Request: Almost.

It was 6 AM this morning and somebody rang Hyo Rin's doorbell. Hyo Rin groaned in frustration. *Nam Woohyun! You again!*

She ran down the stairs and slammed the door open.

"Nam Woohyun! Why do you always wake me up so early!" Hyo Rin screamed.

"What would Nam Woohyun be doing here?" 

Hyo Rin blinked. She focused her eyesight to see that Min Ji was in her PJs. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. "Min Ji! What happened?!"

"Can I come in first?" She asked. Hyo Rin warmly welcomed her. Min Ji sat down on the couch in the living room and Hyo Rin brewed some tea to serve her.

Hyo Rin set the tea on the table and sat down on the couch with her.

"What happened?" Hyo Rin asked again. Min Ji grabbed a tissue from the tissue box and sniffled.

"Just had an argument with my parents. That's all."

Hyo Rin frowned. She knew the Kang couple were both extremely busy people. They rarely ever had time for Min Ji so she always came over to Hyo Rin's house. Hyo Rin patted Min Ji's back.

"I mean." Min Ji sniffled. "If they never wanted a child, why bother to have and give birth to me?! They should've never had or just abort me!"

Hyo Rin stared at her in shock. "Don't say that! If your parents never had or aborted you, I would never have a best friend like you! Where would I be right now?!"

Min Ji smiled between her tears. "That's why you're my best friend as well."

Hyo Rin smiled warmly at her. She noticed that there was a red hand mark on her face. "Min Ji-Ah. What happened to your cheek?"

Min Ji placed her hand on her left cheek. "My father slapped me." 

Hyo Rin was shocked. "Let me get you some ice to put on it." She got up, went to the fridge, and grabbed a bag of ice. She took some ice cubes out and placed it on a towel. She went back to the living room and handed Min Ji the towel. Min Ji took the towel and placed it on her left cheek.

"Thanks Hyo Rin." 

Hyo Rin smiled. "That's what best friends are for." Hyo Rin stayed with Min Ji for a while until Woohyun came and rang her doorbell. Hyo Rin went to open the door for him.

"Hey!" Woohyun greeted her. He went into the living and was surprised to see Min Ji. "Good Morning." He said to Min Ji.

"Morning." Min Ji replied back. Min Ji made eye contact with Hyo Rin and went to the bathroom. 

"Wait here." Hyo Rin told Woohyun and followed Min Ji to the bathroom.

"What's he doing here?" Min Ji hissed. "You know that we made a golden rule that our targets cannot find any personal information about us!"

"He goes to our school. Do you think we can even hide any personal information?"

"This is going to be a huge mess. You do know that we made that rule just so that our targets won't try to find us again after the request is completed!"

"I know that!"

"Then what is he doing here?!" Min Ji exclaimed, raising her voice. 

"What's wrong?" Woohyun called from the living room.

"Nothing!" Hyo Rin called back. She faced Min Ji and spoke in a low voice. "I'll handle everything, okay?"

Min Ji sighed in desperation. "Whatever. I'm just warning you so you won't be a mess. Just remember to don't fall for him. It's going to be in the way." 

"I know. I know." 

"What's he here for then?"

"I'm his for his birthday party instead of So Hee."

"Just make sure you finish this request fast. The faster you finish it, the less mess you'll have to clean up." Min Ji said and walked out of the bathroom. Hyo Rin followed her. Woohyun was waiting patiently in the living room.

"You ready to go?" He asked Hyo Rin. Hyo Rin nodded. She turned to Min Ji. "I'll be going now. You can stay in my house if you want. Just remember to lock the door."

Min Ji nodded. Woohyun and Hyo Rin left the house. Sungjong was on his way to Hyo Rin's house when he saw Woohyun and Hyo Rin leave the house together. He frowned. *What's Nam Woohyun doing together with Hyo Rin?*

He attempted to follow them to see where they were going but Woohyun and Hyo Rin entered a Mercedes and drove off.

He walked to the gates of Hyo Rin's house and walked in. 

"Hyo Rin? Did you forget something?" Min Ji asked and walked to the door. She blinked in surprise to see Sungjong.


"What's Hyo Rin doing together with Nam Woohyun?

"Hyo Rin's his for his birthday party."

"His ?!" Sungjong exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I'm going to go along with her."

"You're going to his birthday party?" Min Ji asked, half-amused and half-panicked. She crossed her arms. "And how exactly are you supposed to be invited? You're not a billionare, politician, or any famous artisan. Are you going to break in?"

