Not everyday is boring

A new life

I grab a towel and water, then head down to the dance room. It's monday, and our schedule starts back again. But they have changed it. We get to choose when we dance, sing, eat, so long as we do it for the same amount of time. I decided to go dance before everyone else was awake. 

It's about 7:30 in the morning as I unlock the dance room door. All the lights are turned of, so I flip the switch on and put my water in the mini fridge and set my towel down ontop of it. Our dance instructed told me to be more graceful, not as rough with my moves, so that's what I'm going to work on first.

After I finish warming up and stretching my body, I turn my dance playlist on, and click on Gee as a starter to being more graceful.

"Uhuh, listen boy. My first love story. My angel. And my girls. My sunshine. Uhuh! Let's go!"

I move my hips, hands and feet to the beat, making sure to watch how hard I move my arms and hips. I smile at my reflection in the mirror, loving that I look adorable instead of harsh. I begin the chorus dance, and start smiling at how much more fun it is to be girly. 

The years that I have listened to Kpop, I always wanted to be like Amber from F(x). I love how she's still beautiful, but also more dominant and badass looking. She may look like a boy, but she it fits her. That's what I wanted to be, but I don't have thagt sort of face. My bone structure and features are too femine to pull off a boy look. It made me sad for awhile, but I realised I make a pretty adorable girl. 

About 2 hours later, I leave the dance room, satisfied with my improvement, and head up to the dorm to shower and eat some breakfast that my members always make. 

I open the door and am surrounded by a smell. Pancakes. 

I  open my door and drop my towel in the dirty clothes before stripping and hopping into the shower. The warm water feels good on my tender skin. I rub a soaped up rag along my arms and legs, then start shaving my legs, armpits, and well.. Other places. After I finish, I shampoo my hair, then condition it, scubbing in the expensive liquid into my hair. I wash my face with acne cleaner, just for safe measure, and then rinse my hair and body off with warm water. I finish with a few seconds of cold water to close my pores, then get out of the shower. I wrap a towel around me and go into my room to get dressed. 

I grab some light blue jeans, and a button up shirt. I get dressed, then brush out my hair before putting it into a pony tail. After I grab my phone, I head into the kitchen and sit down at th table, waiting for breakfast. MeeKyon hands my a plate filled with pancakes, eggs, and some rice. She puts a glass of orange juice beside my plate, and smiles down at me. 

"Goodmorning guys, how'd you sleep?" I ask before digging into the delicious food. 

"I slept pretty good. I had a weird dream though." Bosin says with a mouthful of food.

"What happened?" SooYon asks. 

"Well, there was some sort of school, and we were all there along with Exo, and then we went to class, but the teacher was a monster with wings. And he talked in a monster language, and then sent us to dentention where the teacher was a dinosaur. Weird right?"

We all stare at her and she continues eating, not noticing all of us staring at her. She finally looks up and rolls her eyes. "Yah! What are you looking at?"

"What the hell kind of dream is that?" Heimoon whispers in disbelief. 

"You think I can control what I dream about? Idiot."

I chuckle and continue to eat my food while shaking my head. "That is a weird dream Sooie. I wonder what brought it on."

"What do you mean?" She asks. 

"Well, aren't dreams brought on by something? Like, if you dream about someone, then that means they thought of you that night. And if you are worried about something, you tend to have bad dreams. I wonder why you dreamt something with monsters and dinosaurs as teachers. Did you had teachers when you were in school?" I ask. 

She nods, "But everyone dislikes teachers. It's not like I had a bad experience or anything though."

"Hmm." I hum and take another bite, noticing how empty my plate is getting. "I'm curious about it."

"Oh, I'm curious yeahh." Bosin says under her breath. We all look at each other and burst out laughing. Bosins cheeks turn red and she whispers "It just popped into my head.."

We continue eating and laughing, having a good time with one another. 



From: Mir

Do you want to go to a movie tonight?

I stare at the message for awhile. What if that is him asking me out on a date? I don't want to go on a date, not with anyone besides Taemin. Maybe I should tell him no...

To: Mir

I don't really feel like seeing a movie, to be honest. And I think Taemin wants to hang out with me tonight. ><

I sit on my bed, watching music videos as I wait for a reply. When my phone vibrates, it's not who I expected. 

