A weird night

A new life

"Beautiful?" BoSin asks confused.

"Yes, but the 'B' is spelled with the number 6." BaeKwon says, smiling.

We look at each other, and smile at the name. 6eautiful. I feel like we actually do fit the name.

"Alright girls. You get the rest of the day off. Please behave? I'll see you in the morning." BaeKwon grabs his bag and leaves the room, giving us a wave before he closes the door.

"I like it. I think we all look amazing." MeeKyon smiles.

"Me too! But what do we do now? Today has been so busy. I don't know what to do now." HeiMoon complains.

"I'm just going to go find Donghae and go hang out with him. Go hang out with people. Make friends." MeeKyon instructs, and leaves the room.

We shrug at each other, and head for the dorms of other groups. Misty and SooYon go to F(x), while BoSin goes to Boa, and HeiMoon catches up with EXO K.

I sigh, being left alone in the hallway and walk the long hallway until I see the door with 'SHINee' marked on it. I knock lightly, and hear Key's voice, "Come in!"

I slowly open the door, and try to pull my hair back, and look at the ground. "Key, they gave us a make-over."

He pauses the video game that he is playing and looks at me, his jaw dropping. "Oh..My.. God..."

I blush slightly. "I like it. A lot. I think the light red and blonde goes good with my eyes."

"Well I'd say! You look beautiful!"

I blush and laugh a little,  "That's what our group is calling. Beautiful. But the 'B' is a 6."

"Well, you certainly fit the title. You look amazing." He smiles again, and pats the spot next to him on the couch. I sit down, and he hands me a controller. We start playing the game, which is a shooting game where you shoot aliens.

I faintly hear a door open, but continue shooting the aliens.

"Gosh Megan! You're so good at this!" Key laughs and kills another alien.

"Ahem." We both seem to hear it, Key pauses the game and we turn around to face the noise that we heard.

Minho and Taemin are behind us in the kitchen, but as soon as they see me, Taemin's jaw drops at my new looks, and Minho's eyes get wide as he shifts his weight to his other leg.

"Wowowow." Taemin smiles at his little joke, of his song, and walks to me, lifting my hair up, and brushing my bangs out of my eyes. "You look gorgeous."

"Beautiful, is more like it."

I look past Taemin at Minho, who just said I look beautiful. Key and Taemin look at him too, and their jaws drop.

"What? I'm not going to lie. You look beautiful." Minho shrugs slightly and turns back to the fridge to get a water bottle out. He turns back around and glares at us when he realizes we are still shocked at what he said.

"I'm not all that mean, you know." He rolls his eyes and disappears into his room.

There was a pause in the room. "Did he just say.. What I think he said?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I think he did." Taemin says, as he looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"What on earth did you say to him yesterday to make him change his mind about you?" Key asks, his voice a higher pitch.

"I just told him to accept that I'm here!" I say back.

"Well dang girl! He must have listened to you!" Key nudges my shoulder and we both turn back around to continue playing our game. Taemin sits next to me on the couch, awfully close. His arms lay on the back of the couch as he watches us win the game.

"What are you guys doing tonight?" I ask, getting up and stretching my stiff legs.

"I was going to order some food. I don't feel like cooking." Taemin shrugs.

"I was just going to relax." Key pops his fingers.

"Really? You are Idols, and you have no life. " I laugh, which makes them roll their eyes. "Come onnn! Let's go do something. I've only been here for two days, and it's like there's nothing to do!"

"Well what do you want to do then?" Taemin asks.

I pause, thinking. "Let's go down to the dance room and just.. Dance!"

Key shakes his head, which ends up making Taemin laugh. Taemin nudges Key with his elbow. "Come on. We have practiced in a few days. It'd be good to stretch out a little."

Key sighs but get's up. "Fine. Let's meet you in a few minutes. I have to change."

I nod and leave, walking to my room. Once there, I change out of my clothes and grab a pair of shorts, with a tank top and large button up shirt that I pull over my arms.

I grab a pair of black tennis shoes, and jog down the hall to the elevator. There's no sign of Key or Taemin, so I close the doors and wait eagerly in the small box while it descends. This is just great. I get to dance with the 2 best dancers of SHINee. Yeah. Life can't get any better.

I walk down the hallway, and turn into the large dance room. I turn the lights on, and close the door. I go to the miniture fridge that is in the office, and grab 3 waters out, just to be safe. As I sit, waiting for the boys to join me in the room, I start stretching. I move my body down until my nose touches my knee cap, and I push my fingers all the way past my toes. I stretch out my arms, and my back.  I stand up and pull my legs apart, and slowly lower my body onto the floor,  feeling the pain in my legs as I do a perfect split. The door opens, and I look up quickly.

"Damn.. You are pretty flexible." Says the deep voice. I pull my legs up and criss-cross them as I lean on my hands.

"What do you want? Where's Key and Taemin?" I ask.

"They are coming down, calm yourself. I'm not here to be mean. I need to dance too, you know." Minho dropped his bag onto the floor and began stretching his body out.

"You could wait until tomorrow. This was kind of just a dance rehearsal between the three of us. Not you."

