Double date

A new life

"I need to talk to Megan."

The words echo as Taemin and I walk down the hall to met Misty and Chanyeol in the parking lot. I turn around slowly, preparing to face him. Taemin stands still, waiting for my reaction.

"We are a bit busy right now. Sorry." I say and turn to leave but am grabbed by the arm. 

"I just want to talk."

I sigh and look up at Minho. "Make it quick? I'll be in the car in a few Tae.."

Taemin doesn't say anything, but just walks off. "What is it?"

He looks around, then sinks to the floor with his back against the wall. He pats the space beside him, which I slide down beside him. 

"I'm sorry."


He sighs, "For being a complete . I ruined my relationship with Tae, along with our friendship. I embarressed myself and both of you too. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and I'm done acting that way. Can we .... Can we start over?"

I look away, trying to digest all of this. "You have to give Taemin an apology. A real one too and make it up to him however he deems possible."

Minho nods, clearly happy that I've forgiven him. "I'm not trusting you though." I say as I push myself off of the floor. "This is your last chance." I walk down the hall qiuickly. My fast walk turns into a jog as I hurry to get to Tae's car. Once in the parking lot, I spot the car and head for it. I open the door and get in, buckling up. 

"Okay! Let's go!"

Taemin sighs and starts the car up. "What did he say to you?" He asks in a whisper. 

"He wants us to 'start over'. I told him he has to apologize and make it up to you. I told him I don't trust him either."

"Well he isn't worth being trusted. But I'll go with it I guess. I'll make it hard for him to make this up to me."

I chuckle, seeing how evil this maknae can be."



"You ever played beer pong?" Chanyeol asks Taemin before the both walk away to the pool tables, leaving Misty and I alone to talk. 

"This is going perfect." She says, taking a gulp of her alcoholic drink. 

"I have to agree. You both look really good together though. He keeps looking at you and smiling, it's cute."

She giggles and starts to blush. "I am just shocked that he asked to go on a date. But he is really great. He's so clumsy and goofy. And his voice!" She sighs.

I chuckle, "I'm happy you are with him. He makes you become so girly!" 

She smiles and orders another drink. 

"Careful on those. It's not best to get drunk on the first few dates."

She waves a hand at me. "I can hold my alcohol."

The boys play around with a small ball and a drink, while Misty and I continue to talk for a while. My phone vibrates, and I check it quickly.

From: Mir

Hope everything is going well! Let's have lunch tomorrow? I already miss you :/

I take a deep breath. Misty senses something is wrong and takes my phone. "Ouch girl... He likes you."

"I guessed as much. I don't want to be rude but he knows I have a boyfriend. I don't know what to do.."

"Hey! Are you guys ready to go home?" Chanyeol asks, interrupting the conversation. Misty answers with a quick yes, and I hurridly put my phone back in my pocket and get out of my chair, latching onto Taemin's arm. 

The ride back to the building was short, which was good. I still had a lot on my mind. Chanyeol and Misty walked back to his dorm, telling me they were going to watch a movie, so Taemin and I stayed in the elevator and rode to our floor. I started walking to my dorm when we got out, but Taemin pulled my hand towards him, making me bump against his chest. 

"Are you okay?"

I widen my eyes and nod quickly. "I'm just tired."

He bites his lip and looks down. "Would you want to come sleep in my bed? Or we could sleep in yours?"

I smile and kiss him on the forehead. "Let's go to mine. But come over in a little bit. I have to talk to everyone and see what our schedule is."

A wide smile spreads on his face and he kisses me back. "I'll be over in an hour." We both part, leaving to our dorms. I unlock mine, opening the door to a chaotic scene. 

A huge circle of people are on the floor in the living room, while two people start having a dance off. I take my jacket off, hanging it by the door then remove my shoes. I look around, seeing who all is here. Zelo from B.A.P. and Changjo from Teen Top are the dance battlers, while Niel, Chunji, L.Joe, Yongguk, Himchan, Kai, D.O. and the rest of my group sits on the floor, cheering them on. I leave the scene to put my purse in my room. I walk past the huge crowd to get into the kitchen, and I start pulling out brownie mix. Mind as well give our guests some dessert. 

As I'm cooking, I hear more cheering from the living room. I roll my eyes and turn on some music from my phone. My hips begin to sway to the music and my feet move around. A smile appears on my face as I dance while mixing the batter together. 

"Look at you go!"

I nearly drop the pan as I swirl around, looking at who was in the kitchen with me.

"Noona, calm down. It's just me." Zelo puts his hands up, telling me that he's harmless. 

I press a hand to my heart. "Aish! Don't scare me like that!" I chuckle and turn around. 

"Where have you been?"

I shrug. "Taeminnie and I went out with a couple to dinner. Why?"

"I've been waiting to see you! That crowd out there is drunk and I'm one of the few who can't drink. It's not very fun."

I give him a smile and pour the batter into the pan. "Well then why are you here?"

He smiles wide, "I wanted to see you again!"

I smile back and hand him the bowl and spatula for him to . "It's been awhile. How have you been?"

His eyes light up as he starts eating the batter. "Tired. We're working on a new song."

"Again? Do you guys ever take a breath?"

He laughs and shakes his head." Barely."

"Oh! Hi noona!" Changjo bows deeply before taking a seat next to Zelo. 

"Hi Changjo!"

He smiles, "What are you making?"

"Brownies!" Zelo chimes in, the last of the batter off of the bowl. "It takes good already."

Changjo chuckles."I heard Americans can cook good desserts." 

We sit talking about schedules and our new songs while the brownies cook. Once the time rings, I bring them out and let them cool down. Changjo and Zelo dig in as soon as I declare it okay. I chuckle at the boys. Changjo takes a few on a play and walks to the living room, giving them out. 

He comes back into the kitchen and shakes his head. "It's getting crazy out there." 

I furrow my eyesbrows. "How?"

"Uh, take a look for yourself."

I walk around the corner, and see Himchan and SooYoon locking lips. A bottle is placed infront of the group so I can tell a game of truth or dare is being played by the drunks. I shake my head and grab Sooyoon away from Himchan. "Okay, that's it. Raise your hand if you are sober." Few hands shoot up. Yongguk's and Niels go up, while everyone else's stays down. "Both of you come here."

I make them do a few tests to see if they are really sober before telling them to get their group out of here. Everyone begins to whine, but I ignore it. The drunkards start piling out. 

"Noona, next time lets spend more time togethere?" Zelo asks before grabbing me into his arms. I didn't realize how tall he was earlier..

"Of course. Here,"  I grab his phone out of his hands and put my number into it. "Text me when you have some free time." I smile and push at the door but before I shut it, Taemin opens it back up and slips into the dorm. "Party?" He asks. "Apparently so." I say back. He smiles before shutting the door. He walks forward, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him. "I've missed you."

I know what he means. Since both of our schedules are tough, it makes it nearly impossible to see him lately. "I miss you too. He smiles and leans down the kiss me. He begins backing me up into my room. The door creaks open and I go to switch on the lights, our lips still attached. They flicker on but Taemin moans and turns them off. He kicks the door shut, leaving us in utter darkness as he lays me on the bed. 



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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)