
A new life

"I want to go home." I agrue.

"No. Minho needs to tell you something." Jonghyun replies in a smooth voice.

"Too bad. I don't want to talk to him."

Jonghyun chuckles and pulls into the driveway. Once Kai opens the car door, I bolt. Running back the way we came, I was a pretty fast runner too. But it seems I'm fast enough, because I am caught around the hips and tackled to the ground. I fall with a thud as I land on someones chest.

"Aish. You are fast." Taemin tries to catch his breath from under me, as I struggle to get away from him.

"I don't want to talk to him! He hates me, and I don't care what he has to say about it."

"Megan, just listen to him. I know Minho. If he says anything mean, I'll hit him," Taemin smiles, because we both no he won't hit Minho.

Sighing, I get off of Taemins chest, and give up. He walks behind me, making sure I won't run, as we make our way to the house. I brush the dirt off of my clothes, and sit down with a thud on the steps. Taemin stands infront of me, raising his eyebrows as I glare at him. I hear footsteps and turn around to see Minho, expressionless, walking towards me. I let out a sigh.

"Come on." He walks past me, and I look at Taemin who says, "Follow him."

I get up and jog to catch up to Minho. He looks straight ahead as we walk until we are out of sight.

"I'm sorry."

I don't say anything, but bit my cheek nervously.

"But do you know why I'm mad?"

I look at him, bewilded. "I'm not a stupid girl. I know why. You don't like me, because I'm a white American girl, who doesn't belong in a Korean band."


I widen my eyes at him. "No?"

"That's not why. I'm mad because you  are what SM is using to make more Americans like us. They are using you to get Kpop bigger. That's not what Kpop is about. It's about Koreans singing. Not Americans. I don't really care if it was you, or some other America. It's not right. We can get our own fans. We don't need a white girl coming in and being the one who gives us more fans."

I take this all in, and come to realize something. "So your jealous?"

He turns to me for the first time, and stops walking. "Excuse you?"

"You are jealous. You're jealous that, instead of using you to get more fans, they are using me."

"Is that what I said? No. It's not. I said that I'm mad because this is KOREAN, and koreans should be the one who get more-"

"Okay Minho. But just come to realize that I'm going to be here. I'm going to be a Kpop star. Either you like it or you don't. It doesn't matter. But you need to just accept it. " I walk back off to the house, leaving Minho gaping at me.

I stomped up the steps and into the house, and tapped Jonghyun's shoulder lightly. He turned around to me with wide eyes.

"Take me home."

"No need. I'll do it." Kai comes up behind me, and grabs my arms and walks me out of the door. I walk past Minho, who stares at me confused.

"So what did he say?"  Kai asks as we got into his car.

"Just that he's basically jealous, but won't admit it."

"Ha, sounds like him. So, how old are you again?"

I raise my eyesbrows. "17."

"Oh good! I'm 18."

I chuckle, but decide against asking him why he asked. He drove quickly, and sooner than I realized, we were at the SM building.
 Kai insisted walking me to my room, and we stopped at my door to my apartment.

"Thanks for taking me home. I appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow I guess?" I say, smiling.

"Yeah, I guess so." He leans in a little, but before he had any chance to do whatever he hoped he could, I opened the door and went into my apartment.



"Waky waky! It's time to get up sleepy head!" HeiMoon jumps on my bed, making me bounce up and down.

"Moonie, you don't have to jump. You could just lightly push my shoulder." I moan as sunlight hits my eyes when I open them.

"Come on! I'm hungry and I want to go get breakfast!"

I sigh but get up and get ready for the day. I put on shorts, with sweatpants over them, seeing as I'll get hot after dancing. I put a light t-shirt on, with black hightops. I pull my hair into a tight pony tail, leaving my bangs still down. I clear my face of any make-up, brush my teeth, put deoderant and perfume on, and join the others in the living room.

"Ready!" I call out as the rolls their eyes and head down for breakfast.

They have cereals, rice, noodles, and fruits. I pick the fruits, since the are the healthiest and grab a milk. The other girls get noodles or rice. We eat our meals in silence, until it is time to go. We threw our trays in the dirty pile along with our dishes, and head down to the dance room. No one was there yet, so we figure we'd go ahead and stetch our bodies out.

"Who's going to be our teacher?" I ask.

"I think her name is HeeYoung. She taught a little for Girl's Generation once."


We finished our stetches and sit, waiting for this 'HeeYoung'.

The door bangs open, and a thin women, maybe around 27 years old barges through. He hair is in a messy bun, and her makeup is smeared a little.

"Sorry! Sorry! I know I'm late. I got stuck in traffic." She sets her jacket and bag on the ground. "I'm Soo HeeYoung. I'll be your dance choreographer."

We bow and say our hellos. "Have you already stretched good?"

We nod and she smiles, pleased with our eagerness. "Okay, lets do a few warm ups. Legs first. Okay, sit on the floor, with your hands under your . I know, it's weird but just do it." We follow her instructions. "Now lift your leg up, out, together then down."

