How Photography Began

You're My Only Oppa

  Jonghyun grins. “Hey, In Young.” His expression softens when he meets Jongup’s gaze. “Hey, Jongup.”

  Jongup’s eyes drop to the ground.

  Ah, everything is going to be awkward now. I just know it. Trying to break this tension, I stand in between them and wrap my arms around both of their shoulders. Jonghyun was so tall that my arms were unleveled. “So, Jongup is having a welcoming party tomorrow and we’re invited along with Ricky and Da Ni!”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yupp! Do you think you can come?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Think about it? What was there to think about? It’s either you can’t go or you can. There’s nothing to think about! It’s more like you need to determine whether you’re available or not! Psh! Think about it? What is he trying to say?

  “If you can’t make it, that’s fine,” Jongup says, “I mean, you might be busy tomorrow and I can’t blame you for that.”

  Jonghyun’s gaze stays at Jongup for a moment before looking back at me. “Are you going?”

  I nod. Of course I will! He lives right next to me, so why won’t I go? Plus I don’t have anything to do. Staying at home is the last resort for a Sunday.

  His eyes trail. “Like I said, I’ll think about it.”

  I manage a weak smile. I don’t understand why he’s being like this. It’s not like Jongup did something bad to him in the past, right? He doesn’t seem like the person to do so. Jongup seems like the most innocent boy you will ever meet which is very rare nowadays. Now, guys think they’re so cool when they’re really not. To me, that’s stupid.

  Jongup must’ve felt awkward for he says, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow or Monday.” He starts walking away, but I grab his arm. He turns to me with wide eyes. “What is it, In Young?”

  “I’ll give you the photos whenever I develop them. I hope I’ll get it by tomorrow so it can be like a welcome gift.” I grinned and let him go.

  He smiles back at me with that same innocent smile. “I don’t mind if you don’t have a gift or you do. I’ll be fine with you just being there.” Jongup bows to both of us before leaving without me pulling on his arm this time.

  I turn to Jonghyun and put my hands on my hips. “So are you going or not?”

  He rolls his eyes and groans. “I already said, I’ll think about it.”

  I point a finger at his nose. “Well you better think quick because I don’t like the way you’re treating him!” I start walking towards the direction of home.

  “Wait, what does having to know my answer deal with me treating Jongup?”

  “It deals with everything! Why are you like that to him? He’s a sweet guy! I don’t see anything wrong with him! I don’t see the reason why you have to act like this! I thought you said you weren’t going to be so rude to him anymore!” I was about to burst, but I was only giving him half of my anger. I could do so much more, but not to him; not to someone who has lost part of their memory.

  He groaned. “Why are you so worried about what I do? Why are you so worried about Jongup?”

  “First, you are my boyfriend and second, Jongup is my friend. Of course I would be protective over him!” I could tell he was jealous, but wasn’t this going a bit too far? “You know what? Just leave me alone today. I don’t feel like talking to you.” I avoid his gaze, too angry to look at him.

  “In Young, don’t be like this.” He tries grabbing my arm, but I jerk away.

  “No. I’m going to be like this until we both calm down.” I take a deep breath and leave. I didn’t turn back for the fear of changing my mind.

  I return home, hearing Jeongmin and Unnie greeting me. I ignore them and ran up to my room, slamming the door behind me. I knew that was a big mistake because that was going to cause them to worry.

  There was a knock on my door and Unnie’s voice, “In Young, are you okay?”

  “Go away.” I mumbled into my pillow, tears about to come. I didn’t want to cry, but the tears wouldn’t hold back. This was the first time I had been in a fight with Jonghyun and I don’t want it to happen again. It’s the worst feeling I could ever have. It felt as if Jonghyun wouldn’t forgive me and would stop talking to me.

  “In Young, we need to talk about this. It isn’t healthy to bottle it up,” Unnie’s voice continues.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” Not now. Not while I’m in a bad mood.

  “In-” I hear her start, but Jeongmin’s voice comes in.

  “Leave her alone. I think she wants to be alone.” After those words, I hear their retreating footsteps.

  I sit up and sniffle, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I need something to calm me down and I’m sure I know what will do. I look under my bed and found my diary. Skipping a couple of pages, I found a diary entry I felt like reading.


   Diary Entry 29

   August 7

  Dear Diary,

  Guess what happened today!!! Yes, you guessed it, I go a camera! I’ll have you know, I’ve got a thing for taking photographs, but I never really have a chance because all I use are the camera from my phone or those digital cameras. But this time, I have a professional camera.

  Want to know how I got it?

  Well, I was walking through the store with Unnie and we I spotted a camera. I wanted it. I said, “UNNIE! Look! I want that camera!”

  She stared at it for a moment, thinking about it, but then she saw the price. Her eyes widened like an owl’s before she said, “Not now. It’s too expensive.”

  I was disappointed, so I looked for the cheapest one which wasn’t cheap at all. (I won’t even mention the price.)

  In the end, we didn’t buy it.

  Okay, skipping a couple of depression moments, I got bored for a while and decided to look through our closet where we I practically stuff everything we don’t need. Okay, there’s a few stuff from our parents that was left after the accident, but we never really got the chance to look through.

