Thirteen - Feelings

Blissful Bickers ( HIATUS ) Mianhae ~~ :(



" Argh .. " Lynn let out a small scream . I turned abruptly to her worried . " Anything that's bothering you Lynn ? " I asked her , but instead i got nothing out of her . She just kept staring at the cotton candy on the other side of the carnival .. ' Aish that was soo cute '

" Do you want that cotton candy ? " I asked her slightly shaking her shoulders , noticing that she's still in that trance of hers .

" uh ? " Lynn said as soon as she came back to reality just figuring out my question , she gave me a quiet nod and smiled looking at me .


Without hesitation , I jogged briskly to the cart at the other side and ordered two cotton candy .. Pink for her and a blue one for myself . The day has been great .. We've tried many rides .. Those that i thought would be scary for a girl like Lynn , was actually those that she suggested to me first . Lynn is different than other girls .. Most girls would be scared of this rides and they wouldn't just eat anything sweet , the reason being is that they wanna watch their weight .

I passed her the cotton candy and she smiled like a little girl receiving candy from their mothers .

" Gomawo Youngbae .. " she thanked me .

" It's okay .. " I said .

It was getting late and i didn't want to let Lynn go back so late .. I looked at my watch and it showed that it's already half past ten .

" Lynn-ah .. Kaja .. I'll send you home .. It's getting late .. " I said , pulling out my carkeys as soon as i finish my candy .

" ok " Lynn said not looking at me , engrossed in finishing her candy slowly .

' Aish this girl is adorable '

I send her home and to my surprise , the place she's living in is so near to our hostel .. Lynn got out of the car and waved at me .

" Youngbae-ah , thanks for today .. I'll see you on thursday then i guess .. " she said .

" Yup " I nodded .. " It was great for me too .. " I replied looking out the window of my car .. just as she was to head in the building of her apartment , i called out to her .

" Urmm Lynn "

" Yes .. " she said nervously ..

" Let's exchange numbers .. That way it'll be easier to contact each other .. " I requested her .

" Urm .. " she hesitated .

" Just suggesting .. If you don't wanna .. I don't mind " I said quickly .

" Uh i want to .. Lets .. Okay .. Give me your phone .. " she asked . I gave it to her , and she dialled her number to get my number on her phone too .

" Done .. urm good night then youngbae .. " she said giving me my phone back to me , before running off in her apartment .


I chuckled seeing her ran shyly inside .. Everything was going smoothly .. As i know , Lynn is a big fan of mine but i didn't know whether she would really see me as something more than that . Maybe i can show her until she can see that much more clearly .





I went inside the room that i shared with my sister Qin with a rather dreamy expression and slump on the bed as soon as i got in without even changing my clothes . " Aaaah .. " I sang happily and screamed silently at the thought of youngbae exchanging numbers with me .. I can't believe it myself that youngbae got my number and i got his .. ' Aaaaargh ! ' I screamed mentally again and close my mouth by biting on my pillow .. After rolling around on my bed crazily my sister suddenly sat on the brink of my bed with this curious look .


" What happened ? Yesterday you were all gloomy and complaining non-stop about TOP .. " Qin questioned me giving me the suspicious look .

" Hmm .. " I said dreamily not concentrating on her question .

" Hogsi .. you went out with TOP did you ? " she blurted out earning a quick smack from me .

" Oww .. I was just guessing .. " she said sadly ..

" Sorry .. but that was absurd .. Why would i go out with that jerk ? " I said to her .

" He's not a jerk okay .. You just don't know him like i do .. " she said rubbing the back o her head .

" Aish whatever .. " I said .


Just as i was about to change into my pajamas , a loud crashing sound came from the living room .. The sounds of glass crashing and followed by my parents shoutings wasn't the first that i've heard , so i'm sort of immune to it , not the slightest bit shocked .. I sighed in exasperation .. My happiness from just now automatically faded .


" What now ? " I asked looking at Qin ..

" Molla .. He came back like that , grouchy .. and as always eomma always gets it from him .. " she said slumping her shoulders .

" I'm outta here .. " I said annoyed .

" Unnie , where're you going ? " she asked .

" Don't know " I said grabbing my stuff from the shelf and head out of the apartment altogether .


I stared at the road in front of my house .. ' Great .. Now where am i gonna go ? ' I thought to myself .. ' you should have just stayed in your room and sleep you pabo . ' I mentally scolded myself . I need to practice tomorrow and this just suddenly happens . I went out everytime my father throws a tantrum like that , avoiding the ruckus simply because i knew i wouldn't have the patience to just keep quiet . Not wanting it to become my problem with him, it's better i just avoid it .

