Twelve - The Date ?

Blissful Bickers ( HIATUS ) Mianhae ~~ :(



" Everybody finished their breakfast ? Ppalli ! We have practice .. " I exclaimed a little too excitedly .

" Woah , slow down tiger ! " Jiyong said still his juice from that straw of his .

" But i have to train and monitor Lynn-shi .. "

" You sure are overly excited about that huh ? " piped in Daesung .

" What are you trying to imply huh Daesungie-ah ? " I aske him , eyeing him threateningly .

" I mean .. to tell you that i .. i .. i'm also excited about that too .. Ya , thats right .. " he said waryly , looking away right after he's done talking .

" Haha .. I'm just messing with you .. " I said to Daesung , earning a tiny smile from him .


The fact is I am really excited about training her . For one , I want to see how is her dancing skills and two , I just want to be in the same room as her . I know this is not love , but i like it that she was my fan and only mine . Mostly girls who is my fans , knows BigBang and most importantly they know TOP hyung . I know i shouldnt dwell too much on our popularity or even compare between it to begin with , but TOP hyung is indeed the most popular amongst us . But this girl not only is she unfamiliar with BigBang , she doesnt even know who is TOP's real name as of now . And the fact that hyung is always teasing her , not only me , even everybody knows , it's merely because he just couldn't believe that this particular girl didn't know who he was in the first place . 


Jiyong , Seungri and Daesung walked in front of me while i followed suit . I lowered my head as i walk . ' Aish , why am i so nervous .. ' I clench and unclench my sweaty palms . Just as i was about to step in the dance studio , Lynn came running out from the dance studio not noticing me there . I wasn't too quick to avoid her so she accidentally bumped into me , holding her shoulders , I steadied her wobbly self .


" Lynn , what's wrong ? " I asked her still holding her shoulders .

" Aniya .. Nothings wrong .. " she replied weakly , not meeting my eyes . ' Whats wrong with her .. Aish .. ' I thought , looking down trying so hard to get her to look at me . " Cheongbal ? " I asked her .

" Deh .. could you please excuse me , I need to go to the washroom .. " she said finally giving me a smile when she looked up briefly at me . " Okay " I whispered as she walked away . I doubt that she can hear me .


Something was bothering her . I could see that , but i didn't know what . ' Ah molla . Let's just concentrate on the dance . ' I thought . As soon as i went in the dance studio , I set my eyes on TOP hyung and he was sitting down at the back of the room looking so gloomy . He stood up and suddenly searched for something or rather someone in the room . His eyes met mine , and he smiled , so sincerely .

' Aish , this guy .. he doesn't know what he's feeling sometimes . He's just so dense , he doesn't even see that Bom Noona likes him .. ' I felt guilty confronting him like that . He may see it as me telling him on a secret which i won't tell the others just yet but i can see something between him and Lynn .. He's just so comfortable with her . He never treats a girl impolitely like that before , he's always been polite to girls , ani especially girls . With him being like that to Lynn , maybe he either hates her or likes her but doesn't even realize it .





I washed my face to release the tension . I really don't know what's going on with me . It's just the 2nd day and everything 's been going so fast . Me joining YG , me meeting with youngbae , me getting to work with BigBang , now don't get me wrong .. eventhough i don't know who they were in the first place .. I know now how popular they are and to get to work with them , i realized , is a pretty big thing .. Ouh and lastly , me going crazy all because of that TOP fellow .


' I really need to pull myself together and forget all this jittery nonsense . Aish . you can do this Lynn . Just concentrate on your dance . ' I assured myself . ' I can do this ' I mentally said to myself . And with that i plastered a smile on my face and head down to the dance studio .


" All right everybody , let's do this ! " I suddenly shouted to everybody . Everybody looked at me including youngbae who kept on staring even when evryone's back to what they were doing . " Oops" I whispered to myself , that was certainly overdoing it .


Youngbae laughed and said " Let's start everybody , she's here .. " What ? they were waiting for me .. ' Double Oops ' I thought . " Sorry to keep you guys waiting .. " I apologised sheepishly .

" Ani Gwenchanh-a " Jiyong spoke up .


I felt myself getting red , luckily no one noticed . The day went on quite quickly . I learnt these dance moves easily as my mentor's a great dancer and the choreographer's none other than their maknae , Seungri . I enjoyed the afternoon with them and everything was fine except for the fact that I totally tried my best to avoid making any kind of contact with TOP . Just to be safe , i decide it .


Today's practice ended with everybody's all sweaty and laid out on the floor exhausted . Slowly one by one the dancers went home . I haven't got to know most of them but everybody's been good to me especially this one named Lee Da-eun .

" Annyong guys ! " She waved goodbye to BigBang , which they greeted simultaneously . " And Annyong Lynn , see you Thursday ! " she said to me .

" Ouh bye Da-eun ! Ya see ya ! " I turned my body to face her and waved at the door before plopping back down on the floor as soon as she disappeared from sight .

" So Lynn , how was today ? " Jiyong asked me .

" Tiring . " I said bluntly .

" So what's everybody doing tomorrow ? I got the day off " Seungri asked , singing at his last sentence .

