Chapter Twelve, part three

It's Grotesque


Maybe I really have to do this. Before it’s going to be late.

But it will be too risky.

Argh. What will…

Donghae lays on his bed looking at the ceiling thinking of something. He thinks hardly until he doesn’t even realize his maid calling since about 10 minutes ago outside his room.

“Young master, the dinner is ready.” The maid outside called for the umpteenth time.

Looking by her facial expression the maid is surely tired calling her master. But since it is her job, she patiently waits and keeps calling her master that she doesn’t know exactly what he is doing, to come out from his room. At least answer her calls.

“Young master...” She calls again, begins to worry.

“Juna, where is Donghae?” Donghae’s mom voice audibled downstairs.

Juna, the mentioned maid rushes downstairs to report it to Donghae’s mom.

“Young master doesn’t come up from his room, ma’am.” The maid says.

“That kid…” Donghae’s mother muttered under her breath and walked away from the dining room. She heads to her son’s room upstairs.

“Ya! Donghae!” Donghae’s mother shouts in front of the room’s door with hard knocks on the door. The room is locked because if it isn’t she probably barged in already.

Donghae who is still in his deep thoughts shocked with his mom’s yell. Sure, his mom’s yell is always been the loudest and… the noisiest.

“Ahh… ye.” Donghae answers unconsciously. He still in his thinking-hardly world and considers his mom’s yell as a disturbance.

“Go get dinner. NOW.” Her mother says again emphasized the word ‘now’. She leaves knowing that her son will do as she commanded.

Donghae is still in his lazy and thinking mood, but he knows that ignoring her mom’s command will have a bad outcome.

He lazily gets up from his bed, straightens his back and walks outside his room.


Donghae went back to his room after dinner. Her mother asked why he didn’t hear their maid’s calls previously and he just answered that he overslept in his room and didn’t hear the maid’s voice. His mother who knew his son too well of course didn’t believe it, but she let his son be.

Maybe he is too tired with his school. She thought.

As soon as Donghae closed his room’s door behind him, he hurried himself to his bed and laid there once again. He stared at the ceiling blankly like what he did before. His mind is surely not in his room, but somewhere else.

He closed his eyes, relaxing his mind, and started to think again. Hardly.


The next morning I woke up with an unnormal brain. I used it a LOT yesterday,  and I bet many of my brain cells didn’t work since yesterday and it was proven this morning.

Like usual, I woke up by the sound of the ringing alarm of my phone. I turned it off unconsciously. It was seemed to be normal because I did it every day, unconsciously.

But the next and the next things I did become farther and farther from normal. It seemed that my brain only focused on one thing I decided to do today. Something which is the final result of all of my thoughts yesterday.

When taking bath I mistook the shampoo as the soap and vice versa. But it didn’t affect that much. I wasn’t even success on buttoning my shirt, caused my mom ranted on that early morning. She said I totally looked like an elementary kid, and lectured me on how difficult she taught me how to button my own shirt when I was elementary and she told me not to bring that memory back because it just make her stress and so on and so on.

I just stared her blankly, her words entered my right ear and came out immediately from my left ear without even been processed in my brain, which previously mentioned didn’t function correctly as it meant to be.

I lost my appetite, and only took a bite of my bread as breakfast. I bid my goodbye on my mother and fortunately, I did it as order, because if I didn’t, something extremely bad will happen to me.

I asked my family driver to take me because I knew, I will not drive correctly and to refuse the car to crash for the umpteenth time and receive my mother sustainable ranting.

“Young master, where do we head now?” My driver asked. I rarely used him so it’s normal for him to ask that.

“Hyukjae’s place.” I said. I rested my back and my head to the comfortable seat and closed my eyes, as the car smoothly headed to the place, where the plan that consumed more than 100% room of my brain will be started.


“Donghae.” I called Donghae when I saw him looked like sleeping on his car seat. He picked up me as usual, but not like yesterdays, he used his driver, who is he rarely used, and he fallen asleep in his car, which was not his habit. The Donghae I knew is a person, who will not sleep, how tired or sleepy he is, in a car. Despite having driver who drives for him. And I don’t really know his exact reason.

