Cleaning, with a suprise

~Once and a Lifetime~

A/N: Hi again! I hope you enjoy this one! The good parts should be comming! I also appologize if I  upset you from not letting her go to Korea... PLOT TWIST eh?! SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY! saranghae you all <3




Wow~ Its hard to believe that its already been a week since I arrived! I've mostly been swimming and cleaning the property. Im glad its quiet here. I wonder whats in store for this week? Mom has been texting me every other day to see how Im doing. I always give the same answer:

"Yes mom Im doing great~ Ive remembered everything you told me, so dont worry ok?"

And yet, she still texts me.. Im almost 20 (just pretend) for goodness sake! Bree, calm down.. Breathe in, breathe out. There ya go~ I know, sometimes I have a temper, but what person doesnt? I still gotta decide what Im doing today..



So after my shower, I decided to clean the house. I mean, you never know when you will get a guest (kkk naaaw) right? I actually just decided to clean because its so hot outside I might burn to nothing! Like a million degrees out there! And plus, its kinda messy in here... Embarrassing.. So I started with any clothes that were lying around. No, I dont just change out in the open. Its my sweaters that I take off and socks and stuff. Next is the dishes. Yes Im lazy, so I sometimes always forget to wash the dishes after I eat. After about an hour, all the dishes are done. Now all thats left is sweeping and dusting. I bring out the broom and dustpan and put the rugs outside to let the wind dust them off. I sweep every inch of the house, now I hopefully wont have to clean for a while. I bring the rugs back in and straighted up the furnature.  Now I just lay on the couch and wipe the sweat off my face. Yes, cleaning is hard work. ESPECIALLY in the summer. There are alot of windows in the house and the sun is SUPER JUNIOR bright today. I have my head phones in, and Super Junior KRY's 'In My Dream' comes on. I find myself drifting in and out of sleep.. 

After what feels like 2 minutes, I wake up. I swear I heard something knock at the door, but then again.. I was dreaming weird stuff, so who knows? I get up off the couch and straighten up the pillows. I swear I hear something.. Whispering? Omo, Im starting to scare myself! I quickly glance around. Oh my goodness.. What if there's a killer outside?! I dont want to die! I start to whimper and it feels like I might cry. I really hate horror movies, and it feels like Im in one. I run into the bathroom and close the door. I slide down the door and sit, listening. I think I hear footsteps. I really hope Im dreaming. After a minute, I think who ever was there is gone. I get up, and fix my makeup. Its all over my face from crying. I regain poise and walk out of the bathroom, only to be startled to death by another knock at the door. I jump up to the ceiling and back against the wall. My hand flies over my heart. Thump Thump Thump Thump

"Exehcuseh meh" I hear someone with an accent speak outside. "Is anyone home?" That must have been a different person, without the accent. How many people are there? They dont seem like killers.. I decide to open the door, if i die, I love you Super Junior... Deep breath Bree... 

I open the door, I feel my eyes go wide, and almost drop dead. I swear my jaw hit the floor. I try to speak, but no words are comming out. Im speechless. I feel my face scrunch up, trying to process whats happening. They just stand there, some smiling, some chucking and talking to the person beside them, and some looking genuinly concerned. You might be wondering exactly who is standing at my door. No, they arent killers. SUPER FREAKING JUNIOR IS AT MY DOOR RIGHT NOW. JFEIAWHGLRKATIEJAFDS. I scanned them to make sure I wasnt halucinating. They obviously didnt know what the weather was going to be like. One thing that struck me, is that they are carrying BAGS. WHY. My thoughts are interrupted when someone speaks.

"Would it be alright if we came in?" The leader, Leeteuk spoke. Since Im still processing this whole thing, all I can do is nod a couple times. I step to the side. He turns around and says something in Korean to the rest of them. They all nodded, and went into the house single file, giving small bows to me as they went. I had my head slightly down, but making eye contact with each of them. Finally Leeteuk came in. 

"Hello, its Bree right?" I smile a bit and nod. "Ahh, what a beautiful name, and a face to match. Its nice to finally meet you" I feel myself go red at the compliment.  He bows a full 90 degrees. I feel the need to bow back, cause I dont want to be rude, so I do. When Im standing straight again, he smiles.

"You sure know your stuff, dont you?" Reffering to how I bowed back to him. Again, I just nod with a smile. "Gaja?-- eerr.. Lets go?" He corrects himself. (A/N: bold is korean)

"Its okay, I know some Korean" I shyly reassure him. He smiles again and nods. He gestures me to lead the way. I nod and turn to go. I feel him put his hand on my lower back, I guess to let me know he's there. Man, they really must like skinship.. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly. I found where the rest of the guys were. In the living room. Thank God I cleaned today. They are still holding their bags, and standing in a line (just like in the picture) . Leeteuk puts his hand on my shoulder, making me stop, and goes to join them.

"Alright!" He says. "Even though Bree already knows who we are, shall we introduce ourselves?" He looks at me for aproval. I nod my head again, a little eagar. 

