Chapter Two

It's Grotesque

“Are you ready? Please keep in mind whatever I will tell, because I won’t tell you for a second time. No rebroadcast.” He said look exactly on me.

“Yes hyung.” I said even more enthusiastic.


I know. Whatever hyung will tell is gonna work. He is experienced. He got Hangeng, his boyfriend, the Chinese man, in a flash. He knows whatever to do to win a heart. He knows what I have to do to approach Leeteuk. Yes, he is the guy I always want to approach. A junior from my school, vice president of the student council. He is indeed perfect, he is nice, handsome. But one more thing to know, he is a playboy. He changes his girlfriend or boyfriend everyday.  Not seldom he has more than one girl/boyfriends in one time.

“You said he is playboy right?” Hyung asked to confirm.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Hmm.” He paused. Thinking. I just kept silent waiting for his precious advices. “Okay I get it.” He said suddenly and moved his head forward to me.

“So Hyuk, first thing to do is… Change your look.” He said, smirking.

“Err… Okay. So what should I do?” I asked unsure. Is hyung making me to look like him?

“What day is today?” He asked suddenly and looked his watch. Where he obviously couldn’t find any clue.

“Friday.” I answered. I badly wanted to laugh over his dumbness, but if I do that, he won’t give me those precious advices, ever.

“Great. Then we can start tomorrow. You don’t have any dance practices tomorrow right?” He made sure of me.

“I don’t.” I answered. Which is true, my leg is stiff of PE class today so I asked Hae if he can help tell the others that I won’t be practicing tomorrow.

“Then, now finish your meal and take a beauty sleep.” Hyung said. He finished his own meal and brought the plates into the sink. Didn’t bother to wash it.

“Hyung… This is just 7PM.” I protested and shut my mouth immediately.

Hyung didn’t say anything luckily. He just sent me a glare and proceed to his room.

I did all the dishes. Hyung won’t bother to wash them, I think even until he marry Hangeng hyung. I sometimes protest, to myself. But I couldn’t help because I love Hyung too much. He is indeed evil, but he is a caring brother. He always looks after me. That’s why I never protested to him why I must do all the chores myself.

I went to my bedroom and laid myself on the bed. Stare at the ceiling, thinking of many things. Why Donghae acting so weird today? I think that Im Yoona’s thingy would not problem him that much. It must be something else.

Donghae is my friend from the middle school. I was a new student back then. It was funny to remember that time. Donghae such a little boy with frowning face. He has no friends, though many peoples tried to be close to him.


“Anyeonghaseyo. My name is Hyukjae. I’m a new student here so I hope you will help me.” I said to the boy who’ll be my seatmate.

Teacher Kim asked me to sit beside this boy. I don’t know his name. He just nodded when I asked if he would mind if I sat beside him. I expected it was a no problem. But when I wanted to put my bag in the chair, He said “I’d mind.” I stopped there and confused, I looked to the entire class, finding a vacant seat, but I couldn’t find one.

“What’s wrong Hyukjae?” Teacher Kim asked. She seemed didn’t hear our conversation.

“Emm… He said that he’d mind if I sit beside him.” I said truthfully. Still confused of his previous act.

“Lee Donghae-“ Teacher Kim just want to start to tell him something but she was cut off.

“Sit here.” He suddenly said, with a hearable voice.

I then sit beside him, still confused with his weird act. He don’t even took a glimpse on me. What I expected is, at least he will ask some basic question like what school did you come from, but he didn’t.

The entire day was so boring. My seatmate, who then I know his name was Donghae didn’t say anything. He focused on the class and even note some materials from the social class, when the entire class was sleeping, or at least yawning.

I stare at him for a long time, just to get his attention. Because I tried to speak to him but he just ignored me.

My trick was a success, he looked at me with an irritated look.

“Stop staring me. I know I’m handsome.” He said with no hesitant. I really thought it was a joke, but seeing his serious expression, I began to feel it’s funny. I giggled, on a silent class. The teacher’s now looking straightly on me.

“What’s wrong Hyukjae? Is there something funny?” The teacher’s voice echoed waking up the students who were sleeping and straightened the back of students who were rested their head lazily on the desk. And all of them are looking to my direction, except Donghae.

“Nothing… Funny… Madam.” I said nervously. Luckily the teacher just sent me a warning glare and continued his boring lesson. And all the students back to their previous activities.

“I’m Donghae, let’s befriend.” It was the next thing that surprised me. I looked at him. He was looking down and I can see him blushes. How cute.

I smiled, showing my best gummy smile. “I’m glad to.” I said, offering my hand and surprisingly he shook my hand. And smile.

*End of flashback*

I smiled remembering that time. Donghae was so cute, he was shorter than me back then. And how’s now? He is taller, and more muscular than me. I don’t know what he did at his home because I always practice dance and go to the gym together with him and what I get is this body. Skinny and only a bit muscular. (A/N: It’s just in my story because I know Hyuk has an indeed muscular y bodehh xD)

And I’ve ever asked him what made him wanted to know me. But, do you know what he always answered? Instinct.

I just stared at the ceiling for a long time and sleepiness slowly crept over me and I decided to obey hyung’s advice to take the beautiful sleep.


Past Tense- noun

A form of a verb that shows that something happened or existed before the present time.

A/N: Hello~ Here is my second chapter hope you like it ^^ Sorry for the short update but I promise I'll update soon

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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 18: Hi, it's ended in chapter 18 but here is only in chapter 16... are you still here??
mommy49 #2
where oh where are you?
eunhae 5 eva ~
eunhyuk and donghae <3
hahah hae's jealous~~~~~