I Still Love You And I Love You.


Hyo Rin smiled as she looked down at the teddy bear she got for Hyo Jin. Hyo Jin have been looking at this teddy bear for months already but she didn't dare to ask for anything and place a burden on the family.

*Gosh! Hyo Jin is going to be soooo surprised when she sees this!* She chuckled to herself. She opened the door to her hospital room but did not see Hyo Jin. Hyo Rin frowned. *Not here? Maybe she's with mom then.* She placed the teddy bear on Hyo JIn's hospital bed and went to the hall where her mother's hospital room was. (A/N: Hyo Jin and Hyo RIn's mother is staying in the same hospital.)

She opened the door to see her mother reading a magazine. When her mother saw her walk in through the doors, she dropped her magazine and smiled.

"Hyo Rin!" She cried and opened her arms for an embrace. Hyo Rin chuckled and embraced her mother. 

"Mom, did Hyo Jin come by?" She asked. Her mother frowned.

"Hyo Jin didn't come here. What's wrong?"

"Eh?" Hyo Rin was surprised. *Hyo Jin didn't come here?* 

"That's strange... I didn't see her."

"She might be around the hospital garden. Did you go check?" Her mother asked her. Hyo Rin shook her head.

"I'll go look right now mom." With that, Hyo Rin sprinted out the door. As soon as she got to the hospital garden, she turned her head around frantically to search for Hyo Jin. Hyo Jin was no where in sight. She dashed around the hospital grounds to find Hyo Jin. No where in sight.

Hyo Rin panicked. *Hyo Jin!* She ran around the hospital grounds searching for Hyo Jin hoping to find her but in vain. She gripped her forehead. *No...Where are you Hyo Jin?!*

Hyo Rin took out her phone and dialed to Min Ji. Nobody picked up. She dialed to Sungjong. She waited for a long time, hoping that he would pick up. He did not. Hyo Rin gripped her hair. Who can she call now? She scrolled down her phone contacts and came across Woohyun's name. She bit her lip. *Should I call Woohyun?* She was about to press the back button but somebody pushed her and she pressed the call button. She was surprised when the Connecting... turned to Connected.

"Yoboseyo?" Woohyun answered to the other side of the phone. Hyo Rin hesitated to answer him.

"Yoboseyo?" Woohyun asked again. "Is this a prank call?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Hyo Rin took a deep breath and placed the phone to her ear.

"Hello Woohyun."

She could feel the moment of silence from the other side of the phone.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Hyo Rin wanted to answer normally but her voice turned into a sob.

"Woohyun...." She called.

"Okay, something's defintely wrong. Where are you?" He demanded through the phone. Hyo Rin sniffed.

"The hospital."

"Alright. I'm coming right now. Make sure to not move okay?" Woohyun commanded and hung up. Hyo Rin let the phone slid down and she dropped herself to the grass. She bit her lip nervously as she waited for Woohyun. *Hyo Jin....Oh dear god, please don't let anything happen to her* She prayed deep in her heart. Nothing can happen to Hyo Jin. Nothing.

She felt a warm hand touch her shoulder. She looked up to see Woohyun panting. It seemed as if he ran as fast as he could to the hospital. Hyo Rin felt relief flood through her body. 

"H-Hyo Rin." He said between breaths. "What happened?"

"Hyo JIn." She stated. "She's missing!"

Woohyun was shocked. "What in the world? Did you search throughly?"

Hyo Rin nodded. Woohyun his lips nervously.

"Alright. I'll search as well. You go this way." He said and pointed right. "I'll go that way." He said and pointed left. Hyo Rin nodded. 

"I'll contact you if I see Hyo Jin." He said. Hyo Rin nodded again. She picked up her phone on the grass and gripped it tightly as they split.

Again, Hyo Rin looked around frantically. She did not let a single corner slip past her. She thought of all the possible areas Hyo Jin could be in. All her hopes were shattered when she did not find Hyo Jin anywhere. Panick slowly crept upon her. *What if something really did happen to Hyo Jin? How would I explain this to mom and Hyun Ki?* She hit her head to stop herself from such a hopeless thought. *No, Hyo Jin has to be safe. She has to be!*

She stopped having such hopeless thoughts and ran around the hospital grounds to find Hyo Jin.

