Too. Much. Happiness.

A new life

Sitting on his lap, eyes widened by what he said, "Uhhh." Was the only sound that came out of my lips.

He smiles and looks up at me with the most adorable face that I've ever seen.

"Aish! Don't use aegyo on me!" I whine.

He batted his eyelashes, and leaned closer to me.

I get scared, and lean away, causing me to lose my balance on his lap, and fall. His arms catch me before my head hits the floor, and he leans over me.

"You're clumsy." He says, and moves a little so that my head is craddled in his hands, while his body is in between my legs. I get nervous at the position and try to lean up a little, but his chest blocks any movement.

"Tae..." I whisper.

"Tell me you don't want me to kiss you."

My breath catches in my throat as I think of what to say. Do I want him to kiss me? What happens after that? Do I like him that way?

I look away for a moment, and he leans down even further, and presses his lips to my jaw. He places kisses up to my ear, then back down my neck, all the way to my collar bone. A small moan escapes my lips.

"Do you?" He asks in a low, husky voice. My breath quickens as he kisses his way back up, leaving his lips right under mine. He looks me in the eyes, and waits.

"Yes," I manage to croak out. He smiles for a second, then slowly lowers his lips to mine.

They are full and soft, and press gently against my own thinner ones. He wraps his arms around my rib cage, and holds me as he continues moving his lips against mine. I open my mouth slighty to take a breath, and his tongue slips out, running against my bottom lip. I moan and open my lips more, letting his tongue dive into my mouth. It twirls around my own tongue. The sweetness of his breath makes me melt as he my bottom lips into his mouth, then lets it go only to run his tongue back into my mouth to wrestle with my own. I sneak my hands up to his hair, and gently twirl it into my fingers.

He lifts us up, until I'm sitting on his lap again in the dark room. My hands lay gently on his shoulders as he kisses me. His hands slowly run up and down along my spine, giving me goosebumps as I bravely push my own tongue into his mouth, making him moan and pull me closer to him. I don't even know how this happened, but I can't seem to make myself stop. All I want to do is continue having the best kiss of my entire life.

I run my tongue along his lips, like he did to me, then rub it against his own. He grabs my hips tightly as his body tenses up. I furrow my eyebrows and lean away from him. "What's wrong?" I ask.

He sighs and lossens his grip on my hips. "I... You realize I'm a guy, right?"

I raise my eyebrows, but nod curiously.

He sighs again. "It's... Difficult to control myself with you. And.. Well. We are making out with you on my lap. It's..." He looks down as a blush comes to his cheeks. "It turns me on."

I bite my abused lip as a smile slowly crosses my face. My nose crinkles as I try to keep in my giggle. "Taemin, that's... So cute."

"Aish! Why am I always associated with cute? Why can't I be like Jonghyun or Minho, hot?"

"Because, you're about 90 pounds, and are the sweetest person in the world." I smile.

"Hey! I've been working out! I got some muscule now!" He holds his arm out, and flexes the small muscule. I giggle more and lean towards him, and peck him on the lips.

"I can tell," I lie, and smile.

He rolls his eyes, clearly not believing me, and wraps his arms around me again. "I really like you."

I smile, feeling my heart pounding against my chest. "I.. I really like you too."

He grins and lets out a breath. "Does... What does that mean then?"

I bite my lip, thinking of what I want to happen now. "I think I want you to be my boyfriend."

He smiles, exhales and leans his head back. "Really?"

I nod. He pulls me closer and kisses me again.

"Ahem. You are forgetting something."

He pulls back concerned,  "What?"

"You have to ask, babo."

He smiles and tilts his head to the side. "You are something else. Alright. Megan, will you please, pretty pretty please, with sugar on top, go out with me?"

"Yes," I smile and press my lips against his.

"YAY!" Screams Key's voice from outside the door. My cheeks begin to heat up, as I realize that he's heard everything.

"AYE! I thought you were having ?" Taemin calls to Key.

"No no. Listening to you two is much better!"

