After the Request.

"Noona....Noona? Noona!!"

Hyo Rin blinked and turned around. Hyun Ki had a worried face.

"Noona, what's wrong?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm fine. What were we talking about? I wasn't paying attention."

Hyun Ki pouted. "We were talking about my piano performance tomorrow! You're coming right? I have to get you the tickets if you're coming."

Hyo Rin nodded. "Yeah I'm coming."

"Yay! I'll get you the best seat offered!" Hyun Ki exclaimed. Hyo Rin smiled. Hyun Ki sniffed the air.

"What's that burning smell?" He said and looked down at the frying pan. "NOONA! The pan is burning!"

"Eh?!" Hyo Rin exclaimed and look at her fabulous creation of a burned egg in a burning frying pan. "OH NO!" She exclaimed and together, they put out the fire. Hyun Ki puffed.

"Noona....I know you're a bad cook but please don't burn the kitchen."

Hyo RIn pouted. "Hyo Jin isn't here that's why I'm cooking. Gosh, let's just order take-out."

Hyun Ki nodded.

After they ordered take-out, they sat down on the table and ate. Hyun Ki had to go to school earlier today because of his piano performance. He had to prepare for it. 

While they were eating, somebody rang the doorbell. Hyo RIn froze and stopped eating. *The person at the door.....Nam Woohyun?*

Hyun Ki went to open the door. Hyo RIn was at the table, frozen and didn't move. *What if it's Woohyun? What am I going to do?*

"Hyun Ki!" A familiar voice cried out, but the voice was not Woohyun's. Hyo Rin could not hide her disappointment when Sungjong came into the house.

"Hyo RIn?"

Hyo RIn forced a smile. "Hey Sungjong."

Sungjong bit his lip. "Were you expecting somebody else?"

Hyo RIn shook her head. "No."

Sungjong looked down. *You're such a bad liar Hyo Rin.*

Hyun Ki tugged on Sungjong's shirt. "Hyung, I'm going to school now. Take care of Noona for me will you?"

Sungjong nodded. "I will. Have fun at school."

Hyun Ki nodded. "Bye Hyung! Bye Noona!" He said and ran out the door. Sungjong sat down on the table.

"Were you thinking that Woohyun will come to the house."

Hyo Rin made a small smile and shook her head. "No."

Sungjong sighed. "You're a bad liar."

"I wasn't lying." Hyo Rin got up. "I'm going to change for school." She said and walked to her room to change. The doorbell rang again and Sungjong went to open it. Min Ji was standing outside.

"Sungjong. Morning." Min Ji said. Sungjong made a smile.


Hyo Rin came downstairs, changed and ready to go. When she saw Min Ji she made a big grin. "Min Ji! Good Morning!"

Min Ji smiled back. "Morning."

Sungjong noticed that there was something wrong with her smile. As if something was bothering her.

"Min Ji? Is something wrong?" He asked her. Min Ji looked at him, surprised, but she smiled again, the same smile.

"What can be wrong? Nothing's wrong with Hyo Rin here."

Sungjong wanted to open his mouth to say something but Min Ji changed the topic.

"Let's go to school now Hyo Rin." 

Hyo Rin nodded. She locked the door and they walked to school. On the way, they complained about teachers and final exams for the year. It was nearly time to decide on a college for them.

At school, they walked in. Everybody was chattering around them. Hyo Rin frowned. *Everybody knows about me and Woohyun?*

Min Ji nudged Hyo Rin. Hyo Rin turned to her with a questioning face. Min Ji moved her face in a different direction and Hyo Rin followed her gaze. At the school gate, Woohyun was walking in with his gang as usual. Hyo Rin felt a small pain in her heart. Ga Yun walked up to him and locked her arms with his. He didn't seem to mind it at all. She whispered into his ears and Woohyun turned to her. They walked past Hyo Rin. Woohyun did not even give her a glance.

*So...he already has a new girl....*

Min Ji noticed her face. "Hyo RIn?"

Hyo RIn looked at Min Ji and Sungjong.

"You alright?" Sungjong asked her. 

"I'm fine." Hyo RIn lied.

"You're not a good liar. You still thinking about your target?" Sungjong pressed on.

"I'm fine! I'm not lying! Woohyun was just any same target. Once we're done with him, he just goes on to a new girl. All men are like that!" Hyo Rin snapped at him and ran into school. Min Ji looked over to Sungjong and shook her head.

"You shouldn't have pressed on like that."

Sungjong glared at her. "She wasn't alright. She's still thinking about Woohyun."

"And what are you going to do? Confess to her?" Min Ji blurted out.

"It's not liek that! Wait. Confess to her?" Sungjong asked questiongly and a blush covered his face. "N-No, Wh, Wa, I'm just worried about her! She looked like that the whole morning!"

Min Ji sighed. *You're not a good liar either Sungjong.* "Just give her time. She already said that she thinks Woohyun are just like the men she think they are. Always going on to new girls." Min Ji reassured him. Sungjong seem to have been reassured. He nodded.

"Yeah, You're right. Their relationship was simply couplebreaker and target. That's all." Sungjong said and walked into school. Min Ji watched them go.

"And I don't even have much time to watch over you guys anymore...." She muttered under her breath and followed them into the school.

Hrm, short chapter bleh D:< Thanks for the comments guys! ^^ 


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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Please make a sequel about when woohyun tries to help hyorin regain back her memories and make her remember them!!!! I also hope that in the sequel they will finally have a peaceful life together!!! :) Auther-nim PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel to this story!!!!!! ;)
Chapter 22: New reader is here kkk <3
nice ending hehe but yeah a little bit sad too, pity woohyun eo tsk ..
Anyways I love it author-nim kk <3
Lol since so much people's asking it, I'll clarify the ending since people doesn't seem to quite get it. Yes, in the end, Hyo Rin gets amnesia. And Woohyun often visits her after she wakes up.
Chapter 22: Oh my gosh, it was so sad that I'm crying. ;A; So amnesia? Or.../cries/
Chapter 22: nice ending.. it beautiful yet a bit sad.
I love it.
Chapter 22: awwww... it's a nice ending.. but kinda dissapointed.. but it's ok.. very nice story.. keep writing!! Hwaiting!! ^^~~
Chapter 22: Aww this was wonderful <3 with a twist i didnt expect. Great job!
Haha thanks for the comments people ^^ I hope you liked the story and will continue on to do so. Thanks for the support for these two months! :D
sweetsforkpop #9
Chapter 22: Good job! I really enjoyed the story; even though it was not the ending I was expecting... but either way it fitted into the story so well. Thank you for making the story!
mickyilya #10
Chapter 22: she lost her memories? gosh!!! not the ending i expected , but the story end , thanks author for finished it. '
love you :)