much sleep do you think you got...?"

"Ugh, I dont even think I got two hours worth."

"Hyung.. Im sorry to hear that. I wish I knew where the coffee pot was, so I could make us both some. I havent even read any newspapers today."

I sigh, but find myself unable to feel sorry for him. Usually I would be all over making sure he had his morning coffee and his English newspapers to read. Not today. I dont think I've been this sleep deprived since the early trainee days, and its taking its toll to early in the morning. 

I hear groaning from the members, and a couple death threats (probably from Kyuhyun) comming from the living room. I then take a moment to pray to God that none of the members wake Heechul. He can be a total B**** in the morning if you wake him. Imagine a rude and mean Heechul, then times that by a billion, and thats how he is in the morning if you wake him. Even though I almost beat him to a pulp last night for keeping me awake, I am an exception. He has to be nice to me, though sometimes he isnt.

Kyuhyun is the worst though. Dont even get me started. He may seem like a cute maknae, but if he doesnt get his own way, and even just because, he is like a four year old toddler.

I just sit there with Siwon, who is looking out the window, and wait for the members to wake up more and join us. I hope Ryeowook will come soon so he can make us breakfast and maybe he will know where the coffee pot is. 

Just to all our luck, Ryeowook comes out, rubbing his eyes sleepily. 

"Goodmorning Hyungs" He says as he walks over to the table. 

"Morning" I greet in a nonchalant tone. 

Im trying my best to maintain my leader-like attitude, even though my body is screaming at me to shut my eyes so I can sleep. I contemplate finding a spare room with a bed to do just that. 

The rest of the members, including Heechul, come out of the living room. Some of them look like they had a good sleep, good for them. Heechul seems to be one of those people. Thank God, because I just cannot deal with any attitude right now. I might explode. 

"I think everyone is hungry.. So should I start breakfast? Or should we wait for Bree to join us?" Ryeowook asks with a yawn.

Shoot.. I totally forgot about her.. But Im so hungry. Ottoke?

"I suppose we should wait" I say.

My mind is once again yelling at me, but this time also for food. 

Aish, she better hurry and wake up.

I fold my arms on the table, and put my head face down, using my arms as a pillow. I feel myself getting extremely sleepy.

A few minutes couldnt hurt, right?

I close my eyes and relax. And just to my luck....

"Hyung! Stop it! I didnt mean to! Im sorry! Hyung!!" I hear a terrified squeel comming from Sungmin

"No! You arent sorry! Dont lie to me!!" Kyuhyun says.

I can tell he is sort of joking, but poor Sungmin doesnt know that. I would go over there and do something about it, but I am too exausted. Fortunatly for me, Sungmin runs over and pulls my shoulders, yanking me off my 'pillow', and uses me as a shield. 

"Hyung! Help mee!

"Leave me out of this" I say and try to lie back down.

"No hyung! You are the only one who can stop him!

I close my eyes and take a deep sigh, trying to stop my anger from comming out. After all, he hasnt done anything wrong.

"Sungmin, he is just kidding with you." I say in my best calm voice. 

"Jin-jja?! AISH! CHO KYUHYUN! You are so dead!" He yells.

I could hear Kyuhyun laughing from the living room. Sungmin lets go of me and runs off to kill him. 

Good. With him going to be gone soon, that means less attitude around the dorms.

"AH! Hyung! Please sto--- OUCH! HYUNG! IM SOR--- OUCH!!" This time its Kyuhyun saying sorry.

Kyuhyun never really says sorry, a trait of his I really dispise. Its times like these that I am truely glad Sungmin knows martial arts. 

"Ugh what is all this noise?!" Bree says, comming into view.

She rubs her eyes and yawns. I try my hardest not to yell back at her and tell her to stop making so much noise, but after all, she hasnt done anything wrong either. That would also be very rude of me. After a few minutes of arguing with myself, I then realize what she is wearing. I find myself looking away, though my mind is telling me to keep looking. What exactly is she wearing? The shortest pajama shorts EVER, and very tight fitting tanktop... I glance at Siwon, then to Ryeowook and to the other members that are in the doorway to the livingroom. We all seem to have a similar expression. Some, like the more erted ones *cough cough* Hyukjae *cough cough*, are staring with different interests.. Please excuse me while I gag..

