Ignorance Is Such A Bliss, Don't You Think So?


"Hyo Rin, come over here!"


Hyo Rin looked over. She saw her old mansion from her childhood. The beautiful garden that she used to enjoy. The fresh air, the beautiful lilies, the trees, the old swing. Her two younger siblings, Hyun Ki and Hyo Jin, were giggling and clinging onto her mother's expensive dress. By her mother's side was her father.

*Father?!* She blinked with huge eyes.

"What are you waiting for? Come." Her mother beckoned. She stared at the old image of her family. She could feel tears swell up in her eyes. Oh how she missed this so much. She immdiately ran to them but vines suddenly sprang up and wrapped around her body.


Hyo Rin looked up to see the image fading away, far, far away.

"NO! Mother! Father! Noo!" She screamed as the image faded away and she was left in the darkness all alone.

"Hyo Rin?"

She turned to the direction of the voice. Nam Woohyun. He held out his hand for her. She took it. Woohyun looked at her face.

"You must've had a hard life right? Why don't you just give up? Do whatever you want. Aim for your dreams. Isn't that what you always wanted? To rid of this burden? Take this chance. I'll help you."

Hyo Rin stared at him. Indeed, she was tempted. THe burden was too heavy. So tempting....


Woohyun stared at her in surprise. "Take the chance."


Another Woohyun appeared. "Take the chance."

"No!" Hyo Rin cried, this time a notch higher. 

"Take it!" Another Woohyun appeared. 

"Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! " As more and more Woohyun's appeared. Hyo Rin looked in every direction possible but all she saw was Woohyun. She covered her ears with her hands.

"SCREW YOU!" She screamed.

And she bolted out of her seat, screaming in her math class. Everybody around her stared at her. The math teacher had his chalk crushed into dusts.


Her math teacher fixed his glasses. 

"Why Miss Lee, since you had the nerve to scream 'screw you' in class, why don't you help throw the trash out into the incinerator? I'm sure you come to enjoy doing it since you'll be doing it for a month." Her math teacher said with an evil grin.

"Yes sir." She spoke softly and sat down onto her seat. Min Ji patted her.

"You okay?"

Hyo Rin swallowed. "Yeah, I'm fine." She told her and looked to the front of the classroom.

Hyo Rin sighed as she took the huge bag out of the trash can and hauled it to the back of the school. She sighed. *Why on earth did I have to dream about him?*

She walked to the back of the school and caught a glimpse of a guy and girl walk to the back of the school.

*OH hell no! THey better not screw there! How the hell am I supposed to throw the trash out into the incinerator?!* She snook a peek at the pair and gasped. It was Nam Woohyun and Ga Yun! They turned to her direction. She covered and immediately hid behind the wall. She waited for a while. They stared at her direction and began to argue. Hyo Rin breathed a sigh of relief.

*I should get out of here.* Hyo Rin picked the huge bag of trash up. As soon as she wanted to leave, she heard a loud BANG!

Hyo Rin jumped. She turned to look and saw Woohyun with his fist on the metal wall behind  Ga Yun.

"Don't play around with me." He hissed to Ga Yun. Hyo Rin gulped. She never saw him this angry before.

"O-Oppa..." Ga Yun stuttered.

"Don't call me that. It's disgusting. Now tell me the truth! Did you send me those pictures on my birthday?!" He questioned her. Ga Yun swallowed nervously.

"N-No i didn't."

Woohyun stared hard at her. "Do I need to make sure your pretty face is ripped and jagged up in order for you to speak the truth?"

Ga Yun squeaked in fear. "No! Don't! Not my face!"


"Yes! I did send it!" Ga Yun surrendered. Woohyun slowly placed his fist back to his side and backed up to walk away.

"But Oppa!" Ga Yun started. "She's been with so many men! She probably had with them too! She's so dirty and poor! She's not fit to be with you. I'm going to make those pictures public to see how she's going to face them."

Woohyun punched his fist onto the metal wall. Ga Yun yelped in fear.

"You dare!" Woohyun snarled. "And I'll break those two pretty legs of yours. I mean it."

Ga Yun nodded nervously. "A-Alright. I-I swear I won't do it. I promise."

Woohyun glared at her for the last time and walked away. Ga Yun slid down the wall. She stayed like that for a few seconds and got back up. She straighted her hair and walked to the corner. When she came face-to-face with Hyo Rin she was surprised.

"Lee Hyo Rin." She growled. Hyo Rin looked at her and avoided her eyesight.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Hyo Rin told her. Ga Yun snarled.

"You know I really envy you."

Hyo Rin blinked at her. "Envy me? Why?"

Ga Yun blinked and stared. "You really don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Hah...So oblivious of everything. Pure and innocent. No wonder why Lee Sungjong and Kang Min Ji and suffering so much."

"Wha?!" Hyo Rin was surprised at the statement. *Sungjong and Min Ji are suffering?! No way!"

"Really, ignorance is such a bliss. I wish I had such bliss." Ga Yun sneered. Hyo RIn stared at her hard. Ga Yun flinched back a little.

"What do you know about Sungjong and Min Ji? Don't try to mess with me."

Ga Yun gave a nervous laugh. "Very intimidating..." She said slowly. She sank back and left. Hyo Rin watched as she left. She looked down at the trash bag lying on the floor. She sighed and picked it up. She opened the door to the incinerator and tossed the trash bag in. She watched as the bag burned.

*Sungjong and Min Ji are suffering? There's no way. They're always so happy.* Hyo Rin shook the ridiculous idea from her. *Min Ji and Sungjong suffering? No way. Must be just rubbish Ga Yun said so I can feel bad 'cause Woohyun yelled at her. Yep that must be it. Gosh, I shouldn't be thinking of all these useless things. I'm going to visit Hyo Jin later. I should straighten myself up!*

Hyo Rin closed the door to the incinerator and left. As she walked away, she thought of what to get for Hyo Jin.


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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Please make a sequel about when woohyun tries to help hyorin regain back her memories and make her remember them!!!! I also hope that in the sequel they will finally have a peaceful life together!!! :) Auther-nim PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel to this story!!!!!! ;)
Chapter 22: New reader is here kkk <3
nice ending hehe but yeah a little bit sad too, pity woohyun eo tsk ..
Anyways I love it author-nim kk <3
Lol since so much people's asking it, I'll clarify the ending since people doesn't seem to quite get it. Yes, in the end, Hyo Rin gets amnesia. And Woohyun often visits her after she wakes up.
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, it was so sad that I'm crying. ;A; So amnesia? Or.../cries/
Chapter 22: nice ending.. it beautiful yet a bit sad.
I love it.
Chapter 22: awwww... it's a nice ending.. but kinda dissapointed.. but it's ok.. very nice story.. keep writing!! Hwaiting!! ^^~~
Chapter 22: Aww this was wonderful <3 with a twist i didnt expect. Great job!
Haha thanks for the comments people ^^ I hope you liked the story and will continue on to do so. Thanks for the support for these two months! :D
sweetsforkpop #9
Chapter 22: Good job! I really enjoyed the story; even though it was not the ending I was expecting... but either way it fitted into the story so well. Thank you for making the story!
mickyilya #10
Chapter 22: she lost her memories? gosh!!! not the ending i expected , but the story end , thanks author for finished it. '
love you :)