  I searched through there, bored out of my mind until I spotted the camera. It was one of those old school cameras where the pictures come out automatically and you would have to wait, but be careful because they can get ruined if you lay your fingerprints on them. Well, moving on.

  I found the camera and told Unnie about it and she let me keep it. Now, the big problem was the film. The film for those cameras was expensive but I wanted to take a few pictures on there. There were a few films left, but not enough for me!

  I took a few before all the film was used up. Most of the pictures were things I thought were pretty, but some didn’t end up as pretty as I imagined, sadly. Oh well, so yeah… I got my first camera!

  I asked Unnie if we could buy some film tomorrow, but she said she’ll think about it! Think about! At least she’s thinking about it! It means there’s a chance I would get it! AH!!!

  So yeah, that’s how my day went… Now you know what’s my hobby I’ll be keeping for the rest of my life! I can’t wait to tell Jonghyun about it! I’m sure he’ll be happy to know about my new discovery. I’ll even take a picture of him. Kekekeke~ Well, goodnight Diary. I promise to keep writing in you until the very last page. If I don’t… Then that’s my problem! Ppyong!~

-In Young <3


  I smiled after reading the diary entry. I remember that day. I even remember putting those pictures in an album somewhere… I’ll look for it later, I still have homework to do… Ah… Well, it wouldn’t hurt to look through it.

  I search my room and found the album under my bed once again. Why do I keep everything under my bed! Who knows what I’ll find next!

  I flip through the pages, finding pictures of random things. Some I don’t even know what it is! Some were basic items in the house. I was trying to get used to the different angles and lightings I could do to make my pictures better. My later pictures seemed more professional, but not like a real photographer.

  I smiled as I came across pictures of people I knew. I even noticed I had a lot of pictures of Jonghyun. I never knew I stalked him that much! I mean, I did like taking pictures of him, but wow! This is just creepy!

  I laughed at myself as I thought about that. I’m so weird.

  Flipping at the last page, I found a picture of my whole family. I remember finding that photo in an old album. I knew it was taken by that same camera for the quality and size were the same as the photos I had taken before.

  I closed the book, feeling ready to cry again. I miss my parents. I’ve always have, but I moved on. I had to or else I would just be stuck in time. I never want that to happen. I’m glad that I won’t lose anymore people.

  When Jonghyun was in that accident, I was so afraid I would lose him, but no, he had made it through, but when he forgot about me, I was afraid again until his memory slowly came back. My biggest fear was over, but now, I’m afraid of losing him again. It feels as if he’s becoming distant.

  I plop on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I sigh and close my eyes for a moment before opening them again. I grab my new camera and flip through the photos I had taken today once more. My smile creeps up on me with each new photo. I loved the way Jongup was looking at the tree. You could tell there was something special about it just by looking at these photos. You could tell it meant the world to him.

  That look on his face was the same face I would look at Jonghyun. It was the same expression every time he’s near me. I never want that look to disappear. I want to keep that look with me forever.

  I turn off my camera and look out the window. I was hoping to find Jongup dancing in the yard again, but he wasn’t. It was empty. I guess he had to do something in the house or didn’t return home. Thinking about him not making home made me worried. I decided to call him.

  “Hello?” Jongup’s voice came on the other line, calm.

  “Hey, did you make it home?” I ask with a tint of worry.

  He laughs. “You’re worried about me? Don’t worry, I’m home. I was just taking a nap.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you. I was just wondering if you made it home. I-I mean, I was… I…”

  “It’s okay! You don’t have to explain. I have to go now. My mom is calling me to help her cook. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I smile upon hearing his calm voice. “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  “Bye.” I hang up and face plant on my pillow. Of course he would be home! He’s a responsible kid; I mean Oppa! He’s older than me and he’s a guy! He can handle himself. “Gah!” I roll around on my bed. I’m going crazy…

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Phi_Phi #1
Chapter 15: Its currently quarter to 2 in the morning and school starts in 7 hours... I'm so sad this ended :c But i loved this story c':
jopm93 #2
Chapter 15: aww this is so freakin sweet!! and gahh totally cried at the part In Young and JongHyun reunitedd gahhh
Sheena1611 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you so much!
You were the one who made me listen to B.A.P, and I'm so thankful I wanted to listen to them since Jongup was in the story, and I thought 'Why not?', so I listened to them, and wow, I don't regret anything!<3
Sheena1611 #4
Chapter 15: No, is it done?!
Well, I loved it :)
I cried, I love Changjo, and the plan Jongup and Himchan did, it was genius! I really loved it, I just can't described how much I loved it<3
Good job ;)
Chapter 15: Cute~~~ ♡♥♡
This was a nice ending ^-^
Chapter 13: stupid Jonghyun.. Just get back with her already!! Or you'll lose her to Jongup! Not that I don't love you Jongup, I really do. But Jonghyun! Snap out of it !!
Chapter 11: Hmm...doesn't he like her? :O
Chapter 10: Ooh what could have happened? :o
Chapter 9: Yay they get along ^^
But why is he pale so suddenly? :o