Eighteen - Nugu-seyeo ? ( Who are you ? )

Blissful Bickers ( HIATUS ) Mianhae ~~ :(




After dragging my feet on my way home .. I'm finally back at approximately 30 minutes from the company . Eventhough i tried so hard to occupy my time , with listening to music on the way home .. I can't help it as i kept thinking and thinking about what happened in the cafeteria earlier . Youngbae was clearly asking aboout a girl .. But seriously , this is the fifth time i'm asking myself this freaking question .. Who the hell is she .. As far as i know , from all those stalking on youngbae ( coz yes , that's how much i love youngbae .. ) , He has no experience with girls , none whatsoever .. I mean not that i know off , i didn't stalk to the point of knowing his personal details or what .. Just the ones off the internet .. But seriously , to think that i know so much about youngbae .. How wrong could i be .. Then again i'm just a mere fan .. How could i know ? 


'Pabo' I shook my head at that thought .. Sometimes i can be so illusional .. tsk


I peeled the rest of my clothings and put a towel around myself getting ready to take a shower before heading to bed .. Naturally picking up my phone from my study table , hoping so much for a text from youngbae to suddenly appear .. Just a text will do ..


None .. What did i expect .. pfft 


If youngbae really was looking for a girl , he'd probably have found her and still be with her right now or something i guess .. And i have this sudden cold feeling that she's probably someone as popular as he is .. Seeing that this is somehow so discreet and away from the media ..

I let out a long sigh before finally stepping in the bathroom after staring at my phone for the last 5 minutes . I seriously gotta get a grip .. Haish ..





The clock on the wall shows that it's now 9.05 pm .. And that monster still hasn't called or texted me yet .. 5 minutes have passed from the time i told her to call me and she still hasn't . Crazy monster .. Nobody dares defy what i command .. ah and also this monster has always been calling me yah .. She should call me oppa as i'm older than her .. 

I paced back and forth in my room for at least 5 more minutes . Still no call or text from her . " Aish why is this monster not calling me ?? " I shouted not caring at all if anybody heard me or not .. And that's when i heard a knock on my bedroom door .


" Aish Mwol ( what ) ?? " I asked annoyed .

" Hyung , Gwaenchan-a ? You're shouting in the middle of the night .. you're not normally like this ? " Jiyong spoke with only his head poking in the door .

I heaved a loud sigh before replying Jiyong's question , " Gwaenchan-a .. Nothing's wrong .. " 

" Cheongmal ( really ) ? it's just that youngbae's already asleep , he passed out after getting back just now .. He must be really tired ; and i think everybody's probably asleep now too .. I'm all set for bed now too , hyung you should get some sleep too . "

" Kre ? Mian - hae .. " I apologized quickly .. 

" It's ok hyung .. Good Night .. " Jiyong said before sticking back his head out .


I sighed in exasperation . But then an idea popped out .. A brilliant one .. Youngbae ! He should have Lynn's number .. Now the only obstacle here is how am i gonna take it from him . I can't possibly just casually ask him for her number .. Certainly not after how i confessed like that about Lynn to him just now .. ' Argh Ottoke ( How ) ? '

' Ah batta ( thats right ) He's probably sound asleep now .. ' I thought to myself and lucky for me .. Youngbae's probably so tired that he passed out so early like this , and mind you he don't usually sleep this early . And if i'm lucky , he won't even wake up even if a bomb were to blow up just beside him .  


I make my way silently through the living room making my way to youngbae's room . I stopped momentarily at his door to catch my breath . My heart suddenly beating like crazy now .. ' ah relax seunghyun-ah '  I thought to myself bringing up my hand to my chest .


" Hyung Mwol-hae ( what are you doing ) ? " Seungri asked me coming out from nowhere .

" Yahh you gave me a fright there .. ! " I said exaggeratedly .

" Mian .. but you look suspicious .. like you're smuggling something from youngbae hyung's room .. " Seungri said .

