First day of filming

A new life

Oh. Dear. God.

How long does it freaking take to put my make-up on and fix my hair?

I've been sitting in this uncomfy chair for the past 2 1/2 hours. My legs feel stiff, and I have yet to eat, so my stomach is growling uncontrollably. My hair has been pulled, making my scalp ache, and my face is stiff from trying to keep still while brushes probe my skin.

Finally, after an eternity passes, they say I am done.

"Thank goodness." I moan and get up from my chair to look in the mirror.

Well... Damn... I guess waiting that long to look this good is worth it. My hair was perfect, curling in loose ringlets, and my bangs sweeping to the side beautifully. My skin looks flawless, my eyebrows are the perfect shape, my eyes perfectly showing the blue color, and my lips are red and full.

I roll my neck, popping it. I stretch the rest of my body out, and follow my group into a large, red room, with black, verticle strips on the wall. In there, we are handed 3 outfits that we take to our dressing rooms. I pick the first one, which is black, leather pants, a bright purple, cut-up shirt, with black 5 inch heels. I sigh, knowing the heels would hurt, but dress in the clothes. I leave my room and go back to the red and black one.

I watch my members come out, in similar outfits, but different shirt colors. MeeKyon is in a yellow one, BoSin in a green, HeiMoon in orange, Misty in blue, and SooYon in a pink one. All cut-up like mine. Same shoes and pants. But, I'll admit.. We looked stunning.

"Okay, this is how it works. We will play your songs that you have recorded, and you each will take turns singing them infront of the camera while looking extremely hot, or adorably cute. You choose. " BaeKwon instructs. First up, HeiMoon. She makes cute faces, and smiles a lot. She does really good. The rest of the girls took turns, looking cute. Only Misty and I were the ones who dared to look hot.

I sing my parts, and try to be seductive. I wink, bite my lips, and make my eyes look y. After I finish, Misty says I did great.

They order us next to change into the second outfit.  I go back into my room, and change. This outfit is a little more cuter. It's a grey, poofy skirt, with a tight, purple shirt that says "6eautiful" on it. I put the grey flats on my feet, and go back out. This time, we sing our song together, cutely. Once we finish with that shooting, we change, yet again.

This new outfit is exactly what I want.

Black and silver, harem pants. They make my legs look skinny, and get baggy around my hips. A black shirt that's ripped. I put it on, and it doesn't cover my stomach. On the front, it has "Lightning" written on it, in english, cursive font. I smile as I put the shoes on, which are splatter-painted, neon hightops. I walk back out to my group, and realize I look completely different.

Everyone else is wearing black shorts, with a loose shirt. I look confusingly at my manager.

"You are the lead dancer. You get to look different." He answers.

I shrug and sit in a chair while someone pulls my hair in a loose pony tail. After they fix my makeup a little bit, we move to a completely different room. It's white, with strange pillars in the back that go everywhere.

"Dance." Our director orders, and we comply, getting into our spots. They count down from three, and begin playing our song. I move first, making my body move into certain positions, making my hands go into certain spots, and move my legs at the right beat. We dance, and I try my best not to zone out like I normally do. I smile, and try to make myself look good on camera. I spin, and move my legs faster with the beats. All too soon, the song ends, and we are back in our spots.

"Great! Now, again. We have to recorded it multiple times to make sure we got a good take."

We get into positions, and redue the song. And again. Finally, they tell us we are done for now. They have to go over the tapes and make sure they got everything they wanted. We disappear from the set, and start walking to the cafeteria. It's already 6 in the afternoon, and we are starving, since we haven't eaten all day. I inhale all my food, which is rice, chicken, noodles, vegetables and water. Once we finish, and fill out stomachs, we go back to our dorms. But not me. I head straight down to Super Juniors dorm, and knock lightly on the door.

Leeteuk answers, and smiles at me. "Hey Megan! What's up?"

"I'm just looking for Wookie and Sungmin. Are they here?"

"Ryeowook went to the store with Kyuhyun and Donghae, but Sungmin is still here. Come in!"

I follow him into their dorm, which is a little messy. I go to Sungmin's room to find him playing video games. Typical.

"Sunggie oppa!" I call out cutely.

He jumps and pulls his headset off, pausing the game. "Megan!" He gets up and hugs me tightly. "How was filming?"

"It was okay. Long and stressful. They said they are done, unless they didn't get a good take, in which case we'd have to refilm and-" Just as I'm finishing my sentence, my phone rings in my pocket.

"Hello?" I say into it.

"Come back down stairs. We need to refilm you rapping." BaeKwon says, then hangs up.

"Well then." I close my phone, and turn back to Sungmin. "Damn. They need me. I'll see you later." I give a small kiss to his forehead and rush back down stairs to the set.

I change back into my first outfit, and we redue my take.

"No! Megan, I need more emotion. Try being more y, or more cute. You can't just sing it. There has to be emotion. Smile more."

I do as told, but they still aren't pleased.

"Try biting your lips more."

"Smile wider!"

"Do some cute hand motions!"

"Turn your head to the left."

"Move your eyebrows more."

"Be more seductive!"

Commands are being rushed into my head, and I try doing them all, but end up getting yelled at.

"You look like a damn deer caught in headlights! Stop looking so confused!"

"Well if you weren't all talking at the same time, I might understand what to do." I mumble back, getting fed up with all their comments.

"Excuse you?" BaeKwon asks in an angry voice.

"Uh.. They are all talking at the s-same time. I can't hear everything." I answer back a little scared.

