My birthday.

A new life

"I have a confession.."

I turn to Taemin as I fold my clothes and raise my eyebrows, "What is it?"

"Well.. I don't have the day off." He bites his lip. "I have to go on a show for a few hours today."

"Oh, well that's normal. It's fine. I'm sure the others have plenty for me to do."

"No... Uhm. I want you to go with me."

I turn back around to him. "Go watch you on set?"

He nods his head and raises his eyebrows.

"Well of course! I would love to!" I smile at him. "What time?"

"I have to be there at 6. And I know that it's your dinner time then, but we can go to a restraunt if you want, or anything you want." He smiles slightly.

"Stop acting bad for asking me. I love seeing idols on shows. But when does it end? I have curfew at 9."

"Oh, I can talk to the managers and ask them to give not give you a curfew tonight, since it's your birthday. They normally take curfew off when you debut."

"Really?" I ask surprise. I didn't know I can get my curfew taken off.

"Mhmm. We can get dinner afterwards, and go on a date if you want too."

I lean over my bed, trying to hold in my giggles. "Sure. That sounds fun!"

He hugs me from behind, and presses a kiss to my neck. "Alright. The girls have something planned for you today, and I need to go get ready for the uh, show. I'll see you later." He leaves my room quickly, leaving me to furrow my eyebrows at my open door.

"Megan, can you come here?"

I sigh as I finish the shirt I'm folding, and go in the living room to find Misty in there. Most people left after breakfast, including my members.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"Want to go shopping? I have no idea what to give you for a present, and I just got paid yesterday."

"You don't need to get me anything!"

She snorts. "Of course I do. Come on, get dressed and go out with me."

I roll my eyes but go back to my room and begin getting dressed in nicer clothes. I grab a pair of skinny jeans, along with a large t-shirt. I put silver flats on my feet, then walk out of my room to find Misty standing by the open door, holding a jacket out to me.

"Gosh, I wish I could have a birthday every day if you all treated me like this!"

She chuckles as I put my jacket on and we walk down to the elevator. "so how are you and your boyfriend?"

I smile just thinking about him. "Honestly, a week ago, I never knew he liked me. I didn't even know how I felt about him. But it's Taemin. I never realized it, but I really do like him. Just thinking about him makes me smile."

"I can tell!" She pinches my cheeks. "I'm glad you are happy with him." She sighs.

"What's wrong?"

"I like this guy.. But he barely notices me.."


She looks down then back at me. "Key."

I try to breath again, but air is the last thing on my mind. "Key? Kim.. Kibum?"

She nods and bites her lip. "I really like him. But he doesn't seem to notice me."

That's because he's gay, dear. "Eh, as much as I like Key, he's not really a dating person," I lie. "Who else do you like?"

"Well I like other guys from other groups too."

"Like?" We walk out of the elevator to sign out, before heading to the parking lot to our car.

"Well, MBLAQ, B2st, BigBang, stuff like that."

"Well besides Key, who else would you show interest in?" We reach the car and I get in the drivers seat, starting the car up.

"Hmm. Lee Joon, but I'm definitly not his type."

"What makes you say that?"

"He likes the more.. Girly girls. I'm too tom boy ish. "

"Well then who else?"

"Yoseob. But I'm not his type, again."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What about Taeyang?"

Her face brightens up. "I really like him, and I think I'm more his type."

"Well good! You should get his number from Leeteuk, since he has everyones number."

She smiles like a fan girl would. "Really? You think I have a shot with him?"

I turn on the highway and speed up alittle. "Misty,  you are flat out beautiful. I honestly think you have a shot with anyone." Besides Key.  "Don't put yourself down."

She smiles at me. "Thank you."

"Just telling you the truth."

We drive down to COEX in Seoul. After parking the car, we walk down to the entrance, and head into the large building.

"Where to first?" She asks.

I look around at all the stores. "Daily Projects."

It's nice only being with Misty. Since she's from America, we both can speak english, since it's our native language. The other girls might know english too, but they aren't fluent enough like Misty and I are. It's nice to take a break from Korean and speak english.

The large store has plenty of racks of clothing, and we both get started on them. They have nice skinny jeans, which I get a few. I pick out some shirts that look pretty, and a pair of hightops to dance in, since mine as starting to fall apart. Misty tries to pay for them, but I refuse.

"It's your birthday though!" She fusses as we leave the store.

"But I can pay for these. If I find something I really really like, you can get it for me. Alright?"

She nods happily as we head into Spao.

I won't lie, this is my favorite store in the entire world. It had Kpop idols clothes in here. What could be better?

I grab a waist belt, a beanie, a fluffy waist skirt, a new jacket, and leggings. Yeah, I just got paid yesterday too, and since I don't pay rent or go anywhere that much, I can afford lots of clothes.

When we get up to the register, Misty takes me jacket and puts it in her pile. I roll my eyes but allow her to pay  for it. When we leave Spao, we head down the the food court. I go straight to Subway, and she follows just as eagerly.

"I haven't had Subway in months. " She's basically drooling over the menu board.

We order our food and head to a small table, away from people.

"I'm surprised people haven't noticed us." I say.

"No kidding. We are already on google and they've already taken pictures of us."

We chuckle and eat our subs, at the delicious tastes.

"When do we debut?" I ask.

"Well, they are putting Teasers of our videos on youtube tomorrow apparently. Then in a week, they will put the real videos out, at different times. Then apparently we go on a show the next week. I'm still confused on it."

"Why are we already debuting? I thought it takes years?"

"I did too. But they told MeeKyon that they think we are all ready. They said something about not having to train us because we already have natural talent."