We do this about 25 times, them move on to sit ups, which we do 20 times. Along with 15 push ups. Once our hearts beated a little faster, we moved to dancing. It was easy, really. She had us do a few simple moves, and then taught us how to count on each move, which I wasn't used to, since I made my own dances up. She looked happy with our progress, so after showing us a few simple things, we moved on to the big things. She taught us how to move our bodies in a y kind of way, and how to dance the simple things in high heels, which is harder than you would think. The 2 hours went by quickly, and by the time we finished, we were all sweaty and tired. We all said goodbye to HeeYoung, and went to our rooms to get cleaned up and get our breathing back to normal. When our break was over, we headed down to the chorus room.

"Hello girls! I'm ChungAe. I'll be helping to control your voices, and be your song writer. "

"We don't make our own songs up?" Misty asks.

"Well, you can always help. But overall, not really."

Misty furrows her eyebrows, but sits in her stool. We spent a little time warming up, trying to get used to our voices.

"MeeKyon, which song did you use to try out?" ChungAe asks.

"I used 'Mr. Taxi' by Girl's Generation." She says.

"Okay, will you please sing it once for us. Just to hear it."

MeeKyon agrees and starts singing the song. Her voice is a little unsteady, but it can be fixed.

Next, SooYon went, then Misty, BoSin, HeiMoon, and me.

It turns out, that Misty was pretty good at rapping, and that HeiMoon had an amazing voice that could reach incredible notes.

After hearing us all sing, ChungAe decided our singing positions.

"I want HeiMoon to be lead vocal, along with SooYon. Then, I want both Megan and Misty to be rappers, BoSin and Meekyon, you will be the sub vocals. Is there anything wrong with this grouping?" She asks, to make sure we are alright with it. We agree happily. After an our passes of learning our voices, we go eat lunch.

"What parts did you get?" Kai asks as I wait in line for my rice and noodles.

"I got rapping. We don't know who got lead dancer yet."

"From what I've heard, Misty and MeeKyon think you are getting it. Rapper and lead dancer. Nice job!" He pushes his elbow into mine and smiles.

"Thanks," I chuckle. I sit down with my group just as SHINee comes in. Key gives me smile, Taemin gives me a hug, Jonghyun says hey, Onew awkwardly smiles hello, and Minho just furrows his eyebrows at me, which causes me to roll my eyes.

"What happened with you and Minho last night?" MeeKyon asks, noticing Minho's look at me.

"He doesn't like me because I'm the one who's going to get more American fans or something. I don't really care. I told him to grow up."

MeeKyon chuckles, and continues eating her food. We finish, talking about how today went, and go to the make-up room on the 3rd floor.

"Hello everyone," BaeKwon says as he points for us to sit in the chairs. "This is your prep team. DaeJin, ShinBo, SooMin, JoHyuk, MinGi, and HaNeul."

We greet the 6 people, who all look too much alike, besides that DaeJin is a guy.

"They will be looking at your faces today, and cutting your hair. Possibly dying it." We nod as the prep team sweeps up on us.

MinGi is the one who takes a look at me, and pulls my long, blonde hair up and twirling it in her fingers. She moves my head from side to side, and asks something to ShinBo, who nods in agreement. MinGi takes some tin foil and grabs a bottle of brown dye, and a bottle of really light blonde dye.

"Brown?" I ask, praying that she won't dye my whole head brown.

"I'm just going to put in a few low-lights, nothing big."

I let out a sigh of relief, and she begins putting the colors into my hair. I sit for awhile, as she begins playing around with my face, and putting make-up around my eyes. I see myself in the mirror and realize that she has put make-up that makes my blue eyes stand out even more, and shape my eyes to be smaller.

She washes the dye out of my hair, and begins to put liquids in it. She dries it next, and then straightens it.

She begins cutting, giving me layers, and t my bangs. I feel a weird scraping against my hair, and realizes that she is thinning  it. She lets out a breath of air after she puts everything away. BaeKwon comes over to me, and takes a step back in surprise. "She looks amazing!" He yells out and laughs a little, and plays with my hair some.

I take a look in the mirrow. My hair is so layered, and my bangs are more side-swept then usual. The color is was gets me though. I was wrong. It wasn't a brown. It was a strawberry blonde. My hair a mixture of white, blonde, and a light red, and I can't help but love how good it looks with my blue eyes. I play wth my hair a little, and smile wide.

That's when I look at all my other members.

HeiMoon has black hair still, but it's shorter, maybe to her chin, and she has bangs across her foreheard. Black eyeliner lightly outlines her eyes, making the brown stand out more. Her eyelashes are so long now, and she smiles at me.

SooYon's hair is in curls, and it comes to her shoulers. She doesnt have bangs, but her eyes look wider and her eyebrows are darker.

MeeKyon still has her long hair, but her bangs are side-swept, and there are highlights of brown in it. Her eyeliner is a light brown, giving her a natural look.

Bosin's hair is a little odd. It comes to her neck, between the shoulders and chin, and it's shorter on the back. She has bangs across her forehead, and there is blonde mixed into the light brown color.

Misty is the one who surprises me the most. Her hair is a black on the bottom, and a golden yellow on the top, with her blue and purple strips still in it. Her glasses are replaces with contacts, and you can clearly see how hazel her eyes are. She has heavy eyeliner, making her look even more kick-.

"Well girls.. You fit the name." BaeKwon smiles.

"What name?" BoSin asks.


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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)