Request: Day Off.

It was a cold February morning, Saturday. Hyo Rin was greeted by the bright, winter sun. She turned and covered her eyes. *Geesh! It's already November! How can the sun still be so bright?*

*Knock Knock*

Hyo Rin sighed. "Yeah who is it?" She groaned.

"I'm going to clean up the house today. Can you help me go out and buy something?" She heard Hyo Jin call through the door.

"Okay." Hyo Rin replied.

"Well get up now. The groceries that I need you to buy is best to be bought now." Hyo Jin said. Hyo RIn groaned. She jumped out of bed and opened the door. She was greeted by a smiling ten-year old.

"I wonder who's the older sister right here..." Hyo Rin muttered. Hyo Jin chuckled,"Good luck. I don't want to bother Hyun Ki because he's going to be practicing in his room. He seems to have a performance at his school soon."

Hyo Rin sighed. "Alright. I'll go change. Write me a list of what you need." Hyo Jin nodded and went to work. Hyo RIn closed the door and changed. She wore baggy sweatpants and a tank top. She pulled a hoodie over it and walked out the door.

She went downstairs and saw that Hyo Jin had already prepared her list. Hyo Jin handed Hyo Rin the list. Hyo Rin took her wallet, cellphone, and keys with her.

"I'll come back soon." Hyo Rin called back to her sister. Hyo Jin nodded. "I'll be waiting."

Hyo Rin walked to the marketplace. She looked at the list. *Apples....Onions....Tomatoes....Cabbage.....Fish....Toilet Paper....* THe list continued to go on. *Argh! Although Hyo Jin is such an angel, she's a demon when it comes to groceries!*

Hyo Rin stopped crying in her mind and started to buy her groceries. The clerk was surprised to see how much items Hyo Rin had.

"Miss? Are you sure you can carry all that?" The clerk asked. Hyo RIn nodded. "I'll manage."

Hyo Rin walked out of the market doors. *Nothing can get worse than carrying so much stuff* Hyo RIn said in her mind.


Hyo Rin looked down. One of her bags tore open and her apples rolled out. 

"Oh no! My apples!" Hyo Rin cried. The apples rolled everywhere. "Ah! Stay still!" She cried. She reached for an apple but a hand picked it up for her. Hyo Rin looked up and she was surprised at who it was.

"Nam Woohyun?" 

Woohyun looked at her. "Your apple." He said and handed her the apple. Hyo Rin took it. Woohyun stared at her.

"Are you sure you can carry all those?" He asked.

"Yeah I can." Hyo Rin replied.

*Tear* x3. Hyo Rin looked down at her bags. Woohyun smiled. "Guess I'll be carrying some for you then." He picked up some of the items that were dropped onto the floor. Hyo Rin touched her forehead. She could feel herself burning up. The last person she would want to ever see is her target. 

The walk to Hyo Rin's house was silent. When she got to the house, she opened the gate. Woohyun stared at the house.

"This is your house?" HE asked. Hyo Rin nodded. She opened the door and walked in. Woohyun followed her. Hyo Jin was at the door.

"Oh sister, did you buy the groceries?" She asked and noticed Woohyun standing behind her. "Who's this gentleman?" 

Hyo RIn turned around and looked at Woohyun. ".....A friend."

Hyo Jin nodded. Woohyun was busy staring around the house. He noticed some drawings on the wall. It was beginning to fade away from old age but you could still kind of make out the shape. It were bunnies drawn by Hyo Rin, Hyun Ki, and Hyo Jin. Woohyun chuckled. *How cute*

"Are you coming in or not?" Hyo Rin demanded. Woohyun smiled and walked in. Hyo Jin pouted.

"Sister! You can't be rude to a guest!" 

Hyo Rin turned the other direction. "I'm going to change." She said and walked up to her room. Hyo Jin turned back to Woohyun.

"I'm sorry. She's probably moody today. Your name is?"

"I'm Nam Woohyun. Just call me Woohyun." 

Hyo Jin nodded and smiled. "Did you help Hyo Rin carry back some groceries? Thank you." 

"You're welcome." Woohyun smiled. "Wow, you guys are siblings but your personalities are so different." 

Hyo Jin smiled. "Thank you for the compliment."

Softly, piano sounds filled the house. Woohyun closed his eyes and felt the music. Warm....Kind.....Caring....yet....Sad. He opened his eyes again.

"Excuse me but who's playing this music may I ask?" Woohyun asked. Hyo Jin who was busy fixing the groceries, looked at him.