"Hana, Dul, Set" He whispers, but I still hear it. He then yells "Annyeonghaseyo! Super Juni" 

"OR!" The members shouted together, sticking out their hands. They lower their hands and start to introduce themselves. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Kibum- imnida!" He flashes his killer smile and bows. I smile and bow back. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im Super Junior's chef, Ryeowook-imnida!" He also smiles and bows, and I do the same. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the slimest of the members, Shindong-imnida!" He smiles and bows, I laugh and bow back. The rest of the members are yelling at him.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Kyuhyun-imnida, the maknae and the one who brings down the age average of Super Junior" He smirks and bows, I bow back.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the innocent, cute Sungmin-imnida!" He blows me a kiss and bows. I feel myself turn red and I bow back. The members "Oooooh!" and chuckle at me.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the most handsom member, Hankyung-imnida!" He smiles and bows, and I return it. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the gesture man of Super Junior, Choi Siwon-imnida!" He says as he does a weird gesture and bows. I giggle and bow back.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the 'voice-like-art' Kim Jongwoon-imnida, but you can call me Yesung" He bows, and I bow back.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Youngwoon-imnida, but call me Kangin!" He bows, and I do too. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the one you were destined to know since birth, Heechul-imnida~" He smirks and bows. I smile and bow back.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the gentleman of Super Junior, Lee Donghae- imnida" He gives a warm smile and bows, I do too. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im the most precious and charming of Super Junior, Lee Hyukjae-imnida, but you can call me Eunhyuk~" He says with a wink. i go red again, but bow. Donghae smacks him on the head and scolds him.

"Annyeonghaseyo Bree, I am the leader, Park Jungsoo-imnida, but please call me Leeteuk" He gives a warm smile and bows, I bow back to him with a smile. "Now, can you introduce yourself to us?" He asks gently. I nod again.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Bree-imnida, jal bu tak deu rim ni da~ (please take care of me)" I do a full 90 degree bow. When I come back up, they all look speechless. "W-what?" I ask, now embarrassed maybe I said it wrong.

"Ahh nothing is wrong Bree, dont worry. We are just suprised you know some Korean~" This time, Siwon spoke, adding a couple gestures. 

"Ah.." I nod and look down, still embarrassed. Wow, they are really good at English. My train of thought is interupted when I see feet infront of me. I look up to see, none other than Sungmin standing infront of me. I hear the other members talking in Korean, minding their own business. Im about to speak when Im interupted.

"Hii~ Im sorry if this is weird, but you are really cute, I just want to pinch your cheeks!" He says, I of course, turn red. "Aigoo dont be embarrassed! Can I have a hug?" I turn more red at the thought of giving him a hug, when we just met. But I nod slowly. "Yay~" He shuffles closer to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders, I automatically wrap my arms around his back. He rocks me back and forth for a bit, then lets go. Omo, I must be so red...  Suddenly some of the other members come over. 

"Omo look, she's so embarrassed!" Kangin says.

"Yeah, she's so red! Like a tomato!" Shindong says. They all keep teasing me. Its not MY fault LEE SUNGMIN hugged me...! Of course, I turn redder and redder. Finally someone comes to my rescue. Leeteuk shoes them all away, and tells them that they will be delt with later. 

"Sorry about the boys.. They are.. I dont even know. Weird? You'll get used to it~" He has an appologetic look on his face. 

"Its okay Leeteuk-sshi, and kamsahamnida, for saving me." I bow 90 degrees again. He's so kind

"Its my pleasure, and kind of my job. They can get really out of control. And please, you dont have to use honorifics with us. Would you mind talking to me in private for a moment?" 

"Okay, and sure. We can go to my room." I suggest. He nods and gestures for me to lead. I do, and just like last time, his hand is on my lower back. In a way, it feels nice to know that he's right there. Once we're in my room, I sit on my bed. He closes the door, and I gesture for him to come sit with me. 

"Are you holding up ok? I know this is alot to handle..." He looks genuinly worried. He gently puts one hand on my hand.

"Yes, I mean, this is ALOT to process. Im not even sure if this is a dream or not. But I'll be okay." I reassure him. He chuckles.

"I can assure you that this is real, Bree." I just nod. "I do have one favour, if its not to much to ask." He looks a little worried.

"Of course, ask away. What can I do for you?" 

"Well, heres the thing. Your mom got us to come here. Im not sure how.. But here we are. And we kind of need a place to stay..." He pauses to look at me. Im confused. For the fact that MY MOM got them to come, and that they need a place to stay.. What does that have to do with me?--- wait.. I finally clue in.

"Oh! Yes you guys can stay here! But how many rooms do they need?"

"Im still figuring out the rooming plans. Plus theres also two more comming.." 

"...who?" He laughed.

"I guess you really havent recovered yet eh? Henry and ZhouMi will be joining us, I hope you dont mind." 

I shook my head, "Of course not! I cant believe I forgot them" I started pounding my head with my fist.

"Hey hey, dont worry about it. Your under alot of stress right now. Its okay." He grabbed my wrist and put it back in my lap. He really is a leader. "I really apreciate you letting us use your house. I promise we wont wreck anything and we will help you out." He was really grateful. 

"No problem, its my pleasure." With that, he stood up, bowed, and left the room. Now all I gotta do, is prepare some rooms for Super Junior.



 A/N: Hope you liked it! I enjoyed writing it! please comment, subscribe and stuff like that! <3 SARANGHAE! please tell me how you feel about the story!

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having MAJOR writers block>_< mian mian... Please let me know if you want to see more of a certain member.. it helps a lot!


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soubidaaa #1
Chapter 2: this is totally random and off topic but.... WHERE IN VANCOUVER ARE THEY SELLING KPOP STUFF!? O_O!!!!! I NEED TO KNOW
krissy25 #2
Chapter 16: omg I like it.. plz update soon.. im like so hyper for this story
KimmyBear #3
Chapter 16: wahhh~ I thought you never update author~nim. It's so cute how everyone is interacting with her. Eeeeppp I won't mind if Donghae hugs me~! Keep writing~ Hwaitng~!
Amalabdullahi_ #4
Chapter 14: I want more hyuk hehe other than that I love to story so update , Pali!~~<3
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Please Update Soon!!!
Chapter 4: the romance please update soon
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON<3