I notice the more innocent ones, like Donghae, Ryeowook, and Sungmin, looking away and blushing. Good kids. Bree finally notices that we are all quite and that we are all staring at her. Her eyes scan over everyone, then she looks down and realizes what she is wearing. A blush creeps up on her face and she uses her arms to cover herself slightly. She clears slightly.

"Excuse me..." She half whispers and creeps out of the room.

Everyone stays shocked for a moment after she leaves. I clear my throat and give a half glare to each of them, shaking my head. They all snap out of it and bow their heads. 

"Go and get dressed so we can eat" I tell them. 

Everyone, including myself, goes to get changed. Some of the members use a spare room that our bags are in, while some use the washroom. I grab my clothes and wait until everyone else is done so I can use the bathroom. After about fifteen minutes, I cant stand to wait any longer. I walk up to the bathroom door and knock. 

The door opens and Bree's face meets mine. She has her toothbrush in . She walks back towards the sink, spits in it, then comes back to face me. I notice she has changed into different shorts, still the same length but not pajama ones, and a t-shirt.

"Im sorry, you want the bathroom right? Its all yours" She says, standing to the side so I can walk in.

"No no, I can wait for you to finish." I politly say.

"No its okay, I promise. I can use the kitchen sink or something." She says, leaving the bathroom.

Before I get the chance to say anything more, she gently closes the door, as to say 'end of conversation'. 

Tsk tsk.. Silly girl.

I shake my head and begin to change my clothes. I walk over to the sink and turn the water on until it gets as cold as it will go. I cup my hands underneathe the tap and let the water fill my hands until it's just about to spill. Without taking a second though about it, I quickly bring my hands up to my face, letting the cold water greet my warm skin like a slap in the face. I repeat the process a couple more times until I feel that my skin is just about to get frostbite. Keeping my eyes closed, I turn off the tap and stick my hand out in various directions until I find a towel. Finally, the soft warm towl greets my skin in a nicer way.

I check myself once more in the mirror after putting on a bit of cover up to hide my remaining eye bags.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I go to the kitchen. All of my dongsaengs, except Bree and Ryeowook, are pressing themselves against the huge windows to see outside. Either they dont see the sliding door thats right there, or they are just scared to go outside...

I look around the cottage. I dont know why, but I never noticed how open it is. You can basically see into every room from where ever you are standing and the walls are mostly windows, as to let in as much natural light as possible. I exhale in admiration before walking into the kitchen. 

Bree is setting the table, and Im guessing Ryeowook is cooking because it smells delicious. I can feel my stomach wanting to growl, so I cross my fingers, hoping it wont. Seems like that idea isnt going to work, so I walk over to the living room and start to tidy up a bit. I busy myself in hopes that my stomach will get distracted and wont make any noise. 

"Food!" Ryeowook yells.

Perfect timing

My stomach growls a bit, as Im back to thinking about food. You can barely hear it though, thankfully, due to all the comotion for food. I sit down at one of the only spots left. A mug is gently placed in front of me, and I look up to see Bree.

"Im sorry I didnt think to leave the coffee pot out last night.. I dont know what I was thinking" She says, with a troubled look

"Its okay, dont sweat it." I say, feeling more awake after I take a sip.

"How did you know how I like it?" I look up to her with an impressed smile.

It was then that I noticed she had makeup on. Nothing too elaborate, just simple eyeliner, and a touch of cover up. Just perfect for her.

"Secret" She says with a cute wink.

She walks around the table over to Siwon and places another mug infront of him. After a short, and what looks like sweet, conversation with him she stands up.

"Anyone else?" She asks.

"Extra sweet for me" Kyuhyun says as he raises his hand and winks towards Bree.