" Anigoden-yeo ( No ) ! I'm just borrowing his scarf .. I'm going out in a while .. " 

" Odie kae-yeo ? " Seungri asked curiously .

" None of your business .. Yahh just go to bed maknae ! Haish .. " I said going in to youngbae's room recklessly .


I bend over to check if youngbae's really asleep .. Great .. He is .. Hah , now all i need to do is locate his phone .. How hard could that be ?


After a few minutes of searching everywhere .. I just can't seem to find it anywhere .. Haish .. I scratched my head at my confusion .. while trying my best to figure out how to just get this monster's freaking number , the phone rang .. I followed the music and the handphone was indeed in his hands under the covers all this time .. I reached under the covers only to discover a text message from lynn to youngbae .


" I guess .. you're already asleep .. Goodnight then .. Just text me up again tomorrow .. Sleep tight youngbae-ah .. 


xoxo Lynn <3 "


Tch .. So he was waiting for her text when he fell asleep .. Tsk .. And this little monster can text youngbae but don't have the decency to text or call me .. when i clearly told her it's something urgent .. Urgh .. This girl is really driving me crazy .. I jotted down her number on my phone and headed out of the apartment right away .


Once outside , I dialled her number and waited as she picks up the call . Urghh ..





Just as i was about to head to dreamland .. My phone rang so loudly just beside my ear where i normally placed it at night when i'm sleeping .. As a result of the loud noise , Qin squirmed like a worm beside me and scolded some bad words whilst still in her slumber .. 'Aish this kid .. '


I held my phone in front of me silencing it first before looking at the caller ID .. It's an unknown number .. ' Eh who could be calling me in the middle of the night .. ? '  I thought to myself .

" Yeoboseyo .. ( Hello ) " I answered it ..

" Yahh !! " the male caller shouted on the other line , it was a little bit too loud as i had to pull my phone away from my ear .

" Uh .. Nugu-seyo ( who is this ) ? " I asked a little bit annoyed .. But trying my best not to be rude , i controlled my anger ..

" Yah .. Where are you ? " he asked avoiding my question .. 

" Urm I don't think i have to answer that to someone i don't know .. " I answered a little bit too politely .. 

" You don't know me ? " I heard him scoff on the other end of the line .. " Seriously you're crazy .. Don't you recognize my y voice ? " he chuckled finishing his sentence ..

' Somehow i remembered someone with this voice , but i just can't quite put my finger on who exactly is this man ' I thought to myself ..

" Yah ! Michin yeoja ( crazy girl ) .. you still there ? " He barked .

" Hogsi ( If i'm not wrong ) .. TOP !!? Is that you ? " I asked , my blood suddenly boiling at the thought of him .

" Of course ! Anybody else with this y voice of mine ? " he said proudly .. though i may not be able to see him , I can swear i saw how he smirked right after he finished his sentence .


I tiptoed slowly outside to my living room bringing along my jacket with me , as i know my conversation with this alien won't be as quiet as it was earlier on .. As soon as i step my foot on the crossroad of my street , i shouted at the top of my lungs .


" Yahh !!! What do you want ??! Calling me at this time of the night ? And where did you get my number !!? " I finished slightly out of breath .

" Aigoo Lynn , You don't have to yell at me like that .. My ears hurt you know .. " he said so softly .. all of a sudden making me feel so bad .

" Well .. you deserved that .. " I said pouting to myself .. With only a thin jacket covering myself and a thin pajamas underneath , I felt bare .. As though I'm in this cold weather and my un-maked up face also feels that way too .. " Anyways where are you ? Why are you calling me at this timing ? " i asked him again .. 

" That's cause i wanted to talk to you .. I told you to call me at 9pm right ? " he answered me with a question again .. ' Annoying Bastard ' 

" Can't it wait til' tomorrow ? I'm sleepy .. I'll just see you tomorrow .. Kay ? " I said to him already half pleading .. 

" Wait .. Wait .. Do hogsi ( you , if i'm not wrong ) are you wearing a cream jacket over your leopard pajamas ? " he asked laughing slightly .

