Just a Tease

You're My Only Oppa

  It’s the weekend and I have no idea what to do. I could call Jonghyun and ask if he wants to hang out, but it’s still early and he’s not a morning person. It’s best to leave him alone on the weekends.

  I end up going outside at the backyard, just enjoying the morning breeze. That is until I hear Jongup’s voice.

   “In Young!” He calls.

  I look up and see his head sticking out of a window. He was smiling that same idiot smile while he waves his hand. I smile back since his smile is contagious. “Good morning, Jongup,” I call back.

  “Are you busy today?” He asks.

  I shake my head. “No. I want to do something though. I was thinking of hanging out with Jonghyun today, but I think he’s still asleep. Why?”

  “Ah…” Jongup purses his lips as he bubbles his cheek. He pops the bubble and says, “Well, if you want, you can come with me to the dance studio my friends and I own. Well, acutally Youngjae and Daehyun’s parents bought it for us, but that’s not important. What’s important is we have our own dance studio where we hang out. I was thinking of asking Jonghyun, too, but he’s not answering his phone.”

  “We can ask him later.” After all, he doesn’t wake up until one o’clock in the afternoon on weekends. It’s quite a waste of time.

  “Okay. I’ll get ready and call up my friends. They’ll be shocked to see a girl actually come in.” He chuckles. “They really enjoy your company. You’re pretty chill to talk to,  and you rarely see those type of girls nowadays especially if they see people as handsome as the people you know.”

  He’s right. There are so many girls that fawn over guys who are handsome whether they know them or not. I wouldn’t say I’m not one of them, but I know how to control myself. “I’m going to get ready, too. I’ll see you at the front, okay?”

  He nods and retreats from the window.

  I head inside and change into casual clothes. Once I went outside, Jongup was already waiting for me wearing shorts and a hoodie. He’s staring at the sky as his lips were pursed.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I say and step up to him.

  He holds out an arm and I take it.

  We walk in silence as Jongup leads me to the dance studio. Once there, we see all of his friends gathered in the middle staring at the computer screen as music echoed around the room.

  “What are you guys looking at?” Jongup asks while trying to squeeze in the little circle.

  “Just a dance. It’s pretty good. I think we should upload some of our videos in and maybe we could become famous!” Zelo exclaims as flailing his arms around. Suddenly, he looks at me. “Oh! In Young, you’re here!”

  I bow and wave. “Hey.”

  Zelo scrambles up to me and pulls me into the middle of the dance studio. “You’re the very first girl to ever be in our dance studio!”

  “I know…” Jongup already told me. I wonder if he really did call them to say I was coming.

  Himchan shakes his head and flicks Zelo’s forehead. “Stop being so childish, Zelo! You’re a high schooler now, not an elementary kid.”

  He pouted. “I’m still the maknae, so let me be one.”

  Himchan shakes his head again with a smile on his face. “I guess.”

  “I’m hungry,” Daehyun comments.

  “We just ate!” Youngjae scolds while listing all the food they ate in the morning. “We had pancakes, a muffin, orange juice, and an apple! Why are you so fat? Why do you eat so much?”

  “I’m not fat! I just have a big appetite!”


  I laugh at them. They were all childish in their own way except for Jongup and Yong Guk. Or at least that’s what I see right now.

  “Okay, enough! Let’s go ahead and practice. Don’t forget we have to perform for my girlfriend’s birthday and we need to make it look at least decent. I don’t want her to think bad of me,” Yong Guk interrupted the quarreling group.

 “Okay!” Jongup and Zelo says together.

  The rest of the members got into place while Yong Guk was turning on the radio. “You can sit right there if you want to,” he offers, pointing to the side of the studio. “We need to see in front of us since we need to make sure what we’re doing is correct.”

  I nod and sit down at the spot he pointed at, bringing my knees up to my chest. I’m excited to see this dance especially since after Jongup’s party.

  Yong Guk pressed play and quickly went to his spot at the front. (Meisa Kuroki – Wired Life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-jhyIVeQrE)

  They all start dancing and transitioning to different positions in smooth and fluid moments. I didn’t recognize the language until after a while and realized it was in Japanese. So not only do they dance to remixes, but also in other languages! Huh, I guess that’s not bad. Although, I kind of see them dancing to something more hip-hop than pop. Oh, well, this isn’t too bad.

  When they were done, they were breathing hard because it was a long song with many movements. Sometimes they would go slow and sometimes they would go fast. I clap anyways because it was amazing.

  They all smile at me with their own smile, but the smile that catches my eyes is Jongup’s idiot smile. Why is that smile so attractive?

  “Okay, again!” Yong Guk says.

  Everyone groans and starts dancing again.

 They go for quite a while until none of them could stand up properly. They all literally drop to the floor wherever they were standing and let out a huge breath of relief. They were all sweating, soaking their clothes. They fan themselves with their shirt. I can tell they want to take it off, but since I’m here, they didn’t.

  I sit next to Jongup and smile. “You’re really good.”

  He chuckles as he was breathing hard. “Thank you. Next time, I’ll ask Jonghyun to come. Hopefully next time he’ll be awake. I’m sure he’ll enjoy this. In the past, we use to dance all the time. Do you want to try?”