"Tcch yeah, because you are so bitter and evil right?" She jokes

"I prefer the term mischievious" He says and laughs with her.

Im quite suprised. Kyuhyun usually isnt the socializing type, especially with new people. He's usually on his PSP, which he some how stole back from me.. Im glad he's behaving though, and not being mean to her.

Bree walks around the table, placing plates of food infront of everyone, and refilling cups of coffee and orange juice for the 'kids'. Ryeowook finally comes to the table and joins us, making Bree sit down too. 

I look down towards my plate to see what Im about to eat. It was all served for us in the kitchen so there is no hastle in trying to serve ourselves, and this way it is all equal. 

I see a variaty of things. The first thing that catches my eye, and my stomach, is the pancakes. Kimchi, Jijimji (vegetable), and Seafood pancakes by the smell of it. The smell of the grilled chicken gets to my nose and I can feel my stomach threatening to make noise if I dont feed it this instant. I comply.

After a couple bites of chicken and pancakes, I finally realize that there are two bowls infront of me. I lift my head a bit to see whats inside. Rice, not to my suprise, and kongnamul guk (soybean sprout soup). I feel my stomach urging me to taste it. We havent had this in a while, and come to think of it, we havent been treated to so much food in such a long time. 

Bree gets up and starts walking around the table, taking everyones dishes. Kyuhyun, once again, gets up and helps her. 

What is with him these days?

She didnt see him though. She walks into the kitchen and unloads her arms full of dishes into the sink. He walks in shortly after clearing the rest of the dishes. 

"You again?!" She yells jokingly, probably after seeing him. 

"Yes, me again! Problem?!" He yells back, jokingly.

How can they have such a weird relationship in such a short amount of time?

"Why, thankyou for asking! I DO have a problem.... WITH YOU." 

"Oh no, I am so hurt. I might just go cry" He says in a sad sarcastic voice. 

"Good." She says, and I can imagine her sticking her tounge out at him.

Kyuhyun does a dramatic gasp.

All of us still at the table share weird glances.

"They are joking, right..?" Ryeowook asks.

"What kind of a relationship do they have...?" Donghae wonders with a pout.

"HEY! Not again!!" She whines.

"Awe, are you going to go cry now?" He teases her.

"Oh yeah, totally." 

"OUCH!" Kyuhyun yells

"HA! Hows that for someone who hits like a girl?!" 

She punched him?! Good job~

"I hate you" Kyuhyun says.

"Dont worry, the feelings mutual" She replies. 

It seems that Kyuhyun has finally met his 'sharp tounged' match.

All of us finally get up from the table and walk over to the living room, leaving Bree and Kyuhyun to 'argue'. 

They come out of the kitchen smiling and talking to eachother. They notice us and come to join us. We sit in silence for a couple minutes, each trying to think of something to start a conversation with.

"Its too deep... Im too crazy for you... You stole my heart... I cant take my eyes off you in the cramped club... I want to hold out my hand and hold yours... Can you give it up?" Donghae starts to quietly sing 'Club No. 1', but we can all hear it.

"Going like this, It'll be too late. Theres no time... You'll miss the chance. You dont have time." Sungmin joins in on his part.

"One more step... I want to hold out my hand and hold yours... Can you give it up?" I sing my part, and by this time we are singing louder.

"Although its the first time seeing you," Ryeowook sings

"Although its awkward," Kangin sings right after. 

"Be my number one," Ryeowook sings in English

"I want you," Kangin says, again right after Ryeowook

"I cant think" Ryeowook sings

"I cant gather up the courage" Kangin sings

"I just want you in my heart" Ryeowook ends their 'rally'

"You make me go crazy, and you make it hard to breathe" We all sing together.

"Dizzy, my heart is going to burst... My heart is filled to the rim at the thought of you" Kyuhyun sings

"You make me go crazy, make me become trapped in you. Take this burning love, " We all sing again.

