Request: Development

School was over. Hyo Rin went to the classroom to get her bag. Sungjong and Min Ji was waiting for her at the front gate. Hyo Rin got her bag and walked out the door. At the door, Woohyun was waiting for her. As soon as he saw her walk out the door, he stopped her. Hyo Rin turned to see who it was. It was the last person she wanted to see today.

"Nam Woohyun." She said bitterly. Woohyun gave a nervous smile.

"Hey. Hyo Rin."

"What do you want?"

"Uhm well....I wanted to apologize about this afternoon in the cafeteria."

"Okay. Bye." Hyo Rin said with a straight face. She tried to walk past him but he put his arm out, blocking her path. Hyo Rin gave him an annoyed look.

"What do you want from my life?!"

"Okay okay. Calm down. Come with me somewhere."

Hyo Rin gave him a dumbfounded look. Before she could reply, Woohyun grabbed her arm and pulled her towards his direction and started walking. Hyo Rin tried to resist his grip but he held on too tightly. Hyo Rin could not break free so she gave up.

*I wonder what he's up to now.....* Hyo Rin thought. *He really is a nutcase. A severe crazy one at that. After what happened this afternoon he still wanted to talk to me.* Hyo Rin shook her head.

Woohyun pushed her into a bus. It was crowded so they had to stand. When Woohyun saw the stop they wanted to stop at, he pushed the button and the bus stopped. 

"Let's go." Woohyun said and grabbed Hyo Rin's hand. Now, normally a girl would be blushing wouldn't she. This guy that isn't even a boyfriend, much less a friend, was holding onto her hand. Hyo Rin kept trying to remove herself from his hand. He noticed and stopped walking and turned around. 

"There's no need to resist my grip so much. I'm not going to hurt you. I just don't want you to run off or get lost." 

"I'm not going to run or get lost. So can you let go of my hand?" Hyo Rin demanded. Woohyun sighed and let go of her hand. 

"Thanks." She said.

"Come." Woohyun said.

"Where are we going?"

"To eat some delicious Korean BBQ."

"Korean BBQ?! Do you know how much it costs?!"

"Relaxxxx. It's cheap where I'm going."

"Mhm...." Hyo Rin nodded. *Cheap Korean BBQ? There's no way.... Must be some catch.*

Woohyun kept walking and walking. Hyo RIn just followed along. *Min Ji and Sungjong must be pissed...* After what seemed like forever, Woohyun finally stopped in front of a restaurant. Well, can it even be called a restaurant? There was no banner on top of the building. IT was pretty old and moldy as well. Probably wasn't repaired for like 10 years or so.

"You're not telling me that we're going to eat in there are you?"

Woohyun gave her a smile. "It's jsut as you feared. We are eating in here." He pointed. Hyo Rin looked at the restaurant again and sighed. *I seem to have forgotten that he is a nutcase and rich on top of that. Rich people have peculiar taste right?* Hyo Rin let Woohyun walk in first and she followed after.

The inside of the restaurant was just the same as the outside. Old and Moldy. Woohyun sat down in a booth and Hyo Rin sat on the opposite side. A waitress came and gave them the menus. 

"We don't need the menus. Please get us this list of food." Woohyun said and handed the waitress a list of food. THe waitress looked at it and nodded.

"Please relax yourself. The food will come in a moment." Woohyun nodded. Hyo Rin just sat there, bored. After 20 minutes, the food came. Woohyun did all the BBQing. Hyo Rin just sat there. When the food was ready, Woohyun picked up some meat and placed it on Hyo Rin's plate.

"Try some. It's delicious."

Hyo Rin looked at Woohyun and back at the meat. She picked it up with her chopsticks and studied it. *Doesn't seem like it can kill me.* She ate the meat.

Hyo Rin's eyes widened. *The meat....The meat....THE MEATTT!! IT'S BEYOND DELICIOUS!!!* Hyo Rin stared at the meat and picked them up to eat. Woohyun chuckled.

"Delicious right?"

Hyo Rin looked up at him. It only made Woohyun laugh more. Her face was covered with sauce.

"Y-Your face." HE said between laughs. "It's covered with sauce." 

"OH. Thanks." Hyo Rin said and picked up the napkin to wipe her face. "How come you brought me here?"