" Eh ? " I said , looking down at myself and realizing that what he just described was really what i was wearing at the time .. I looked around almost immediately after realizing that he was probably somewhere near here if he were to know exactly what i was wearing now , my eyes scanned the whole street just to try to catch a glimpse of this silver haired alien but it was too dark .. " Where are you ? How did you know ? " I asked hastily . 

" Haha .. I see you .. " he sang on the other line before hanging up altogether . 

" Yeoboseyo .. Yeo .. Yeoboseyo !! " I shouted .. ' Aish this crazy alien is really driving me crazy .. ' I thought to myself ..





I saw her at the end of the street just infront of the convenience store .. I didn't thought that her house is just minutes away from our hostel .. I watched as she kept on turning her head around trying to search for me .. I knew for sure she'll be trying to search for something silver which is my hair .. tch . That was why i was wearing youngbae's scarf around my neck along with my hoodie which can completely hide my hair and shades in this middle of the night .

I am trying to prevent Lynn from noticing me but don't get me wrong .. I have alot of people besides Lynn who recognizes me with just one look . So to prevent myself from getting ambushed in the middle of the night and also from being the ' most searched ' about in internet tomorrow , i better camouflage myself .. This is to protect Lynn along with myself ..


I walked  up to her slowly lowering my head .. She saw me but she clearly didn't recognize me at all but she kept looking at me as if i'm some sort of a predator or something .. I saw her changing her positon to readying herself to attack mode , if i were to plunge on her or try to harm her in any way .. That made me chuckled to myself .. What a ridiculous mind she got going on in there .. 


" Hey you got a light ? " I disguised my voice ..

" Huh ? " she asked startled , but still not looking at me .

You got a lighter ? " I asked again flashing my Marlboro stick at her .

" Oh .. " she said .. " Here .. " she passed me her lighter .. 

" You smoke ? " I asked her , not quite wanting to hear what i'm about to hear ..

" Ani .. well urm sometimes .. " she said , without turning her head , still not daring to look at this stranger i guess .

" Well don't , it's not good for you .. a girl shouldn't smoke .. " I said giving away my careness for her ..

She finally looked up at me , giving me the ' it's none of your damn business ' look and asked for her lighter back once i was done with lighting my ciggarette . 

" Oh sorry .. I don't mean to judge .. Here .. " I said handing the windproof lighter back at her .. 

" It's okay .. " she said looking down again not meeting my eyes .. And with saying that she turned away and started to disappear from my sight going further in to her building .

' Aish this pabo ( stupid ) really didn't recognize me .. ' I grunt to myself .

" Hey wait .. " I said slightly touching her shoulders ..


Next thing i know , as if she has super speed and super strength .. I was being plunged to the hard concrete pavement in a swift .


" Urgh .. Lynn .. You are really one violent girl aren't you ? .. Argh .. That really hurts .. " I said touching my aching back .. Forgetting altogether to disguise my voice .. My scarf went aray and when i got to look at Lynn properly .. She had this shocked and really guilty look on her face .. " Top !! " she said gasping , panicking altogether at once .. 

" I'm sorry .. I didn't recognize you .. Are you ok ? " she asked concerned frowning seeing me in pain . haish ..

" Ani .. Gwaenchan-a ( I'm Okay ) .. " I said as my vision started to blur and the throbbing on my head started to fades .. Next thing in know .. Blank .. I think i passed out .. Tch .




Annyong .. 

I'm sorry for the late updates ..

Trying my best to give you at least two updates ..

Heh .

My Birthday in 7 days ..

Thank you guys for reading my fic , everyone of you .

Do comment and subscribe pleaseeeee .



Lots of love ,

Adelyn <3


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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 16: woohoo! u finally updated! authornim pls don't break my darayang heart, kekeke.
Sourskittlez #2
To ParkHeeRa2013 : YupYup .. hehs a difficult way to smoothly start the story with though .. i'll try my best !! Enjoy .. :))
To bloody : Sure dear .. working on it .. Thanks for the support :)