"Let me be your man for tonight" Yesung sings
"Me, who wants to be the man thats plentiful in the world..." Eunhyuk takes his turn
"That has a wide heart, trust me... I want to hold just you... Can you give it up?" Kyuhyun sings again
"Talking foolishly..." Yesung starts
"Because Im a man," Sungmin sings in rally
"I gather up the courage," Yesung sings
"And talk to you" Sungmin goes again
"My excited heart" Yesung takes his turn
"Thats fluttering" Sungmin sings
"Has always wanted this feeling" Yesung finishes their 'rally'
"You make me go crazy, and you make it hard to breathe" We all sing in chorus
"Dizzy, my heart is going to burst" Donghae sings
"My heart is filled to the rim at the thought of you" Kangin sings after
"You make me go crazy, make me become trapped in you. Take this burning love" Everyone sings together
"Let me be your man for tonight" Ryeowook sings his part
Everyone looks at Bree, expecting her to sing Lee Yeon Hee's part. She realizes why we are looking at her, and her face goes red. She puts her hands out in front of her and shakes them, telling us that she isnt going to sing. 
"Im sorry... Even though I like you, I cant trust a man's sincerity. Try getting my heart so its not light...." We all turn to see Eunhyuk standing up singing in an aweful girly voice.
"Putting more sincerity into it.... Love that feels right" Donghae stands up and sings the line together with him, holding on to Eunhyuk weirdly
"Continuing to wait like this, if I open my heart once in fear that I'll let you go.  I can be the right one yeaah" Donghae sings on one knee, as if proposing to Eunhyuk. Bree laughs.
"You make me go crazy, and you make it hard to breathe." We sing the chorus again
"Just wanna talk to you" Ryeowook sings
"My burning heart" Kyuhyun takes his turn
"Wanna get me a kiss, make me become trapped in you. I cant contain it like water thats been spilt." We all sing together
"Let me be your man for tonight" Ryeowook sings
"Just wanna talk to you...." Yesung sings, adding in his own bit of vocals
"Talk to you" And finally, Ryeowook finishes the song.
(A/N: if you havent heard this song, its called 'Club No. 1' and it would probably be easier to read that whole thing if you played it before hand so you know the tune or something? IDK   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q47QAVYPrgQ  listen to it!!! XD )
I watched Bree the whole time we sang. It looked as though she was a little shocked at first, then became excited and nervous and confused and every emotion possible all at once. At the end of the song she begins to bounce up and down on the couch and clap excitedly. 
"WAHH THAT WAS SO GOOD oh my gosh!" She continues bouncing.
We all laugh and smile at her, and the fact that she gets so excited and weird after we sing to her. Well, I guess she is a pretty big fan..
"You knew the lyrics and translations, didnt you?" I smile at her.
She turns to me and smiles.
"Oh course! I know all-- wait.. Im pretty sure I know all of your songs and their translations and when they came out and if any of you wrote them or composed them and---- wanna see something?" She pauses her rant in mid-sentence and looks at us expectantly.
A couple of the members exchange glances, probably wondering if something is wrong with her or what she's planning on showing us. I myself have a feeling what she's going to show us. I wait for the members to respond.
"I'd love to" Kibum speaks up and flashes his killer smile at her.
I notice a slight shade of pink creep up on her cheeks before she smiles wider and stands up.
"Follow me" She says and waves for everyone to follow her.
We all stand and she leads us to her room.
I was right!
She opens her door and waves us over to sit on her bed. Good thing she has a queen size or else we wouldnt have been able to all fit.
"I have more at home, but I couldnt fit all of them into my bag..." She trails off, referring to her posters.
No one says anything, rather, we all look around at all the posters. The walls are covered, and so is most of the ceiling. Ryeowook gets up off the bed and walks over to one of the posters. One from the early days. He uses his finger and traces over each person in the picture. He smiles when he gets to the end.
"13" He says quietly, but I think we all heard.
"Yeah, I like that one too. I've had it for a long time, and I would look at it alot when you guys had complications...." Bree sniffles a little bit.