"Ah, it's my older brother. Hyun Ki." Hyo Jin replied. She took out an apple and looked at Woohyun. "Would you like some bunny apples?" 

Woohyun made a curious face. "Bunny apples?"

"It's how we cut our apples."

"Sure." Woohyun said. Hyo Jin went to the kitchen and began cutting the apples. Once she was done, she placed them on a plate and served it to Woohyun. Woohyun was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Hyo Jin sat down with him as well. Woohyun looked around the house.

"Where's your parents?" Woohyun asked. Hyo Jin acted as if he slapped her. She looked down, deep in thought.

"Sorry. DId I say something wrong?" He asked. Hyo Jin shook her head.

"It's not that. Just that....we have a complicated family background. You see, we-" Hyo Jin began to say. She was cut by Hyun Ki walking into the living room. He stretched and looked over to the living room.

"We have a guest today?" He asked. Hyo Jin looked at him.

"Hello brother. You must be tired. I cut some bunny apples for the guest. Would you like some?" Hyo Jin asked. Hyun Ki nodded. He took one bunny apple and munched on it. He flopped down onto the sofa, next to Hyo Jin. Woohyun took a piece of the bunny apple as well. 

"It's delicious. And the way you cut it is cute as well. Can Hyo Rin cut it like this too?" He asked Hyo Jin. Hyo Jin and Hyun Ki looked at each other and chuckled.

"Noona can't do any kitchen work at all. She'll burn the kitchen. But miraculously, she can actually cut some bunny apples. She was the one who did it first." Hyun Ki said. Woohyun chuckled. *So there's things that Hyo Rin can't do either.*

"Come visit our mom sometimes." Hyun Ki said.

"Visit your mom? She doesn't live with you guys?" Woohyun asked. Hyun Ki looked surprised and looked over to Hyo Jin.

"He doesn't know?" Woohyun heard Hyun Ki whisper to Hyo Jin. Hyo Jin shook her head. "Hyo Rin didn't tell him."

"What's wrong with your mom?" Woohyun asked. Hyun Ki and Hyo Jin fell silent. Footsteps could be heard on the stairs. Hyo Rin walked down and was surprised to see Woohyun.

"You're still here?" Hyo Rin said in disbelief. Woohyun smiled at her.

"Cute bunny apples." He said and held one up.

"Eat one." Hyo Jin told Hyo Rin. Hyo Rin shook her head. She grabbed Woohyun and pushed him out the door.

"You've stayed long enough. Go home." She told Woohyun.

"Bye." Hyun Ki and Hyo Jin called to Woohyun. Woohyun waved back at them. Hyo Rin shoved him out the door. Woohyun called back to her.

"I want to try your bunny apples some time!" Woohyun shouted. Hyo Rin turned a bit red and said,"In your dreams. Go home." She closed the door.

Woohyun chuckled and his face turned sour. He looked at the house once more and walked on. *Hyo Rin and her mom lives separately? Their relationship's defintely not sour because she said they visit her sometime.... What's going on?*


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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Please make a sequel about when woohyun tries to help hyorin regain back her memories and make her remember them!!!! I also hope that in the sequel they will finally have a peaceful life together!!! :) Auther-nim PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel to this story!!!!!! ;)
Chapter 22: New reader is here kkk <3
nice ending hehe but yeah a little bit sad too, pity woohyun eo tsk ..
Anyways I love it author-nim kk <3
Lol since so much people's asking it, I'll clarify the ending since people doesn't seem to quite get it. Yes, in the end, Hyo Rin gets amnesia. And Woohyun often visits her after she wakes up.
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, it was so sad that I'm crying. ;A; So amnesia? Or.../cries/
Chapter 22: nice ending.. it beautiful yet a bit sad.
I love it.
Chapter 22: awwww... it's a nice ending.. but kinda dissapointed.. but it's ok.. very nice story.. keep writing!! Hwaiting!! ^^~~
Chapter 22: Aww this was wonderful <3 with a twist i didnt expect. Great job!
Haha thanks for the comments people ^^ I hope you liked the story and will continue on to do so. Thanks for the support for these two months! :D
sweetsforkpop #9
Chapter 22: Good job! I really enjoyed the story; even though it was not the ending I was expecting... but either way it fitted into the story so well. Thank you for making the story!
mickyilya #10
Chapter 22: she lost her memories? gosh!!! not the ending i expected , but the story end , thanks author for finished it. '
love you :)