Meanwhile at Woohyun's side, he was looking around the hospital grounds carefully. *I'm pretty sure Hyo Rin looked everywhere around the hospital grounds. If she haven't found her, that means she's not in any of the hospital areas.* He walked out into the drive way and started to walk up and down the streets.

He looked across, next to, and behind the streets. No Hyo Jin. *Where on earth would a 10 year old kid be?* He pondered his brain to think of where such a child would be. He crossed the streets and looked in every single direction. No Hyo Jin. He crossed another street and began to search for Hyo Jin.

Behind him, he heard a car skid to a sudden stop. The screeching was very loud which meant it was very sudden. He turned around to see a red car and a young kid that fell from the sudden collision. The young kid looked up and Woohyun recognized the kid. Hyo Jin.

The driver got out of the car. He looked down at it and back to the girl.

"Yah! You freakin' kid! You scratched my brand new car that I just got!" He yelled. Hyo Jin bowed nervously but stumbled a bit from the injury.

"I-I'm sorry." She apologized. She tried to leave but the driver grabbed her arm.

"You're not going anywhere until you cough up 1,000,000 Won." He stated. 

"O-One Million Won?!" Hyo Jin yelped. Woohyun gritted his teeth. He did not like this driver one bit. He was obviously trying to rip some money off Hyo Jin. Was he going to let this slide? Hell no.

He ran up to the driver and wrenched his hand off of Hyo Jin. The driver looked to Woohyun with a surprised expression.

"What do you want?" The driver spat. Woohyun looked down to Hyo Jin who was cowering behind him. He patted her head.

"It's alright." He spoke softly to her and turned back to the driver. 

"What? You trying to stick up for her? Your girl? e." The driver laughed. Woohyun spat at the statement.

"Your car was going at at least 100km/h which is illegal on regular driveways. You can keep your barking when we go to the police station."

The driver started to cower in fear. He made a sneer nervously. "I-I was not. Psh! It's just one million won. I'll let it slide this time." The driver said and hurried to drive away. Woohyun sighed in relief and looked down to Hyo Jin who was still a little frightened. He her cheeks softly.

"It's alright now." He looked down at her wound on her knees. "Let's get your injury treated alright?"

Hyo Jin nodded.

"But before we do that, I need to call your sister. She was running around trying to find you." Woohyun said. He took out his phone and called Hyo Rin.

Hyo Rin picked up immediately. "Did you find her?"

"Yeah." HE said as he answered the phone. "I'm bringing her to the hospital right now."

"Alright, I'll meet you up at the West Entrance." She said and hung up. Woohyun held onto Hyo Jin's hand as they walked to the West Entrance of the hospital. Hyo Rin was waiting there anxiously.

As soon as she saw Hyo Jin, she slapped her across the face. Woohyun was surprised by the sudden action. Hyo Jin was shocked as well. Hyo Rin never hit her before. Not even once. 

Hyo Rin grabbed Hyo Jin's shoulders.

"Do you know how worried I was? Don't you ever do that again. You hear me?!" Hyo Rin demanded. Hyo Jin nodded with tears on her eyes. Woohyun looked down at the reunion. He saw a nurse by and called her.

"Hyo Rin, I'll have the nurse take her back up alright?" Woohyun said. Hyo Rin nodded. The nurse took Hyo JIn's hand and brought her up to her hospital room. Hyo Rin and Woohyun followed half the way. They stopped as soon as she entered the building.

As soon as Hyo Jin left, Hyo RIn couldn't stand it anymore. All the stress from carrying the burden of her family was released. Her stress. Her sadness. Her pain. Everything she felt was released in the form of tears. She sobbed. She couldn't control it. These tears worth of 7 years were being released now. Nothing can stop it. 

Woohyun looked down as he felt her pain. He pulled her into a tight embrace. He held her head in his warm chest. As she was crying, Woohyun her hair. 

"Yes...Let out all the pain....Just cry them all out...." He spoke softly in her ears as she wept.

Meanwhile, Sungjong was walking into the hospital with a toy meant for Hyo Jin. *I wonder if Hyo Jin will like this.* He chuckled to himself. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone vibrated. He took it out and saw that he had a miss call from Hyo Rin.