" Yah everybody gets the day off tomorrow , you pabo .. " Daesung replied .

" Oh .. Kre ? " Seungri said looking so dumbfoundedly .

" Ani we have to record tomorrow , me and TOP hyung " Jiyong said .

" Yup , for ou GD&TOP album " TOP said , finally hearing his annoyingly y voice .

" I'm off too .. What about you Lynn ? " Youngbae asked me .

" I'm off too but i'm not sure what i'll be doing .. Maybe i'll practice somemore tomorrow .. " I said .

" That's so good Noona , your 3rd day and you get the day off . " Daesung said .

Seungri started calling me Noona yesterday infront of everybody when he was persuading me to join their dance crew . While Daesung ... he started to call me Noona over breakfast just now while getting to know each other better just now . I don't know how it works actually but they said that if someone's older than them they have to call them that if they want to have a closer relationship with them . And as for me , i'll have to call youngbae Oppa , that i can manage .. but imagine why i choked on my pancake just now when they said since TOP is older than me i'd have to start calling him Oppa too at one point . No way in hell am i gonna call him that ..

" That's coz she's working with us , you pabo .. Of course she have the same schedules as us .. " Seungri said quickly to Daesung .

" Oh kre.. " Daesung replied expressionlesly at first before realizing that his so called lil brother called him stupid .. 

" Yahh !! what did you call me ?? " Daesung shouted enraged .. getting up to chase Seungri as the maknae makes a run for it .

I laughed at their closeness and let out a big sigh and got up .. " So thanks guys for today .. I think I'll head home first . " I said heading to my bag at the back of the room .


" So we skipped lunch just now , aren't you hungry ? " Youngbae aske me , suddenly standing beside me .

" Ouh youngbae , you shocked me .. " I said startled .

" Hmm I'm sorry . So would you like to have dinner with me ? " youngbae asked me . I blinked and looked at youngbae .. I couldn't believe my ears seriously . ' Okay it's not like it's a date or something .. youngbae's just asking me as a friend coz you know , we skipped lunch while practicing just now .. Gotta bear in mind , and keep reminding yourself that youngbae couldn't possibly like you . ' I reminded myself mentally .






" So ... would you ? I wanted to go to this carnival sooo bad . I couldn't find anybody else to accompany me there .. " I said eagerly . 

" Urmm .. " she replied , still uncertain obviously .

" I mean , you wouldn't reject right ? You're my number 1 fan .. " I said playfully nudging her shoulder earning a giggle from her .

" Yeah , i'll be glad to .. " She finally agreed .

" Alright , i'll wash up and i'll meet you at the entrance at about 30 minutes ... " I said excitedly beaming at her .

She smiled so sheepishly at me and said " Okay .." 


I took my things and head to the washroom . ' Alright , a date with Lynn , at least i hope thats what she thinks it is . '  I thought to myself .


I went inside the cubicle and took a quick shower cleaning myself up . Singing in the shower is so not me .. But that's what she made me do . I sang so happily not caring if anyone hears me or not . Heading out of the cubicle , starting to ready myself in front of the mirror , only to find TOP hyung outside in front of the mirror himself .


" You sound oddly happy ... " TOP hyung stated out .

" Urm .. yeah I am actually .. " I said , focusing on styling hair .

" Where are you going ... Or rather who are you going with ? " TOP hyung asked noticing me setting myself up .

" Uh .. i'm going to the carnival ..  with .. Lynn .. " I said bluntly . Hyung was shocked at first , I saw that clearly , but he was quick to adjust his expression just in time and said " Oh Kre ?? That's good , but youngbae-ah , take it slow alright ? " He adviced me .

" I know hyung , I'll be careful . " I assured him .

" I just don't want you to get hurt again .. " he said reminding me of my past relationship with Dara Noona which didn't go the way i wanted it to .

" I know hyung .. " I said making eye contact with hyung briefly earning a small smile from him .


Dara Noona and I started out as friends , since our collaborations for 'Lollipop' we became close and everyone that we're close with knows about us .. It took alot of hardships for us to be together at first ..  But we pulled through it .. until approximately at our 100th day , Dara Noona stab me in the back and went with Cheondung from the new group MBLAQ . After getting caught red-handed , we ended it .. as it's of no use for us to continue with it anymore . From then on , we weren't like before and the relation has become awkward between us and it that's just it . 

At first i was devastated , I became restless in everything i did at that point of time , Even the members of my group and YG himself saw the changes in me . Slowly i picked up the pieces and put everything behind me . That was then , No point looking back now right . And then there was Lynn , I'm just praying really hard something similar won't happen again .


" Bae-ah , I'll get going first .. " TOP hyung spoke , making me come back to my senses .

" Oh yeah hyung .. See you thursday i guess .. " I said . ' I really need to hurry up , i wouldn't want Lynn waiting for me . ' I reminded myself .





I sat on the chairs infront of the reception desk waiting for youngbae . ' Did he actually asked me on a date ? ' I asked myself .

