Eleven - What's Wrong ?

Blissful Bickers ( HIATUS ) Mianhae ~~ :(



The moment i step in the cafeteria , the only alien with silver hair caught my eye . ' Oh before he sees me , let's just act like i don't see him ' I started to walk to the food stand when i heard youngbae called out my name .

" Lynn-ah " Aish . Why is this guy calling me now , of al times , somemore in an informal tone . Is he that comfortable with me .. I turned around and faced them . I knew youngbae , Seungri and TOP , who was busy eating his corn so eagerly not even noticing my presence .. Good ! Not that it bothers me ...

" Annyeonghaseyo .. " I said . Noticing another two unfamiliar faces , I introduced myself and found out that there was another two members that i haven't met whom is Jiyong also known as G-Dragon , the leader of BigBang . And Daesung , nickname D-lite but people still calls him Daesung , the main vocals of BigBang .

After comfortably talking to the other members , with TOP still ignoring me , not that i care . I got up to get my breakfast from the food stand . Suddenly the craving for corn kicked in , and i headed to the food stand with corn for my target mindlessly not noticing TOP got up from the table too .


" Ahjumma , can i get one stick of corn please .. " I said to Mrs Baek as soon as i reached the stand .

" Ouh so lucky of you , this is the only one left .. " Mrs Baek said as she attempt to put the corn on my plate . Just as it was placed , out of nowhere a hand snatched the corn away .

" Aish .. Jinjja !! My corn ! " I shouted , enough for Mrs Baek , TOP and only myself to hear . Mrs Baek just shakes her head and went back inside .

" You're in training right ? Don't eat so much .. " TOP said bluntly . As he was going to bite on the corn , I snatched it back from him .

" Yah ! I saw you ate your corn earlier on . Give this to me .. " I put the corn on my plate once more only to be snatched away from TOP again .

" Trust me .. Don't eat too much .. You'll regret it .. " he said holding the corn up in the air , preventing me from reaching to it .

" Yah !! My corn ... " I said , still trying to reach the corn .


" Here , have mine .. Let Hyung take that corn . I have extras too .. " youngbae came up behind me .

" Cheongbal ? " I asked staring at the corn .

" Deh .. Take it .. " youngbae said giving me that warm smile , passing me the corn .

" Gomawo , youngbae-ah .. " I smiled back at him in return , then stucking out my tongue to TOP who gave me a smirk smelling the corn infront of me . Crazy guy .. 


I skipped my way out to the dance studio after waving a small goodbye to Seungri which he returned with a wink .. I turned my head back at youngbae and TOP curiously , when i saw them talking so seriously . With that , TOP suddenly looked at me briefly before looking away and headed back to their table . Not noticing youngbae coming up to me , he suddenly voiced out .

" Where are you going ? "

" Eh ? I'm going to the dance studio , to start practising first ."

" We'll catch up with you once we're done with breakfast aite ? "

" No worries . " I assured youngbae . He sure is a sweet guy just as how they described him . Maybe the lack of experience with girls is what gives him away . He is sometimes too nice to girls making them think that he likes them , while he's merely being nice . ' Bear in mind Lynn , never assume youngbae likes you , eventhough he's always nice to you .. ' I reminded myself .

I the music on the radio upon reaching the dance studio . I enjoy dancing so much , i could dance to anything . This time i chose ' Where have you been' by Rihanna . Pumping up my adrenaline makes me more hyped and in the mood for practice . I was already sweating practising here all by myself . Where were they ... Aish , let's do another round before they come .




" Hyung , why do you like to tease Lynn ? " youngbae asked .

" Geunyang .. " I said biting into my corn .

" Hyung , I don't know what's your relationship with her but i think i like her .. "

" Jinjja ? " I asked bewildered.

" Kre . I think i like her .. "

" But you don't know her and bae-ah , you've never been in a realtionship after .. "

" I know but I can't always stay like this .. "

" Why her ? " I asked him abruptly ..

