A perfect birthday

A new life

I look at the large crowd that is gathered in the living room. I know who everyone is, but some I've never actually met.

Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Onew are infront of everyone, smiling as normal. Behind them, is the huge crowd of people. Kai, Suho, Baekhyun, Lay, and Kris from Exo. Sunny, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Jessica, and Seohyun for Girl's Generation. Next is Amber, Krystal, and Sulli from F(x). Then Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Leeteuk, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Shindong, and Heechul even made it. And lastly, Lee Joon, Mir, Seongho, Thunger and G.O. from MBLAQ are in the very back.

I can't help but smile at everyone who is here. I walk into the living room as the crowd backs up, and I take in all the decorations. Balloons are below the ceiling, ribbons cover the floor, and three tables are filled wth drinks and snacks, pizzas, and a large cake. My eyes widen as I take in everything.

I look at the last corner, and notice a large table with gifts on it. I bite my lip as I smile, looking at everyone "Thank you guys so much. It's perfect!"

Everyone smiles, the seperates off to get drinks, or go play some games in the other rooms. Taemin walks me inside to go find Key.

"Who did all this?" I asked Taemin.

"Mostly Key and I. We bought the majority of the things, but Minho and Jonghyun helped with the decorations. Kai paid for the cake, and Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Wookie helped with picking out activities to do."

I turned and hugged Taemin. "Thank you."

He smiles and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. "You are welcome."

"Megan!" Key screams as he walks over, wrapping me in his arms. "Do you like it?"

"Of course! It's great!"

He smiles and turns around. "Theres a room that's all black lights, with just music playing, then we have lots of games to play. We've got table games, like table tennis, and foos ball. Plus Hockey table.Also, out in the back yard, we have bad mitten. We've got some board games, and since it's still pretty warm outside, the pool and hot tub are still open."

"It sounds like a lot of fun!"

"Plus beer. " Jonghyun says with a smile. Key rolls his eyes, but takes off to the alchoholic table.

I look at Taemin, "What do we do first?"

"Well, the dance floor sounds good, or maybe the hot tub if you'd like. I'm not really into the table games." He squints his eyes.

"Me either," I chuckle. I look around go on down to where music is playing. "Let's go dance."

We walk rather quickly to the dance floor, where he grabs me by my waist and turns me to bump into his chest. I blush under his stare, but put my hands around his neck and sway to the slow music with him. Scratch that, it wasn't really that slow.. It was Y by MBLAQ, which.. I guess it slow. Either way, we slow dance.

His head slowers to rest on mine, and we sway in the small crowd. Not many people are down here. While we turn, I see Lay and Tiffany, Sunny and Sungmin, then Onew and Krystal. The song changes, which brings more people down. Taemin pulls away from me immediately as he recognizes the song. The rest of the SHINee members crowd in as Ring Ding Dong begins to play. I sit next to the DJ and watch as they all begin to dance, with others joining in. Taemin makes eyecontact with me and smiles as he swings his hips out, then backs his feet up. I clap after the song ends, and Taemin wraps me in his arms again as Be My Baby by the Wonder Girls begins to play.

"I can dance too, you know." I saw after a minute or two.

"Really now?" He whispers in my ear.

"Mhm. I can be all bad at dancing."

"Show me." He smiles down at me, and I leave his embrace to go talk to the DJ. After the song ends, he puts my request in. I get on the floor in position as Sungmin, Donghae, and Eunhyuk come down the steps to join me. I laugh, because they didn't expect me to know the entire dance to y, free, and single. Although, Sungmin does know that I know most of their dances.

The songs plays and I follow the moves. It's simply, really. Up. Take a step with a hand out, move your hand around your head, stop, turn slowly, then push your hands past your head and move forward. Simple.

The rest of the song continues and I dance it easily. I remember each move, and I copy the boys as we all become in sync. When the song finishes, Taemin claps and smiles at me.

"You still suprise me by how good you dance." He says and starts leading me to go somewhere else.

"Really?" I chuckle.

"Who taught you that?"

"No one. I'm just good at copying their moves."

"Good indeed." He smiles and walks us outside to join in a game of bad mitten. On my team are Mir, Sulli and Suho. On Taemins are Minho, Jessica, and Kai.

Taemin serves first, sending the small ball over the net. Sulli dodges to hit it, and makes it go over the net, back to where Kai hits it softly. Suho hits it hard, sending it further away. No one hits it, so my team gets a point.

I bring the birdy up, and hit it hard, sending it to Jessica. She hits it and laughs once it doesn't make it over the fence. I look over at the laughter on the deck and see Heechul, Leeteuk, G.O. and Amber laughing. Heechul yells down "Babo!" to Jessica, mimicing her line in Gee. She sticks her tongue out at him, but hands the birdy to Mir. He throws it up and hits it softly right over the fence. When no one hits it, he starts yelling and jumping up and down.

