Chapter Fifteen

It's Grotesque


Chapter Fifteen

It was a week before the school’s event start and all the committee members were all busy preparing all the things. Luckily all the funds needed were all collected. Despite of lack of the funds collecting section’s members, Donghae and his group members did collect plenty of funds. Donghae even told me that he spent his personal savings too. Leeteuk said that the funds were all collected and we all thanked him for being such a great committee’s leader.

We all knew that the funds needed was not a little in amount. We invited popular peoples that rumored to be indie band or something for the closing party. It’s never been revealed by anyone from student body because they were the ones who took care of it.

“Hyung, have you overheard about the guest of the closing party?” I tried to open a conversation with Sungmin hyung. He is in sport commentator section too and a senior, so I call him hyung. We talked for sometimes and he allowed me to call him hyung instead of sunbae. He is nice and quiet friendly in my opinion.

“I haven’t. But I heard that not all of the guests are popular. I don’t know why we even have to pay them.” He said nonchalantly as we sorted the schedule papers by days.

I thought of his words for a while and agreed. The target of the funds collecting was very huge. Even I doubt if the funds were really all collected.

And now the funds will be used for inviting an unknown person to perform? I bet many of our school’s students are talented enough to show a performance or maybe be paid of it. Dancing maybe? Or playing music instruments?

I didn’t say that I don’t like the idea. I just hope that the student’s body has the right decision on inviting the guests, and of course telling the committee members too. We are working together for the event after all.

The week was very busy, I and the other dance club members were practicing really hard for the competition. Sure we were all great dancers, but there will be many competitors and we couldn’t don’t care about them. For 2 years in a row our school won the dance competition in the event, of course with the fair judges and all, and we didn’t want to ruin the name of our school’s dance club. I heard that the practice room will be expanded and added more facilities if we can get this year’s winning title once again. And of course it made me and the rest of the members that will compete more enthusiast on joining the competition and practiced really hard.

“Are you done, hyung?” I asked after I done sorted my part and looked that Sungmin hyung was still working on his papers.

“I haven’t. I have more works to do after this. You can leave earlier, Hyuk. It’s fine.” Sungmin hyung said eyes are still on the papers he sorted.

“I will put these files to the student’s body office first and I will come here again to see if maybe I can help.” I said offering a help to him. I really was willing to help him, I felt comfortable around him and maybe helping him will prevent to get more other works.

He tilted his head up and muttered simple thanks.

I walked away from the room and headed to the student’s council office holding the thick pile of papers with me.

The room was rather noisy than what I imagined of. I thought that since the date was really near to the opening day of the school’s event, they will be busy on working just like what I was doing with Sungmin hyung.

I scanned the room and when my eyes landed on a particular group of people, my heart skipped a beat.

It was Leeteuk and his friends.

But I was relieved that I didn’t show any embarrassing gesture when seeing them and I was wondering myself why I didn’t feel the same way like before when looking at Leeteuk’s handsome figure.

I looked at the group for a while until I realized something.

They were having fun. They were talking, giggling, and laughing like mad men in the damn student’s body office. And some of them were even neither the members of student’s body nor the event’s committee.

“Do you need some help with that papers, Hyukjae-ssi?” A girl voice snapped the hell out of me.

I looked at her for a while tried to collect some words to say.

“Umm… I just have done sorting this.” I said, handing her the pile of the schedule papers to her. She received it and said,  “Ah, okay I will… I will take care of it.” She said stammered a bit. I didn’t even know why she stammered like that when talking to me.

“I will leave then.” I said again before leaving the room, took long steps to hurry and prevent on noticed by any of the chatting group in the office.

What the hell did they do there anyway? They should be preparing for the event right? Yes, I do care about the event, everyone does! It is an important yearly event that students could really enjoy. And Leeteuk is the leader’s group for God’s sake.

Wait. Am I just thinking offensively about Leeteuk? No, I mean his group, his entire group. Why the hell I have to think about something like this anyway?

“Hyukjae-ssi.” My name was called and echoing in the empty corridor, snapped me out from the mind debate I just had. I turned around to look who was just calling and tried not to believe on what I saw.

Leeteuk is the one who was calling me. He was standing several meters away from the place where I rooted at.

He was getting nearer while I was just kept gluing on the place I stood like nothing that could possibly move me. I felt nervous and all. Leeteuk, the person I was admiring at, the person I’m having crush at, the person I’ve been liking since like… forever, was getting nearer. And I strangely wanted to escape from the situation and hope that it would never happened.

“Mind to talk for a while?” He said showing his famous dimpled smile after stopped walking and was standing a meter away from me.

I could do nothing but nodded.


He showed his dimpled smile once again before saying his final words,

“So Hyukjae, don’t you think it would be great?”

I just stared him meaningfully. Questions of many whys were all lingering on my minds. I badly wanted to ask him why did he have to hide all the things and use this kind of way to end it?

But I just glued there standing before him without saying any words. My mouth just won’t produce any words anytime soon because of the surprise. No, the shock.

I didn’t quiet pay attention even when he was standing just right before me. My mind was flying far away.

But of course I realized what he was trying to do when he was that close. He was leaning closer to me.

And the next thing I felt was something soft against my lips.

He was kissing me. Leeteuk kissed me, right after the things he told. The things I could hardly believe were spoken by him.

 My head was really full. His words earlier were echoing around it. And the fact that I’m still adjusting with the situation that Leeteuk’s lips, which were one of the part of him that I’ve been longing for were on mine.

I couldn’t decide whether I should be happy or angry for it. I just simply rooted at the where I was. I thought that I didn’t even have the energy to stand still. But still I stood there, his lips on mine.

We were on that position for the next 5 seconds until his lips were starting to move against mine and his hands encircled my waist.

My mind kept telling me to stop him. This is just beyond my imagination. I should be happy and enjoying this moment right?

I fortunately could move my hand a bit and pushed him lightly and that was make him stopped.

He pulled away and looked straightly at my face. My cheeks felt really hot and I bet they were in a beet red that time. I didn’t know whether it caused of shyness or anger but I prefer the last one.

“You’re so cute.” He muttered as he caressed my face with one hand, which was sent shiver through my whole body.

And luckily, for me at least, he left the place.

I stood for another moment touching my lips with my index finger.

“My first…”

I just realized for the whole time that it was my first kiss. Leetuk just had stolen my first kiss. And I didn’t feel something I imagined when I was longing for it.

I stayed at that position for another 10 minutes until a voice woke me up from whatever I’ve been staying in.


And I was really sure it was Donghae.


Kiss- verb

To touch someone with your lips as a greeting, to show them love, or as a part of ual relationship

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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 18: Hi, it's ended in chapter 18 but here is only in chapter 16... are you still here??
mommy49 #2
where oh where are you?
eunhae 5 eva ~
eunhyuk and donghae <3
hahah hae's jealous~~~~~