When I look at her face, her eyes are filled with tears. Mine do too, and I notice some of the members are the same. Our complications...
Bree takes a deep breath.
"Im sorry.. I killed the mood" She says quietly.
"What is it you were going to show us?" I urge her on, changing the topic.
She snaps back to reality.
"Oh, right!" She exclaims.
The dashes over to her bedside table and pulls a book out of the drawer. Her hand is covering the title. She walks over to us and Ryeowook sits back down on the bed beside Sungmin. Bree hands the book to Siwon and takes a step back.
I look at the cover. There are small pictures of our albums and different photoshoots we have done. The title is 'Super Junior Song Book', in both Korean and English. Im impressed.
Siwon opens it to the first page. Theres a table of contents listing all our albums we have ever made, including the sub-groups. He flips the page. Twins. Our debut song. English lyrics, all hand-writen. On the back of the page, it says information like what album, who wrote or composed it, and stuff like that.
We flip through some more pages, making a few comments here and there. We realize all the songs are in order of how they came out. We get to the end, and I notice that there is no back to the book. I look up to Bree, and it seems she notices what Im thinking.
"The book isnt done" She says.
But it has every song we've done already...
She read my mind again.
"Im sure there are still more songs to add later on, right? You guys arent done yet...." She says softly.
"Of course" Eunhyuk says confidently
"We will continue going until the whole world is covered in an ocean of sapphire blue" I say
"And even more after that" Yesung reassures her
A soft smile comes on to her face after what we said. She looks around her room again, admirring all her posters. The room goes quiet. I check my watch, 12:37. 
"So... Whats the plan for today?" Kangin asks, probably forgetting that Bree doesnt understand.
I notice her look over at us, and her eyes land on me. A small pout comes across her face.
"He is just wondering what the plan for today is. And I myself am also wondering..." I tell her
Her face changes to a cute thinking face, then she brightens up.
"Well, I was just thinking I could show you around since its your first day... Or we could go to a beach thats close by, or we could go for a hike-- no its too late in the day for that... We could go up to the pond, or... I dont know, its up to you guys" She responds
"I'd like to see the place"  Siwon says.
"Me too!" Donghae agrees.
Everyone nods their heads in agreement. I notice Heechul not paying much attention. I decide to just shake it off, theres got to be a good explanation for it.
Bree clasps her hands together excitedly.
"Alright! Everyone make sure you are ready, we will leave in 3 minutes!" She turns to leave.
"Oh! And dont forget sunscreen, its really hot outside." She reminds us
She walks out of the room, and we all get off the bed.
"You heard her, get ready boys" I urged them, pushing a couple of them out the door.
I walk out the door following Donghae and Yesung. I bump into Bree, who is just comming out of the bathroom with what looks like sunscreen.
"Ouch!" She squeals.
I catch her waist before she falls into the wall behind her. She opens her eyes slowly and looks at me. I can just tell we are in the most awkward position.
(Kinda like this, but less intimate....like, they were that close, but her hand isnt on his face, and yeah..)
I clear my throat and stand up straight, pulling her up with me. 
"Im sorry" I say.
"Its okay, it was my fault." She replies.
I then mentally facepalm myself for accidentaly using Korean. But thankfully she knew what I said.
"Are you okay?" I ask her, slightly looking her over for bruises.
"Yeah, but if you didnt catch me... It could have been worse." She half jokes.
I smile back at her and pick up the sunscreen she dropped in the process. She takes it from me and slightly bows before walking over to the glass doors that lead to the deck. The doors that everyone was pressed up against earlier this morning. She walks outside and goes over to the picnic table before she starts to apply the sunscreen. I go and make sure Im completely ready.
