
~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: enjoy! ^_^



I ran up to him as fast as i could. I've missed him so much! I practically tackled him over and showered him with kisses. He smiled at me, and leaned in. But suddenly there was a bright light in my eyes.


Thats when I realize that it was only a dream, and the light was from my window.

"URG!" I exclaim with frustration as I throw my pillow across the room.

Might as well get up. I thought with a sigh. I litteraly slide off my bed with a thump and walk into my bathroom. I did the usual, shower, get dressed, makeup, ect. And went downstairs, but not before I flipped my Super Junior calendar to September, yes its September, and I have my first day of school today. ANYWAYS, i wave goodbye to all my fabulous posters (of Super Junior of course) and head downstairs.

"Morning mom" I say as I hear her walk into the kitchen

"Good Morning honey" She replys. "You look very nice today"

"Mhmm thanks" was all I said as I pack my bag.

"I dont wana be late, so Im going to go now mom" I yell from the door.

"Ok have fun!" she yells back.

Have fun at school? As if..


*~*~*~after school~*~*~*


"Its so hot out for September" I complained to no one in particular. I am on my way home, walking of course. I have my iPod, I never leave home without it. It holds my life! And I know what your thinking... Her iPod is her life? Really?  And yes it is. 2 words. Super.Junior. This is the only way I can be "connected" with them if you will. I always listen to them!

Currently listening to Mr. Simple, Im walking down the road and some people are staring at me.. Why? Because im humming to the music, and doing the hand moves for the chorus. Silly people, their just jealous ^_^

I FINALLY arrive home and when I reach my room, I litterally collapse on my bed. I think Im almost asleep, but I just realized I have homework. yes. Homework on the first day of school! YAY! not. High school !

My tummy growled so loudly I jumped!

"Fine I'll feed you, geez" I say to my stomach and headed down stairs.

I see mom writing on some papers on the table.. hmm.. I wonder what she's up to. Im kinda sneaking up on her. I peer over her shoulder, and all I see are what looks like bills, with big numbers on them O_O .

"AHHH! GEEZ ___! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING!?" she yells at me

"M-mom Im S-sorry I didnt mean to S-scare you!" I stutter as I back away. I think she must have seen the fear in my eyes and realized what she did, because she reached out to touch me. But before she could, I ran up to my room.




Darn it! What have I done?!  I mentally slapped myself for scaring my OWN daughter.




Im such a bad kid! Why did I want to sneak up behind her! Curse my curiosity!

Just as I finished talking yelling to myself inside my head, I hear a small knock on the door.

"C-come in" I say warrily, afraid mom might be comming to scold me some more. But no, she came and gave me a hug. I hear a small sob, and I make eye contact with my mom and see she's crying! >_<

"Im sorry for scaring you honey, its just that you scared me and I didnt know you were there and... and..." Mom started ranting

"mom! its ok! its my fault, im sorry!" Im trying my best to comfort her

We stayed in a hug for a couple minutes and argued over who's fault it was. But in the end, we agreed that it was no ones fault, and I promised I wouldnt sneak up on her anymore. Soon she left, and I went over to my laptop.

"Hmmm... Whats new today?" I say to myself, and yes, I talk to myself ALOT. "Concert dates! A-HA!" I made a victory noise, but then made a dissapointed noise because there was none released yet. Darn it SME! Yes, if you havent guessed, im on the Super Junior part of the SM Entertainment website looking for concert dates and any news. But nothing appeared. I took a glance at my wall clock and noticed it was 6:00 pm, so I left to get some dinner.

Mom made my favorite food, and Im guessing its for an appology for earlier.. We ate, and talked, and soon we we're both tired and went to our rooms and slept. I got all ready, but didnt crawl into bed just yet. Iv'e gotten into this habbit of saying a small prayer before I sleep. No, Im not a Christian, but I always pray to meet Super Junior one day. And thank God that I've been able to learn about them. I crawled into bed, and quickely fell into my Super Junior dreamland.




A/N: SORRY for the boring chapter:( but please stick with me.. It will get better, I PROMISE! again, please comment with discriptive feedback if you can.. and subscribe if you like it! Future Commenters and Subscribers and Silent Readers~! I LOVE YOU ALL :D

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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3