" Eh ? " youngbae said surprised by my reaction then he continued , " There's just something about her .. The way she don't know who we are .. It's kind of rare .. "

" Rare .. " I said slowly , emphasizing the word . " Tell me about it " I said , looking dumbfounded . Remembering about the first day i met her in the lobby , she really didn't know us .. she didn't even recognize me . And that is really really rare . Thinking back on how we bicker , she is really one rare girl , easily said .

" So yeah .. just to let you know hyung .. "

" Ouh kre .. " I said simply . Youngbae gave me a pat on the shoulder and walk off . I turned towards the entrance of the cafeteria and saw lynn staring at me with this confused look .


' Right ... That's a good thing that youngbae likes you .. I just don't want anything to happen to youngbae .. ' Sigh .. I looked away from those eyes , the first eyes ever that carry hatred towards me and also the eyes that is so naive and innocent . I stuck the corn back in my mouth and headed to our table once again .


" So hyung , what do you think about Lynn ? " Seungri suddenly asked as soonas i plotted down on my chair .

" Arh .. " I said as soon as i finished chewing on my corn . " Ah molla .. " I replied , hoping they buy my ' i don't care ' answer .

" Are you sure , hyung ? " he pestered .

" Why are you all suddenly talking bout her ? " i asked , annoyed .

" Ani , i'm just telling them how i tried to ask for her number but you stopped her , and even get mad at her .. "

" Eonje ? "

" Ah hyung , yesterday .. You forgot ? Argh how can you forget when you got a kick from her .. " Seungri kept on chattering .

And at that moment i got a surprised look from youngbae . My worried expression straightened out a bit . What's wrong with me .. I don't even know why i got so worked up by them merely just talking about her .

" Aish and she's really scary when she's angry .. Right Hyung ? " Seungri still at the topic .

" Aish shut up will you ? " I said smacking his head .

" Argh .. what's that for ? " Seungri asked stunned .

" For being you .. Aish .. " I got up and stole a glance at youngbae which he returned with a smile .


' Aish this kid .. Out of all the people why would he like her .. and out of all the members why would he tell me .. ' I thought making my way to the washroom . Along the way , I heard music from the dance studio .. Sounds like ' My immortal ' by Evanescence . ' Who could it be , dancing to this song ? ' I thought to myself .

I poked my head in the dance studio to spy on this mystery dancer . Everyone else in this company danced only to hip hop and pop music . Not contemparory music .

I peeped further in the dance studio , being the curious one . Initially I was just going to watch from outside , but when i saw who was dancing . My heart fluttered . Lynn owned the studio . Twirling here and there . She was sweating eventhough she left only a few minutes ago for practice . I slowly went inside and carefully made my way to the back of the room where we can sit at the back . I watched carefully how she spin and twirl herself moving her body to her heart's desire . In between intervals , I saw her smiling to herself .

My heart fluttered seeing this side of her .. Somehow it hurts , seeing her nice to people and all the other members , even Seungri .. All i get from her is anger , resentment and hatred from her .. Aish ..

' Eh what's wrong with me ? I don't feel this ... ' I tolf myself . ' My mind's playing tricks on me .. ' I assured myself heaving a sigh so loudly. 

Abruptly , Lynn stopped dancing as she heard me sighed . Oops , I didn't mean to disturb her or make her notice that i'm here. Randomly i decided to surprise her .


" Barh !! " I shouted while giving her my scary face .

Intending to make her surprised , I'm the one getting surprised . She just had to smack me ..

" Yahh ! That's painful ... You're one violent girl aren't you ? " I exclaimed rubbing the back of my head , trying to make the pain go away ..

" Aish , I'm sorry .. but who asked you to startled me like that ? " Lynn asked fuming , trying to hide the guilt in her eyes ."

Futhermore ... I .. I just have good reflexes . Anyway what are you doing here ? Where's the rest ? "

" Ah molla ! You're asking me bout the rest or just Youngbae ? " I intrigued .




