A TV show

A new life

We have already debuted our first song and it's already number 3 on the most popular kpop song list.

I smile as I read more articles and fan comments about how much they like an american being in kpop. My heart does a flip everytime I see a good comment towards me. Today we go on our first show to talk about ourselves and our song. I'm super nervous, and hope that I pronounce everything correctly and that I don't make a fool of myself.

"Megan, are you almost ready?" HeiMoon calls through my door. I check myself one last time, then get up and open my door.

"I am now."

HeiMoon smiles "You look good!"

"So do you." I smile back as I grab a jacket out of the closet. All my other group members grab theirs too and we wish each other luck before leaving our dorm and heading down to the parking lot, where our car waits for us. We all pile in and mentally prepare ourselves for what is about to happen.

I put my headphones in and relax against the seat, beating my thumbs to the beat. I calm myself down on the ride, and by the time we get to the studio, my nerves are extremely relaxed.

"Go down the hall, third door on the left. Go to the stage and they will give you instructions. Good luck!" A man at the door instructs us, and we follow his order. We walk in line, oldest to youngest, to the stage and take our seats with our names on them. I look around, and notice names that I already know.

Dara, CL and Minzy from 2NE1. Kai and D.O.  from EXO K, and Mir, Thunder and Seungho from MBLAQ. There are other names that I don't recognize, but I'm sure I'll remember the faces. I take my seat with my name on it, and look over at my members, who seem to be nervous and scared. I turn to them and smile.

"They'll love you. Trust me. I read all comments from our fans, and they think you all are beautiful. Don't be nervous, alright?" I whisper over to them.

They all smile at me. Meekyon pumps a fist in the air and whispers "Hwaiting!" We all giggle and turn our heads as the door opens and out comes the other members who are joining us today. My eyes land on Mir, who is dressed in regular jeans and a t-shirt. I look down at myself.. Am I overdressed? I have on a skirt and a flowered shirt, and some high heels...

Everyone who just came in stops their talking and takes their seat. Mir sits beside me and looks over. "Hey! I haven't seen you since your birthday! How are you?"

I chuckle a bit. "I'm nervous. You?"

He smiles. "I'm great, and don't be nervous. Just be yourself. " He pushes his elbow against me, and turns back to face the camera. An older woman comes in and smiles at the group.

"Hello! I'm the host, Juri. This is going to be extremely easy today. We will introduce the new group, talk about them for a little while, then play some games. Megan?"

I look up with wide eyes and nod.

"We will be playing a game where we translate korean words into english. You want to play, right?"

I clear my throat before speaking. "Well, uh, isn't that like cheating since I'm fluent in english?"

Juri laughs. "No. Some of the other idols here are fluent in english too. Just play, I'm sure the viewers will love it."

I nod shyly and sit back in my chair again. I swallow the lump in my throat and brush my hair out of my face. Juri walks around for a few moments, before counting off. She turns toward the camera and introduces herself. The camera then faces the idol group, and we all smile and wave happily. Juri talks about my group, and then walks over to us. She starts with MeeKyon, asking questions like how she got into the group, what's it like, how hard is it, and things like that. All too soon, she gets to me. She smiles reassuringly before talking.

"Megan! It's very nice to finally meet you. You are the maknae, correct?"

I nod and smile, "Ah yes. I'm only 18."

"Aish! So young. I remember when I was 18... That was only a few years ago!"

Mir shouts to her, "Don't lie on camera!"

The audience laughs and Juri gives Mir an evil look. "Anyway, how hard was it? I mean, getting into a korean band?"

I looked down, trying to figure what I was going to say. "Honestly, it wasn't really hard. I submitted my videos, not really expecting anything to happen, but then I got a letter in the mail. It's all very exciting and I enjoy being with my new friends." I smile over at the rest of my group.

Juri smiles at me. "And I hear you are both lead dancer and lead rapper?"

I nod happily. "I am. But Misty is also lead dancer and rapper with me."

"And you both have very fast rapping parts in your new songs?"

I nod again. "I am fluent in Korean, but it's kind of difficult to rap that fast in another language."

"I imagine so!" She pats my shoulder and sits down beside me. "I think everyone has a question on their mind..."

I already know what the question is and I become uptight.

"Is it hard, not being korean and being in a korean group?"

I sigh but shake my head. "I'm here because I want to be. I want to set an example that even though things may seem impossible, anyone can do it. I hope all young people follow my example and go after their dreams, and to not give up even though it may seem impossible to achieve."

Silence covers the room and Juri looks at me with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Oh gosh! I am sorry! I must seem so cheesy. It's honestly just my goal."

Juri chuckles and gets up, "It's a noble goal and I hope young people follow it. " She walks down and tells the camera that there will be a commericial. Once the camera turns off, I groan and lean back against my chair.

"I was too cheesy wasn't I? Too petty and snobby?" I ask Misty.

She shakes her head. "God no. It was.. Moving. I felt that you really meant it."

"I do." I smile a bit. "I just want to make a good impression."

Mir chimes in. "No, you did. It was really good."

I smile and thank him.

After the commericial ends, Juri talks to the other groups, and then we move onto some games like kissing card game, and a pillow fight game. Then the english game comes..

A electronic voice says a phrase in korean, then the idol must say its' meaning in english. Thunder, Seungho, and CL are pretty good, but then there is Mir...

"Meri keuriseumaseu!"

Mir looks straight at the camera, and blurts out  "Engrish." With a straight face. The audience and other idols laugh and then so does Mir.


I look at the camera at the words are repeated, and answer easily. "Merry Christmas."

The idols clap as I get the answer right, and then it moves onto the next person. The game continues for another 15 minutes until the show finally ends. By this time, I am drained from all my energy.

"Alright! Before we leave, a special performance is going to be given to us by 6beautiful!"

My eyes widen as we all look at each other before standing up to go to the floor. Misty and I give each other reassuring smiles as we take our places in the back. The lights dim and spot lights hit us. The music begins.

HeiMoon sings her first line, getting aplause from the adudience. Then SooYon does her part,  hitting her high note that introduces the dance for Misty and I. We move our feet lightly over the floor coming into the front of the group. Our hands twirl in the air, and smiles cover our faces. Our bodies move in sync, and then the rest of the girls join in on the easier dance. MeeKyon sings, then we all chime into the chorus.

I somehow block the audience out and just do what I have been practising for months. After the chorus, Misty does her rap part, then Bosin chimes in. I tune them out and just concentrate on my moves. My legs move behind me and my hips follow the beat. All too soon, it's my turn to rap.

I move to the front and pop my body out, then begin my rap. I squint my eyes and smirk at the audience as my voice speaks korean words at a fast pace. I do my dance that I've been taught to do at my part, then turn sharply around to where my position is supposed to be. We continue our song until it ends, and the audience, along with all the other idols, clap and scream. I am out of breath but extremely happy with our first performance.

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Chapter 19: love love love love love love
shineexo_luver #2
Chapter 19: I AM READY FOR DRAMA AND FLUFF.COM AT ME BRO!hehehe...I lov this story plz update soon:3
LadyPassion #3
Chapter 15: AWWWWWW Love it <<<<<33333
Child.. you're killing me...
LadyPassion #5
Wait what? Date thrre guy at once/ Nice twist. Love the drama.
LOVE. THIS. FANFICS. !! please update soon!!! This story is so Beautiful!!!! ><
Write me more! Write me more!!
LadyPassion #8
I'm loving this story :)