We continue the game until it's tied at 9. Whoever gets the next point, wins. I'll admit, I'm a bit competitive.

Minho serves the ball, Suho hits it, then Kai, then myself, and then Taemin. The birdy flies out further, and I'm the only one who can hit it. So I dodge to my right and throw my racket up and hit the ball, sending it over the fence where no one hits it. I cheer as we win, and laugh at Minho, whose completely pissed that he didn't win. Taemin laughs too, and goes under the netting to wrap his arms around me.

"Hey Megan! You're really good at that!" Mir drops his racket on the ground beside the rest, and smiles before heading upstairs to join the rest of the party. I look at Taemin who is watching Mir carefully.


"Hmm?" He looks down at me with a soft face and I just shake my head. "Let's go get something to drink. I'm dying here."

We walk back into the house to see Key gathering everyone in. Taemin makes me a alchoholic punch and hands it to me. I drink it happily. I may be under aged, but who's going to care?

"Alright everyone!" Key announces while he finishes lighting the last candle on my cake. It's large with black, purple and pink swirls in it.

"One, two, three!" He counts off.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Megan! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone joins in while singing the silly song. Key puts the cake near me, and I think for a moment before blowing my wish out.

Cheers collect around me, and Key grabs a knife and begins cutting the cake. Everyone gets in line to grab a piece, while I begin eating my own next to Taemin.

"Is that all for me?" I point to the table with presents on them.

"Mhm. But you don't need to open them here, if it makes you feel like a child."

"No, it's fine. I'd rather thank everyone anyway."

We finish eating our cake and wait on everyone else. Once it seems like the majority is done, Key grabs my hand and drags me to the present table. I smile at everyone, and pick out some presents.


"Bye everyone!" Key calls out as the last few people leave. I hug him tightly and then pull away.

"Thank you guys so much. This means a lot to me and I had so much fun!" I say to the rest of the members. They smile back and head for the door.

"We'll see you in a while Tae. Bye Megan, and happy birthday!" Jonghyun calls out. I wave goodbye and turn to Taemin.

"Now what? Everyone has left."

"Mhm. Feel like going home, or going to do something else?"

"Tae, it's 1 in the morning. What exactly can we do?"

"Whatever we feel like." He smirked at me then grabbed my hand and led me out of the house.


"Oppa, where are we going?" I ask for the millionth time.

"Would you hush? It's a secret."

"Ugh." I relax against the seat again and cross my arms. We've been driving for 20 minutes, and he still hasn't said where we are going. I close my eyes and relax to the calm music of his playlist.

"Megan, we are here."

I open my eyes to see us placed in a parking lot.  "Where is here?"

He chuckles and gets out of his car. I unbuckle my seat belt and follow him as he walks down to a ticket booth. An older man raises his head at his. "Two?" He asks tiredly. Taemin nods.

I take a look around. It's pretty dark, but I can see the faint outline of a dark building infront of me. The door to it is open, and glowing a green. A scream rumbles out of the building, and I realize where we are.

"Oh no. No no no. I'm not going into a haunted house."

"Yes, now come on!"

"Taemin! I'm too scared!"

He grabs my hand and leads me to the green glow. "I'll protect you."

I sigh and roll my eyes, but allow him to drag me into the scary building.

We enter it, and I grab tightly onto his jacket as he walks us both down the hallway. Skeletons and spider webs hug the walls, and little puppets keep popping out, making me scream in fear.

"Come on, it's not that scary!" Taemin makes fun of me. I punch him lightly in the ribs, but grab back onto him tightly.

I hear steps behind me, and turn around quickly, leaving Taemin,  to find no one there. I turn back around, and notice that Taemin is gone. I close my eyes and bite my lips hard as I proceed down the scary hall, calling Taemin's name out.

"Taemin, this isn't funny! Get back here right now!"

The only thing that answers me is a howl. "Damn it, Oppa! I'm scared!" I mumble under my breath and hug my rib cage.

I come to a dead end, and turn right, hoping that he didn't go left. I keep walking, closing my eyes before anything pops out. I hear something behind me and turn around again. The only thing I see his cob webs and green lights. I turn back around and am face to face with a dead zombie. I scream and fall back, landing on my . The zombie widens its mouth, as if to bite, but runs away with a shreik. I peek through my fingers to see the zombie gone. I get off the dirt ground, brushing my jeans off. I turn around to see Taemin leaning against the wall. Smirking.

"Damn you! Don't leave me! I almost died!"

"I told you I'd protect you." He smirks and walks to me. I quickly wrap my arms around him tightly and proceed down the hall. A chain saw goes off, and I scream. Taemin holds me close and picks his pace up. All the sudden, a large man jumps out in our path, with the chain saw. I shriek and grab Taemin's hand, dragging him in the opposit direction. We run while the large person chases us down the hall. My heart beats rapidly while we are being chased. Taemin turns a sharp corner, pulling me with him. We continue running until we don't hear a chain saw anymore.

