Distant Memory

You're My Only Oppa

  I notice Jonghyun’s face was pale, so I ask him, “What’s wrong.”

  “I-I remember something.” He stutters as he drops his gaze to the grip. “Ow…” He presses his hands on his head and crouch.

  “Jonghyun!” I crouch next to him and rub his back. “What’s wrong?” I’m concern about his situation. This never happens to him before.

  “I just remember hitting someone and they hit me back. It feels like he did it to me again.” He stands up and takes a deep breath. “I’m okay now, but I just remember arguing. I don’t know who or what we were arguing about, but it was serious.” Jonghyun shakes his head. “Let’s not talk about this. I don’t really feel comfortable.”

  I nod. “Okay, let’s just enjoy the rest of the day.”

  He manages a weak smile, but I know he was still worried about it. After all, he’s trying his best to remember everything from the past, but not everything will come back all at once. It’ll be a gradual thing.

  At the park, we basically walk around together and talk about what we missed since Jonghyun has been hanging out with Jongup. Even though it’s only been a few days, we always have a lot to say. Even as we were going to my house, we still have things to say.

  “You don’t want to come in and eat with us? Jeongmin and Unnie are cooking like always,” I offer as I stand in front of my door.

  Jonhyung shakes his head. “I’m fine. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay.” I was slightly disappointed that he wasn’t going to eat with us.

  He kisses my forehead and walks off, hands in his pocket.

  I watch him go and when he was out of sight, I enter my house and smell dinner. I take a full whiff of it and run to the kitchen, finding Jeongmin and Unnie cooking together. “I’m home!” I exclaim.

  They both turn to me and say, “Welcome home!”

  Just because they’re not my parents, they sure act like one. I’m sure once they get older and marry and have children, they’ll be great parents, but for right now, they have to take care of me.

  “Dinner will be ready soon. Go ahead and clean up while we finish this,” Unnie says.

  I nod and head upstairs. Well, before I change into pajamas, I decide to look in my diary and see if I wrote something similar to what Jonghyun told me earlier.


  Diary entry #16

  March 8

  Dear You,

  Haha, see I changed the intro a bit. I mean, it’ll be boring if you see ‘Dear Diary’ all the time. Well, I’ll tell you what I did today. Hm… Where should I start?

  Let’s start with my day, then I’ll mention what happened to Jonghyun.

  So, this morning, there was a new student today and he was pretty cute. I don’t remember his name because it’s only be a day, but don’t worry I’ll remember it one day! OH! I remember now! He came from Japan and his name was Ryuji. It’s fun to say and it’s really cute in my opinion. I think it means Dragon, but correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t know much Japanese…

  Well, anyways, like I said he’s really cute, but… NOT LIKE JONGHYUN! Heh, I’m being biased aren’t I? OH WELL!

  Uhm, well I did talk to Ryuji a bit and he’s pretty cool. He can sing and play guitar! During our music class, he performed in front of the whole class a Japanese song! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gAAKUcmCc) OMG! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW BEAUTIFUL IT WAS! It made me cry! Okay, not really. But it was good. I really liked his voice.

  I wonder what Jonghyun would sound like if he actually sung. I mean, I never heard him sing before and I don’t even know if he has the talent of singing, but whatever! At least he can dance, right?

  Well, after Ryuji started singing, lots of girls were all over him. Man! He’s was really popular in one day. But even though girls were around him, he still spoke to me as if he was still new in school.


  I kept thinking about that when he was talking to me, but I kept my mind focused on him and the topic with my great concentration skills.

  Why do I keep talking about this boy? Well, I guess it’s cause he’s pretty cool and he’s one of the first friends I made since Jonghyun left for high school. I hope I get to get closer to this guy and maybe I can learn how to play guitar from him. We’ll see.

  Now, for Jonghyun.

  After school, I wanted to see him, but when I reached his house, his parents said he wasn’t home. I decided to go home instead of wait for him there. But as I passed the neighborhood, I found Jonghyun walking with his head down.

  I smiled and called, “Jonghyun!”

  He didn’t even look or replied to me.

  As he passed by, I noticed the side of his mouth was bruised as his knuckles were red with blood stains. I knew he had gotten into a fight, but why?

  “J-Jonghyun…” I called out again as he passed me.

  This time he looked at me, eyes dark and unmoving.

  I closed my mouth because I knew he didn’t want to talk at that moment.

  With an eye shift, he walked away.

  I don’t know what was wrong with him today, but it was bothering me. I didn’t want to mess with him because it looked serious. I didn’t want him to yell at me when I didn’t do anything wrong, so that’s why I’m just going to write in you, Diary. I’m just going to let out all my emotions on you since I don’t know where else I could share it.

  Ah… Well, it’s time for me to go to sleep. Good night. Sweet dreams.

-In Young <3


  I close my diary and sigh. I remember that day, but I still don’t know what happened. I never got the chance to ask Jonghyun because it was never the right time. I just could ask him about it at any random moment. I was scared that he would get mad at me.

  Now, about Ryuji, he moved back to Japan last year. I really miss him. I didn’t get a chance to learn how to play guitar, but he got me to be more interested in photography because he showed me all his photos that he took in Japan. Once I’m older, I’ll definitely go there with Jonghyun. I would never travel the world without someone with me. It’s even more exciting with others.

  “Dinner is ready!” I hear Unnie call from downstairs.

  “Okay!” I yell back and shut my diary. Well diary, I’ll be constantly reading you over time. I still have quite a few to read until I’m completely done. Ah, I never realize I wrote in my diary this many times. I guess it became a routine and I never paid attention to the amount of stuff I wrote.

  But now that I think about it, Jonghyun never really told me about high school when I was in middle school. Hm… That’s not important now, but it would be hard to explain what happened before his accident. Ah, I shouldn’t be worrying too much about this.

  I’m just going to eat and talk to Jonghyun on Monday.

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Phi_Phi #1
Chapter 15: Its currently quarter to 2 in the morning and school starts in 7 hours... I'm so sad this ended :c But i loved this story c':
jopm93 #2
Chapter 15: aww this is so freakin sweet!! and gahh totally cried at the part In Young and JongHyun reunitedd gahhh
Sheena1611 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you so much!
You were the one who made me listen to B.A.P, and I'm so thankful I wanted to listen to them since Jongup was in the story, and I thought 'Why not?', so I listened to them, and wow, I don't regret anything!<3
Sheena1611 #4
Chapter 15: No, is it done?!
Well, I loved it :)
I cried, I love Changjo, and the plan Jongup and Himchan did, it was genius! I really loved it, I just can't described how much I loved it<3
Good job ;)
Chapter 15: Cute~~~ ♡♥♡
This was a nice ending ^-^
Chapter 13: stupid Jonghyun.. Just get back with her already!! Or you'll lose her to Jongup! Not that I don't love you Jongup, I really do. But Jonghyun! Snap out of it !!
Chapter 11: Hmm...doesn't he like her? :O
Chapter 10: Ooh what could have happened? :o
Chapter 9: Yay they get along ^^
But why is he pale so suddenly? :o