After Bree showed us her room, I quickly went to get ready for our tour of the whole property. I walk into the spare bedroom where all our bags are and close the door behind me. I lock it too, just to make sure no one comes in. I slowly take off my shirt, afraid that someone will walk in at any moment. I dont want anyone to see my scars. As soon as my shirt is off, I quickly grab a random shirt from my bag. 
Oh yay.. Pink...
"Ouch!" I hear a small scream comming from out side the room. 
I quickly unlock the door in a panic to see if anyone is hurt. And no, Im not caring... I just thought maybe Bree was hurt.... END OF STORY. 
To my suprise, Teukie-hyung and Bree are in the awkwardest position if you didnt see the whole thing, like me. I have no clue what happened. It seems like they dont know that Im here... I just listen to what they are saying. They both stand up.
"Im sorry" Hyung appoligizes in Korean
Yah, stupid, did you forget she doesnt know Korean?
"Its okay, it was my fault" She replied. 
I guess its a pretty basic thing to know 'Im sorry'. She probably knows more than we think..
"Are you okay?" He asks her.
"Yeah, but if you didnt catch me... Its could have been worse" She half jokes.
Hyung smiles and picks up the suncreen and gives it to her. Bree slightly bows before walking away. I quickly hide behind the door before Teukie-hyung sees me. I know he gets embarrassed easily, so maybe I will bug him about it later... KKK~
After a couple minutes of waiting, I slowly open the door. 
Coast is clear
I walk out like nothing happened and go into the living room. I sit on the couch and wait for everyone else.
"Hey, you!" I hear a whisper
I decide to ignore it, because I can.
"Yah! Pabo!" The voice sounds again.
This time I look because no one can get away with calling me pabo!
I see Bree standing out on the deck with her head peeking inside the door. I raise an eyebrow at her.
"I need... Help" She says finally
I stand up and walk over to her. She opens the door more so I can walk through it. I pull it behind me so its almost closed. I follow her over to the table at the edge of the deck, wondering what she needs my help with. She hands me the bottle of sunscreen. I take it, confused.
"I need some... on my back..." She trails off. 
I just nod my head, feeling nervous for some reason.
Come on, its not like she's going to take off her shirt or anything..
She turns around and takes off her shirt, revealing her perfect skin and and the back of her string bikini.
She brings her shirt infront of her and uses it almost like a shield over her chest, like she thinks Im going to do stuff to her. I decide to clear the awkward air.
"Im going to have to remember this for the future" I say
"What?" She says, sounding alittle shocked
"The fact that you asked for MY help" I
"Yah, the only reason I asked for you to help me is because everyone else was busy. And I dont really want someone like Eunhyuk helping me with this." She explains.
Makes sence. That ert monkey.
"Suuuuuuure" I decide to keep teasing her.
She scoffs and the conversation drops there. I finish rubbing the sun lotion on her back and she puts her shirt back on.
"Thanks, pabo" She pats my shoulder before walking past me.
"Oh, and nice pink shirt" She says sarcasticly over her shoulder.
Im about to yell something back at her, but she walks inside before I get the chance.
She comes back out, this time with spray-on sunscreen and the rest of the members. Everyone files outside.
"Alright, help eachother put on sunscreen. Because, believe me, you dont want to get burned." She says and hands Yesung-hyung the sunscreen.
Theres a big commotion over who is going to spray who. Eventually, Teukie-hyung gets everyone into a line and sprays them all, with me being last. 
"Yesung-ah!" Hyung calls.
Yesung-hyung walks over to him. He grabs the spray from Leeteuk and starts to spray him. Everyone goes and sits on the picnic table when we are ready.
I can feel the heat getting to me already, even though we are in the shade.
"Is everyone ready?" Bree asks
Leeteuk stands up.
"One" he says.
"Two" Heechul says, sounding bored out of his mind
"Three" Hankyung-hyung says with a thick accent
"Four" Yesung calls out
"Five" Kangin says, a little louder than necissary
"Six" Shindonggie says
"Seven" Sungmin says while doing un-necissary aegyo
"Eight" Eunhyuk calls out him number
"Nine" Donghae says, raising a hand
"Ten" Siwon calls, doing weird gestures
"Eleven" Ryeowook calls out in a a small voice
"Twelve" Kibum-hyung says, also quietly
"Thirteen" I finish
Bree looks confused and upset for a moment, but seems to shake it off and smile. I make a mental note to ask her about it later.