"Fun, right?" He asks breathlessly. I shake my head furociously.

"No. No no. I'm scared to death."

He chuckles and leads me down the hall, where we walk down it cautiously. I hear scratching against the windows, but only see tree branches. Before I can see it, a young girl begins climbing out of the windows, and into the hallway. Her hair is ratted together, and she looks like something out of the Ring.

I scream and grab Taemin's hand, and pull him into one of the doors. I lock it behind me and fall to the ground with the door pressing against my back. The room looks like an abandoned classroom, with messed up desks and chairs.

The girl begins to bang on the door, and I try to keep my screams in. Taemin sits beside me, just laughing.

"Stop it! It's scary!"

"Do you want to leave?"

I bring my lips into a smile. "No. It's actually fun in a way."

He smiles and shakes his head. The banging doesn't stop for a while. And when it does, we sit still for a moment.

"Come on, I think she's -"

"Come play with us.."

I turn to look behind me, not seeing anything. I look back at Taemin, whose eyes are wide. "Please tell me you heard that." I whisper. He nods.

"Come play with us." The voices are louder, and the closet door creaks a bit.

"Taemin, lets go."

He gets on the floor to look for the girls feet, but doesn't see anything. When he comes back up, the closet door slowly opens, and I grab Taemin's hand to make him look. Two little girls come out, their hair in the same condition at the girl before, but they are younger.

"Come play." They look up, and red liquid is dripping from their mouths. I scream and open the door, running down the hall without caring is Taemin is following me. I can hear his footsteps though.

When I begin to feel safe, I slow to a walk and wait for Taemin to catch up. He does and grabs my hand tightly. "I think it's almost over." He whispers.

"When we get through this, I mean, if- I'm going to get revenge on you."

He chuckles but leads me down the hall more. More howls and screams come out, but I can already see the exit. I begin walking quicker to it, bit right as we reach the open door, two tall guys jump out, with scary, skeleton masks on. The both have knifes in each hand, and the point them at us.

"Leaving so soon?"  The one on my right asks in a techno voice.

I nod. "Yep. It was fun. Gotta go now. See ya!" I start to walk in between them, but they get infront of me and hold out the knives.

I shreik a bit, and Taemin pulls me back away from them. I hear footsteps and moans from behind us, and turn to see the other gouls from earlier making their way to me. I dig my nails into Taemins bicep, and swallow back my scream.

He looks around, then see's a square cut hole in the wall about 3 feet behind us. I make a run for it, crawling head first into the whole. Taemin follows me, but as I look back, I begin sliding down. I look infront of me, and see that the ground is made of metal, like a slide, and that we are both going down it. I start screaming, and Taemin gets faster, then wraps his arms around me as we go down the slide quickly. When it ends, we fall into a pit of straw. I lay there for a moment, trying to catch my breath.

"Uh, Megan.."

I moan, face down into the straw.

"You might wanna get up. And.. Run."

I don't even question. I push off the hay and take in my surroundings, or lack of. We are in a field, near where the entrance is. But I see a scare crow figure start getting off its post, making it's way to us. I scream and run to where the ticket booth is. Once we make it through, I fall on the ground, breathing hard. The older man from early just looks at me curiously.

"Scary, huh?"

I moan as Taemin picks me off of the ground, and nods to the man. His lips are in a smile as he looks at me.

"Stop laughing. It wasn't funny."

"Oh yes. Yes it was."

I roll my eyes as we reach his car. I quickly get in, and lock my door for safe measures, which causes him to laugh. I shake my head and lean against the seat. We leave the parking lot, and he drives off quickly to the SM building.


"I'm sorry that I scared you earlier. But did you have fun?" Taemin asks as we reach my room. I roll my eyes, but nod. It was scary, but rather fun.

"I better to the dorm. I'll see you tomorrow." He leans down to kiss me, then makes his way for the door.

"Oh, no no no. I'm going to have horrible nightmares tonight. You're staying here."

He smiles and closes the door. "As you wish."

I smile at him, then hurrily go to my closet to pick out some pajamas for the two of us. I grab some regular boxers and an over sized tee shirt for him, then some long, tinker bell pants and a tank top for me. "Go change. I'll be getting ready for bed." I say as I toss him the clothes, the go to my bathroom to change. I do that, then gather my hair into a tight bun on the top of my head, brush my teeth, take my contacts out, and spray a pinch of perfume on, to make me smell good.

I leave the bathroom to find Taemin laying on my bed, watching my TV. I climb in beside him and cuddle up to his chest. "Thank you for today. It was amazing. Even the haunted house."

He smiles down at me, and then leans to kiss me gently. My hand wraps into his soft hair and holds him still as I move up a bit to get a better angle to kiss him. His lips form into mine perfectly and his hand trails down to rest on my hip. He smiles against my lips. "Happy birthday."

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)