' Aniya ... that couldn't be right , I mean .. It's youngbae we're talking about .. not some random guy . '

' But he said he wanted someone to accompany him to the carnival ... '

' Sooo ?? '

' So he could bring anyone else , why me ? '

' That doesn't mean anything , certainly not that he likes me ... '

' Actually yes it kind of does .. '

' Noo it doesn't .. '

' Yes it does ... '

' Nooooo Lynn '

' Yessssss Lynn '

' Nooooooooooo '

' Yessssssssssss '

" Argh I must be crazy ... How can i debate with myself and still lose ... Aish ... " I said grumpily as i stood up abruptly and kept hitting on the side of my head lightly repeatedly when i felt a hand pulling my hand preventing me from hitting myself .

I turned around and it turned out to be TOP .. ' Big surprise ' * sarcasm of course *

I pulled my hand away from his grip and glare at him .. ' Aish what does he want ? '


" You are really crazy right ? " TOP stated rather than asking actually .

" Ah Wae ?? " I asked , feeling a little bit irritated with his presence .

" Ani .. I figured you must be crazy .. talking to yourself and hitting yourself like that .. " he smirked sensing my irritation .

" I wasn't talking to myself " ' Aish he saw that .. ' " And what are you doing here anyways ? You're not going home ? " I asked annoyed .

" I am actually but then i saw a crazy girl hitting herself "

" I'm not hitting myself okay .. I .. I .. I just have a headache .. "

" Wae ? Is it because of youngbae ? " he intrigued ..

" Ani ... " I stuttered .

" You told me you're just friends .. and now you're going on a date with him already ... ? "

" Date ?? " I scoffed . " We're just going out on a simple dinner as friends .. Yeah like i said , just as friends ... "

" Well it sure doesn't look like it .. " he said .

" Eh ? "

" How come i get the vibe that you're trying to convince yourself somehow .. ? " he intrigued leaning in towards me putting his annoyingly pretty face face just inches away from mine .. " Huh ? " he asked wiggling his eyebrows ..

' Aish where is he going with this ... ' " Yahh what's it to you ?? " I asked him raising my voice a little pushing away his face lightly .

"Aish .. you and your loud voice .. " he said rubbing his ears . " I was just asking .. Why are you so worked up ? " he asked smirking again .

" Forget it .. I'm done talking to you .. " ' Where is youngbae ... ' I thought to myself .





I walked further towards my van and went in , subconciously asking my driver to wait , not knowing the reason either .

I looked out the window and saw Lynn waiting for youngbae .. at the same time pouting and unpouting her lips randomly .

' What exactly am i waiting for ? To see her courted by youngbae safely ? I don't see how that's any of my business ... To make sure she doesn't run out on her date with youngabe ? Well that is kind of reasonable i guess , i just wanna see youngbae happy .. Or to see whether she'll be left alone tonight so i can safely her home ... ? What exactly are you expecting Seunghyun-ah ? '

" Forget it .. Let's go Ahjussi . " I stared at Lynn as the van sped up . She was expressionless merely just waiting for youngbae .. ' Aish this kid , why is he taking so long .. Keeping a girl waiting for so long is so not a good first impression .. Pabo ! ' I thought to myself .

I dialled youngbae's number on my phone . As i heard it ringing I saw youngbae came out of the elevator stopping in his tracks awhile to peek on his date . So it was a date for youngbae but not for Lynn . Silly girl . I can see it clearly that she likes youngbae ... She's just not sure about it yet .. 


I saw her smile so brightly upon seeing youngbae .. Aish .. I feel so happy for youngbae ... But i flinched remembering the smile she had when she dances luring me in the dance studio earlier on .. The facial expressions that she made while she was dancing .. To tell you the truth i'm a bit jealous of youngbae .. Ani .. Actually it's called envy .. i'm envious of youngbae for receiving such a sweet smile like that ..

Wait a minute ... Why exactly am i even thinking about her ? Like my mom said .. I should really avoid this monster ... Good for youngbaa i guess ... Since i care for him and all , I just wanna see him happy , whoever he chooses to be with ..

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh ..


" Tired .. TOP-shi ? " my driver asked me .

" Deh ... " I replied lazily .

" Do you want me to go faster ? " he asked me .

" Ani .. gwenchanh-a .. Ouh but today i'm going back to the hostel okay ahjussi .. " 

" Arrasso ... " 


Looking out the window , i tried and tried so hard to think and understand my actions .. Don't ask me why .. But i don't even know why this sudden impulse to stick my nose in youngbae's life nowadays .. hmm 



So So So Sorry for the late update .. I hope this update helps .. If you guys not following .. Just ask me , dont hesitate to ask aites ... I'm not sure where this is going but i'm sure it gets better every update .. i promise !! heheh 

Pls pls pls dont hesitate to comment and subscribe !!!!  

Thanks soooo much for reading ! 

Lots of love 

Adelyn <3

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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 16: woohoo! u finally updated! authornim pls don't break my darayang heart, kekeke.
Sourskittlez #2
To ParkHeeRa2013 : YupYup .. hehs a difficult way to smoothly start the story with though .. i'll try my best !! Enjoy .. :))
To bloody : Sure dear .. working on it .. Thanks for the support :)