She waves at us, telling us to follow her. We comply. Everyone kind of walks in groups. Ryeowook and Sungmin; Eunhyuk and Donghae; Siwon, Heechul and Hankyung; Leeteuk and Yesung; Kibum, Shindong, and Kangin; and then theres me.. I contemplate joining someones conversation, but decide against it.
We start to walk away from the cabin and down a path about three people wide. Since Im still alone in the back, I take in the scenery. People might not know this, but I actually love the outdoors. Not as much as my beloved Star Craft though.
I notice that there is a lot of vegetation here. If you look deep enough, you can see all sorts of different plants and colours. We come to a small open field.
"This is what we call the 'Volleyball field'. Dont ask me why, because I dont know either" She says and laughs a little.
I look around before we start moving again. Everything is green, except the grass.
"Any questions before we move on?" She asks and looks at us.
I raise my hand, wanting to ask the question thats been on my mind since we started. 
"Yes Kyuhyun?" She looks at me.
"Does it rain alot here?" I ask.
Yes. That is the question I've been wondering about. Dont laugh, because I am just curious okay? IM A CURIOUS CHILD.
"Thats a good question. Since we are right on the ocean, we do get alot of rain, but its more during the fall and winter. In the summer its usually hot and dry, making alot of things go brown" She answers.
I nod my head slightly and give her the 'ok' sign.
"Any other questions?" She asks.
Everyone shakes their heads. She nods her head slightly and waves us to follow her again. I walk a bit faster than everyone else, ending up at the front with Bree.
"Well, hello there Kyuhyun" She looks at me with a smile.
I just smile back. We come to a more narrow pathway, about two people wide. I think it would be wider if she trimmed back the bushes and branches that stuck out.. Just before the path there is a small bridge, and to the left of it, you can see part of a beach past some tall grass.
She doesnt seem to have anything to say about this part, so we just keep going. I didnt realize I was watching her until I ran into a branch. A thorny branch.
"AH" I yelp slightly.
"Oh, Kyuhyunnie! Are you hurt?" She looks at me with a bit of shock.
I tuck my arm behind me before she can look at it.
"Neh, gwenchana--er.. Its okay!" I reply
Wait.. What did she call me?
"Hey, what did you call me?" I ask her with a smirk before she starts walking again.
"Uhm.. Kyuhyun, duh..." She says.
She quickly turns back to walking, so I jog a bit to catch up with her.
So she has a nickname for me already? KKK
I decide not to bug her about it more, even though I really want to. Maybe later... 
"OMO! Look at this!!"
I turn around to see Eunhyuk and Donghae, and well, the rest of the members, all looking at something. I turn to Bree, who is also looking. She has a slight pouty/confused face.
Is everyone forgetting she is here?!
I feel myself get slightly angry, then I feel sorry for her. I think I will teach her Korean while Im here.
"Come. They want you to look at something" I pull her wrist.
She lets me pull her, and we go over to where the hyungs are.
"Look! Its a raspberry!!" Donghae says, about to pick it.
"DONT!" Bree yells.
Everyone looks at her. She sighs, maybe a sigh of relief?
"Its not a raspberry.. Its and unripe blackberry, and it would be extremely sour if you ate it." She explains to Donghae, and the rest of us.
Tccch even I knew that
Donghae looks embarrassed. Looks like I have yet another person to bug later on.
"Come on, lets keep going. And feel free to ask any questions along the way." She tells us.
We come to the end of the pathway, and walk into a huge open field that has a hill at the end. The field is maybe twenty times bigger than the other one. Theres one big tree in the middle with a trampoline under it, and a few other small trees along the edges. I notice another cabin at the top of the hill, noticably bigger than the one we are at.
"Whats that house?" Sungmin-hyung asks.
"Oh, thats the 'main house'. My aunt stays there when she comes, and rents out the other cabin when Im not here." Bree replies.
Theres a couple 'oohs' from the members. She leads us a little farther into the field.
"Over here is the ramp to one of the docks" She points to her left.
"And over here," She walks to her right.
