Dance Off

You're My Only Oppa

  It was time for the party and I had the photos Jongup wanted developed. P had to pay a lot since I needed the pictures quickly, but I didn’t care because I was willing enough to give him the photos.

  Before I left, I grab my camera and call Jonghyun. I wait a few rings until I hear Jonghyun’s voice on the other phone. “Hey, In Young.”

  I smile, loving to hear his voice. “Are you coming today?”

  There was a pause. “I am.”

  My heart just burst at those words. He’s coming! He’s actually coming to Jongup’s party! I hope things would turn out great between them because I need them to be. I don’t want to see them fight since there’s no reason they should be fighting, right? “I’ll see you there then!” I exclaim.

  “Yeah. Bye, In Young. I love you.”

  I smile at those words. “By Jonghyun. I love you, too.” There will never be a day I won’t love him. After all I’ve been through just to get him back it would be hard to let him go. I don’t want to lose him again.

  I hang up the phone and head to Jongup’s house which was only a couple of steps away. By the door, I could hear talking and laughing. Am I late or are people early? I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to answer.

  It was Jongup who opens the door. He smiles brightly at me and gives me a hug before stepping aside. “I’m glad you can make it, In Young!” He exclaims and pulls me more into the house. Jongup introduces me to his parents and the other adults in the house. Then, turning to me, he says, “All the teens are outside and Da Ni and Ricky are already here.”

  I grin. “Thanks.” I take out the photos. “And here’s the pictures.”

  His eyes stare at the photos and he smiles. Taking it from my hand, he says, “Thanks, In Young.”

  I could tell he like them because his eyes were sparkling like a little child when he receives candy.

  “I’ll take these to my room and take you to the backyard. Wait for me.” He walks away and returns with nothing in his hands. He must have tossed them somewhere random since he came back quickly. “Follow me.”

 I follow him outside where I see Da Ni and Ricky sitting next to each other on the patio while there were five other guys dancing on the grass. I sit on the other side of Da Ni and say, “Hey.”

  She turns to me. “Hey, In Young!” She points at the guys. “These guys are good! Those two can sure sing.” She points at two boys. One had chubby features while the other was really handsome. “And that one can rap really deep.” She points to another one with red dye on his hair. Then she points to a black hair boy. “I’m not sure about this one. I barely hear him, but he sure is hot.”

  “Hey!” Ricky exclaims.

  She giggles. “You’re cute and he’s hot. There’s a difference.”

  He pouts.

  “And you’re always mine.” Da Ni kisses his cheek.

  Ricky flushes red.

  She continues. “And that tall one can really rap and dance!”

  I stare at all of them and notice each of them had their own charm, but they all had that tough, bad boy look. Wow, who knew Jongup could be friends with those guys.

  “Hey guys!” Jongup’s voice interrupts the group. He takes my arm and helps me up. “This is In Young, a new friend I met this year.”

  “Wow, Jongup! You sure meet really pretty girls!” The black haired boy comments. “First Da Ni and now In Young. You sure are a player!”

  The deep rapper smacks him on the back of his head.


  Jongup just smiles and turns to me. “Let me introduce you to them since they’re busy bickering at each other.” He points at the black haired one, “That’s Himchan and the one with the deep voice is Yong Guk.” He points at the two singers. “The Busan boy is Daehyun while his best friend beside him is Youngjae.”

  They both bow at the same time and say, “It’s nice to meet you In Young.”

  “And I’m Zelo!” The tallest boy exclaims, jumping in front of them. “It’s nice to meet you!” He grabs my hand and shakes it.

  I smile.

  “Oh and he’s the youngest, too. In fact, he’s younger than you and Da Ni.” Jongup adds.

  My jaw drops. This tall boy is younger that all of them? Not only that, but he’s younger than me?! He seems like he belongs somewhere in the middle!

  “Is Jonghyun coming?”

  You nod your head.

  “Great! He gets to meet everyone. Oh, and I met these guys at my old school. They came here to visit me and see how I’m doing.”

