Suprise, suprise.

A new life

"He won't go for it."

"Sure he will." I press the 4th floor button, and the elevator doors close.

"Even if he does, then what?"

"Would you just trust me? You owe me atleast that much."

"Oh I owe you?"

I glare at Minho. "Yes, you owe me. You kissed me, when you know I don't like you."

He chuckles. "You owe me. Because of you, I lost my best friend."

My jaw drops. "You are the one who kissed me!"

"Only because I like you!"

I groan, and walk out as the doors open.

Minho unlocks the door and opens it quietly. We walk into the dorm and look around, not seeing anyone.

"Key?" I call out.

No answer.




A moan catches my attention, and I go in the direction of it, which is Jonghyun's room.

I look confusingly at Minho, as his eyes widen in horror. He grabs my arm quickly, dragging me towards the door. I push against him, then scratch his hand, making him let me go.

"Key!" I call out louder. A moan answers me.

"Megan, we have to go. Right now. Come on. H-he's not here."

"KIBUM!" I yell out.

A loud bang comes from Jonghyun's room, and I hear shuffling.

"AISH!" Key calls from the closed room, and makes another bang. I start walking in the direction, just as the door flys open. Key walks out, his hair messed up, and sticking out in all sorts of directions. His face is flushed, and his shirt is on backwards.

"WHAT THE HELL IS IT?!" He booms. He closes the door behind him, but not before I see a half Jonghyun struggling to pull his pants up.

I choke on the air I am breathing, and cover my mouth as I uncontrollably laugh. Key looks irritated, and his jaw is sticking out, along with his hip. He crosses his arms, and looks at me with eyebrows raised.

"OHMYGOD!" I breath out, still trying to breath while I laugh. I end up falling on the floor, clutching my stomach as I keep laughing.

Key snorts, "Oh come on. Tell me you didn't think it wasn't real."

I finally catch my breath and sit up. "It's.. It's real?!"

Minho bites his lips as he tries to contain his laughing. Key looks over and glares at him.  "Seriously. It's sort of obvious." Key says quietly.

Jonghyun slowly comes out of his room, his hair in the same condition as Key's. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, looking down without saying anything.

"I just.. I can't believe it's actually true. JongKey. When did this happen?!"

Jonghyun answers, "Before we debuted."

My jaw drops, and just start laughing.

"AY! It's not funny, so stop laughing." Key comes over and lightly kicks me in my ribs.

"It's so funny! And what about you?" I look at Minho. "Is 2min real? Is that why you are so upset that Taemin is mad?"

He shakes his head. "Taemin and I.. We did try it a while back. But it didn't work. We are too straight. "

I burst out laughing again. "I always though Jonghyun was pretty straight!"

"I am not gay. I'm bi." He answers calmly.

"And you?" I ask Key.

"Oh god. Really? Megan, I'm full gay."

I laugh more and get off of the floor.  "Wow. I didn't expect this."

Key rolls his eyes and looks at me questioningly. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, we need your help with trying to get Taemin to forgive Minho." I answer.

"And how do you think I can help?"



"Taemin! Go to bed. It's past 10!" Key yells out.

"Umma, I'm in the middle of a game!"

"TAEMIN! Take the game to your room then! Jonghyun and I are  going to have , and I don't want you near his room!"

I hear strangled sound as the video game ends.

"Thank you," Key says quietly. The door to Taemin's room flys open. He quickly turns to lock it, and then sets the Xbox on the ground, and hooks it up to the TV.

"ing hyungs. All of them." Taemin mutters under his breath. I try to hold back my laugh as he crosses his legs, and begins playing his game again. I slide off his bed quietly, and crawl towards his small figure. The room is dark, besides of the TV, which helps me see.

As I reach his back, I stop, trying to think of what to do.

I'm not good at this whole... y thing. I never have been. Option one, I could yell out 'SUPRISE!'. Option 2, (Which is the one we all decided on) I could slowly rub my hands along his ribs, hug him from behind, then kiss his neck, telling him that what happened with Minho and I was a huge misunderstanding. Or option 3, walking over, sitting in his lap and talk to him. I'm gonna chose option 3.

I stand up, and quietly walk to his front, making him gasp.
 I sit on his lap quietly, and watch as his player on the game doesn't move.

 "You know, if you don't move, you'll lose the game. " I say quietly.

He lets a small breath of air out, tickling my neck, and wraps his arms around me so that he can continue playing his game.

"What are you doing here?" He asks quietly.

"I want to talk."

He sighs a little, and pauses the game. "About?" He sets his controller down and looks up at me.

"About yesterday. It's not what you think."

"Then what was it?"

I sighed, and turned to face him. "I was having a bad day. BaeKwon told me that.. That I had everyone wrapped around my fingers, and that I don't have any talent, and even man-handled me, pushing me to the ground and cutting my hand up on the concrete. I came up here to talk to Key, but Minho was the only one here. He offered to clean my hand up. And while he did, he told me that it was true. That I have everyone wrapped around my fingers. I got mad at him, and went to leave. He caught me and told me he didn't mean for it to sound like that. Then he told me he thought I was pretty and that .. Well. He told me that he understands why everyone is wrapped around my fingers. I was caught off guard, and.. He did kiss me.. But.. The thing is, he didn't mean for that to happen. Have you ever been with someone, and you find them attractive, and all you want to do is know how it feels to kiss them?"

He looks at me saddly, "Almost everyday."

I sigh. "That's all it was. Just curiousity. He never meant to, like, make me like him. And trust me, I don't. "

"But.. He did that even though he knew I like you!"

"Oppa, haven't you ever made a mistake?"

He groans, but nods

"Things happen. And as much as I wish that it never did happen, it did. But it wasn't because we like each other. It was.. Just a misunderstanding. If you guys didn't come home then, I would have pushed him off of me, and probably slapped him."

He smiles a bit. "So you really don't like him?"

"Not at all."

He wraps his arms around me, then pulls away quickly. "Then... Who do you like?"

I wince inwardly. "Taemin, I don't even know that. Everything this week is happening so suddenly. I didn't even know you liked me."

"I made it obvious.." He mumbles.

"Well I'm stupid then." I stick my tongue out.

His smile suddenly falls. "Remember how you said that you just want to sometimes kiss someone, out of curiousity?"

My breath catches in my throat as my heart skips a beat. I nod shyly.

"I want to do that. Right now."

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)