A date?

A new life

(A/N: I wrote this chapter last night, but... My computer is ridiculous and shut down right before I went to go save it -.- This is my second try at it :P )

"You guys did so good tonight! It was your first performance, right?" Seungho asks as we all pile our way through the hallway to the back exit. 

Mir slows his pace until he is in the back of the group with me. "You did really good tonight, if I may say so."

I look down and smile, a blush forming on my cheeks. "Thanks. You were really funny. Especially when you tried to speak english." I start laughing just thinking about it.

He rubs his neck awkwardly and smiles a bit. "Yeah. I really at English, no matter how hard I try."

I zip up my jacket before walking out of the back door. The cold air hits my face roughly and I wrap my arms around my waist. Mir notices my shivering and wraps an arm around me. "Wanna get some dinner?"

I smile up at him and nod. "I'd love some food right now."

"Me too. Let's take my car?"

I nod and jog slightly to catch up to the rest of my group. "I'm going to go eat some food with Mir. I'll see you guys later tonight?"

Heimoon nods and hugs me tightly. "You did so good tonight. I'm really glad we have you in our group." They all smile brightly at me, and I do the same. 

Walking to Mir's car, I think about how distant I am with my group.

"Here," Mir opens my door and I climb into the front seat. He closes it and walks over to his side. After sliding in, he turns the car on and we sit in silence waiting for it to heat up. 

"I feel kind of bad.."

I look over and ask "Why?"

"Today is Thunder's mom's birthday.. He wants me to go with him to go have dinner with her, but she and I... We don't get along."

"How come?" I furrow my eyebrows. The car begins to warm up, so Mir backs out of the parking space and begins to drive down the road. He sighs before continuing. 

"She thinks I'm not good enough to be in the same band as Thunder. That I have no talent."

My mouth drops, and I just stare at him. "Are you serious?"

He nods and shrugs. "It doesn't get to me, but still. She just doesn't like me. So everytime he goes to see her, he asks me to go, and I have to refuse. She glares at me the entire time."

I shake my head, stunned. "I'm really sorry you have to go through that. For me... It's not really a problem, because I'm not close with my members.."

"Are they mean to you?" He asks. 

"Oh no! They are incredibly nice to me. It's just... All my life, I've always stayed away from girls because they have too much drama. I've always had more guy friends. I'm just used to hanging out with guys instead of girls. But they are so nice to me, which I think I take for granted. Maybe I should start hanging out with them more.."

"That's a good idea. It's always best to be friends with your members. I mean, you are having a career with them. You spend most of your time with them. Mind as well make them your family."

I smile, thinking about how I'll start doing that. "By the way, Thunders mom is wrong."

"Hmm?" He looks over at me curiously. 

"About you not having any talent. You are one of my favorite rappers in kpop. And a great dancer."

He smiles and looks at the road. "I can say the same about you."

I look away smiling, a familiar blush coming to my cheeks. Why do I keep blushing around Mir?

Minutes later, Mir pulls into a crowded parking lot. We drive around until we find a parking space, where he turns the car off and takes off his seat belt. "You coming?" He asks.

I take my own seat belt off, but don't get out. "Wait, what if someone recognizes us?" 

Mir chuckles and reaches into the backseat. He tosses me a hat, and gets out of the car. I hurriedly tuck my hair messily into the cap and get out of the car. He intertwines our arms as we walk to the restraunt. He opens the door for me, and I walk it. My eyes widen as I look around. Statues, paintings, and ice sculptures decorate the room. Waitors and waitresses are dressed nicely, and melodic music plays in the background. 

"Mir!" I whisper. "This is way too fancy."

He chuckles. "Table for two," he tells the hostest. She nods and walks away, with us following. She gives us a booth in the back of the restraunt, and sits our  menus down. 

"If you have any problems, just let me know Cheol Yong."

He nods and thanks her before she walks off. 

"Do you know her?" I ask. 

He nods. "Shes my moms old friend. They went to school together."

I nod, and look around before taking off my hat. I run a hand through my hair, feeling the curls fall across my shoulders. 


I look up at Mir and raise my eyebrows. "Hm?"

"Can I touch your hair?"

I chuckle and nod. "Everyone does that." I lean my head forward, and Mir runs his hand through my soft curls. 

"It's very pretty."

I smile, and feel my cheeks heat up again. I really need to stop that.



"Here's my number," Mir says as he writes it down on a small peice of paper against the wall. "Text me later?" He smiles and hands it over.

I nod and smile. "It was really nice tonight. Let's see each other soon?" I ask. 

He chuckles and puts his arms out in a hug. I smile and walk forward a bit to embrace him. His arms wrap tightly around me, and I inhale the scent of his cologne. It smells almost good enough to eat. We both pull away slowly, and look down.

"I'll , uh, text you."

"Alright. You really did good tonight, congrats on it." He smiles and begins backing away. 

"So did you! Night Mir!"


I unlock the door and go into the dorm. The girls are sitting on the couch, as if waiting for me. 

"What?" I ask as I shut the door.

"You went on a date... With Mir.."

I sigh and turn away, taking my shoes off beside the door. "No. It wasn't a date. It was just friends going out to celebrate my first performance. That's all."

"Oh yeah? Whatever. Deny all you want. But how was it? Was he a gentleman?" 

"I guess so." I take my jacket off and walk towards my room to put it away and get into some pajamas. I glance at the clock on the way to my dresser, it's already 11:30.

After changing, I walk back into the living room. 

"Tell us the details!" Misty says loudly.

"Aish! There aren't any details! We went out for dinner, and got to know each other. That's all."

"Did he make a move on you?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "No. We are just friends. What is up with you guys?"

"Megan, Mir is the most adorable guy in the world."

I furrow my eyebrows. "I thought MBLAQ wasn't that popular here. Super Junior is more so. "

"Well yeah, but still. Mir is adorable. You are really lucky that he took notice to you. When are you two going to go out again?" Heimoon asks. 

I just stare past the girls and shake my head. "Guys, I'm dating Taemin. Mir and I aren't going to go out on another 'date'. We are just friends."

SooYon chimes in, "Look, we are just saying that you shouldn't just turn Mir away. He's a real charmer. "

I groan again and lean back. "I'm going to bed. Thanks for the lovely talk girls."

"Oh come on! We are just joking Megan!" MeeKyon

"Not me.." Heimoon mumbles.

I glare at her. "Can we just talk about something else?"

Misty takes a seat beside me. "Let's make some cupcakes and cookies? I'm in a real sweet kind of mood tonight."

We all get up smiling and head to the kitchen. Finally, some quality time with my members..


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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)