"It's easy Megan. Be seductive. You seem to do it all the time. So do it now."

"What?!" What does he mean I do it all the time?

"You are natural at it."

"No, sorry, but just no. I'm not y. I've never tried." I reply back.

".. Really? You have all these boys wrapped around yoru fingers, and you say your not y?"

I freeze, not understanding what he is saying. "I have no one wrapped around my fingers, sir. " I am getting alittle upset, cause he's basically saying I flirt with all the boys.

"Oh please. You don't know? Half the boys here would do anything for you, and you pretend not to notice?"

I am completely stunned. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

He sighs, "Get back to the screen. Be yourself. That seems to get everyone to do what you want." He mumbles under his breath, but I heard every word.

I grit my teeth together, knowing I'm going to regret this. "Excuse you, " I repeat his words, making him turn around in surprise. "I don't know what you are talking about, but you have no right to talk to me like that. If you want me to do this shoot, you should be a bit nicer to me." I glare at him, letting him know how mad I am getting.

"Maybe if you had an ounce of talent, this wouldn't be so difficult!"

Oh, that did it. I pushed him, making him stumble back. I begin walking quickly out of the set, but am grabbed by strong hands and thrown roughly to the ground.

"If you ever lay your hands on me again, you'll get hurt. Now get back on set, and do your job!" BaeKwon glares down at me, as if he is ready to kill.

I slowly get off the ground, brushing the dirt from my hands, and realizing how much they hurt from the fall. "Go do your job first, and be a manager." With that, I leave, not caring what the hell happens. You don't push me around like that.

I don't hear footsteps behind me as I leave the set. I turn around, noticing no one is following me, and go into a sprint as I run up the stairs to the 4th floor, trying to hold back my tears. I am a strong girl, but a girl nonetheless. My tears make my vision blurry, and by the time I reach the door, my tears are running down my face.

"OPPA!" I call out after walking into the dorm, wiping my tears on my hands.

"Huh?" I hear a voice from the couch, but I still can't see because of the tears.

"Where's Key?" I mumble, trying to clear the lump in my throat.

"Not here. He's getting groceries with everyone.... Else..." Minho's voice slows as he sees me. My vision has cleared up and I can clearly see him stand up from the couch, and making his way to me. "What the hell happened?"

I sniff, wiping my runny nose on my sleeve. "Nothing. When is Key coming home?" I mumble, not liking that he is seeing me in this state.

"Nothing my . What happened?" His hands are on my shoulders, which I try to shake off, but he doesn't move.

"I don't want to talk about it. Can I just stay here until Key comes home? I don't want to go to my dorm."

"You can.."

"Thank y-"

"If you tell me what happened." A smirk is on his lips, which only makes more tears come out of my eyes. This isn't a bit funny.

I turn around and start walking towards the door, refusing to tell him what is wrong. But he steps infront of the door, and doesn't move. "Come on. I didn't mean to pick on you. Just tell me what's wrong."

I shake my head furociously, but he doesn't move. I sigh, then turn to go to Key's room. But before I get there, Minho has his arms wrapped around me, not letting me move. I punch his chest, but it doesn't make him move.

"Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it."

He loosens his grip around me. "Look, I know you don't like me or whatever, but I was serious when I told you that I want to be friends. And friends tell each other what's wrong."

I sigh, "My manager is an who says I have everyone wrapped around my finger, and that I have no talent. And he pushed me to the floor and now my hands are all scraped up. Happy?" I mumble, wiping more tears away. He grabs me into his arms again, and just holds me.. All I do is cry. I cry hard too. I've never been one who holds in my emotions well, and when something bad happens, I break down and cry. That's just how I am.

When finally the tears stop pouring from my face, he pulls me back and moves his thumbs over my wet cheeks. "Listen, managers can be asses sometimes. But they are just doing their job. If they don't get tough with you, they could loose their jobs. I know, it . But it's how it is." He explains, which just makes me sadder, since this is normal. "Come on. Let's clean your hands up."

He brings me to the kitchen, and I sit on the counter as he runs my hands under the cold water. They are red, and scratched up, and a tad bit bloody.

"What did you fall on to make them this bad?" Minho asks.

"I think it was concrete. We were on the first floor, beside the pool, and there was concrete over that side of the building."  I explain, wincing when he put some liquid on my hands, which stung.

"You know he's right."

"Huh?" I ask.

"Your manager. You do have everyone wrapped around your finger."

My mouth drops, and I hop off the counter, and start walking towards the door.

"Woah woah woah!" Minho catches my arms, and turns me to face him. "I didn't mean it like that. You have everyone wrapped around your fingers because you are so amazing. You are beautiful, and so sweet, funny, and adorable. I won't lie, I'm wrapped around your fingers."

I stare at him, not understanding what he just said. My mouth drops at his words, and I just freeze, which makes him laugh.

"Stop looking at me like that. You must realize the effect you have on guys."

"No," I find my voice finally, but it's small and weak. "I don't."

He chuckles, and gets closer to me. "You are beautiful. Just your voice alone could make a man do whatever you want." He whispers.

I suddenly feel my heart start beating faster as his arms wrap around me. What the hell is he doing?

He leans his head down, getting closer to my face. He closes his eyes, while mine are wide with confusion.

"Hyung! We are home-"  The door busts open just as Minho's lips land on mine. Before I have a chance to pull away from him, he is tackled to the ground by Taemin, who is throwing smacks at Minho's face.

Key runs to my side, and grabs my hand, making me leave the dorm, but not before I hear Taemin's voice.

"What the ! I told you she was mine!"

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)