I stared at him , abit shocked at his unexpected question . He blinked , I blinked and we continued staring until i cleared my throat .

" Urm .. What do you mean by that ? Of course i'm asking about the rest .. As in Seungri , Jiyong , Daesung AND Youngbae ... What did you .. " before i could finish my sentence , TOP cut me off .

" Ara .. Ara-yeo .. you don't have to tell me their names , I know ! " he shouted .

" What is your problem ? You're always scolding and shouting at me ?? " I shouted back at him .

Of course at first he was on my blacklist but i think after getting to know him , he'll be okay .. I dislike him now , yes i do .. But i don't completely hate him like i did yesterday , i think .. ' Aish .. this guy got issues , i think .. '

" Just carry on with your dance , I'll just wait for them here .. " he said , back to his usual tone .. dropping the matter without even answering my question .

" Ani , i'll just wait for them too .. " I said taking a seat beside TOP .

" Do you like youngbae ? " TOP suddenly asked after a few seconds of awkward silence .

" Deh .. I'm a big fan of youngbae's if you wanna know , of course i like him .. Everything about him .. hehe " I giggled .

" No , I mean 'like' as in like him as a man ? " he intrigued .

" Eh ? " I asked caught off guard . Firstly he have no right to ask such a question and secondly why the sudden curiosity from him . I looked at him intently trying to figure him out , trying to figure the meaning behind this unexpected question of his . He stared at me back quite carefully , i noticed , maybe trying to figure me out too . Then he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and said , " Well ? "

I let out my breath unwittingly , only realizing that i have been holding my breath due to the fact that his face is just inches away from mine .. " We're just friends okay .. nothing more .. " I said trying to catch my breath ..

With that TOP leaned closer to me and asked " Really ?? " in an annoying voice .. Though it doesn't affect him in the slightest bit that we're now milli inches apart , it sure triggered something in me .. and i seriously don't know why i feel my face burning , getting red all of a sudden .. ' Aish , what am i doing now .. ? ' I abruptly got up from my seat looking so flustered i guess when the others came in , as Jiyong immediately asked if i'm okay once he saw me ..

" Ani i'm okay .. " I said , rather too quickly . " I just need to go to the washroom , excuse me .. " I excused myself , heading out of the dance studio only to bump into youngbae ..

" Lynn .. What's wrong ? " he said looking so worried .

" Aniya , Nothing's wrong .. " I said , bowing my head somehow so afraid to meet his eyes .

" Cheongbal ? "

" Deh .. could you please excuse me , I need to go to the washroom .. " I excused myself again , without hearing what he had to say I ran straight to the washroom without even looking back once .


My heart's thumping from just now .. TOP's handsome features suddenly came to my mind .. ' Aish , what the hell is wrong with me ? TOP ?? ' I scoffed not quite believing my head , my heart , my feelings .. I'm seriously having a grave headache .. And today is just my second day of work .. Pfft ..


Yoohoo ... sorry for the late update .. my stories are getting longer and longer , i just don't know when to stop .. * help me .. * hehe

Anyhooo Lynn is starting to have these so called 'feelings' for TOP but she doesn't know it yet .. hmm .. Ouh and next update will be about Youngbae !! and Lynn of course .. I'm already working on Chapter 16 , featuring on DaraYang .. soooo watch out for my stories aite you all Darayang shippers. okay i'm spoiling it .. enough said .. I really hope you guys enjoy my story ..

Pls Pls Pls dont forget to comment and subscribe !! aites Love you alls .. <3

Adelyn Outs <3

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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 16: woohoo! u finally updated! authornim pls don't break my darayang heart, kekeke.
Sourskittlez #2
To ParkHeeRa2013 : YupYup .. hehs a difficult way to smoothly start the story with though .. i'll try my best !! Enjoy .. :))
To bloody : Sure dear .. working on it .. Thanks for the support :)