And when I entered the car  there I saw him closed his eyes, in a position which everyone can tell that he is sleeping, but something made me doubted for a second.

His facial expression.

His eyebrows met, his lips were parted a bit and made a slight ‘n’ shape, and the wrinkles on his forehead clearly showed that he was thinking hardly. I never saw him in this situation before and I thought he was a bit different.

Well, maybe there was no big difference as his expression now is look more like a frowning face. (A/N: lol. I bet you expected different thing after reading the last previous sentence xD) Which was he frequently threw.

“Hae.” I called him again after got no response with my call before.

He didn’t give me any response, again. He didn’t even make a move or open his eyes.

“Lee Donghae.” I was curious about what he was doing and I don’t care what will be his reaction to me for ruining his moment. I was just curious.

“Hae, Donghae, Lee Donghae, Donghae ssi.” I called with every “Donghae” I knew.

Again, I got no response.

And an idea across my mind. Doubted at first, but I found the idea is quite cute and absurd.

I leaned closer to his left ear preparing my unpopular-husky-voice, trying not to fail on this absurd plan.


There, I did it. Luckily, I did a good job on producing a husky yet seducing voice. Well at least for myself.

I a bit, tried a new way on him, and waited for his reaction.


Why do I feel something different after calling him that way?




See? My imagination is already out of control. I don’t think it’s because of the brain cells of mine have stop working. Indeed, they are, but something stronger than it had happened.

They’re started to struggle and destroy me.

I didn’t even ever dream of Hyukjae calling me baby. And that is something I just listened. Wait, imagined.

I tried not to imagine other things, tried to focus on taking me back to the real world.

But before it was processed, my wild brain started thinking of what should  I answer if Hyukjae calling me ‘baby’ just happened?

“Yes Hyukkie?” That was what I thought of.


“Yes Hyukkie?” Donghae murmured back. Which made Hyukjae became more confused over Donghae.

Especially when the word “Hyukkie” came out from his mouth. Hyukjae just heard Donghae saying his name that way for the first time.

Hyukjae then assumed that his best friend, Donghae just talking on his sleep.

“Master, we’re here.” Donghae’s driver informed. The distance from Hyukjae’s house and their school indeed is not far. They have been in the car for more than 15 minutes after all.

Hyukjae, seeing the sleeping Donghae, yes he finally admitted that his best friend was really sleeping, felt bad to waking him up. But if they didn’t get off immediately from the car toward the school, they gonna be late.

“Hae, Hae we arrived.” Hyukjae tried to call him again.

And looked like something extraordinary had added to the call because it did make Donghae opened his eyes.

Donghae stared at Hyukjae’s face for a moment. His mind went wild again, and he didn’t even aware when he said the words,

“You’re mine, saranghanda.”




Hyukjae who was in a hurry waking up his friend was shocked hearing those words came out from Donghae’s mouth. He was shocked, literally.

The school bell rang and both of them could hear it because it was so loud. But it seemed only Hyukjae who aware of it.

Seeing Donghae in his dazed expression, he decided to drag him out of the car.


Wild- adjective

Behaving in an uncontrolled, sometimes violent way.


A/N: yes, I'm here, still alive. I have actually finished posting this on sj-world a long long time ago, and decided not to post this here anymore. But reading all of your comments, I feel that I have to :| Really, thank you for everyone who had read this and support me all the way. I'll post the next chapters every three days, so keep tuned :) 

I can't even say anything about the story progress anymore because I have forgotten all of it .__. I'll post this until it's the end of it and post my other fics at h2j0404 ^-^ 

sorry I can't reply your comments one by one but you can always talk to me on twitter @hyvkjae.

Have a nice weekend~

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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 18: Hi, it's ended in chapter 18 but here is only in chapter 16... are you still here??
mommy49 #2
where oh where are you?
eunhae 5 eva ~
eunhyuk and donghae <3
hahah hae's jealous~~~~~