Chapter Ten, part two

It's Grotesque

Chapter Ten

part two

He kept dragging me along the corridor and stopped when we arrived in our class. Just like the previous times, our classmates staring at both of us. Well, they’re staring at me. Donghae dragged me to my seat that besides his.

“What’s wrong, Hae?” I asked when he finally stopped doing what he did earlier.

“I’m the one who should ask that question, Hyuk. What’s wrong with you?” He said, demanding. I stared at him seeing concern in his eyes, the stare that he often threw on me.

“What do you mean, Hae?” I kept pretending to be dumb like always. Donghae is obviously asks what’s wrong with my appearance and all. He doesn’t like it?

He stopped a moment but then he said, “You know what I mean.” I know I’m not good in pretending and Donghae knows it too well.

“You don’t like it, Hae?” I finally replied him.

He just kept his silence and muttered “You haven’t answered my question, Hyuk.” Under his breath.

“Mmm… I just want some changes, but it looks good, right?” I tried to say some other words but I could just say these particular words. Some classmates still looking at both of us but some of them returned to their previous activity.

Donghae blinks his eyes after hearing those words from me, and just stared me blankly. He never had a colorful expression on him so it’s not oblivious for me to see this kind of expression on him.

Donghae left his mouth open wanted to say something but not a single word left his mouth.

I stared him with a questioning look and he kept his silence. Still in his serious face.

“Is it one of your plans to approach Leeteuk?” He finally said with a lower voice.

I stared him unbelievingly, how he knows? Maybe he knows me too well, but…

I didn’t say a thing but finally I nodded showing a gesture that a child may show when he confessed that he broke his mother’s precious vase.

Donghae saw that threw me a weirder stare. His eyes show an odd expression that I couldn’t tell. Madness, frustration, or even jealousy?

He threw his look to another direction. Obviously didn’t want to look at my eyes.

He turned his head again, sighed and says, “Congratulation,” He stopped a moment, “You have found your way, Hyuk.” 

And with that he left the class after muttered incoherent words to me. That seems like “I want to go to the comfort room.”


Donghae didn’t attend the whole class that day. I tried to contact his phone but it’s inactive. What’s wrong with him? Is he mad with me? But… for what? For shook Yoona’s hand this morning?

I kept thinking of possible things, but I couldn’t find any idea. The class has ended, and I have to hurry for my plans. Keep it for later, Hyuk.


I proceeded my step to the school’s entrance where I plan to do it. Yes, my plan with Heechul hyung.

There, I saw Leeteuk with his friends, being peoples’ attention as always.

I tried to remember Hyung’s lesson yesterday night, the one that make my brain have to work harder in a midnight when my eyes are half opened.

Walk toward him confidently, try to hide your nervousness if you are

I walked toward them and tried to smile as usual. I started to get people’s attention and I try to calm myself as I walk. One of his friends now looking at me. Now two… now three... now all of them looking at me, including Leeteuk himself.

As I walked, I can feel people’s attention went straightly to Leeteuk, than to me again, I didn’t know why but I became oblivious with peoples’ stares once again.

Look straightly at him and send your best sweet smile. Show your gum, Hyuk. Don’t forget

I threw him my best gummy smile, looking straightly at him, as I get closer.

When your smile replied, bow your head like you’re shy, do it properly, you’re a pro at it, right?

Leeteuk saw my smile, he smiled showing his white teeth, and I couldn’t help but to blush at it, and bowed my head shyly as hyung told.

Don’t get too close, try to change your direction as if you didn’t have any intention to walk toward them, arraso?

But hyung… What if I get too close?

That’s your problem

Don’t get any closer, Hyuk. Don’t get too close, don’t…

But it seems like my body is not connected with my brain again. My steps got even quicker and next thing happens is…

I bumped into someone. I don’t know who the person is because I fell on my knees and I’m facing the ground now. The person I bumped into was also falling on his knees, besides me. I don’t even know why the result of the bumping could be like this. I turned my head just to find who the person I bumped into was.

Kim Yesung.

One of Leeteuk’s friends. I heaved a sigh of relief that I didn’t bump into Leeteuk himself, because if I did, it will be the end of me.

“Are you okay?” Yesung asked.

“I’m fine. Are you okay? I’m sorry.” I said to him and bowed my apology.

Peoples gather around us and I felt more embarrassed.

I tried to stand, and when I succeed, I bowed to the guy I bumped into once again, tried to escape the crowd, and ran quickly toward the school’s gate to leave, without taking any glance to Leeteuk.

Hyung, I’m sorry. I kept muttering those words as I walked back to my home. I’m too scared of his reaction later. God knows what will happen.

I kept walking to my house’s direction as I realize something. I should have gone to Hae’s house, aren’t I? Hyung’s not home yet and what will happen to me later?

Without thinking twice, I walked to different direction, Hae’s house.


Feeling- noun

An emotion that you feel, such as anger, sadness, or happiness

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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 18: Hi, it's ended in chapter 18 but here is only in chapter 16... are you still here??
mommy49 #2
where oh where are you?
eunhae 5 eva ~
eunhyuk and donghae <3
hahah hae's jealous~~~~~