"It's fun to eat with people rather than alone."

"Then why don't you just bring your girlfriend?"

Woohyun made a sad smile. "She won't bother to step foot in here."

"Oh." HYo Rin said. She thought back to this afternoon. Ewon So Hee seemed to hate the crowded and dirty cafeteria.

"Well don't stop. Continue eating. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." Woohyun said. Hyo Rin nodded.

"BUt you're paying the bill."

Woohyun chuckled. "Of course."

Hyo Rin nodded, approvingly, and ate more meat.

Meanwhile Min Ji and Sungjong.....

Min Ji and Sungjong waited at the gate for a long time and still didn't see Hyo Rin. Min Ji took out her phone. She had a text. IT was from 15 minutes ago. She opened it and saw that it was from Hyo Rin.

Mianhae! T_T I can't go home with you guys today. Got dragged away by Woohyun.

-Hyo Rin

"Hyo Rin got dragged away by Nam Woohyun." Min Ji said to Sungjong. Sungjong gave her a surprised look.

"Nam Woohyun? Omo! Let's go find her!"

"It's okay. She said we don't need to."


"She said we don't need to." Min Ji repeated. Sungjong made a sad face and walked. Min Ji followed next to him.

"Well, wanna hang out?"


"Oh, well too bad. You're joining me." Min Ji said and dragged Sungjong.

"Yah, Yahh!~" Sungjong yelled.

Min Ji dragged them to the ice cream shop. Min Ji stared at the flavors. Finally, she decided on vanilla.

"Sungjong." She said, grabbing his arm.


"I want vanilla ice cream."

"Vanilla ice cream? Uh miss, you do notice that it is February. What are you doing walking around with vanilla ice cream?"

"I'm going to eat it obviously."

"It was a rhetorical question."

"Whatever. Just get me it."


"Get me it."


"Get me ittttttt~" Min Ji whined.

"Okay okay!!" Sungjong gave in. Min Ji smiled. Sungjong rolled his eyes. He took out his wallet and paid the lady. The lady scooped out the ice cream onto a cone. Min Ji happily took the ice cream and it. She got some on her face.

"Min Ji, you got some on your face."

"Oh really? Thanks." She said and wiped it with a napkin. The lady who sold the ice cream smiled.

"What a cute couple."

"Aw, thanks." Min Ji blushed. Sungjong on the other hand, had a violent reaction.


Min Ji and the lady looked at him shocked. Sungjong stomped away.

"Yah! Sungjong!" Min Ji shouted after him. She turned back to the lady and apologized. Min Ji followed after the stomping Sungjong.

"Sungjong! You're walking too fast!"

Sungjong stopped and Min Ji finally caught up. Sungjong gave Min Ji a glare.


"Did you have to thank her for saying that we were a cute couple?"

"It's called being polite. Or are we supposed to do what you did? Yell at her face?"

"But we aren't a couple. I'd rather be with somebody else." Sungjong muttered the last part. Min Ji looked down. *With Hyo Rin that is....*

The atmosphere was awkward. Min Ji gave in.

"I-I'm going to do my job. I got a request yesterday. B-Bye." Min Ji said and hurried away. 

"Oh. Bye." Sungjong called out after her. Just like that, they parted their ways.

Back to Hyo Rin and Woohyun

"Ah." Hyo Rin said and patted her belly. "Delicious."

The waitress gave Woohyun his bill. His eyes nearly popped out.

"BWOH?! 200,000 WON?! I NEVER EVEN ATE HALF AS MUCH! WHAT'S YOUR STOMACH MADE OUT OF?!" Woohyun exclaimed. Hyo Rin looked at him.

"You said you were paying. So of course I'd eat as much as I can." Hyo Rin said. Woohyun gave her an unbelievable face. He shook his head. He took money out of his wallet and handed it to the waitress. The waitress bowed.

"Thank you for coming. Please come back again."

Woohyun and Hyo Rin got out of their seats and walked out the door. It was already 7PM. 

"I'm going home now. Bye."

"Oh, let me walk you home. A girl walking home alone is not safe." Woohyun said. 

"Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I... I'm not really comfortable walking with somebody home." Hyo Rin lied. She didn't want him to know where she lived.