I went in the convenience store across the street and reached out a can of beer and aske the cashier for a pack of cigarettes which i know wasn't the right thing to do , But i just went ahead with it ..

I sipped my beer and lighted a stick , inhaling the tobacco .. only to exhale a few seconds later .. satisfyingly .. It's been so long since i smoked .. i know smoking was bad and it wasn't the right thing to do now in the middle of my career but what the hell ... with everything's thats been going on  .. I needed this , something to take away the pain .. I don't hate my father .. Afterall he is my father .. I just hate the way he is by treating my mother like that whenever he had a rough day at work . I pity my mum for still sticking by my father's side like that .. I don't want a broken family as much as i don't want my mum to suffer like that . Aish ...

My phone beeped , showing a message from youngbae ..

' Goodnight Lynn .. Thank you for today .. I really had fun .. Sleep tight alrite ? Dream of me maybe .. :) '

Aish .. youngbae , my idol .. would he really want someone like me .. Just a mere fan .. a girl with problems in her family that she can't solve .. What should i say to him ..

' Goodnight youngbae .. Thank you for asking me to accompany me today .. No need to thank me actually .. It was my pleasure .. Hehe .. you too sleep tight alrite ? =) '

I called Qin up to check on the situation , she sleepily assured me that everything's quieted down .. I sighed in relief .. That's good i guess .. I really need to get back .. I slowly tiptoed back to my room passing by my dad who's sleeping on the couch , as always after a fight with eomma . I changed and plopped on my bed beside Qin .. falling asleep just minutes after , dreamlessly .





I sat up on my bed as soon as i heard the door from our hostel open .. youngbae , that must be him from his date .. Hmm . This annoyingly made me couldn't fall asleep and the thing is I don't even know why .. I acted sleepy rubbing my eyes and walking into the kitchen to get a drink just to catch a glimpse at youngbae . He's all smiles checking the fridge when clearly there wasn't any food left .. Satisfied looking he happily closed it and hummed to himself before noticing me at the kitchen door .


" Oh hyung .. you surprised me .. " he claimed , holding on to his chest .

" Well you seem happy .. " I said pouring myself a glass of water .

" It was great hyung .. she's just as i expected .. " youngbae said .

" As you expected ? " I asked .

" Yes .. she's not like any other girl .. So girly and stuff .. and she can take any ride on the carnival hyung .. Anyone of them .. And get this , she loves candy .. Anything sweet actually she told me .. " Youngbae laughed describing her .. One can see that he really likes her by the way he's talking about her .

" Deh .. Good for you then youngbae .. But like i said , be careful .. " I warned him ..

" Ara-yeo hyung .. Anyways just now was really great .. I know I should be careful .. you're telling me all this because you're worried about me .. but you should be happy for me too .. " he told me .

" I know .. I am ... I just don't want anything like back then to happen again .. " I assured him .

" Thanks hyung .. There's a saying ' Enjoy it while it lasts .. ' I'm just enjoying it while it lasts with no regrets .. Don't worry bout me hyung .. Anything that happens i know i'll get by .. Goodnight hyung . " he said patting my shoulder before heading into my room .


Aish this kid .. I put my glass down and head back in my room with my hands behind my head , I stared at the ceiling now already laying on my bed . I remembered the smile that Lynn had when youngbae showed up at the entrance of YG just now .. The gleam in her eyes showing how eager she is to go out with youngbae .. She have feelings for youngbae and so does youngbae .. They just don't know it yet .. To be honest , I felt a sudden sting of pain just thinking about this .. Why am i so affected ? It's not like i like her and clearly everybody knows she hates me .. Wait do i really actually like her , Ani ... I shook the thought out of my head .. Aish this is driving me crazy ...


' Let's just not think and sleep .. Pls .. ' I told myself mentally .. Aish ...


Updated at last .. Sorry for the short one though .. Promise it'll get better aites !!

Pls comment and subscribe !! I need your opinions and views on this amateur story of mine will you ????

Thanks for reading i guess and to you silent readers out there too .. I really appreciate it very very very muchiesssss !..


Lots of love ,

Adelyn <3

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bb2ne1fanjj #1
Chapter 16: woohoo! u finally updated! authornim pls don't break my darayang heart, kekeke.
Sourskittlez #2
To ParkHeeRa2013 : YupYup .. hehs a difficult way to smoothly start the story with though .. i'll try my best !! Enjoy .. :))
To bloody : Sure dear .. working on it .. Thanks for the support :)