I laugh in my head. I don't have any talent, according to BaeKwon.

We finish our subs and head back down the parking lot. We reach the  car and get in, this time she is driving.

Our way back to SM is rather quick. By the time we park, it's only 2. We grab our shopping bags, and check into the lobby. We walk back to our room and drop our clothes off.

"Thanks for going to the mall with me. It was fun." I smile as I unload my clothes onto my bed.

"No problem. I wish you would have let me paid though." She glares at me.

"I can pay too! I've got money." I stick my tongue out.

"Mehrong." She calls out as she heads to her room.

I close my door and lay on my bed. Everyone is still gone, and I have 3 hours before I need to get ready to go to Taemin's show. I thought for a moment.

I could go find one of my friends to hang out with, but most are gone and I don't know where they are. I could go dance or sing, but I really needed the day off from those. I could go to the hot tub, maybe a spa. I smile at the thought.

"Hey Misty?" I call as I grab my purse and left me room.

"Hmm?" She peeks through her door.

"I'll be back in a little while. I'm going to go to the spa."

"Need me to go?"

"Nah," I smile at her as I open the door. "I'll be back before 5."

"Have fun!"


"Oh good Lord. That feels so good." I moan as the older woman digs her fingers into my feet. It may have been expensive, but it was worth it. She's already given me a pedicure, manicure, and is now rubbing my feet, then my hands are next.

A younger woman comes in and tells the older woman to go wash off, and that she will finish. The older women gets up, smiles at me, then leaves.

"You're Megan, right?" The younger women softly rubs my hands with lotion.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I'm up to date on your new group. I really can't wait for you guys to debut!" She smiles up at me.

"Really? I'm so nervous about it."

"Why? I've heard you guys are already making your music videos?"

"We did this past week. I'm just scared of what the fans will think of me." I confess.

"What? I know so many people who are going crazy over you!"

I look down at her and widen my eyes. "Really?"

"Mhm! You guys are already a big hit!"

I smile down at the women. She smiles back, and continues to rub my hands until the time is up. I pay at the register, and the young women smiles and waves good by as I leave the store. It's good that I have one fan already, I think to myself.


"Unni! I'm home!"

Misty doesn't reply, so I peek into her room. She's not there. I frown, but go into my room to find what to wear tonight. The front door opens, I walk quickly to see Taemin coming into my dorm.

 "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well, I finished getting ready and have nothing to do. So I figured to come see you."

I smiled and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him lightly. "I'm just about to get ready. You can help me pick out something to were though."

"Alright," He smiles and flops down onto my bed. I lay a selection out.

Skinny jeans: A black pair and a purple pair. Shirts: Ripped black one (With a tanktop under it), a blue and white button up shirt with waist belt, or  a regular tank top with a shawl over it.

"Hmm." He looks at the clothes. "Those." He points to the black skinny jeans, then the blue and white button up shirt with the belt. I grab them, along with a white tanktop and head into the bathroom to change. After I'm done, I do a twirl for him to see. He smiles, and nods.

"Which shoes?" I point to my selection. He looks them over, then picks a pair of high heels out. "Really?" I ask, looking at the heel. It's not that big, but still.

"It'll make you taller." He jokes. I roll my eyes, but put them on my bed for later. "Alright. I need to do my hair, and make-up." I tell myself, and head to my bathroom, where I plug the straightener and curler in the sockets. I wait a moment, and begin curling my hair into loose ringlets, and straightening my bangs to lay across my forhead. When I finish, it's already 5:30. I hurry to my make-up, and begin putting blush on, since I'm not one to use concealer. I darken my eyebrows a little, then put a think line of eyeliner on my top and bottom lids. I put some blue eyeshadow on, then curl my eyelashes, then cover them with mascara. Once I finish, I brush my teeth, put deoderant on, spray some perfume on myself, and head out to greet Taemin.

His eyes widen as he takes me, and his fingers twirl into my hair, "You look stunning."

I smile and kiss his lips. I reach on the bed for my shoes, and put them on my feet. I'm still shorter than him though. The top of my head comes up to his chin.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod and he takes my hand as we walk to the elevator, then to the lobby where we sign out.

"Oh, did you already talk about my curfew with the managers?"

"Mhm. You can stay out as late as you want tonight." He smiles and kisses the top of my head as we walk to the parking lot.

"Tae, what happens if fans find out about us?" I ask shyly.

"I'll tell them that if anything happens to you, I'll quit SHINee."

"WHAT?" I look at him bewildered.

"I wouldn't actually do that, but I'd threaten to. I'd tell them that I'm happy with you, and that they should be happy for me."

I sigh but get into the passengers seat. "Don't ever quit SHINee because of me. That's just stupid."

"Not really." He starts the car up, and smiles at me. "It'd be worth it."

I shake my head. "Not at all."

He rolls his eyes but drives out of the parking lot and heads down the highway.

"What show are you going on?" I ask.

"Oh, uhm. It's a surprise."

I frown and cross my arms over my chest.

We drive in silence for awhile, and he pulls into someone's driveway.

"Why are we at Jonghyun's parents house?" I ask curiosuly as he parks the car.

"I need to stop by and see him for a sec before we go to the show. Come in with me."

I furrow my eyebrows, but unbuckle my seat belt and climb out of his car. He holds my hand as we walk up the steps and ring on the doorbell.

The lights are off, but I hear the door being unlocked. All the sudden, the door opens and "SURPRISE!" Is yelled out as lights turn on, revealing a large party going on.

"Happy birthday." Taemin leans down and plants his lips on mine.

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)