  “Alright! Let’s have a dance off!” Zelo exclaims.

  “Ugh… Please Zelo. Not now…” Youngjae grumbles.

  “Can we do that later? I mean, I just ate lunch!” Himchan explains. “And you don’t want to see my pretty face throw up on someone or somewhere.”

  Yong Guk glares at Himchan who completely ignores him.

  “Speaking of eating, I’m going to grab something to eat,” Daehyun announces and steps inside the house.

  Zelo pouts.

  Jongup comes up to him and pats his back. “Don’t worry Zelo. We’ll have a dance competition later. I have a friend that dances really well and we could go against him.” He turns to Da Ni, Ricky, and me. “And you three could be the judges.”

  Ricky gives a thumbs up. “Sure!”

  Da Ni agrees, too.

  I nod my head. “So we just have to wait for Jonghyun?”

  Jongup nods. “Yeah. I hope he doesn’t take long because it might get dark soon and I’m not a fan of staying outside at night. There’s too many bugs.”


  I’m not sure how long we waited, but Jonghyun finally came, trying to play cool. I know what he’s like now, but there’s still a tint of the Jonghyun in there like the part where he’s afraid of heights.

  “Hey,” Jonghyun greets to everyone.

  Jongup was escorting him to the backyard, so he was behind him. He steps in front and introduces his friends to him. “Hey guys, this is Jonghyun. I’ve known him since-”

  “It’s Changjo.” He simply states.

  “A-Ah… This is Cha-Changjo.” Jongup says hesitantly. He doesn’t feel comfortable calling Jonghyun Changjo just like me. “And this is Yong Guk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, and Zelo.” He introduces the guys.

  Jonghyun just smiles at all of them before taking a seat next to me.

  Jongup took his arm. “You’re not going to sit just yet. We’re going to have a dance battle!”

  Jonghyun stared at Jongup’s hand then back at him.

  He pulled his hand away and laughed nervously. “Sorry. You like your space don’t you. Uhm…” He bit his lip. “Would you like to have a dance battle with us? I mean, I know you like dancing, but I’m not forcing you to dance.”

  Jonghyun’s eyes went to Jongup to Jongup’s friends, and to me. I wanted him to join them because it would be nice if he had more friends since some of his friends have graduated. “Sure. I’ll dance.” He gets up.

  “You better not cheat!” Zelo exclaims. “I know these two are your friends, but you have to judge by skill!” He heads to the radio and plays the CD that was in there. He started playing a mash-up: Tik Tok Mambo

  Zelo starts dancing, doing all these smoothes moves and points at Jongup who dances his moves. Jongup touches Yong Guk so he could start dancing. It causes a chain reaction until everyone is dancing to one song.

  The moment the song ended, it was time for us to decide who would be kicked out on the first round. We whisper to each other, disagreeing at some points, but we manage to find a person.

  We smile to the group as they stand nervously at us. “Okay,” Da Ni was the first to announce, “The first person out is… Himchan!”

  “What?!” He screams and pouts.

  The guys laugh.

  “Now you don’t have to worry about throwing up!” Yong Guk exclaims.

  He glares and sits next to us.

  “Alright! Next song!” Zelo switches the track to another mash-up: The Shadow of Humanoids 

  They dance once again and we decided who would leave next.

  It has been like that for a while until all who were left was Jongup, Zelo, and Jonghyun.

  “Okay, now this is the last round where we determine the winner! Let’s see who wins this one!” Zelo announces. “And since it is the last song, let’s choose something with a more hard core beat.” He smirks and changes the song. “Let’s choose one of our songs we made for fun mixed with another.” The song starts playing with a strong beat. Warrior in Nalina 

  They truly had a dance off as they each had their own chance at dancing. They would go back and forth, showing their moves with such intensity. Just by watching them, I could tell their passion was dancing.

  By the time it came to the stomping, Zelo went first and Jongup completed it. Then Jongup had his own solo afterwards. By the time the song ended, they all were sweating and breathing hard; their chest rising and falling.