"Is the garden" She says.
She shows us a fair sized garden with a fence around it. She checks her watch and leads us up the hill towards the big cabin. Instead of stopping there, we walk towards another ramp.
"This is the main dock, where we keep the boat and all the fishing gear and such" She tells us like a tour guide.
I hear the hyungs talking amoungst themselves, in Korean, wondering when we are going to be able to go on the boat and other useless stuff like that. I hear a sigh and look over to Bree. She has that sad lost puppy look, and it makes me upset. 
"Alright... Uhm..." She trailes off.
There are hints of sadness in her voice, no one pays attention, and while no one else is looking, she wipes away a tear. She takes a big breath and quickly recovers, though I can tell its still there. 
"Follow me guys" She says, trying to be cheerful.
The members bring their attention back to her, as if nothing even happened.
Aissh, sometimes they have no brains
She leads us back to the top of the hill and then around the side of the house. I jog up to her side. I put my arm around her shoulders, and I feel her tense up for a moment before she relaxes again. We walk in silence as we go around the the back of the house and down another small hill. She stops at the bottom.
"This is our pool, but we dont really use it that much." She says, sounding more like herself.
"Why is that?" I ask her, wanting her know that atleast Im paying attention.
She looks at me with a small smile.
"Because it takes alot of work to clean out, and the ocean is better, in my opinion." She tells me.
I fight back the urge to pinch her cheeks. She's just too cute, kind of like Henry.
"This is quite a big property, how do you manage it all? We have a hard time managing our dorm!" I say to her, with a chuckle.
She laughs too.
"Well, it takes a lot of work and time" She says.
We start to walk again, away from the pool. We walk through a small pathway surrounded by trees. Its nice and shady in here. I see a hamock off to the side, big enough for maybe two people. Once we get to the edge of the pathway, we stop.
"This is what we call 'Sunset Point'. Maybe we will come back here later to watch the sunset" She suggests.
"I think that would be fun" I say.
She smiles to me and turns around.
"Thats the end I think.. Unless Im forgetting something..." She says to the group.
She has a cute thinking face on again.
"What about the beach?" I suggest.
Her face lights up and she turns to me again.
"Oh yeah! I totally forgot, thankyou!" She exclaims.
She walks past the members, and I jog once again to catch up with her. I follow her back down the hill into the big field. She stops infront of an opening that I didnt notice before.
"The boat ramp" She says, reading my mind.
She continues down the ramp, past a couple large logs. The beach isnt sandy like you would expect, its rocky. You can deffinatly smell the salty ocean air here.
"I come down here alot, especially when Im having a bad day. I just sit here and clear my mind" She says, to no one in particular.
"How do you deal with all this heat?!" I say, exasperated.
I pull on my shirt to blow air at my face and use the back of my hand to wipe the sweat off my forehead. Bree looks over to me and giggles.
"We should probably go back then, dont want you guys to melt" She jokes.
We walk to the end of the beach, and then climb over the other ramp that we saw earlier. Theres another bay, and at the end of that one, I can see the cabin. Once we get inside, I collapse on the couch, litterally.
"Hey, go change before you get the couch all sweaty" She says to me.
I groan and roll over.
"Yah, pali pali!" She shakes me.
"Arasso, arasso!" I yell, waving my hands all over my head.
I get up off the couch with alot of effort, and walk back into the spare bedroom to change. Locking the door of course.


A/N: OKAY! I tried to update this as fast as I could, but I have so much writers block its not even funny. I was going to ad more, but I felt really sorry for not updating since APRIL! D': Mian chingus~ The next chapter will be updated soon, promise! and it will take place in the same day, just a couple hours later i think.. OH! and thankyou if you told me you wanted a scene with a certain member, I really do appreciate it, so keep them comming! saranghae~ subscribe and comment


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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3