  “Oh, no! I’m okay.” I laugh nervously. I’m not much of a dancer. Like I said before, I’m a photographer, not a dancer.

  Suddenly, someone’s stomach growls and everyone turns to Daehyun who was staring at his own stomach. He grins widely. “Can we eat now?”

  They all laugh and slowly get up. A few of them stretch before responding to Daehyun.

  “Okay, now we can eat,” Youngjae says.

  “Where?” Zelo asks.

  “We could eat some burger place,” Himcahn suggests.

  “Sure.” Daehyun responds.

  “I don’t care,” Yong Guk answers.

  “Okay, then. Let’s go!” Himchan starts heading towards the door while everyone follows.

  I stay behind with Jongup. I didn’t bring any money so how am I going to eat? Plus I didn’t do any strenuous exercises like they did, so I don’t feel as hungry, but it is lunch time, so I do need to eat. Ah, I’m just glad my stomach isn’t growling.

  “C’mon, In Young,” Jongup motions and tugs on my arm.

  “I didn’t bring money.”

  “Oh that’s okay. I can pay for you.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  We all head to the burger place and order our food. We all sit in a booth which could only sit six people, so Yong Guk pulls a chair and sits at the end as if he was the leader of the pack. Well, he is, but now it really does look like it. I’m sandwiched in between the two youngest members, Jongup and Zelo while Himchan separated the two love hate couple, Daehyun and Youngjae. Even though they weren’t sitting next to each other, they were still bickering.

  “Did you purposefully forget to bring money so you can use all my money?” Youngjae complains.

  “I really did forget! And I’m hungry! It’s not my fault I have a big stomach!” Daehyun counters.

  “It is your fault! If you didn’t eat so much, then you wouldn’t have a big stomach.”

  “Well, I’m not the only one with a stomach,” Daehyun mutters.

  “What did you say?!”


  “Will you two shut up? You do know I’m in between you two!” Himchan exclaims while flailing his arms around. “Aish! I’m in between two children!”

  We hear our number being called. Yong Guk, Zelo, and Youngjae gets up to get it since they were at the edge. When they came back, everyone eats happily without fighting.

  It was weird being with all guys, but they were cool. I kind of wish Jonghyun was here, but he needs his rest, so for today, I’ll leave him alone.

  “Hey, Jongup are you really not her boyfriend?” Himchan suddenly asks.

  I turn red because I wasn’t expecting that answer.

  Jongup stares incredulously at him with a weird look. He blinks and says, “No… She’s Jonghyun’s girlfriend. How many times do I need to say this?” He shakes his head and takes a bite off his hamburger. “Plus, you know who I like.”

  “Ah! I forgot! Right, right… You do like someone else. How could I forget? She’s so sweet and cute just like you!”

  “You’re really pushing it…” Jongup mutters.

  I look at him and notice he was red as a tomato. Oh, does he really like this girl. I mean, this was the first time I have seen him so red. I want to , but Himchan already beat me to it. I guess she’s from his old school since he his friends know about her.

  After we ate, everyone goes their separate ways. Since Jongup lives next to me, he walks me home.

  “Did you have fun?” Jongup asks.

  I nod. “I did and your friends are so weird especially Daehyun and Youngjae.”

  He facepalms. “They act like a married couple sometimes. I don’t know why, but they like to argue a lot.”

  I laugh. “Well, I’m kind of used to it because Da Ni and Ricky does it sometimes.”

  “I guess that’s how love is. Sometimes you fight, but you just can’t stay away from them.”

  “Yeah…” I look at my feet as we walk down the sidewalk. I raise my head and see Chunji staring at us. I smile and wave at him.

  For a moment, he just has a blank expression, but then he smiles and waves back.

  We walk pass him without a word.

  When we reach my house, Jongup bows. “I’ll see you at school, In Young.”

  I nod. “Yeah, bye, bye!” I wave and enter my house. Someday. Someday, I hope Jonghyun would dance for me just like the old days. Someday he’ll just dance because he wants to, not because he has a competition or for class. Sometimes I wish things would return to normal, but I know they won’t.

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Phi_Phi #1
Chapter 15: Its currently quarter to 2 in the morning and school starts in 7 hours... I'm so sad this ended :c But i loved this story c':
jopm93 #2
Chapter 15: aww this is so freakin sweet!! and gahh totally cried at the part In Young and JongHyun reunitedd gahhh
Sheena1611 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you so much!
You were the one who made me listen to B.A.P, and I'm so thankful I wanted to listen to them since Jongup was in the story, and I thought 'Why not?', so I listened to them, and wow, I don't regret anything!<3
Sheena1611 #4
Chapter 15: No, is it done?!
Well, I loved it :)
I cried, I love Changjo, and the plan Jongup and Himchan did, it was genius! I really loved it, I just can't described how much I loved it<3
Good job ;)
Chapter 15: Cute~~~ ♡♥♡
This was a nice ending ^-^
Chapter 13: stupid Jonghyun.. Just get back with her already!! Or you'll lose her to Jongup! Not that I don't love you Jongup, I really do. But Jonghyun! Snap out of it !!
Chapter 11: Hmm...doesn't he like her? :O
Chapter 10: Ooh what could have happened? :o
Chapter 9: Yay they get along ^^
But why is he pale so suddenly? :o