  Us three judges exchange glances and discuss our winner. It was really a hard decision because they all dance well. A couple of times, we would look at the three who were talking amongst each other.

  I smile as I saw Jonghyun was a huge grin on his face while speaking to Jongup. I can tell dancing was one of the things they have in common and it was one of the things that could get Jonghyun closer to Jongup. I still don’t understand why he didn’t like him in the first place.

  When we finally made the decision, we all stood up. And this time, it was my turn to announce. “And so, our winner is…” I pause for a dramatic effect and grin widely. I must have taken too long because Ricky’s voice pipes in.


  “WHAT?!” Both Jongup and Jonghyun exclaim at the same time. “ZELO?!”

  “Yes!” Zelo jumps up and down, but stops suddenly. “Oh… I forgot to say what the prize is when you win!”

  Everyone looks at him in disbelief.

  He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. “Uh… I really don’t know…”

  “You get a pat on the back, then since you can’t think of anything,” Yong Guk suggests.

  “No! I don’t want a pat on the back! I did all that just to receive that?!”

  “Well, what do you want?”

  He grins. “Money.”

  We all groan while Jongup asks, “How much?”

  “Uhmm… Ten dollars?”

  Jongup hesitates and looks at everyone around. “That’s fair. Two dollars per person minus me.” He grins his idiot smile and everyone just shakes their head and donates two dollars to Zelo.

  They all exchange glances and tackles Zelo with all the force they had. The only people who didn’t tackle him were Da Ni, Ricky, Jonghyun, and me. We all just laugh at their foolishness and watch as they tease the poor maknae.

  I turn my head towards Jonghyun and see his smile fading away. His eyes turn sad and he drops his head. I’m worried about him. I don’t know what’s going on in his mind, but he must be sad about not remembering Jongup. I would be too if I forgot someone once again.

  I wrap my hands around his.

  He flinches and turns his head towards me.

  I smile.

  He smiles.

  I promise, I will never leave you. I promise to love you forever because you are my only Oppa. No matter what, no one will replace your love. I look at Jongup and find him squeezing out of the group but Himchan pulls him back in.

  “Oh, no you don’t! You’re not leaving because you’re the one who agreed to give him ten dollars!” Himchan shouted and squeezed him tight.

  “Gah! Hyung! That hurts!”

  I laugh. I’m glad I came. This day sure turned interesting in a flash.


  It's been a while! But here's another chapter and click the bolded titles to listen to the music. I like mash-ups, so I chose mash-up songs rather than original. Sorry if it wasn't that great...

OH MY GOSH!! THIS PICTURE!!!! JONGUP'S SMILE IS PRECIOUS!!!!! :Dtumblr_mcrcylfIYJ1qk3ze8o1_500.jpg

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Phi_Phi #1
Chapter 15: Its currently quarter to 2 in the morning and school starts in 7 hours... I'm so sad this ended :c But i loved this story c':
jopm93 #2
Chapter 15: aww this is so freakin sweet!! and gahh totally cried at the part In Young and JongHyun reunitedd gahhh
Sheena1611 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you so much!
You were the one who made me listen to B.A.P, and I'm so thankful I wanted to listen to them since Jongup was in the story, and I thought 'Why not?', so I listened to them, and wow, I don't regret anything!<3
Sheena1611 #4
Chapter 15: No, is it done?!
Well, I loved it :)
I cried, I love Changjo, and the plan Jongup and Himchan did, it was genius! I really loved it, I just can't described how much I loved it<3
Good job ;)
Chapter 15: Cute~~~ ♡♥♡
This was a nice ending ^-^
Chapter 13: stupid Jonghyun.. Just get back with her already!! Or you'll lose her to Jongup! Not that I don't love you Jongup, I really do. But Jonghyun! Snap out of it !!
Chapter 11: Hmm...doesn't he like her? :O
Chapter 10: Ooh what could have happened? :o
Chapter 9: Yay they get along ^^
But why is he pale so suddenly? :o