"Excuse you?" Jonghyun says.

"Nothing boo bear!

Jonghyun mumbles something under his breath, causing a slap from behind the door.

I get off of Taemin's lap, and hold a hand out to him. He takes it and pulls himself off of the floor. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans down to kiss me again.

"I should get going. It's pretty late, and I don't want to wake my members up."

"Mhm. Text me when you get to your room."

"I will." I lean on my tiptoes, barely reaching his lips again. He leans down the extra inch, and presses his soft lips against mine, then on my forehead. "Goodnight."

"Night," I say as I walk to the door. Key and Jonghyun on sitting on the couch, talking to each other quietly.

"Thanks Key!" I call out and smile. He turns and winks at me, then continues his conversation with Jonghyun. As I walk back to my dorm, I replay Taemin and my kiss. The way his lips felt against mine. I touch my lips and smile as I unlock my door.




My alarm buzzes in my ear, waking me up from my dream. I slowly sit up in bed, sniffing the air as I smell bacon coming from the kitchen. I pick my glasses off of the nightstand and put on my silk robe. I follow the smell and find all the girls in my kitchen, making all sorts of food.

"What's going on here?" I ask.

The turn to me, startled, and groan. "You aren't supposed to be up yet. The food isn't done."

"Why are you cooking?"

They widen their eyes and look at me. "What's today?"

I think for a moment, trying to get my brain to work. "Saturday."


"The 17th?"

They rolls their eyes.

"OH!" I say, finally remembering what today is. I've been so busy with filming for the past few days, that I forgot that today's my birthday. I'm finally a legal adult.

The girls shake their heads and turn their attention back to the food.

"Go take a shower and get ready. It should be done when you finish." Misty says as she flips the pancakes over.

I rub my neck, but obey her command, and head back to my room, stripping my clothes off as I head for the shower. I toss my head back under the hot water, and scrub my body, wash my hair, and quickly shave my legs and under arms. I get out of the shower, walking to my room to find some presentably clothes to wear.

I get a pair of harem pants, that make my legs look good, along with a tight black and white, stripped shirt. I put socks on my feet, since the floor is rather cold. I go back to the bathroom, brush my hair out, brush my teeth, put contacts in, put some deoderant on, a squirt of perfume, and then head back out to the kitchen. This time when I come in, more people are here.

Not only are Misty, HeiMoon, BoSin, MeeKyon, and SooYon here, but Taemin, Key, Minho- Well, all of SHINee, along with Sungmin, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Kai, and Amber.

"Well good Lord! Did we need to invite everyone in SM?" I ask.

"We just got all your close friends!"

I look at the large group that's crowding my living room and kitchen. "I have more friends than I thought."

Taemin chuckles and walks towards me, and kisses my forehead. I realize I haven't seen him since he asked me out. Our schedules have been hectic, and we barely have time to text each other.

"Good morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?" He asks as he leads me into the kitchen, to sit at the island as the girls start filling my plate with food, and a mug of coffee.

"Pretty good." I say back as I stare shocked at the large mountain of food on my plate. "I can't eat all this."

"I'll help." Taemin smiles and sits beside me, grabbing a 2 forks off the counter, and handing me one.

We all begin eating the eggs, pancakes, bacon, hashbrowns, and muffins. They really went all out for my birthday.

"It's just a birthday. Why'd you guys go all crazy?" I ask.

"It's your 19- Well, in America, it's your 18th birthday. You are an adult now."

"Legal too." Minho whispers.  Taemin looks over and glares at him, causing everyone to laugh.

"Happy birthday Megan!" Heimoon hands me my coffee and smiles.

"Thanks you guys. Really. This.. This is the best birthday breakfast I've had." I smile at all the people around me.

"Oh, we aren't even halfway done with the day. There's still a lot to do." Key says to me, taking the seat on my right.

"Oh gosh. How much is there?"

"Enough to make this the best day of your life." Key smiles and leans over, kissing me on my forehead. "Happy birthday."

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)