"Oh. Okay then. Nights. See you at school." Woohyun waved. Hyo Rin nodded. But before they parted Woohyun spoke to her once more.

"So, we cool about the afternoon incident now?"

Hyo Rin smiled. "Yeah."

"Can we be friends?" Woohyun asked. Hyo Rin thought for a moment.

"Yeah, sure why not."

Woohyun grinned. "Okay friend. See you at school."

Hyo Rin waved. Finally, they parted.

Hyo Rin finally reached home. Hyun Ki and Hyo Jin were waiting for her.

"Sister! Welcome back!" They said at the same time. Hyo Rin ruffled their hair.

"I'm back."

"You eating dinner tonight?" Hyo Jin asked. Hyo Rin shook her head.

"I already ate with a friend. Save it for tomorrow morning." Hyo Rin said. Hyo Jin nodded.

"You guys can watch TV tonight but sleep early, okay?"

Hyo Jin and Hyun Ki nodded. Hyo Rin went up to her room. She threw her bookbag down on the floor and flopped onto her chair.

She took out her phone and texted Min Ji.

Hey! Sorry I ditched you guys today!

-Hyo Rin

Itz okay. 

-Min Ji

I had so much fun with Woohyun today. I ate so much Korean BBQ.

-Hyo Rin

Soundz fun.

-Min Ji

Min Ji? Something wrong?


-Hyo Rin

No nothing. Im buzy. Bye.

-Min Ji

Oh okay. Nights. 

-Hyo Rin

Hyo Rin locked her phone. *Weird... The usual Min Ji would be nosy nonstop. What happened today?* Hyo Rin wondered. She couldn't think of what happened today. She shook her head. *Guess I'll just shower and sleep tonight. My request is coming along well. Got closer to Nam Woohyun after all.*

At the same time Min Ji was at home on her bed. *Wow, Hyo Rin must've had a lot of fun. But compared to me today... I ....* Min Ji stared down. Tears were ready to fall any time. She took a big sniff and flopped onto her pillow. She closed her eyes and let her mind dream.

Sungjong was at home, playing video games. He was beasting of course but it was only to take his mind off somewhere. *Hyo Rin.... with Nam Woohyun.... Hyo Rin....* He stopped having such thoughts and kept playing video games just so he won't think about it.

Woohyun was at home, listening to his iPod. He laid on his bed thinking about today. *I sure had fun with Hyo Rin today. With So Hee, she wouldn't bother to go anywhere with me that's dirty like that restaurant. Ahh... which place should I take her to next time. Eating with somebody sure is better that eating alone.

The same night, our four characters have their own thoughts. How will this request come along?


Hello everybody! Some development in Hyo Rin's request to break up So Hee and Woohyun today! :D Just thought I should put some development or it's gonna be boring.


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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Please make a sequel about when woohyun tries to help hyorin regain back her memories and make her remember them!!!! I also hope that in the sequel they will finally have a peaceful life together!!! :) Auther-nim PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel to this story!!!!!! ;)
Chapter 22: New reader is here kkk <3
nice ending hehe but yeah a little bit sad too, pity woohyun eo tsk ..
Anyways I love it author-nim kk <3
Lol since so much people's asking it, I'll clarify the ending since people doesn't seem to quite get it. Yes, in the end, Hyo Rin gets amnesia. And Woohyun often visits her after she wakes up.
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, it was so sad that I'm crying. ;A; So amnesia? Or.../cries/
Chapter 22: nice ending.. it beautiful yet a bit sad.
I love it.
Chapter 22: awwww... it's a nice ending.. but kinda dissapointed.. but it's ok.. very nice story.. keep writing!! Hwaiting!! ^^~~
Chapter 22: Aww this was wonderful <3 with a twist i didnt expect. Great job!
Haha thanks for the comments people ^^ I hope you liked the story and will continue on to do so. Thanks for the support for these two months! :D
sweetsforkpop #9
Chapter 22: Good job! I really enjoyed the story; even though it was not the ending I was expecting... but either way it fitted into the story so well. Thank you for making the story!
mickyilya #10
Chapter 22: she lost her memories? gosh!!! not the ending i expected , but the story end , thanks author for finished it. '
love you :)