"Would you calm your temper? I'm not trying to be mean."

I sigh, and pull my hair into a loose pony tail. Key and Taemin bust through the door then, laughing until they see Minho.

"Whatcha doing here?" Taemin asks with a smile as he puts his bag on the floor.

"Can I not come and dance too?"

"No," I mumble under my breath which makes Minho look over and smirk at me.

"Well, it's fine. We are all friends." Key says curiously. Minho doesn't object, so they start stretching as I go over plug my phone up to the speakers.

I play Girl's Generation 'Paparazzi' and do a few warm ups to the song.

Once everyone seems to be ready to began dancing, I go to my playlist and click on my most favorite song. Love Like Oxygen.

"Teach me the dance to this." I say, not really asking.

"Sure!" Taemin gets off of the floor and begans showing me to moves, and how to pop my chest, which feels awkward, but Key says I do great at it. Minho plugs in his head phones as I'm learning the dance, and begins dancing to Sherlock. Honestly, I can't help but stare as his body moves easily, bending and pushing his chest out slowly. I shake my head and continue learning the moves that Taemin is teaching. Once he shows me all the moves, I replay the song and Key, Taemin and I begin it from the beginning. I glance at Minho, who has stopped dancing to his own music, and is staring at me. I shake my head and continue focusing on all the moves until the song ends.

"Good job! You learn real fast!" Key says with a bright smile.

"Thanks!" I say a little out of breath.

"Megan, I haven't seen you free-style yet. Care to show?" Minho asks as he leans aganst the wall, his face flushed and damp.

"Sure." I walk over to my phone and scroll down until I find a good song. I play BoA's 'Dangerous' and begin moving my body. I move my feet quickly, and do impressive moves. I look up after the song ends, and notice Taemin looking at me with huge eyes.

"I... Holy mother of God. I knew you could do little cute moves, like SNSD.. But good God! You dance with such ease! You are amazing!"

I blush, feeling the my face get even hotter. Minho raises and eyebrow, "Where'd you learn to dance like that?" He asks.

"In my room."

"You've never taken classes?" He asks shockingly. I shake my head.

"Goodness! Well girl, you are amazing!" Key blows the hair our of his eyes and smiles.

"Thanks,"I say before sipping my water.

For another hour, we continue dancing, and talking inbetween songs. I knew some of their dances, like Sherlock, Lucifer, and Replay. I remember staying up until four in the morning one night, trying to get every move of Replay right. I chuckle at the memory.

By the time we feel too tired to do anymore dances, it's 7, and we are starving. We head up to my apartment, since it's bigger and none of my members are there yet.

I go to my kitchen, and look in the fridge and pantries. "Have you ever had American home-made food?" I ask. They shake their heads, and sit down on at the mini table.

I grab a pack of hot dogs out, with buns and cooking utincils. While I'm cooking the hot dogs, and making chili along with it, we all conversate and talk about how they like being Idols.

"Honestly, I wouldn't want to do anything other than this. I get to do something I love. There's nothing better than that. " Key explains.

"No kidding. I just love being an Idol. I love having girls scream my name, and wanting to just touch my hand." Taemin chuckles.

I finish making the hot dogs, putting them in buns and covering them with chili, ketchup, and mustard. I serve the food to the three boys, and sit down and enjoy my cooking.

"Oh.. My.. God..." Key whispers as he chews his first bite. "This is amazing."

"Most Americans cook these if they have like, a party or something." I explain.

"Well jeez. If I lived in America, I'd eat these every day!" Taemin exclaims, and takes a huge bite. I laugh, and look at Minho, who seems to be eyeing the food.

 "If you're not going to eat it, I'm sure one of us will," I joke and nudge him, since he's sitting beside me.

"I've just never had it. It looks weird."

I laugh and go to take it, but he grabs it in his hand and defensively takes a bite. He chews as he glares at me, but widen his eyes as the flavor hits him.

"Exactly." I laugh as he takes more bites.

We finish eating and go chill out on my couch until the say that they better go to their apartment and get some sleep soon.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess," I hug Key and Taemin as they leave. Minho stays behind for some reason and begins cleaning the dishes. I walk into the kitchen and help him.

"I'm sorry.. For.. How I treated you at first. I guess I was just jealous." He says as he washes a plate.

"It's fine. I understand why."

We continue cleaning in silence, until all the dishes are done. He grabs his bag off of the floor, and heads toward the door. "Thanks for cooking."

"Thanks for helping clean up. I appreciate it."

He smiles, and I can't help but to smile back. He looks down, and his lips, which causes me to look at him confusingly.

Before I know what's happening, I'm in his arms as he hugs me. I stand motionless for a moment, not knowing what is happening. He pulls away quickly, and he blushes. "Sorry!" He says as he sees my confusion. "I feel bad about how I judged you too quickly. You really are cool, and though I was a jerk at first, I want to be friends, if that's okay with you."

I raise my eyesbrows but nod. "Sure."

He smiles wide at me, and walks out of my apartment, leaving me to stare at the empty hallway, even more confused.

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)