
A new life

"I need a hair cut." I complain, sitting on the couch with Key.

"Why? Your hair looks fine."

"You see this?" I pull the split ends up and show them. "They are disgusting looking."

Key rolls his eyes and turns back to his book. "Oh, guess what I heard."

"Hmm?" I hum to him.

"Something about Kai talking to Minho about you."

I turn my attention to him quickly. "What?"

"Well... I was coming home the other day, and Kai was in Minhos room. I only caught one word, and it was your name."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Probably about Taemin and I."

"Mm. Probably." Key turned back to his book.

I furrow my eyebrows. Why would they be talking about me? I shake my head and forget about it. It's probably just nothing.

I spend the next hour watching tv with Key before I'm called by manager to come down.

"Hello!" I say happily as I enter the office.

"Good evening, Megan."

I take a seat infront of him and clasp my hands together. "What can I do for you?"

BaeKwon leans forward. "I hear you have a boyfriend."

I instantly feel my cheeks heat up. "Uhm... I do."

"I hear he is in this company."

I nod shyly, not knowing where this is going.

"I'm just going to let you know.. Fan girls can be  vicious. If you decide to go publc with this, be careful. I'm not going to stop you, but I will warn."

I nod and get out of my chair. "Thank you for the warning. I'll be catious."

BaeKwon nods and stands up, bowing slightly as I leave the room. Once the door closes, I let out a breath of air. That could have been really bad..


I turn around to the voice as I walk down the hallway. "Minho?"

"Hey!" He jogs slightly to catch up with me. "What are you doing down here?"

"Oh, uh. My manager found out I was dating Taemin and just told me to be careful of fan girls."

"Oh, no kidding. When Yuri and I were together, fans wouldn't leave us alone at all. It was really hard."

"Was that why you broke up?"

"Well, we were never really dating. We were about to, but the fans kept harrasing her. So we just called it quits."

"Do you still like her?" I turn with him down the hall to go back to his dorm.

"Eh. Not really. She's still gorgeous, but it was too much and we grew apart because of it."

I look up at him, to notice that his face was sullen and he is biting one side of his lip. "I'm sorry fans did that. While I am a fan girl, I'd never get mad at my idol if he got a girlfriend. I'd want him to be happy."

Minho smiles and wraps an arm around me. "Ah, it's fine. Sometimes, things work out for the best."

I nod and wrap my arm around his side as we continue walking down the hall. When we reach his dorm, he opens the door, still having an arm around me. Onew looks up from his book and smiles at us. Key is in his room, or so I hear him, while Taemin and Jonghyun are in the kitchen. Taemin swirls around and narrows his eyes as the two of us.

"Hey!" Jonghyun chimes, and walks towards us. "Would you guys like some mochi? I'm attempting to make some with Tae."

I nod happily and sit at their breakfast table. Minho takes a seat next to me and we both watch the two boys make icecream.

"Megan, I heard that today there is a carnival in Icheon. Wanna go with me?" Minho leans over and asks.

"Of course! I love carnivals!"

Taemin slowly turns around to us and raises an eyebrows at Minho.

"What? Oh come on! We are just going as friends."

I raise my eyebrows and look at Taemin, who is slightly glaring at Minho. "Tae, baby, calm down!" I get up and kiss him on the cheek. "It's a carnival. Not a date."

Taemin looks away, then smiles at me. "Alright. Have fun."

"Thanks." I kiss him on his cheek again and return to my seat next to Minho.

"I hear they have all sorts of rides too. You aren't afraid of rollercoasters, are you?"

I shrug. "Not really. I just scream a lot."

Minho chuckles and wraps an arm around me again. "You'll love it. Incheon has great carnivals."

"Hey, but won't people recognize you?"

Minho shrugs. I'll wear a hat and bend over so I'm not that tall."

We both chuckle and wait as Taemin and Jonghyun quietly make mochi for everyone. By the time its done, my stomach is growling and I'm hungrier than ever.

"Here ya go!" Jonghyun gives me a small plate with 3 small balls of icecream covered in rice cake. "What flavor are these?" I ask.


I laugh and dig in, eating the small coldness quickly. My mouth bursts with flavors, and I can't help but to moan aloud. "This is delicious."

