Chapter Ten, part one

It's Grotesque

Chapter Ten

part one


I walked inside my car just when I felt my phone vibrated.

A message from Hyukjae.

Hae. I’m taking bus today, no need to pick up me. Don’t worry, I just have something to do today. See you in school.

Too late.


I nervously walked inside the school after hesitating for a sometimes. Maybe Heechul hyung already taught me well, but I don’t feel like learning well.

Heechul hyung taught me how to get closer to Leeteuk. And to confess. He said that I don’t need to confess that early but I must do if he sends so-called signs.

Whatever. I don’t understand what Hyung taught me until midnight yesterday. And the result is I don’t understand what to do today, and I’m sleepy. Very sleepy.

But today I must at least try what I can get yesterday, in order not to make Heechul hyung angry and annoyed. When it happens, everyone knows what will happen to me.

I felt my phone vibrated, and with a sleepy gesture I fished it out of my pocket.

From: Donghae

Okay. See you soon.

The reason why I’m taking bus today is to prevent from Donghae’s questions. He will ask me a lot of questions seeing me now. Like… “What happened last night?” Or “Did you sleep well, Hyuk?” I’m not saying that I dislike his concern. I like it honestly, feeling a concern from my best friend, but It’s different today because Donghae still doesn’t know a thing and yeah, Donghae must not know about this yet.

Moreover, I have big changes on my appearance. Hyung as usual use his tools on my face, covering my panda eyes because of lack of sleep, and made other things. He even dyed my hair to reddish brown. And it needs much time right? Yes, I slept at threein the morning and woke up at five.

Strangely, or not really strange, Hyung didn’t look tired at all. He was so enthusiast this morning and I could only look at him unbelievingly.

Hyung gave me a tighter shirt, which I don’t even know where he got, and it has the school’s logo on it just perfectly like the usual uniform.

I felt different stares from the students as I walked inside the gate. But being a sleepy me, I just smiled at the ones who are looking at me. But still I don’t used being stared like this, I bowed my head and walked straightly at the school’s entrance.

As I walked in, I heard whispers and more stares from the others. I kept bowing my head hiding my made up face walked straightly at the direction of my class.

I’m not sleepy at all again, as I tried to think what they’re talking about me. Is Heechul hyung made me look like a clown or something?

I rushed to a toilet nearby to look at my own appearance as I didn’t have a proper look this morning due to my sleepy mind and eyes. I’m not a person who is care of appearance, though.

I stared as the big mirror and stunned what I saw there. I saw my own face and body, in a different version. A version that looks… greater. Indeed greater. I saw my reddish brown colored hair, down to my milky white face, my eyes that don’t look sleepy at all because Hyung’s spells, and my glossy plump lips that look… hot. Yet, y.

I can’t help but to be proud and confident at my own appearance. I am a Lee Hyukjae that transformed to a new version by a magician named Heechul with the help of his great magic spells.

I looked over-skinny with that tight shirt, but I do look good. So, who cares? (A/N: Confidence overload. Can’t help it xP)

I walked out from the toilet and being people’s attention once again. Now I just blushed at their stares and proceed to back to my class.

But on my way, I saw a scene, and like everyone was looking at it.

There were Donghae and Im Yoona walking together. Hands intertwined. But I can see that Yoona who was the only one doing it because Hae kept struggling and pull his hand off.

I almost forget, no, I forget at all about Donghae and Yoona thingy. Oh, and what’s wrong with Yoona? She WAS not like this. I mean… She was a freak, right?

I kept staring at them and when I get closer, Donghae seemed to realize me and stared at me, just like the others.

“Morning, Hae.” I greeted him that still intertwined with Yoona.

“Morning.” He replied shortly and began to look at me from top to bottom.

“Is this something to do you talked about?” He asked again.

Just when I wanted to answer it the girl beside Donghae that I doubt now is Yoona speaks, “Who are you?” Obviously asking me.

I was confused what to answer first, but I chose to answer Yoona first, “I’m Donghae’s friend, Lee Hyukjae” I said, smiling. Then I turned to Donghae and said, “What are you talking about, Hae?”

Donghae looked confused at first, still staring at me, trying his best to pull his hand off from the girl’s, and now he successes.

The girl looked irritated by his action. But then she turned her attention on me.

“I’m Im Yoona.” She said, smiling sweetly and offering her hand for a handshake. I could only stare at her blankly. Is she REALLY Im Yoona? This school’s only one Im Yoona? I doubt it, but she said so, and her face, not her appearance said so.

She waited my acceptance of her offer, still smiling sweetly. I shook her hand and said, “Hi.”

Donghae watched us two still handshaking looked irritated. Wait, is he jealous? I then tried to pull my hand off but the girl that now confirmed as Yoona gripped it tight.

I tried once again, and she finally let go. Still smiling sweetly at me.

I looked at Donghae’s facial expression and I saw jealousy there. Is he really jealous? I think he was disgusted with this certain girl before me named Im Yoona.

“Hyuk, let’s go.” He said again and grabbed my hand towards the direction of our class. Leaving Yoona behind.

I was really confused at his action, earlier, and now.

If he is jealous, then why he left Yoona like that? He should have companied her and leave me instead, right?

I looked his dragging-me figure and what doubled my confusion is seriousness appeared on his face.

He must be kidding.

--End of chapter 10, part one--

A/N: I originally write this one as a part because I consider that it's too short to be written as a chapter. I'm writing the final chapter now, it will be on the eighteenth chapter, so it still has some conflicts in the future. I might be updating soon, it depends on my mood :P

Comments are always be loved and appreciated guys~ ♥

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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 18: Hi, it's ended in chapter 18 but here is only in chapter 16... are you still here??
mommy49 #2
where oh where are you?
eunhae 5 eva ~
eunhyuk and donghae <3
hahah hae's jealous~~~~~