*Hyo Rin? What did she call me for?* He pondered as he held onto his phone. He was about to turn the corner when he saw two figures embracing. He froze as he recognized the figures. IT was Hyo Rin and Woohyun. He hid himself behind a corner to avoid being discovered. He stared in horror as he watched the pair embrace for a long time. That was when he decided. He will release his feelings...

At the same time, Min Ji was walking to the hospital as well. She had a miss call from Hyo Rin and wondered why she couldn't call her back when she wanted to. 

*Was it something important?* She didn't know what to think of it until she sees Hyo Rin. 

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Sungjong. She looked over to him to see that he was too, looking at something. She followed his gaze and gasped. Hyo Rin and Woohyun were in a tight embrace. From their body language, she could tell already. It was too late. Hyo Rin have fallen for Woohyun, something that was forbidden for them. It was their code. Don't fall in love with your target because it will only be pain.

She looked back to Sungjong. His expression changed. He seemed to have made up his mind. Min Ji bit her lips. She knew what he was going to do. And that it will be the end for Min Ji and Sungjong.

For the fiftith time, Hyo Rin turned red after thinking about what happened at the hospital this evening. *I cannot believe that I did that with Woohyun out of all people. Even Sungjong never got the chance to hug me like that.* She shook her head in blush as Woohyun was standing next to her. *How cute.* Woohyun thought.

When they got to the front of Hyo Rin's house, they stopped at the gate. 

"T-Thanks for this evening, Without you,...I don't know what would've happened to Hyo Jin. Thank you." She said as she bowed. Woohyun looked at her with warm eyes.

"You know." Woohyun started and Hyo Rin went back up from her bow. "I still love you." He confessed. Hyo Rin blinked. She did not know how to respond. How could she respond?

Woohyun seemed to know that she did not know how to respond and didn't press on her. "I know you can't have an immediate answer. I won't press on until you want to tell me. But,..." He said as he fumbled his pocket for something and took it out. He took Hyo Rin's hands and placed a necklace in her hand. A necklace with a ring.

"When you say yes, wear this to me and I'll know immediately." He said. He kissed her forehead and left. Hyo Rin was left standing there in a daze. She gripped onto the necklace tightly. She stared down at it, surprised from the sudden confession.

"Hyo Rin." A voice called and her thoughts were interrupted. She turned to see that it was Sungjong. She smiled.

"Hello Sungjong." 

Sungjong looked down, not saying anything. Hyo Rin frowned.

"Is something wrong Sungjong?"

She watched as he took a deep breath and said," You know, Hyo RIn, I love you, ever since we were children."


HOHOHOHOHO! So a sudden confession from Sungjong + a confession from Woohyun = ? WOW! I'm starting to feel jealous of my own character too :< Is this normal? Hehe. Welp a long chapter! I hoped you guys enjoyed it cause I did when I was typing it out, minus the jealous of my own character part.


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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Please make a sequel about when woohyun tries to help hyorin regain back her memories and make her remember them!!!! I also hope that in the sequel they will finally have a peaceful life together!!! :) Auther-nim PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel to this story!!!!!! ;)
Chapter 22: New reader is here kkk <3
nice ending hehe but yeah a little bit sad too, pity woohyun eo tsk ..
Anyways I love it author-nim kk <3
Lol since so much people's asking it, I'll clarify the ending since people doesn't seem to quite get it. Yes, in the end, Hyo Rin gets amnesia. And Woohyun often visits her after she wakes up.
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, it was so sad that I'm crying. ;A; So amnesia? Or.../cries/
Chapter 22: nice ending.. it beautiful yet a bit sad.
I love it.
Chapter 22: awwww... it's a nice ending.. but kinda dissapointed.. but it's ok.. very nice story.. keep writing!! Hwaiting!! ^^~~
Chapter 22: Aww this was wonderful <3 with a twist i didnt expect. Great job!
Haha thanks for the comments people ^^ I hope you liked the story and will continue on to do so. Thanks for the support for these two months! :D
sweetsforkpop #9
Chapter 22: Good job! I really enjoyed the story; even though it was not the ending I was expecting... but either way it fitted into the story so well. Thank you for making the story!
mickyilya #10
Chapter 22: she lost her memories? gosh!!! not the ending i expected , but the story end , thanks author for finished it. '
love you :)