From: Taemin

Hey beautiful. Want to get some dinner soon?

As I go to respond, another message pops onto my screen. 

From: Mir

Hey, that's alright (: What about tomorrow? I'd love to see you soon, if you would like. :D

I groan and throw my phone down on my bed. "This ." I mumble. 

"What ?"

I jump and look at my door. Kai is leaning against it, a smirk on his face. 

I groan even louder. "What are you doing here?"

He puts on a hurt face and grabs the area where his heart is. "No need to kill me, jeez. I just came to see you."

"Well you saw me, now leave."


I shut my laptop and scramble off the bed. "Jongin, why are you here? You betrayed your friend. I don't like you, and neither you nor Minho can except that. I don't want to talk to you."

"Oh come on! I can't help it if I like you! But look, that's besides the point. I came here to talk about something serious."

I eye him suspiciously. "What is it?"

"We are making a new song, and our manager told us to pick a girl to sing it with us. Would you like to?"

I stare in shock at him. Sure, I may have lost respect for him, but that doesn't mean I lost respect for the rest of Exo. Plus if I do this video, it wil make my group more popular. "I don't have much time to spare since we are working on our songs too, but I can give you a little. When do you need me to start?"

He smiles wide, happy that I've agreed to help him. "Wednesday is when we get the lyrics and learns some of the dance moves. Think that is okay?"

I nod. Part of me is saying no, but the other is saying yes. "I'll be there."

"Great!" He wraps me in a hug before I can protest, then turns to walk out. "You will love working with us! We are fun!"

I shake my head, not quite believe I just agreed to that. I walk back over to my bed and lay down on it. Mir is cool, and I want him as a friend. But... Everyone last night kept talking about how we went on a date.. Is that what he felt it was like?

Another vibration from my phone disturbs my thoughts. I grab it and unlock the screen. 

From: Minho

Meet me on the roof. I think we should talk. 

"ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME?!" I yell out as I read the message. Misty comes running into my room.

"What's going on?" She asks startled. 

"All these ing boys want to see me and I don't want to see any of them! Ughhh." I ram my head into a pillow, groaning into it. 

Misty chuckles and sits beside me on my bed. "Who are you talking about?"

Taemin wants to go to dinner. Mir wants to see a movie. Minho wants to talk on the roof. And Kai was just in here to offer me to be in a music video. I'm flattered, but why can't I just be left alone?"

Misty rolls her eyes. "I wish I had all the attention you do. Not that I don't have any attention.. But you should think about it positively. You have all these boys that fancy you. Not many girls get that. Either keep some as friends, or more than friends. That's your decision."

"Who do you think I would be best for? I like Taemin, I really do. There's just so much drama with him and Minho... Mir is sweet, but hell, I've only met him twice. And kai? I don't think I could ever be more than friends with him."

"Honestly? I don't like Kai all that much, but that's because I like Chanyeol much more." She smiles as she says his name. "Minho is not good either. See, we all have a thing for Mblaq here, so we like Mir.  But you and Taemin make a great couple...I really don't know who you would be best with."

I sigh, rubbing a hand against my face. "Maybe I should just stay here tonight."

She chuckles, and rubs a hand against my back. "If that's what you want. If you really like Taemin though, I'd go spend time with him."

I look up and smile. "You're right. I'll just ignore Minho and Mir, then go with Taemin to dinner. Thank you Misty. I really do appreciate you being here for me."

She hugs me then gets off the bed. "No problem. I know you'd do the same for me."

I smile, knowing I trust her a lot. "Speaking of, I saw that look on your face when you said Chanyeols name... What's up with you and him?"

She blushes and looks away. "We have been on two dates, and he sent roses to me yesterday after the tv show preformance.. I like him a lot."

I get up and hug her tightly. "You two would make a great couple. I'm happy for you! Hey! Do you want to double date tonight?"

Her smile gets wide and she nods her head quickly. "I'd love to!"

I pull my phone out after she leaves, and text Taemin. 

To: Taemin

I'd love to. Let's double date with Misty and Chanyeol? I think it will be fun. (:

I start getting ready as I hear another vibration.

From: Taemin

It sounds great baby. Be ready in an hour? I can't wait to see you. <3

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)