Jonghyun chuckles and takes a seat next to me, digging into his own icecream. Taemin takes a seat on the couch beside Onew. They start their own conversation that is too low to hear.

"What's your favorite ride?"

I turn to Jonghyun and smile. "I like really high ones. You know the one that picks you all they way up, then drops you down quickly?"

Jonghyun and Minho laugh, nodding. "Key hates that one."

"Speaking of Key, where is he?"

Jonghyun shrugs. "Maybe in his room. I haven't heard him in awhile."

I shrug and get up, putting my empty plate in the sink and walk over to Key's room. I open the door slowly, and slip in, closing it back behind me. The lighting is dim, but I can see Key sitting on his bed infront of his computer with his headphones in his ears.

"Bummie?" I whisper. He still doesn't notice my presence, since he's so intuned with whatever he is watching.

I walk over and sit on his bed, making it bounce slightly. Key looks up, widens his eyes and shuts his computer quickly, throwing it to the side of the bed. He rips his headphones out and throws them with the computer. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I come over almost everyday! What are you doing?"

"Hmm? Oh, uh, n-nothing."

"Mhmm. Sure." I reach over and grab his laptop, then sprint for the door. Key starts yelling after me, but by the time he is off his bed, I'm out the door and running to the bathroom. Once I get in, I lock the door and sink on the floor. I open his laptop, to see two men staring at the screen while having . I burst out laughing while Key bangs on the door.

"GIVE IT BACK TO ME!" He yells, and kicks the door repeatedly.

"Oppa, this is horrible! Why are you watching in the middle of the day, while your boyfriend is 20 feet away?"

Key moans and sinks to the floor. I hear footsteps and get up, unlocking the door to see Taemin unlocking it too. He stands up from the floor, and looks down at me. He grabs the laptop out of my hands and gives it to Key.

"Stop taking things that aren't yours."

I stand there, mouth hanging open. "I was only p-playing."

"So? That's Keys, and he has every right to watch whatever he wants. Leave him to do it alone in peace."

While Taemin is almost yelling at me, Key backs away, looking sorry for getting Taemin into this. Jonghyun looks like he is debating on whether chiming in. Onew is barely paying us any attention, while Minho gets up from his seat at th table and quickly makes his way to us.

"Taemin, I was just kidding around. I could care less if he watches . I'm trying to fit it with all of you. I'm trying to be friends, and don't guys act like that with their friends?"

"Yeah, but you are a girl. Act like one."

My jaw ticks and I look at him. "I'll act like a lady, when you start acting like a gentleman." I push him away from the door and make my way to the kitchen, where I grab my phone off the table, and walk back to the front door. From the corner of my eye, I catch Minho walking quickly to me.

When I walk out of the dorm, Minho grabs me by the arms and makes me face him. For minutes, we just stare at each other, standing in the hallway while he has a hold on my shoulder.

"You diserve better."

I blink, finally out of my trance. "Excuse me?"

"You diserve better. Taemin hasn't really been with girls a lot, so he doesn't know how to act with them. He's too immature. You diserve someone better than him."

I blink more, trying to understand his words. "Maybe it was a bad idea ever coming here. They longer I stay, the worse it gets."

I shake my arm free of his grasp and make my way down the hall to my own dorm. Minho is still walking behind me quickly. When I reach my down, I fumble with the keys. Minho catches me by the shoulder, turns me around and pins me to the door.

"Give me a chance."

I shake my head and push him away. "I don't want to give anyone a chance."

I turn around and mess with the lock some more. When I finally get it to turn, the elevator door dings, and Kai steps out. He looks back and forth between Minho and I, then bites his lips.

"Megan, can I talk to you?"

"Not now Kai. I don't want to be near anyone."

He kicks the ground softly. "It's important."

I sigh and turn back to him. "Minho, leave. I don't want to talk about that now. Kai, later. Whatever it is, it can wait."

"No, Megan.. It can't." Minho says and steps closer. "There's a problem."

I furrow my eyebrows and cross my arms over my chest. "Well I'd say so. My boyfriend is being a , and you both are ganging up on me. "

Kai sighs and shrugs at Minho. "I'll tell her."

Minho steps back and Kai steps forward. "We want you to be our girlfriend."

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)