"I have an uncle that's a reporter. He's going to be writing a report for his birthday party. I'll just sneak in there."

"Oh really? Then I'm coming along."

"What, why?"

"Cause I'm worried about Hyo Rin. Let's go."

For Min Ji, she had three reasons to go to the birthday party. 1.) She was indeed worried about her best friend. 2.) She was worried Sungjong will mess everything up and reveal who Hyo Rin was. 3.) She did not want Sungjong to be with Hyo Rin.

Hyo Rin groaned in pain. It has only been two minutes since they began to dress her up and she was already in pain. Her eyebrows were being plucked. *Has it always been this painful just to achieve beauty? I wonder how many people suffered the same pain as me.*

"How is it so far?" Woohyun asked her from behind. 

"Painful." Hyo Rin replied with a poker face. Woohyun chuckled on his chair.

"Young master." Woohyun's driver said and walked up to him. He handed Woohyun a package and whispered in his ear.

Hyo Rin could hear bits of the conversation. "The's true...." She heard. Woohyun opened the package and took out some documents. Hyo Rin stared in the mirror as Woohyun furrowed his eyebrows. He stared at the driver. The driver nodded.

"What's wrong?" Hyo Rin asked Woohyun. Woohyun looked up.

"It's nothing. You don't need to worry about it."

"Okay." Hyo Rin replied to him. Obviously, she knew that it wasn't nothing. From the look on his face, the documents bothered him a lot but she didn't poke into it.

The beautician plucked her eyebrows painfully.

*Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.*

Finally, the painful eyebrow plucking was done. Hyo Rin was already drained.

"Miss, we need to give you a haircut now. Please come this way so we can wash your hair." An assistant said. Hyo Rin got up from her seat and followed her. The assistant carefully washed her hair and massaged her scalp. She felt the pain being relieved from her body. After the hairwash, the hairstylist cut her hair. She carefully trimmed her hair. The makeup artist came next and applied her makeup. Once the makeup was applied, the time for dress-picking came along. 

Woohyun selected a black dress that flowed to her feet. Woohyun chose a tuxedo to wear. Woohyun finished dressing before her and waited for her outside. The assistants assisted Hyo Rin in dressing her dress. Once they were done, they walked out of the dressing room where Woohyun waited. He stared at her up and down.

"If I didn't know you were Hyo Rin, I would've thought you were an idol from Hollywood." Woohyun complimented.

"Thank you." 

Woohyun nodded. He checked his cellphone. "It's time. Let's go." 

Woohyun held out his arm for Hyo Rin. Hyo Rin slipped her arm into his arm and walked to the car. She sat in the car. *It's time for his birthday party. I will have to hurry up and complete this request before I fall for his charms.* But somewhere deep in her heart, she knew Min Ji's warnings were of no use. His charms already affected her.

Yeah. I know. Kinda a boring chapter. The next chapter will feature Woohyun's birthday so stayed tune!! I hope I'll make it enjoyable for you guys ^_^



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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Please make a sequel about when woohyun tries to help hyorin regain back her memories and make her remember them!!!! I also hope that in the sequel they will finally have a peaceful life together!!! :) Auther-nim PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel to this story!!!!!! ;)
Chapter 22: New reader is here kkk <3
nice ending hehe but yeah a little bit sad too, pity woohyun eo tsk ..
Anyways I love it author-nim kk <3
Lol since so much people's asking it, I'll clarify the ending since people doesn't seem to quite get it. Yes, in the end, Hyo Rin gets amnesia. And Woohyun often visits her after she wakes up.
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, it was so sad that I'm crying. ;A; So amnesia? Or.../cries/
Chapter 22: nice ending.. it beautiful yet a bit sad.
I love it.
Chapter 22: awwww... it's a nice ending.. but kinda dissapointed.. but it's ok.. very nice story.. keep writing!! Hwaiting!! ^^~~
Chapter 22: Aww this was wonderful <3 with a twist i didnt expect. Great job!
Haha thanks for the comments people ^^ I hope you liked the story and will continue on to do so. Thanks for the support for these two months! :D
sweetsforkpop #9
Chapter 22: Good job! I really enjoyed the story; even though it was not the ending I was expecting... but either way it fitted into the story so well. Thank you for making the story!
mickyilya #10
Chapter 22: she lost her memories? gosh!!! not the ending i expected , but the story end , thanks author for finished it. '
love you :)